// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CONTENT_RENDERER_RENDER_THREAD_IMPL_H_ #define CONTENT_RENDERER_RENDER_THREAD_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h" #include "base/metrics/user_metrics_action.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "content/child/child_thread.h" #include "content/common/content_export.h" #include "content/common/gpu/client/gpu_channel_host.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_thread.h" #include "content/renderer/media/renderer_gpu_video_accelerator_factories.h" #include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/mac/WebScrollbarTheme.h" #endif class GrContext; class SkBitmap; struct ViewMsg_New_Params; namespace blink { class WebGamepads; class WebGraphicsContext3D; class WebMediaStreamCenter; class WebMediaStreamCenterClient; } namespace base { class MessageLoopProxy; class Thread; } namespace cc { class ContextProvider; } namespace IPC { class ForwardingMessageFilter; } namespace media { class AudioHardwareConfig; } namespace v8 { class Extension; } namespace webkit { namespace gpu { class ContextProviderWebContext; class GrContextForWebGraphicsContext3D; } } namespace content { class AppCacheDispatcher; class AudioInputMessageFilter; class AudioMessageFilter; class AudioRendererMixerManager; class ContextProviderCommandBuffer; class DBMessageFilter; class DevToolsAgentFilter; class DomStorageDispatcher; class EmbeddedWorkerDispatcher; class GamepadSharedMemoryReader; class GpuChannelHost; class IndexedDBDispatcher; class InputEventFilter; class InputHandlerManager; class MediaStreamCenter; class MediaStreamDependencyFactory; class MIDIMessageFilter; class P2PSocketDispatcher; class PeerConnectionTracker; class RendererDemuxerAndroid; class RendererWebKitPlatformSupportImpl; class RenderProcessObserver; class VideoCaptureImplManager; class WebGraphicsContext3DCommandBufferImpl; class WebRTCIdentityService; // The RenderThreadImpl class represents a background thread where RenderView // instances live. The RenderThread supports an API that is used by its // consumer to talk indirectly to the RenderViews and supporting objects. // Likewise, it provides an API for the RenderViews to talk back to the main // process (i.e., their corresponding WebContentsImpl). // // Most of the communication occurs in the form of IPC messages. They are // routed to the RenderThread according to the routing IDs of the messages. // The routing IDs correspond to RenderView instances. class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderThreadImpl : public RenderThread, public ChildThread, public GpuChannelHostFactory { public: static RenderThreadImpl* current(); RenderThreadImpl(); // Constructor that's used when running in single process mode. explicit RenderThreadImpl(const std::string& channel_name); virtual ~RenderThreadImpl(); virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE; // When initializing WebKit, ensure that any schemes needed for the content // module are registered properly. Static to allow sharing with tests. static void RegisterSchemes(); // RenderThread implementation: virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) OVERRIDE; virtual base::MessageLoop* GetMessageLoop() OVERRIDE; virtual IPC::SyncChannel* GetChannel() OVERRIDE; virtual std::string GetLocale() OVERRIDE; virtual IPC::SyncMessageFilter* GetSyncMessageFilter() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_refptr GetIOMessageLoopProxy() OVERRIDE; virtual void AddRoute(int32 routing_id, IPC::Listener* listener) OVERRIDE; virtual void RemoveRoute(int32 routing_id) OVERRIDE; virtual int GenerateRoutingID() OVERRIDE; virtual void AddFilter(IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter* filter) OVERRIDE; virtual void RemoveFilter(IPC::ChannelProxy::MessageFilter* filter) OVERRIDE; virtual void AddObserver(RenderProcessObserver* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void RemoveObserver(RenderProcessObserver* observer) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetResourceDispatcherDelegate( ResourceDispatcherDelegate* delegate) OVERRIDE; virtual void EnsureWebKitInitialized() OVERRIDE; virtual void RecordAction(const base::UserMetricsAction& action) OVERRIDE; virtual void RecordComputedAction(const std::string& action) OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr HostAllocateSharedMemoryBuffer( size_t buffer_size) OVERRIDE; virtual void RegisterExtension(v8::Extension* extension) OVERRIDE; virtual void ScheduleIdleHandler(int64 initial_delay_ms) OVERRIDE; virtual void IdleHandler() OVERRIDE; virtual int64 GetIdleNotificationDelayInMs() const OVERRIDE; virtual void SetIdleNotificationDelayInMs( int64 idle_notification_delay_in_ms) OVERRIDE; virtual void UpdateHistograms(int sequence_number) OVERRIDE; virtual int PostTaskToAllWebWorkers(const base::Closure& closure) OVERRIDE; virtual bool ResolveProxy(const GURL& url, std::string* proxy_list) OVERRIDE; #if defined(OS_WIN) virtual void PreCacheFont(const LOGFONT& log_font) OVERRIDE; virtual void ReleaseCachedFonts() OVERRIDE; #endif // Synchronously establish a channel to the GPU plugin if not previously // established or if it has been lost (for example if the GPU plugin crashed). // If there is a pending asynchronous request, it will be completed by the // time this routine returns. GpuChannelHost* EstablishGpuChannelSync(CauseForGpuLaunch); // These methods modify how the next message is sent. Normally, when sending // a synchronous message that runs a nested message loop, we need to suspend // callbacks into WebKit. This involves disabling timers and deferring // resource loads. However, there are exceptions when we need to customize // the behavior. void DoNotSuspendWebKitSharedTimer(); void DoNotNotifyWebKitOfModalLoop(); // True if we are running layout tests. This currently disables forwarding // various status messages to the console, skips network error pages, and // short circuits size update and focus events. bool layout_test_mode() const { return layout_test_mode_; } void set_layout_test_mode(bool layout_test_mode) { layout_test_mode_ = layout_test_mode; } IPC::ForwardingMessageFilter* compositor_output_surface_filter() const { return compositor_output_surface_filter_.get(); } InputHandlerManager* input_handler_manager() const { return input_handler_manager_.get(); } // Will be NULL if threaded compositing has not been enabled. scoped_refptr compositor_message_loop_proxy() const { return compositor_message_loop_proxy_; } AppCacheDispatcher* appcache_dispatcher() const { return appcache_dispatcher_.get(); } DomStorageDispatcher* dom_storage_dispatcher() const { return dom_storage_dispatcher_.get(); } EmbeddedWorkerDispatcher* embedded_worker_dispatcher() const { return embedded_worker_dispatcher_.get(); } AudioInputMessageFilter* audio_input_message_filter() { return audio_input_message_filter_.get(); } AudioMessageFilter* audio_message_filter() { return audio_message_filter_.get(); } MIDIMessageFilter* midi_message_filter() { return midi_message_filter_.get(); } #if defined(OS_ANDROID) RendererDemuxerAndroid* renderer_demuxer() { return renderer_demuxer_.get(); } #endif // Creates the embedder implementation of WebMediaStreamCenter. // The resulting object is owned by WebKit and deleted by WebKit at tear-down. blink::WebMediaStreamCenter* CreateMediaStreamCenter( blink::WebMediaStreamCenterClient* client); // Returns a factory used for creating RTC PeerConnection objects. MediaStreamDependencyFactory* GetMediaStreamDependencyFactory(); PeerConnectionTracker* peer_connection_tracker() { return peer_connection_tracker_.get(); } // Current P2PSocketDispatcher. Set to NULL if P2P API is disabled. P2PSocketDispatcher* p2p_socket_dispatcher() { return p2p_socket_dispatcher_.get(); } VideoCaptureImplManager* video_capture_impl_manager() const { return vc_manager_.get(); } // Get the GPU channel. Returns NULL if the channel is not established or // has been lost. GpuChannelHost* GetGpuChannel(); // Returns a MessageLoopProxy instance corresponding to the message loop // of the thread on which file operations should be run. Must be called // on the renderer's main thread. scoped_refptr GetFileThreadMessageLoopProxy(); // Returns a MessageLoopProxy instance corresponding to the message loop // of the thread on which media operations should be run. Must be called // on the renderer's main thread. scoped_refptr GetMediaThreadMessageLoopProxy(); // Causes the idle handler to skip sending idle notifications // on the two next scheduled calls, so idle notifications are // not sent for at least one notification delay. void PostponeIdleNotification(); scoped_refptr GetGpuFactories(); scoped_refptr OffscreenCompositorContextProvider(); scoped_refptr SharedMainThreadContextProvider(); // AudioRendererMixerManager instance which manages renderer side mixer // instances shared based on configured audio parameters. Lazily created on // first call. AudioRendererMixerManager* GetAudioRendererMixerManager(); // AudioHardwareConfig contains audio hardware configuration for // renderer side clients. Creation requires a synchronous IPC call so it is // lazily created on the first call. media::AudioHardwareConfig* GetAudioHardwareConfig(); #if defined(OS_WIN) void PreCacheFontCharacters(const LOGFONT& log_font, const base::string16& str); #endif #if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC) WebRTCIdentityService* get_webrtc_identity_service() { return webrtc_identity_service_.get(); } #endif // For producing custom V8 histograms. Custom histograms are produced if all // RenderViews share the same host, and the host is in the pre-specified set // of hosts we want to produce custom diagrams for. The name for a custom // diagram is the name of the corresponding generic diagram plus a // host-specific suffix. class CONTENT_EXPORT HistogramCustomizer { public: HistogramCustomizer(); ~HistogramCustomizer(); // Called when a top frame of a RenderView navigates. This function updates // RenderThreadImpl's information about whether all RenderViews are // displaying a page from the same host. |host| is the host where a // RenderView navigated, and |view_count| is the number of RenderViews in // this process. void RenderViewNavigatedToHost(const std::string& host, size_t view_count); // Used for customizing some histograms if all RenderViews share the same // host. Returns the current custom histogram name to use for // |histogram_name|, or |histogram_name| if it shouldn't be customized. std::string ConvertToCustomHistogramName(const char* histogram_name) const; private: friend class RenderThreadImplUnittest; // Used for updating the information on which is the common host which all // RenderView's share (if any). If there is no common host, this function is // called with an empty string. void SetCommonHost(const std::string& host); // The current common host of the RenderViews; empty string if there is no // common host. std::string common_host_; // The corresponding suffix. std::string common_host_histogram_suffix_; // Set of histograms for which we want to produce a custom histogram if // possible. std::set custom_histograms_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HistogramCustomizer); }; HistogramCustomizer* histogram_customizer() { return &histogram_customizer_; } void SetFlingCurveParameters(const std::vector& new_touchpad, const std::vector& new_touchscreen); // Retrieve current gamepad data. void SampleGamepads(blink::WebGamepads* data); // Called by a RenderWidget when it is created or destroyed. This // allows the process to know when there are no visible widgets. void WidgetCreated(); void WidgetDestroyed(); void WidgetHidden(); void WidgetRestored(); private: // ChildThread virtual bool OnControlMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) OVERRIDE; // GpuChannelHostFactory implementation: virtual bool IsMainThread() OVERRIDE; virtual base::MessageLoop* GetMainLoop() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_refptr GetIOLoopProxy() OVERRIDE; virtual base::WaitableEvent* GetShutDownEvent() OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr AllocateSharedMemory( size_t size) OVERRIDE; virtual int32 CreateViewCommandBuffer( int32 surface_id, const GPUCreateCommandBufferConfig& init_params) OVERRIDE; virtual void CreateImage( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, int32 image_id, const CreateImageCallback& callback) OVERRIDE; virtual void DeleteImage(int32 image_id, int32 sync_point) OVERRIDE; virtual scoped_ptr AllocateGpuMemoryBuffer( size_t width, size_t height, unsigned internalformat) OVERRIDE; void Init(); void OnSetZoomLevelForCurrentURL(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& host, double zoom_level); void OnCreateNewView(const ViewMsg_New_Params& params); void OnTransferBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int resource_id); void OnPurgePluginListCache(bool reload_pages); void OnNetworkStateChanged(bool online); void OnGetAccessibilityTree(); void OnTempCrashWithData(const GURL& data); void OnMemoryPressure( base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) void OnSetWebKitSharedTimersSuspended(bool suspend); #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void OnUpdateScrollbarTheme(float initial_button_delay, float autoscroll_button_delay, bool jump_on_track_click, blink::ScrollerStyle preferred_scroller_style, bool redraw); #endif void IdleHandlerInForegroundTab(); scoped_ptr CreateOffscreenContext3d(); // These objects live solely on the render thread. scoped_ptr appcache_dispatcher_; scoped_ptr dom_storage_dispatcher_; scoped_ptr main_thread_indexed_db_dispatcher_; scoped_ptr webkit_platform_support_; scoped_ptr embedded_worker_dispatcher_; // Used on the render thread and deleted by WebKit at shutdown. blink::WebMediaStreamCenter* media_stream_center_; // Used on the renderer and IPC threads. scoped_refptr db_message_filter_; scoped_refptr audio_input_message_filter_; scoped_refptr audio_message_filter_; scoped_refptr midi_message_filter_; #if defined(OS_ANDROID) scoped_refptr renderer_demuxer_; #endif scoped_refptr devtools_agent_message_filter_; scoped_ptr media_stream_factory_; // This is used to communicate to the browser process the status // of all the peer connections created in the renderer. scoped_ptr peer_connection_tracker_; // Dispatches all P2P sockets. scoped_refptr p2p_socket_dispatcher_; // Used on the render thread. scoped_ptr vc_manager_; // The count of RenderWidgets running through this thread. int widget_count_; // The count of hidden RenderWidgets running through this thread. int hidden_widget_count_; // The current value of the idle notification timer delay. int64 idle_notification_delay_in_ms_; // The number of idle handler calls that skip sending idle notifications. int idle_notifications_to_skip_; bool suspend_webkit_shared_timer_; bool notify_webkit_of_modal_loop_; bool webkit_shared_timer_suspended_; // The following flag is used to control layout test specific behavior. bool layout_test_mode_; // Timer that periodically calls IdleHandler. base::RepeatingTimer idle_timer_; // The channel from the renderer process to the GPU process. scoped_refptr gpu_channel_; // Cache of variables that are needed on the compositor thread by // GpuChannelHostFactory methods. scoped_refptr io_message_loop_proxy_; base::WaitableEvent* shutdown_event_; // A lazily initiated thread on which file operations are run. scoped_ptr file_thread_; // May be null if overridden by ContentRendererClient. scoped_ptr compositor_thread_; // Thread for running multimedia operations (e.g., video decoding). scoped_ptr media_thread_; // Will point to appropriate MessageLoopProxy after initialization, // regardless of whether |compositor_thread_| is overriden. scoped_refptr compositor_message_loop_proxy_; // May be null if unused by the |input_handler_manager_|. scoped_refptr input_event_filter_; scoped_ptr input_handler_manager_; scoped_refptr compositor_output_surface_filter_; scoped_refptr offscreen_compositor_contexts_; scoped_refptr shared_main_thread_contexts_; ObserverList observers_; scoped_refptr gpu_va_context_provider_; scoped_ptr audio_renderer_mixer_manager_; scoped_ptr audio_hardware_config_; HistogramCustomizer histogram_customizer_; scoped_ptr memory_pressure_listener_; scoped_ptr webrtc_identity_service_; scoped_ptr gamepad_shared_memory_reader_; // TODO(reveman): Allow AllocateGpuMemoryBuffer to be called from // multiple threads. Current allocation mechanism for IOSurface // backed GpuMemoryBuffers prevent this. crbug.com/325045 base::ThreadChecker allocate_gpu_memory_buffer_thread_checker_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderThreadImpl); }; } // namespace content #endif // CONTENT_RENDERER_RENDER_THREAD_IMPL_H_