// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/render_view.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/string_piece.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "content/common/appcache/appcache_dispatcher.h" #include "content/common/bindings_policy.h" #include "content/common/clipboard_messages.h" #include "content/common/content_constants.h" #include "content/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/common/database_messages.h" #include "content/common/drag_messages.h" #include "content/common/file_system/file_system_dispatcher.h" #include "content/common/file_system/webfilesystem_callback_dispatcher.h" #include "content/common/json_value_serializer.h" #include "content/common/notification_service.h" #include "content/common/pepper_messages.h" #include "content/common/pepper_plugin_registry.h" #include "content/common/quota_dispatcher.h" #include "content/common/renderer_preferences.h" #include "content/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/renderer/audio_message_filter.h" #include "content/renderer/content_renderer_client.h" #include "content/renderer/device_orientation_dispatcher.h" #include "content/renderer/external_popup_menu.h" #include "content/renderer/geolocation_dispatcher.h" #include "content/renderer/load_progress_tracker.h" #include "content/renderer/media/audio_renderer_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/media/ipc_video_decoder.h" #include "content/renderer/navigation_state.h" #include "content/renderer/notification_provider.h" #include "content/renderer/p2p/socket_dispatcher.h" #include "content/renderer/plugin_channel_host.h" #include "content/renderer/render_process.h" #include "content/renderer/render_thread.h" #include "content/renderer/render_view_observer.h" #include "content/renderer/render_view_visitor.h" #include "content/renderer/render_widget_fullscreen_pepper.h" #include "content/renderer/renderer_webapplicationcachehost_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/renderer_webstoragenamespace_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/speech_input_dispatcher.h" #include "content/renderer/v8_value_converter.h" #include "content/renderer/web_ui_bindings.h" #include "content/renderer/webgraphicscontext3d_command_buffer_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/webplugin_delegate_proxy.h" #include "content/renderer/websharedworker_proxy.h" #include "content/renderer/webworker_proxy.h" #include "media/base/filter_collection.h" #include "media/base/media_switches.h" #include "media/base/message_loop_factory_impl.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_flash_net_connector.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebAccessibilityCache.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebAccessibilityObject.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebCString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDataSource.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDocument.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDragData.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFileChooserParams.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFileSystemCallbacks.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFindOptions.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormControlElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebGraphicsContext3D.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebHistoryItem.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebImage.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputElement.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebMediaPlayerAction.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebNetworkStateNotifier.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebNodeList.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPlugin.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPluginContainer.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPluginDocument.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPluginParams.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPoint.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebRange.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebRect.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScriptSource.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSearchableFormData.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSecurityOrigin.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSecurityPolicy.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSettings.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSize.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebStorageNamespace.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebStorageQuotaCallbacks.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURL.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLError.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLRequest.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebVector.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebWindowFeatures.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "ui/base/message_box_flags.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "v8/include/v8.h" #include "webkit/appcache/web_application_cache_host_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/alt_error_page_resource_fetcher.h" #include "webkit/glue/context_menu.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_data.h" #include "webkit/glue/form_field.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_serialize.h" #include "webkit/glue/media/video_renderer_impl.h" #include "webkit/glue/password_form_dom_manager.h" #include "webkit/glue/site_isolation_metrics.h" #include "webkit/glue/webaccessibility.h" #include "webkit/glue/webdropdata.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_constants.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/glue/webmediaplayer_impl.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/default_plugin_shared.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/plugin_list.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin_delegate.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin_delegate_impl.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin_impl.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webview_plugin.h" #include "webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppapi_webplugin_impl.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) // TODO(port): these files are currently Windows only because they concern: // * theming #include "ui/gfx/native_theme_win.h" #elif defined(USE_X11) #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/linux/WebRenderTheme.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_theme.h" #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h" #endif using WebKit::WebAccessibilityCache; using WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotification; using WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject; using WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHost; using WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHostClient; using WebKit::WebCString; using WebKit::WebColor; using WebKit::WebColorName; using WebKit::WebConsoleMessage; using WebKit::WebContextMenuData; using WebKit::WebCookieJar; using WebKit::WebData; using WebKit::WebDataSource; using WebKit::WebDocument; using WebKit::WebDragData; using WebKit::WebDragOperation; using WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask; using WebKit::WebEditingAction; using WebKit::WebElement; using WebKit::WebExternalPopupMenu; using WebKit::WebExternalPopupMenuClient; using WebKit::WebFileChooserCompletion; using WebKit::WebFileSystem; using WebKit::WebFileSystemCallbacks; using WebKit::WebFindOptions; using WebKit::WebFormControlElement; using WebKit::WebFormElement; using WebKit::WebFrame; using WebKit::WebHistoryItem; using WebKit::WebIconURL; using WebKit::WebImage; using WebKit::WebInputElement; using WebKit::WebMediaPlayer; using WebKit::WebMediaPlayerAction; using WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient; using WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy; using WebKit::WebNavigationType; using WebKit::WebNetworkStateNotifier; using WebKit::WebNode; using WebKit::WebPlugin; using WebKit::WebPluginContainer; using WebKit::WebPluginDocument; using WebKit::WebPluginParams; using WebKit::WebPoint; using WebKit::WebPopupMenuInfo; using WebKit::WebRange; using WebKit::WebRect; using WebKit::WebScriptSource; using WebKit::WebSearchableFormData; using WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin; using WebKit::WebSecurityPolicy; using WebKit::WebSettings; using WebKit::WebSharedWorker; using WebKit::WebSize; using WebKit::WebStorageNamespace; using WebKit::WebStorageQuotaCallbacks; using WebKit::WebStorageQuotaError; using WebKit::WebStorageQuotaType; using WebKit::WebString; using WebKit::WebTextAffinity; using WebKit::WebTextDirection; using WebKit::WebURL; using WebKit::WebURLError; using WebKit::WebURLRequest; using WebKit::WebURLResponse; using WebKit::WebVector; using WebKit::WebView; using WebKit::WebWidget; using WebKit::WebWindowFeatures; using WebKit::WebWorker; using WebKit::WebWorkerClient; using appcache::WebApplicationCacheHostImpl; using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; using webkit_glue::AltErrorPageResourceFetcher; using webkit_glue::FormField; using webkit_glue::PasswordForm; using webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager; using webkit_glue::ResourceFetcher; using webkit_glue::SiteIsolationMetrics; using webkit_glue::WebAccessibility; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef std::map ViewMap; static base::LazyInstance g_view_map(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); // Time, in seconds, we delay before sending content state changes (such as form // state and scroll position) to the browser. We delay sending changes to avoid // spamming the browser. // To avoid having tab/session restore require sending a message to get the // current content state during tab closing we use a shorter timeout for the // foreground renderer. This means there is a small window of time from which // content state is modified and not sent to session restore, but this is // better than having to wake up all renderers during shutdown. static const int kDelaySecondsForContentStateSyncHidden = 5; static const int kDelaySecondsForContentStateSync = 1; // The maximum number of popups that can be spawned from one page. static const int kMaximumNumberOfUnacknowledgedPopups = 25; static const char kBackForwardNavigationScheme[] = "history"; static void GetRedirectChain(WebDataSource* ds, std::vector* result) { WebVector urls; ds->redirectChain(urls); result->reserve(urls.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) result->push_back(urls[i]); } static bool WebAccessibilityNotificationToViewHostMsg( WebAccessibilityNotification notification, ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type::Value* type) { switch (notification) { case WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationCheckedStateChanged: *type = ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type:: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHECK_STATE_CHANGED; break; case WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationChildrenChanged: *type = ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type:: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CHILDREN_CHANGED; break; case WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationFocusedUIElementChanged: *type = ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type:: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_FOCUS_CHANGED; break; case WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationLoadComplete: *type = ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type:: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_LOAD_COMPLETE; break; case WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationValueChanged: *type = ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type:: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_VALUE_CHANGED; break; case WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationSelectedTextChanged: *type = ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type:: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SELECTED_TEXT_CHANGED; break; default: // TODO(ctguil): Support additional webkit notifications. return false; } return true; } // If |data_source| is non-null and has a NavigationState associated with it, // the AltErrorPageResourceFetcher is reset. static void StopAltErrorPageFetcher(WebDataSource* data_source) { if (data_source) { NavigationState* state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(data_source); if (state) state->set_alt_error_page_fetcher(NULL); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int32 RenderView::next_page_id_ = 1; struct RenderView::PendingFileChooser { PendingFileChooser(const ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params& p, WebFileChooserCompletion* c) : params(p), completion(c) { } ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params params; WebFileChooserCompletion* completion; // MAY BE NULL to skip callback. }; RenderView::RenderView(RenderThreadBase* render_thread, gfx::NativeViewId parent_hwnd, gfx::PluginWindowHandle compositing_surface, int32 opener_id, const RendererPreferences& renderer_prefs, const WebPreferences& webkit_prefs, SharedRenderViewCounter* counter, int32 routing_id, int64 session_storage_namespace_id, const string16& frame_name) : RenderWidget(render_thread, WebKit::WebPopupTypeNone), webkit_preferences_(webkit_prefs), send_content_state_immediately_(false), enabled_bindings_(0), send_preferred_size_changes_(false), is_loading_(false), navigation_gesture_(NavigationGestureUnknown), opened_by_user_gesture_(true), opener_suppressed_(false), page_id_(-1), last_page_id_sent_to_browser_(-1), history_list_offset_(-1), history_list_length_(0), has_unload_listener_(false), target_url_status_(TARGET_NONE), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(pepper_delegate_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(accessibility_method_factory_(this)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(cookie_jar_(this)), geolocation_dispatcher_(NULL), speech_input_dispatcher_(NULL), device_orientation_dispatcher_(NULL), accessibility_ack_pending_(false), p2p_socket_dispatcher_(NULL), session_storage_namespace_id_(session_storage_namespace_id) { routing_id_ = routing_id; if (opener_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE) opener_id_ = opener_id; webwidget_ = WebView::create(this); if (counter) { shared_popup_counter_ = counter; shared_popup_counter_->data++; decrement_shared_popup_at_destruction_ = true; } else { shared_popup_counter_ = new SharedRenderViewCounter(0); decrement_shared_popup_at_destruction_ = false; } notification_provider_ = new NotificationProvider(this); render_thread_->AddRoute(routing_id_, this); // Take a reference on behalf of the RenderThread. This will be balanced // when we receive ViewMsg_Close. AddRef(); // If this is a popup, we must wait for the CreatingNew_ACK message before // completing initialization. Otherwise, we can finish it now. if (opener_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) { did_show_ = true; CompleteInit(parent_hwnd, compositing_surface); } g_view_map.Get().insert(std::make_pair(webview(), this)); webkit_preferences_.Apply(webview()); webview()->initializeMainFrame(this); if (!frame_name.empty()) webview()->mainFrame()->setName(frame_name); webview()->settings()->setMinimumTimerInterval( is_hidden() ? webkit_glue::kBackgroundTabTimerInterval : webkit_glue::kForegroundTabTimerInterval); OnSetRendererPrefs(renderer_prefs); host_window_ = parent_hwnd; const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kEnableAccessibility)) WebAccessibilityCache::enableAccessibility(); audio_message_filter_ = new AudioMessageFilter(routing_id_); render_thread_->AddFilter(audio_message_filter_); #if defined(ENABLE_P2P_APIS) if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableP2PApi)) p2p_socket_dispatcher_ = new P2PSocketDispatcher(this); #endif content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->RenderViewCreated(this); } RenderView::~RenderView() { if (decrement_shared_popup_at_destruction_) shared_popup_counter_->data--; // If file chooser is still waiting for answer, dispatch empty answer. while (!file_chooser_completions_.empty()) { if (file_chooser_completions_.front()->completion) { file_chooser_completions_.front()->completion->didChooseFile( WebVector()); } file_chooser_completions_.pop_front(); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Destroy all fake plugin window handles on the browser side. while (!fake_plugin_window_handles_.empty()) { // Make sure no NULL plugin window handles were inserted into this list. DCHECK(*fake_plugin_window_handles_.begin()); // DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle modifies fake_plugin_window_handles_. DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle(*fake_plugin_window_handles_.begin()); } #endif render_thread_->RemoveFilter(audio_message_filter_); #ifndef NDEBUG // Make sure we are no longer referenced by the ViewMap. ViewMap* views = g_view_map.Pointer(); for (ViewMap::iterator it = views->begin(); it != views->end(); ++it) DCHECK_NE(this, it->second) << "Failed to call Close?"; #endif FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, set_render_view(NULL)); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, OnDestruct()); } /*static*/ void RenderView::ForEach(RenderViewVisitor* visitor) { ViewMap* views = g_view_map.Pointer(); for (ViewMap::iterator it = views->begin(); it != views->end(); ++it) { if (!visitor->Visit(it->second)) return; } } /*static*/ RenderView* RenderView::FromWebView(WebView* webview) { ViewMap* views = g_view_map.Pointer(); ViewMap::iterator it = views->find(webview); return it == views->end() ? NULL : it->second; } /*static*/ RenderView* RenderView::Create( RenderThreadBase* render_thread, gfx::NativeViewId parent_hwnd, gfx::PluginWindowHandle compositing_surface, int32 opener_id, const RendererPreferences& renderer_prefs, const WebPreferences& webkit_prefs, SharedRenderViewCounter* counter, int32 routing_id, int64 session_storage_namespace_id, const string16& frame_name) { DCHECK(routing_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); return new RenderView( render_thread, parent_hwnd, compositing_surface, opener_id, renderer_prefs, webkit_prefs, counter, routing_id, session_storage_namespace_id, frame_name); // adds reference } // static void RenderView::SetNextPageID(int32 next_page_id) { // This method should only be called during process startup, and the given // page id had better not exceed our current next page id! DCHECK_EQ(next_page_id_, 1); DCHECK(next_page_id >= next_page_id_); next_page_id_ = next_page_id; } void RenderView::AddObserver(RenderViewObserver* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void RenderView::RemoveObserver(RenderViewObserver* observer) { observer->set_render_view(NULL); observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } bool RenderView::RendererAccessibilityNotification::ShouldIncludeChildren() { typedef ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Params params; if (type == WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationChildrenChanged || type == WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationLoadComplete) { return true; } return false; } WebKit::WebView* RenderView::webview() const { return static_cast(webwidget()); } void RenderView::SetReportLoadProgressEnabled(bool enabled) { if (!enabled) { load_progress_tracker_.reset(NULL); return; } if (load_progress_tracker_ == NULL) load_progress_tracker_.reset(new LoadProgressTracker(this)); } void RenderView::PluginCrashed(const FilePath& plugin_path) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_CrashedPlugin(routing_id_, plugin_path)); } WebPlugin* RenderView::CreatePluginNoCheck(WebFrame* frame, const WebPluginParams& params) { webkit::npapi::WebPluginInfo info; bool found; std::string mime_type; Send(new ViewHostMsg_GetPluginInfo( routing_id_, params.url, frame->top()->url(), params.mimeType.utf8(), &found, &info, &mime_type)); if (!found || !webkit::npapi::IsPluginEnabled(info)) return NULL; bool pepper_plugin_was_registered = false; scoped_refptr pepper_module( pepper_delegate_.CreatePepperPlugin(info.path, &pepper_plugin_was_registered)); if (pepper_plugin_was_registered) { if (pepper_module) return CreatePepperPlugin(frame, params, info.path, pepper_module.get()); return NULL; } return CreateNPAPIPlugin(frame, params, info.path, mime_type); } void RenderView::RegisterPluginDelegate(WebPluginDelegateProxy* delegate) { plugin_delegates_.insert(delegate); // If the renderer is visible, set initial visibility and focus state. if (!is_hidden()) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) delegate->SetContainerVisibility(true); if (webview() && webview()->isActive()) delegate->SetWindowFocus(true); #endif } // Plugins start assuming the content has focus (so that they work in // environments where RenderView isn't hosting them), so we always have to // set the initial state. See webplugin_delegate_impl.h for details. delegate->SetContentAreaFocus(has_focus()); } void RenderView::UnregisterPluginDelegate(WebPluginDelegateProxy* delegate) { plugin_delegates_.erase(delegate); } bool RenderView::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { WebFrame* main_frame = webview() ? webview()->mainFrame() : NULL; if (main_frame) content::GetContentClient()->SetActiveURL(main_frame->url()); ObserverListBase::Iterator it(observers_); RenderViewObserver* observer; while ((observer = it.GetNext()) != NULL) if (observer->OnMessageReceived(message)) return true; bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(RenderView, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Navigate, OnNavigate) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Stop, OnStop) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ReloadFrame, OnReloadFrame) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Undo, OnUndo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Redo, OnRedo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Cut, OnCut) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Copy, OnCopy) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_CopyToFindPboard, OnCopyToFindPboard) #endif IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Paste, OnPaste) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Replace, OnReplace) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Delete, OnDelete) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SelectAll, OnSelectAll) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_CopyImageAt, OnCopyImageAt) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ExecuteEditCommand, OnExecuteEditCommand) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Find, OnFind) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_StopFinding, OnStopFinding) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_FindReplyACK, OnFindReplyAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Zoom, OnZoom) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevel, OnSetZoomLevel) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetZoomLevelForLoadingURL, OnSetZoomLevelForLoadingURL) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetPageEncoding, OnSetPageEncoding) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ResetPageEncodingToDefault, OnResetPageEncodingToDefault) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ScriptEvalRequest, OnScriptEvalRequest) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_CSSInsertRequest, OnCSSInsertRequest) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ReservePageIDRange, OnReservePageIDRange) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDragEnter, OnDragTargetDragEnter) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDragOver, OnDragTargetDragOver) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDragLeave, OnDragTargetDragLeave) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_TargetDrop, OnDragTargetDrop) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_SourceEndedOrMoved, OnDragSourceEndedOrMoved) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(DragMsg_SourceSystemDragEnded, OnDragSourceSystemDragEnded) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_AllowBindings, OnAllowBindings) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetWebUIProperty, OnSetWebUIProperty) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetInitialFocus, OnSetInitialFocus) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoView, OnScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoView) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_UpdateTargetURL_ACK, OnUpdateTargetURLAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_UpdateWebPreferences, OnUpdateWebPreferences) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetAltErrorPageURL, OnSetAltErrorPageURL) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_InstallMissingPlugin, OnInstallMissingPlugin) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnumerateDirectoryResponse, OnEnumerateDirectoryResponse) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_RunFileChooserResponse, OnFileChooserResponse) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ShouldClose, OnShouldClose) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SwapOut, OnSwapOut) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ClosePage, OnClosePage) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ThemeChanged, OnThemeChanged) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_DisassociateFromPopupCount, OnDisassociateFromPopupCount) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_MoveOrResizeStarted, OnMoveOrResizeStarted) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ClearFocusedNode, OnClearFocusedNode) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetBackground, OnSetBackground) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode, OnEnablePreferredSizeChangedMode) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_DisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows, OnDisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetRendererPrefs, OnSetRendererPrefs) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_MediaPlayerActionAt, OnMediaPlayerActionAt) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetActive, OnSetActive) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetWindowVisibility, OnSetWindowVisibility) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_WindowFrameChanged, OnWindowFrameChanged) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_PluginImeCompositionCompleted, OnPluginImeCompositionCompleted) #endif IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent, OnSetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_CustomContextMenuAction, OnCustomContextMenuAction) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_EnableAccessibility, OnEnableAccessibility) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetAccessibilityFocus, OnSetAccessibilityFocus) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_AccessibilityDoDefaultAction, OnAccessibilityDoDefaultAction) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_AccessibilityNotifications_ACK, OnAccessibilityNotificationsAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_AsyncOpenFile_ACK, OnAsyncFileOpened) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_PpapiBrokerChannelCreated, OnPpapiBrokerChannelCreated) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SelectPopupMenuItem, OnSelectPopupMenuItem) #endif IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ContextMenuClosed, OnContextMenuClosed) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_NetworkStateChanged, OnNetworkStateChanged) // TODO(viettrungluu): Move to a separate message filter. #if defined(ENABLE_FLAPPER_HACKS) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(PepperMsg_ConnectTcpACK, OnConnectTcpACK) #endif // Have the super handle all other messages. IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = RenderWidget::OnMessageReceived(message)) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } void RenderView::OnNavigate(const ViewMsg_Navigate_Params& params) { if (!webview()) return; // Swap this renderer back in if necessary. if (is_swapped_out_) SetSwappedOut(false); history_list_offset_ = params.current_history_list_offset; history_list_length_ = params.current_history_list_length; content::GetContentClient()->SetActiveURL(params.url); bool is_reload = params.navigation_type == ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD || params.navigation_type == ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE; WebFrame* main_frame = webview()->mainFrame(); if (is_reload && main_frame->currentHistoryItem().isNull()) { // We cannot reload if we do not have any history state. This happens, for // example, when recovering from a crash. Our workaround here is a bit of // a hack since it means that reload after a crashed tab does not cause an // end-to-end cache validation. is_reload = false; } // A navigation resulting from loading a javascript URL should not be treated // as a browser initiated event. Instead, we want it to look as if the page // initiated any load resulting from JS execution. if (!params.url.SchemeIs(chrome::kJavaScriptScheme)) { NavigationState* state = NavigationState::CreateBrowserInitiated( params.page_id, params.pending_history_list_offset, params.transition, params.request_time); if (params.navigation_type == ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::RESTORE) { // We're doing a load of a page that was restored from the last session. // By default this prefers the cache over loading (LOAD_PREFERRING_CACHE) // which can result in stale data for pages that are set to expire. We // explicitly override that by setting the policy here so that as // necessary we load from the network. state->set_cache_policy_override(WebURLRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy); } pending_navigation_state_.reset(state); } NavigationState* navigation_state = pending_navigation_state_.get(); if (navigation_state) { // New loads need to reset the error page fetcher. Otherwise if there is an // outstanding error page fetcher it may complete and clobber the current // page load. navigation_state->set_alt_error_page_fetcher(NULL); } // If we are reloading, then WebKit will use the history state of the current // page, so we should just ignore any given history state. Otherwise, if we // have history state, then we need to navigate to it, which corresponds to a // back/forward navigation event. if (is_reload) { if (navigation_state) navigation_state->set_load_type(NavigationState::RELOAD); bool ignore_cache = (params.navigation_type == ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE); main_frame->reload(ignore_cache); } else if (!params.state.empty()) { // We must know the page ID of the page we are navigating back to. DCHECK_NE(params.page_id, -1); if (navigation_state) navigation_state->set_load_type(NavigationState::HISTORY_LOAD); main_frame->loadHistoryItem( webkit_glue::HistoryItemFromString(params.state)); } else { // Navigate to the given URL. WebURLRequest request(params.url); // A session history navigation should have been accompanied by state. DCHECK_EQ(params.page_id, -1); if (main_frame->isViewSourceModeEnabled()) request.setCachePolicy(WebURLRequest::ReturnCacheDataElseLoad); if (params.referrer.is_valid()) { if (!WebSecurityPolicy::shouldHideReferrer( params.url, WebString::fromUTF8(params.referrer.spec()))) { request.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"), WebString::fromUTF8(params.referrer.spec())); } } if (!params.extra_headers.empty()) { for (net::HttpUtil::HeadersIterator i(params.extra_headers.begin(), params.extra_headers.end(), "\n"); i.GetNext(); ) { request.addHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8(i.name()), WebString::fromUTF8(i.values())); } } if (navigation_state) navigation_state->set_load_type(NavigationState::NORMAL_LOAD); main_frame->loadRequest(request); } // In case LoadRequest failed before DidCreateDataSource was called. pending_navigation_state_.reset(); } // Stop loading the current page void RenderView::OnStop() { if (webview()) { WebFrame* main_frame = webview()->mainFrame(); // Stop the alt error page fetcher. If we let it continue it may complete // and cause RenderViewHostManager to swap to this RenderView, even though // it may no longer be active. StopAltErrorPageFetcher(main_frame->provisionalDataSource()); StopAltErrorPageFetcher(main_frame->dataSource()); main_frame->stopLoading(); } } // Reload current focused frame. // E.g. called by right-clicking on the frame and picking "reload this frame". void RenderView::OnReloadFrame() { if (webview() && webview()->focusedFrame()) { // We always obey the cache (ignore_cache=false) here. // TODO(evanm): perhaps we could allow shift-clicking the menu item to do // a cache-ignoring reload of the frame. webview()->focusedFrame()->reload(false); } } void RenderView::OnCopyImageAt(int x, int y) { webview()->copyImageAt(WebPoint(x, y)); } void RenderView::OnExecuteEditCommand(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { if (!webview() || !webview()->focusedFrame()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand( WebString::fromUTF8(name), WebString::fromUTF8(value)); } void RenderView::OnUpdateTargetURLAck() { // Check if there is a targeturl waiting to be sent. if (target_url_status_ == TARGET_PENDING) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL(routing_id_, page_id_, pending_target_url_)); } target_url_status_ = TARGET_NONE; } void RenderView::OnUndo() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Undo")); } void RenderView::OnRedo() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Redo")); } void RenderView::OnCut() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Cut")); } void RenderView::OnCopy() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Copy")); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void RenderView::OnCopyToFindPboard() { if (!webview()) return; // Since the find pasteboard supports only plain text, this can be simpler // than the |OnCopy()| case. WebFrame* frame = webview()->focusedFrame(); if (frame->hasSelection()) { string16 selection = frame->selectionAsText(); RenderThread::current()->Send( new ClipboardHostMsg_FindPboardWriteStringAsync(selection)); } } #endif void RenderView::OnPaste() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Paste")); } void RenderView::OnReplace(const string16& text) { if (!webview()) return; WebFrame* frame = webview()->focusedFrame(); if (!frame->hasSelection()) frame->selectWordAroundCaret(); frame->replaceSelection(text); } void RenderView::OnDelete() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Delete")); } void RenderView::OnSelectAll() { if (!webview()) return; webview()->focusedFrame()->executeCommand( WebString::fromUTF8("SelectAll")); } void RenderView::OnSetInitialFocus(bool reverse) { if (!webview()) return; webview()->setInitialFocus(reverse); } void RenderView::OnScrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoView() { WebKit::WebNode node = GetFocusedNode(); if (!node.isNull()) { if (IsEditableNode(node)) // TODO(varunjain): Change webkit API to scroll a particular node into // view and use that API here instead. webview()->scrollFocusedNodeIntoView(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tell the embedding application that the URL of the active page has changed void RenderView::UpdateURL(WebFrame* frame) { WebDataSource* ds = frame->dataSource(); DCHECK(ds); const WebURLRequest& request = ds->request(); const WebURLRequest& original_request = ds->originalRequest(); const WebURLResponse& response = ds->response(); NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(ds); DCHECK(navigation_state); ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate_Params params; params.http_status_code = response.httpStatusCode(); params.is_post = false; params.page_id = page_id_; params.frame_id = frame->identifier(); params.socket_address.set_host(response.remoteIPAddress().utf8()); params.socket_address.set_port(response.remotePort()); params.was_fetched_via_proxy = response.wasFetchedViaProxy(); params.was_within_same_page = navigation_state->was_within_same_page(); if (!navigation_state->security_info().empty()) { // SSL state specified in the request takes precedence over the one in the // response. // So far this is only intended for error pages that are not expected to be // over ssl, so we should not get any clash. DCHECK(response.securityInfo().isEmpty()); params.security_info = navigation_state->security_info(); } else { params.security_info = response.securityInfo(); } // Set the URL to be displayed in the browser UI to the user. if (ds->hasUnreachableURL()) { params.url = ds->unreachableURL(); } else { params.url = request.url(); } GetRedirectChain(ds, ¶ms.redirects); params.should_update_history = !ds->hasUnreachableURL() && !response.isMultipartPayload() && (response.httpStatusCode() != 404); params.searchable_form_url = navigation_state->searchable_form_url(); params.searchable_form_encoding = navigation_state->searchable_form_encoding(); const PasswordForm* password_form_data = navigation_state->password_form_data(); if (password_form_data) params.password_form = *password_form_data; params.gesture = navigation_gesture_; navigation_gesture_ = NavigationGestureUnknown; // Make navigation state a part of the FrameNavigate message so that commited // entry had it at all times. const WebHistoryItem& item = frame->currentHistoryItem(); if (!item.isNull()) { params.content_state = webkit_glue::HistoryItemToString(item); } else { params.content_state = webkit_glue::CreateHistoryStateForURL(GURL(request.url())); } if (!frame->parent()) { // Top-level navigation. // Set zoom level, but don't do it for full-page plugin since they don't use // the same zoom settings. HostZoomLevels::iterator host_zoom = host_zoom_levels_.find(GURL(request.url())); if (webview()->mainFrame()->document().isPluginDocument()) { // Reset the zoom levels for plugins. webview()->setZoomLevel(false, 0); } else { if (host_zoom != host_zoom_levels_.end()) webview()->setZoomLevel(false, host_zoom->second); } if (host_zoom != host_zoom_levels_.end()) { // This zoom level was merely recorded transiently for this load. We can // erase it now. If at some point we reload this page, the browser will // send us a new, up-to-date zoom level. host_zoom_levels_.erase(host_zoom); } // Reset the zoom limits in case a plugin had changed them previously. This // will also call us back which will cause us to send a message to // update TabContents. webview()->zoomLimitsChanged( WebView::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(WebView::minTextSizeMultiplier), WebView::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(WebView::maxTextSizeMultiplier)); // Update contents MIME type for main frame. params.contents_mime_type = ds->response().mimeType().utf8(); params.transition = navigation_state->transition_type(); if (!PageTransition::IsMainFrame(params.transition)) { // If the main frame does a load, it should not be reported as a subframe // navigation. This can occur in the following case: // 1. You're on a site with frames. // 2. You do a subframe navigation. This is stored with transition type // MANUAL_SUBFRAME. // 3. You navigate to some non-frame site, say, google.com. // 4. You navigate back to the page from step 2. Since it was initially // MANUAL_SUBFRAME, it will be that same transition type here. // We don't want that, because any navigation that changes the toplevel // frame should be tracked as a toplevel navigation (this allows us to // update the URL bar, etc). params.transition = PageTransition::LINK; } // If we have a valid consumed client redirect source, // the page contained a client redirect (meta refresh, document.loc...), // so we set the referrer and transition to match. if (completed_client_redirect_src_.is_valid()) { DCHECK(completed_client_redirect_src_ == params.redirects[0]); params.referrer = completed_client_redirect_src_; params.transition = static_cast( params.transition | PageTransition::CLIENT_REDIRECT); } else { // Bug 654101: the referrer will be empty on https->http transitions. It // would be nice if we could get the real referrer from somewhere. params.referrer = GURL( original_request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"))); } string16 method = request.httpMethod(); if (EqualsASCII(method, "POST")) params.is_post = true; // Save some histogram data so we can compute the average memory used per // page load of the glyphs. UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("Memory.GlyphPagesPerLoad", webkit_glue::GetGlyphPageCount()); // This message needs to be sent before any of allowScripts(), // allowImages(), allowPlugins() is called for the new page, so that when // these functions send a ViewHostMsg_ContentBlocked message, it arrives // after the ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate message. Send(new ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate(routing_id_, params)); } else { // Subframe navigation: the type depends on whether this navigation // generated a new session history entry. When they do generate a session // history entry, it means the user initiated the navigation and we should // mark it as such. This test checks if this is the first time UpdateURL // has been called since WillNavigateToURL was called to initiate the load. if (page_id_ > last_page_id_sent_to_browser_) params.transition = PageTransition::MANUAL_SUBFRAME; else params.transition = PageTransition::AUTO_SUBFRAME; Send(new ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate(routing_id_, params)); } last_page_id_sent_to_browser_ = std::max(last_page_id_sent_to_browser_, page_id_); // If we end up reusing this WebRequest (for example, due to a #ref click), // we don't want the transition type to persist. Just clear it. navigation_state->set_transition_type(PageTransition::LINK); // Check if the navigation was within the same page, in which case we don't // want to clear the accessibility cache. if (accessibility_.get() && !navigation_state->was_within_same_page()) { accessibility_.reset(); pending_accessibility_notifications_.clear(); } } // Tell the embedding application that the title of the active page has changed void RenderView::UpdateTitle(WebFrame* frame, const string16& title) { // Ignore all but top level navigations... if (!frame->parent()) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateTitle( routing_id_, page_id_, UTF16ToWideHack(title.length() > content::kMaxTitleChars ? title.substr(0, content::kMaxTitleChars) : title))); } } void RenderView::UpdateEncoding(WebFrame* frame, const std::string& encoding_name) { // Only update main frame's encoding_name. if (webview()->mainFrame() == frame && last_encoding_name_ != encoding_name) { // Save the encoding name for later comparing. last_encoding_name_ = encoding_name; Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateEncoding(routing_id_, last_encoding_name_)); } } // Sends the last committed session history state to the browser so it will be // saved before we navigate to a new page. This must be called *before* the // page ID has been updated so we know what it was. void RenderView::UpdateSessionHistory(WebFrame* frame) { // If we have a valid page ID at this point, then it corresponds to the page // we are navigating away from. Otherwise, this is the first navigation, so // there is no past session history to record. if (page_id_ == -1) return; const WebHistoryItem& item = webview()->mainFrame()->previousHistoryItem(); if (item.isNull()) return; Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateState( routing_id_, page_id_, webkit_glue::HistoryItemToString(item))); } void RenderView::OpenURL( const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, WebNavigationPolicy policy) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_OpenURL( routing_id_, url, referrer, NavigationPolicyToDisposition(policy))); } // WebViewDelegate ------------------------------------------------------------ void RenderView::LoadNavigationErrorPage(WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& failed_request, const WebURLError& error, const std::string& html, bool replace) { std::string alt_html = !html.empty() ? html : content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->GetNavigationErrorHtml( failed_request, error); frame->loadHTMLString(alt_html, GURL(chrome::kUnreachableWebDataURL), error.unreachableURL, replace); } bool RenderView::RunJavaScriptMessage(int type, const std::wstring& message, const std::wstring& default_value, const GURL& frame_url, std::wstring* result) { bool success = false; std::wstring result_temp; if (!result) result = &result_temp; SendAndRunNestedMessageLoop(new ViewHostMsg_RunJavaScriptMessage( routing_id_, message, default_value, frame_url, type, &success, result)); return success; } bool RenderView::SendAndRunNestedMessageLoop(IPC::SyncMessage* message) { // Before WebKit asks us to show an alert (etc.), it takes care of doing the // equivalent of WebView::willEnterModalLoop. In the case of showModalDialog // it is particularly important that we do not call willEnterModalLoop as // that would defer resource loads for the dialog itself. if (RenderThread::current()) // Will be NULL during unit tests. RenderThread::current()->DoNotNotifyWebKitOfModalLoop(); message->EnableMessagePumping(); // Runs a nested message loop. return Send(message); } void RenderView::OnMissingPluginStatus( WebPluginDelegateProxy* delegate, int status) { #if defined(OS_WIN) if (!first_default_plugin_) { // Show the InfoBar for the first available plugin. if (status == webkit::npapi::default_plugin::MISSING_PLUGIN_AVAILABLE) { first_default_plugin_ = delegate->AsWeakPtr(); Send(new ViewHostMsg_MissingPluginStatus(routing_id_, status)); } } else { // Closes the InfoBar if user clicks on the plugin (instead of the InfoBar) // to start the download/install. if (status == webkit::npapi::default_plugin::MISSING_PLUGIN_USER_STARTED_DOWNLOAD) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_MissingPluginStatus(routing_id_, status)); } } #else // TODO(port): Implement the infobar that accompanies the default plugin. // Linux: http://crbug.com/10952 // Mac: http://crbug.com/17392 NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif } // WebKit::WebViewClient ------------------------------------------------------ WebView* RenderView::createView( WebFrame* creator, const WebURLRequest& request, const WebWindowFeatures& features, const WebString& frame_name) { // Check to make sure we aren't overloading on popups. if (shared_popup_counter_->data > kMaximumNumberOfUnacknowledgedPopups) return NULL; ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params params; params.opener_id = routing_id_; params.user_gesture = creator->isProcessingUserGesture(); params.window_container_type = WindowFeaturesToContainerType(features); params.session_storage_namespace_id = session_storage_namespace_id_; params.frame_name = frame_name; params.opener_frame_id = creator->identifier(); params.opener_url = creator->url(); params.opener_security_origin = creator->securityOrigin().toString().utf8(); if (!request.isNull()) params.target_url = request.url(); int32 routing_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; int64 cloned_session_storage_namespace_id; bool opener_suppressed = creator->willSuppressOpenerInNewFrame(); render_thread_->Send( new ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow(params, &routing_id, &cloned_session_storage_namespace_id)); if (routing_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) return NULL; RenderView* view = RenderView::Create(render_thread_, 0, gfx::kNullPluginWindow, routing_id_, renderer_preferences_, webkit_preferences_, shared_popup_counter_, routing_id, cloned_session_storage_namespace_id, frame_name); view->opened_by_user_gesture_ = params.user_gesture; // Record whether the creator frame is trying to suppress the opener field. view->opener_suppressed_ = opener_suppressed; // Record the security origin of the creator. GURL creator_url(creator->securityOrigin().toString().utf8()); if (!creator_url.is_valid() || !creator_url.IsStandard()) creator_url = GURL(); view->creator_url_ = creator_url; // Copy over the alternate error page URL so we can have alt error pages in // the new render view (we don't need the browser to send the URL back down). view->alternate_error_page_url_ = alternate_error_page_url_; return view->webview(); } WebWidget* RenderView::createPopupMenu(WebKit::WebPopupType popup_type) { RenderWidget* widget = RenderWidget::Create(routing_id_, render_thread_, popup_type); return widget->webwidget(); } WebWidget* RenderView::createPopupMenu(const WebPopupMenuInfo& info) { // TODO(jcivelli): Remove this deprecated method when its been removed from // the WebViewClient interface. It's been replaced by // createExternalPopupMenu. NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } WebExternalPopupMenu* RenderView::createExternalPopupMenu( const WebPopupMenuInfo& popup_menu_info, WebExternalPopupMenuClient* popup_menu_client) { DCHECK(!external_popup_menu_.get()); external_popup_menu_.reset( new ExternalPopupMenu(this, popup_menu_info, popup_menu_client)); return external_popup_menu_.get(); } RenderWidgetFullscreenPepper* RenderView::CreatePepperFullscreenContainer( webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance* plugin) { GURL active_url; if (webview() && webview()->mainFrame()) active_url = GURL(webview()->mainFrame()->url()); RenderWidgetFullscreenPepper* widget = RenderWidgetFullscreenPepper::Create( routing_id_, render_thread_, plugin, active_url); widget->show(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore); return widget; } WebStorageNamespace* RenderView::createSessionStorageNamespace(unsigned quota) { if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess)) return WebStorageNamespace::createSessionStorageNamespace(quota); CHECK(session_storage_namespace_id_ != kInvalidSessionStorageNamespaceId); return new RendererWebStorageNamespaceImpl(DOM_STORAGE_SESSION, session_storage_namespace_id_); } void RenderView::didAddMessageToConsole( const WebConsoleMessage& message, const WebString& source_name, unsigned source_line) { logging::LogSeverity log_severity = logging::LOG_VERBOSE; switch(message.level) { case WebConsoleMessage::LevelTip: log_severity = logging::LOG_VERBOSE; break; case WebConsoleMessage::LevelLog: log_severity = logging::LOG_INFO; break; case WebConsoleMessage::LevelWarning: log_severity = logging::LOG_WARNING; break; case WebConsoleMessage::LevelError: log_severity = logging::LOG_ERROR; break; default: NOTREACHED(); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_AddMessageToConsole(routing_id_, static_cast(log_severity), UTF16ToWideHack(message.text), static_cast(source_line), UTF16ToWideHack(source_name))); } void RenderView::printPage(WebFrame* frame) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, PrintPage(frame)); } WebKit::WebNotificationPresenter* RenderView::notificationPresenter() { return notification_provider_; } bool RenderView::enumerateChosenDirectory( const WebString& path, WebFileChooserCompletion* chooser_completion) { int id = enumeration_completion_id_++; enumeration_completions_[id] = chooser_completion; return Send(new ViewHostMsg_EnumerateDirectory( routing_id_, id, webkit_glue::WebStringToFilePath(path))); } void RenderView::didStartLoading() { if (is_loading_) { DLOG(WARNING) << "didStartLoading called while loading"; return; } is_loading_ = true; // Clear the pointer so that we can assign it only when there is an unknown // plugin on a page. first_default_plugin_.reset(); Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidStartLoading(routing_id_)); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidStartLoading()); } void RenderView::didStopLoading() { if (!is_loading_) { DLOG(WARNING) << "DidStopLoading called while not loading"; return; } is_loading_ = false; // NOTE: For now we're doing the safest thing, and sending out notification // when done loading. This currently isn't an issue as the favicon is only // displayed when done loading. Ideally we would send notification when // finished parsing the head, but webkit doesn't support that yet. // The feed discovery code would also benefit from access to the head. Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidStopLoading(routing_id_)); if (load_progress_tracker_ != NULL) load_progress_tracker_->DidStopLoading(); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidStopLoading()); } void RenderView::didChangeLoadProgress(WebFrame* frame, double load_progress) { if (load_progress_tracker_ != NULL) load_progress_tracker_->DidChangeLoadProgress(frame, load_progress); } bool RenderView::isSmartInsertDeleteEnabled() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) return true; #else return false; #endif } bool RenderView::isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled() { #if defined(OS_WIN) return true; #else return false; #endif } void RenderView::didChangeSelection(bool is_empty_selection) { #if defined(OS_POSIX) if (!handling_input_event_) return; if (is_empty_selection) { last_selection_.clear(); } else { // Sometimes we get repeated didChangeSelection calls from webkit when // the selection hasn't actually changed. We don't want to report these // because it will cause us to continually claim the X clipboard. WebFrame* frame = webview()->focusedFrame(); const std::string& this_selection = frame->selectionAsText().utf8(); if (this_selection == last_selection_) return; last_selection_ = this_selection; } ui::Range range(ui::Range::InvalidRange()); size_t location, length; if (webview()->caretOrSelectionRange(&location, &length)) { range.set_start(location); range.set_end(location + length); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_SelectionChanged(routing_id_, last_selection_, range)); #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) } void RenderView::didExecuteCommand(const WebString& command_name) { const std::string& name = UTF16ToUTF8(command_name); if (StartsWithASCII(name, "Move", true) || StartsWithASCII(name, "Insert", true) || StartsWithASCII(name, "Delete", true)) return; webkit_glue::UserMetricsRecordAction(name); } void RenderView::SendPendingAccessibilityNotifications() { if (!accessibility_.get()) return; if (pending_accessibility_notifications_.empty()) return; // Send all pending accessibility notifications. std::vector notifications; for (size_t i = 0; i < pending_accessibility_notifications_.size(); i++) { RendererAccessibilityNotification& notification = pending_accessibility_notifications_[i]; WebAccessibilityObject obj = accessibility_->getObjectById(notification.id); if (!obj.isValid()) continue; ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Params param; WebAccessibilityNotificationToViewHostMsg( pending_accessibility_notifications_[i].type, ¶m.notification_type); param.acc_obj = WebAccessibility( obj, accessibility_.get(), notification.ShouldIncludeChildren()); notifications.push_back(param); } pending_accessibility_notifications_.clear(); Send(new ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotifications(routing_id_, notifications)); accessibility_ack_pending_ = true; } bool RenderView::handleCurrentKeyboardEvent() { if (edit_commands_.empty()) return false; WebFrame* frame = webview()->focusedFrame(); if (!frame) return false; EditCommands::iterator it = edit_commands_.begin(); EditCommands::iterator end = edit_commands_.end(); bool did_execute_command = false; for (; it != end; ++it) { // In gtk and cocoa, it's possible to bind multiple edit commands to one // key (but it's the exception). Once one edit command is not executed, it // seems safest to not execute the rest. if (!frame->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8(it->name), WebString::fromUTF8(it->value))) break; did_execute_command = true; } return did_execute_command; } bool RenderView::runFileChooser( const WebKit::WebFileChooserParams& params, WebFileChooserCompletion* chooser_completion) { // Do not open the file dialog in a hidden RenderView. if (is_hidden()) return false; ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params ipc_params; if (params.directory) ipc_params.mode = ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::OpenFolder; else if (params.multiSelect) ipc_params.mode = ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::OpenMultiple; else ipc_params.mode = ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Mode::Open; ipc_params.title = params.title; ipc_params.default_file_name = webkit_glue::WebStringToFilePath(params.initialValue); ipc_params.accept_types = params.acceptTypes; return ScheduleFileChooser(ipc_params, chooser_completion); } void RenderView::runModalAlertDialog( WebFrame* frame, const WebString& message) { RunJavaScriptMessage(ui::MessageBoxFlags::kIsJavascriptAlert, UTF16ToWideHack(message), std::wstring(), frame->url(), NULL); } bool RenderView::runModalConfirmDialog( WebFrame* frame, const WebString& message) { return RunJavaScriptMessage(ui::MessageBoxFlags::kIsJavascriptConfirm, UTF16ToWideHack(message), std::wstring(), frame->url(), NULL); } bool RenderView::runModalPromptDialog( WebFrame* frame, const WebString& message, const WebString& default_value, WebString* actual_value) { std::wstring result; bool ok = RunJavaScriptMessage(ui::MessageBoxFlags::kIsJavascriptPrompt, UTF16ToWideHack(message), UTF16ToWideHack(default_value), frame->url(), &result); if (ok) actual_value->assign(WideToUTF16Hack(result)); return ok; } bool RenderView::runModalBeforeUnloadDialog( WebFrame* frame, const WebString& message) { // If we are swapping out, we have already run the beforeunload handler. // TODO(creis): Fix OnSwapOut to clear the frame without running beforeunload // at all, to avoid running it twice. if (is_swapped_out_) return true; bool success = false; // This is an ignored return value, but is included so we can accept the same // response as RunJavaScriptMessage. std::wstring ignored_result; SendAndRunNestedMessageLoop(new ViewHostMsg_RunBeforeUnloadConfirm( routing_id_, frame->url(), UTF16ToWideHack(message), &success, &ignored_result)); return success; } void RenderView::showContextMenu( WebFrame* frame, const WebContextMenuData& data) { ContextMenuParams params = ContextMenuParams(data); // Serializing a GURL longer than content::kMaxURLChars will fail, so don't do // it. We replace it with an empty GURL so the appropriate items are disabled // in the context menu. // TODO(jcivelli): http://crbug.com/45160 This prevents us from saving large // data encoded images. We should have a way to save them. if (params.src_url.spec().size() > content::kMaxURLChars) params.src_url = GURL(); context_menu_node_ = data.node; Send(new ViewHostMsg_ContextMenu(routing_id_, params)); } bool RenderView::supportsFullscreen() { return CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableVideoFullscreen); } void RenderView::enterFullscreenForNode(const WebKit::WebNode& node) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void RenderView::exitFullscreenForNode(const WebKit::WebNode& node) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void RenderView::setStatusText(const WebString& text) { } void RenderView::UpdateTargetURL(const GURL& url, const GURL& fallback_url) { GURL latest_url = url.is_empty() ? fallback_url : url; if (latest_url == target_url_) return; // Tell the browser to display a destination link. if (target_url_status_ == TARGET_INFLIGHT || target_url_status_ == TARGET_PENDING) { // If we have a request in-flight, save the URL to be sent when we // receive an ACK to the in-flight request. We can happily overwrite // any existing pending sends. pending_target_url_ = latest_url; target_url_status_ = TARGET_PENDING; } else { Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateTargetURL(routing_id_, page_id_, latest_url)); target_url_ = latest_url; target_url_status_ = TARGET_INFLIGHT; } } void RenderView::StartNavStateSyncTimerIfNecessary() { int delay; if (send_content_state_immediately_) delay = 0; else if (is_hidden()) delay = kDelaySecondsForContentStateSyncHidden; else delay = kDelaySecondsForContentStateSync; if (nav_state_sync_timer_.IsRunning()) { // The timer is already running. If the delay of the timer maches the amount // we want to delay by, then return. Otherwise stop the timer so that it // gets started with the right delay. if (nav_state_sync_timer_.GetCurrentDelay().InSeconds() == delay) return; nav_state_sync_timer_.Stop(); } nav_state_sync_timer_.Start( TimeDelta::FromSeconds(delay), this, &RenderView::SyncNavigationState); } void RenderView::setMouseOverURL(const WebURL& url) { mouse_over_url_ = GURL(url); UpdateTargetURL(mouse_over_url_, focus_url_); } void RenderView::setKeyboardFocusURL(const WebURL& url) { focus_url_ = GURL(url); UpdateTargetURL(focus_url_, mouse_over_url_); } void RenderView::setToolTipText(const WebString& text, WebTextDirection hint) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_SetTooltipText(routing_id_, UTF16ToWideHack(text), hint)); } void RenderView::startDragging(const WebDragData& data, WebDragOperationsMask mask, const WebImage& image, const WebPoint& imageOffset) { #if WEBKIT_USING_SKIA SkBitmap bitmap(image.getSkBitmap()); #elif WEBKIT_USING_CG SkBitmap bitmap = gfx::CGImageToSkBitmap(image.getCGImageRef()); #endif Send(new DragHostMsg_StartDragging(routing_id_, WebDropData(data), mask, bitmap, imageOffset)); } bool RenderView::acceptsLoadDrops() { return renderer_preferences_.can_accept_load_drops; } void RenderView::focusNext() { Send(new ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus(routing_id_, false)); } void RenderView::focusPrevious() { Send(new ViewHostMsg_TakeFocus(routing_id_, true)); } void RenderView::focusedNodeChanged(const WebNode& node) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_FocusedNodeChanged(routing_id_, IsEditableNode(node))); if (WebAccessibilityCache::accessibilityEnabled() && node.isNull()) { // TODO(ctguil): Make WebKit send this notification. // When focus is cleared notify accessibility that the document is focused. postAccessibilityNotification( webview()->accessibilityObject(), WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationFocusedUIElementChanged); } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, FocusedNodeChanged(node)); } void RenderView::navigateBackForwardSoon(int offset) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_GoToEntryAtOffset(routing_id_, offset)); } int RenderView::historyBackListCount() { return history_list_offset_ < 0 ? 0 : history_list_offset_; } int RenderView::historyForwardListCount() { return history_list_length_ - historyBackListCount() - 1; } void RenderView::didUpdateInspectorSetting(const WebString& key, const WebString& value) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateInspectorSetting(routing_id_, key.utf8(), value.utf8())); } // WebKit::WebWidgetClient ---------------------------------------------------- void RenderView::didFocus() { // TODO(jcivelli): when https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33389 is fixed // we won't have to test for user gesture anymore and we can // move that code back to render_widget.cc if (webview() && webview()->mainFrame() && webview()->mainFrame()->isProcessingUserGesture()) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_Focus(routing_id_)); } } void RenderView::didBlur() { // TODO(jcivelli): see TODO above in didFocus(). if (webview() && webview()->mainFrame() && webview()->mainFrame()->isProcessingUserGesture()) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_Blur(routing_id_)); } } // We are supposed to get a single call to Show for a newly created RenderView // that was created via RenderView::CreateWebView. So, we wait until this // point to dispatch the ShowView message. // // This method provides us with the information about how to display the newly // created RenderView (i.e., as a constrained popup or as a new tab). // void RenderView::show(WebNavigationPolicy policy) { DCHECK(!did_show_) << "received extraneous Show call"; DCHECK(opener_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); if (did_show_) return; did_show_ = true; if (content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->AllowPopup(creator_url_)) opened_by_user_gesture_ = true; // Force new windows to a popup if they were not opened with a user gesture. if (!opened_by_user_gesture_) { // We exempt background tabs for compat with older versions of Chrome. // TODO(darin): This seems bogus. These should have a user gesture, so // we probably don't need this check. if (policy != WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewBackgroundTab) policy = WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewPopup; } // NOTE: initial_pos_ may still have its default values at this point, but // that's okay. It'll be ignored if disposition is not NEW_POPUP, or the // browser process will impose a default position otherwise. Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShowView(opener_id_, routing_id_, NavigationPolicyToDisposition(policy), initial_pos_, opened_by_user_gesture_)); SetPendingWindowRect(initial_pos_); } void RenderView::runModal() { DCHECK(did_show_) << "should already have shown the view"; // We must keep WebKit's shared timer running in this case in order to allow // showModalDialog to function properly. // // TODO(darin): WebKit should really be smarter about suppressing events and // timers so that we do not need to manage the shared timer in such a heavy // handed manner. // if (RenderThread::current()) // Will be NULL during unit tests. RenderThread::current()->DoNotSuspendWebKitSharedTimer(); SendAndRunNestedMessageLoop(new ViewHostMsg_RunModal(routing_id_)); } // WebKit::WebFrameClient ----------------------------------------------------- WebPlugin* RenderView::createPlugin(WebFrame* frame, const WebPluginParams& params) { return content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->CreatePlugin( this, frame, params); } WebWorker* RenderView::createWorker(WebFrame* frame, WebWorkerClient* client) { WebApplicationCacheHostImpl* appcache_host = WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::FromFrame(frame); int appcache_host_id = appcache_host ? appcache_host->host_id() : 0; return new WebWorkerProxy(client, RenderThread::current(), routing_id_, appcache_host_id); } WebSharedWorker* RenderView::createSharedWorker( WebFrame* frame, const WebURL& url, const WebString& name, unsigned long long document_id) { int route_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; bool exists = false; bool url_mismatch = false; ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params params; params.url = url; params.is_shared = true; params.name = name; params.document_id = document_id; params.render_view_route_id = routing_id_; params.route_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; params.parent_appcache_host_id = 0; params.script_resource_appcache_id = 0; Send(new ViewHostMsg_LookupSharedWorker( params, &exists, &route_id, &url_mismatch)); if (url_mismatch) { return NULL; } else { return new WebSharedWorkerProxy(RenderThread::current(), document_id, exists, route_id, routing_id_); } } WebMediaPlayer* RenderView::createMediaPlayer( WebFrame* frame, WebMediaPlayerClient* client) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, WillCreateMediaPlayer(frame, client)); scoped_ptr message_loop_factory( new media::MessageLoopFactoryImpl()); scoped_ptr collection( new media::FilterCollection()); // Add in any custom filter factories first. const CommandLine* cmd_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (!cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableAudio)) { // Add the chrome specific audio renderer. collection->AddAudioRenderer(new AudioRendererImpl(audio_message_filter())); } if (cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableAcceleratedDecoding) && !cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableAcceleratedCompositing)) { WebGraphicsContext3DCommandBufferImpl* context = static_cast( frame->view()->graphicsContext3D()); if (!context) return NULL; // Add the hardware video decoder factory. // TODO(hclam): This will cause the renderer process to crash on context // lost. bool ret = context->makeContextCurrent(); CHECK(ret) << "Failed to switch context"; collection->AddVideoDecoder(new IpcVideoDecoder( MessageLoop::current(), context->context())); } scoped_refptr video_renderer; bool pts_logging = cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kEnableVideoLogging); scoped_refptr renderer( new webkit_glue::VideoRendererImpl(pts_logging)); collection->AddVideoRenderer(renderer); video_renderer = renderer; scoped_ptr result( new webkit_glue::WebMediaPlayerImpl(client, collection.release(), message_loop_factory.release())); if (!result->Initialize(frame, cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kSimpleDataSource), video_renderer)) { return NULL; } return result.release(); } WebApplicationCacheHost* RenderView::createApplicationCacheHost( WebFrame* frame, WebApplicationCacheHostClient* client) { return new RendererWebApplicationCacheHostImpl( FromWebView(frame->view()), client, RenderThread::current()->appcache_dispatcher()->backend_proxy()); } WebCookieJar* RenderView::cookieJar(WebFrame* frame) { return &cookie_jar_; } void RenderView::frameDetached(WebFrame* frame) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, FrameDetached(frame)); } void RenderView::willClose(WebFrame* frame) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, FrameWillClose(frame)); } void RenderView::loadURLExternally( WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request, WebNavigationPolicy policy) { GURL referrer(request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"))); if (policy == WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyDownload) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_DownloadUrl(routing_id_, request.url(), referrer)); } else { OpenURL(request.url(), referrer, policy); } } WebNavigationPolicy RenderView::decidePolicyForNavigation( WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request, WebNavigationType type, const WebNode&, WebNavigationPolicy default_policy, bool is_redirect) { // TODO(creis): Remove this when we fix OnSwapOut to not need a navigation. if (is_swapped_out_) { DCHECK(request.url() == GURL("about:swappedout")); return default_policy; } // Webkit is asking whether to navigate to a new URL. // This is fine normally, except if we're showing UI from one security // context and they're trying to navigate to a different context. const GURL& url = request.url(); // A content initiated navigation may have originated from a link-click, // script, drag-n-drop operation, etc. bool is_content_initiated = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->provisionalDataSource())-> is_content_initiated(); // If the browser is interested, then give it a chance to look at top level // navigations. if (is_content_initiated && renderer_preferences_.browser_handles_top_level_requests && IsNonLocalTopLevelNavigation(url, frame, type)) { GURL referrer(request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"))); // Reset these counters as the RenderView could be reused for the next // navigation. page_id_ = -1; last_page_id_sent_to_browser_ = -1; OpenURL(url, referrer, default_policy); return WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore; // Suppress the load here. } GURL old_url(frame->url()); // Detect when we're crossing a permission-based boundary (e.g. into or out of // an extension or app origin, leaving a WebUI page, etc). We only care about // top-level navigations within the current tab (as opposed to, for example, // opening a new window). But we sometimes navigate to about:blank to clear a // tab, and we want to still allow that. // // Note: we do this only for GET requests because our mechanism for switching // processes only issues GET requests. In particular, POST requests don't // work, because this mechanism does not preserve form POST data. If it // becomes necessary to support process switching for POST requests, we will // need to send the request's httpBody data up to the browser process, and // issue a special POST navigation in WebKit (via // FrameLoader::loadFrameRequest). See ResourceDispatcher and WebURLLoaderImpl // for examples of how to send the httpBody data. // Note2: We normally don't do this for browser-initiated navigations, since // it's pointless to tell the browser about navigations it gave us. But // we do potentially ask the browser to handle a redirect that was originally // initiated by the browser. See http://crbug.com/70943 // // TODO(creis): Move this redirect check to the browser process to avoid // ping-ponging. See http://crbug.com/72380. if (!frame->parent() && (is_content_initiated || is_redirect) && default_policy == WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab && request.httpMethod() == "GET" && !url.SchemeIs(chrome::kAboutScheme)) { bool send_referrer = false; bool should_fork = BindingsPolicy::is_web_ui_enabled(enabled_bindings_) || frame->isViewSourceModeEnabled() || url.SchemeIs(chrome::kViewSourceScheme); if (!should_fork) { // Give the embedder a chance. should_fork = content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->ShouldFork( frame, url, is_content_initiated, &send_referrer); } if (should_fork) { GURL referrer(request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"))); OpenURL(url, send_referrer ? referrer : GURL(), default_policy); return WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore; // Suppress the load here. } } // Detect when a page is "forking" a new tab that can be safely rendered in // its own process. This is done by sites like Gmail that try to open links // in new windows without script connections back to the original page. We // treat such cases as browser navigations (in which we will create a new // renderer for a cross-site navigation), rather than WebKit navigations. // // We use the following heuristic to decide whether to fork a new page in its // own process: // The parent page must open a new tab to about:blank, set the new tab's // window.opener to null, and then redirect the tab to a cross-site URL using // JavaScript. // // TODO(creis): Deprecate this logic once we can rely on rel=noreferrer // (see below). bool is_fork = // Must start from a tab showing about:blank, which is later redirected. old_url == GURL(chrome::kAboutBlankURL) && // Must be the first real navigation of the tab. historyBackListCount() < 1 && historyForwardListCount() < 1 && // The parent page must have set the child's window.opener to null before // redirecting to the desired URL. frame->opener() == NULL && // Must be a top-level frame. frame->parent() == NULL && // Must not have issued the request from this page. is_content_initiated && // Must be targeted at the current tab. default_policy == WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab && // Must be a JavaScript navigation, which appears as "other". type == WebKit::WebNavigationTypeOther; // Recognize if this navigation is from a link with rel=noreferrer and // target=_blank attributes, in which case the opener will be suppressed. If // so, it is safe to load cross-site pages in a separate process, so we // should let the browser handle it. bool is_noreferrer_and_blank_target = // Frame should be top level and not yet navigated. frame->parent() == NULL && frame->url().isEmpty() && historyBackListCount() < 1 && historyForwardListCount() < 1 && // Links with rel=noreferrer will have no Referer field, and their // resulting frame will have its window.opener suppressed. // TODO(creis): should add a request.httpReferrer() method to help avoid // typos on the unusual spelling of Referer. request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer")).isNull() && opener_suppressed_ && frame->opener() == NULL && // Links with target=_blank will have no name. frame->name().isNull() && // Another frame (with a non-empty creator) should have initiated the // request, targeted at this frame. !creator_url_.is_empty() && is_content_initiated && default_policy == WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab && type == WebKit::WebNavigationTypeOther; if (is_fork || is_noreferrer_and_blank_target) { // Open the URL via the browser, not via WebKit. OpenURL(url, GURL(), default_policy); return WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore; } return default_policy; } bool RenderView::canHandleRequest( WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request) { // We allow WebKit to think that everything can be handled even though // browser-side we limit what we load. return true; } WebURLError RenderView::cannotHandleRequestError( WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request) { NOTREACHED(); // Since we said we can handle all requests. return WebURLError(); } WebURLError RenderView::cancelledError( WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request) { WebURLError error; error.domain = WebString::fromUTF8(net::kErrorDomain); error.reason = net::ERR_ABORTED; error.unreachableURL = request.url(); return error; } void RenderView::unableToImplementPolicyWithError( WebFrame*, const WebURLError&) { NOTREACHED(); // Since we said we can handle all requests. } void RenderView::willSendSubmitEvent(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, const WebKit::WebFormElement& form) { // Some login forms have onSubmit handlers that put a hash of the password // into a hidden field and then clear the password. (Issue 28910.) // This method gets called before any of those handlers run, so save away // a copy of the password in case it gets lost. NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource()); navigation_state->set_password_form_data( PasswordFormDomManager::CreatePasswordForm(form)); } void RenderView::willSubmitForm(WebFrame* frame, const WebFormElement& form) { NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->provisionalDataSource()); if (navigation_state->transition_type() == PageTransition::LINK) navigation_state->set_transition_type(PageTransition::FORM_SUBMIT); // Save these to be processed when the ensuing navigation is committed. WebSearchableFormData web_searchable_form_data(form); navigation_state->set_searchable_form_url(web_searchable_form_data.url()); navigation_state->set_searchable_form_encoding( web_searchable_form_data.encoding().utf8()); PasswordForm* password_form_data = PasswordFormDomManager::CreatePasswordForm(form); navigation_state->set_password_form_data(password_form_data); // In order to save the password that the user actually typed and not one // that may have gotten transformed by the site prior to submit, recover it // from the form contents already stored by |willSendSubmitEvent| into the // dataSource's NavigationState (as opposed to the provisionalDataSource's, // which is what we're storing into now.) if (password_form_data) { NavigationState* old_navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource()); if (old_navigation_state) { PasswordForm* old_form_data = old_navigation_state->password_form_data(); if (old_form_data && old_form_data->action == password_form_data->action) password_form_data->password_value = old_form_data->password_value; } } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, WillSubmitForm(frame, form)); } void RenderView::willPerformClientRedirect( WebFrame* frame, const WebURL& from, const WebURL& to, double interval, double fire_time) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, WillPerformClientRedirect(frame, from, to, interval, fire_time)); } void RenderView::didCancelClientRedirect(WebFrame* frame) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidCancelClientRedirect(frame)); } void RenderView::didCompleteClientRedirect( WebFrame* frame, const WebURL& from) { if (!frame->parent()) completed_client_redirect_src_ = from; FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidCompleteClientRedirect(frame, from)); } void RenderView::didCreateDataSource(WebFrame* frame, WebDataSource* ds) { // The rest of RenderView assumes that a WebDataSource will always have a // non-null NavigationState. bool content_initiated = !pending_navigation_state_.get(); NavigationState* state = content_initiated ? NavigationState::CreateContentInitiated() : pending_navigation_state_.release(); // NavigationState::referred_by_prefetcher_ is true if we are // navigating from a page that used prefetching using a link on that // page. We are early enough in the request process here that we // can still see the NavigationState of the previous page and set // this value appropriately. // TODO(gavinp): catch the important case of navigation in a new // renderer process. if (webview()) { if (WebFrame* old_frame = webview()->mainFrame()) { const WebURLRequest& original_request = ds->originalRequest(); const GURL referrer( original_request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer"))); if (!referrer.is_empty() && NavigationState::FromDataSource( old_frame->dataSource())->was_prefetcher()) { for (;old_frame;old_frame = old_frame->traverseNext(false)) { WebDataSource* old_frame_ds = old_frame->dataSource(); if (old_frame_ds && referrer == GURL(old_frame_ds->request().url())) { state->set_was_referred_by_prefetcher(true); break; } } } } } if (content_initiated) { const WebURLRequest& request = ds->request(); switch (request.cachePolicy()) { case WebURLRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy: // normal load. state->set_load_type(NavigationState::LINK_LOAD_NORMAL); break; case WebURLRequest::ReloadIgnoringCacheData: // reload. state->set_load_type(NavigationState::LINK_LOAD_RELOAD); break; case WebURLRequest::ReturnCacheDataElseLoad: // allow stale data. state->set_load_type(NavigationState::LINK_LOAD_CACHE_STALE_OK); break; case WebURLRequest::ReturnCacheDataDontLoad: // Don't re-post. state->set_load_type(NavigationState::LINK_LOAD_CACHE_ONLY); break; } } ds->setExtraData(state); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidCreateDataSource(frame, ds)); } void RenderView::didStartProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame) { WebDataSource* ds = frame->provisionalDataSource(); NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(ds); // Update the request time if WebKit has better knowledge of it. if (navigation_state->request_time().is_null()) { double event_time = ds->triggeringEventTime(); if (event_time != 0.0) navigation_state->set_request_time(Time::FromDoubleT(event_time)); } // Start time is only set after request time. navigation_state->set_start_load_time(Time::Now()); bool is_top_most = !frame->parent(); if (is_top_most) { navigation_gesture_ = frame->isProcessingUserGesture() ? NavigationGestureUser : NavigationGestureAuto; // Make sure redirect tracking state is clear for the new load. completed_client_redirect_src_ = GURL(); } else if (frame->parent()->isLoading()) { // Take note of AUTO_SUBFRAME loads here, so that we can know how to // load an error page. See didFailProvisionalLoad. navigation_state->set_transition_type(PageTransition::AUTO_SUBFRAME); } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidStartProvisionalLoad(frame)); Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame( routing_id_, frame->identifier(), is_top_most, ds->request().url())); } void RenderView::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame) { if (frame->parent()) return; // Received a redirect on the main frame. WebDataSource* data_source = frame->provisionalDataSource(); if (!data_source) { // Should only be invoked when we have a data source. NOTREACHED(); return; } std::vector redirects; GetRedirectChain(data_source, &redirects); if (redirects.size() >= 2) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidRedirectProvisionalLoad(routing_id_, page_id_, redirects[redirects.size() - 2], redirects.back())); } } void RenderView::didFailProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame, const WebURLError& error) { // Notify the browser that we failed a provisional load with an error. // // Note: It is important this notification occur before DidStopLoading so the // SSL manager can react to the provisional load failure before being // notified the load stopped. // WebDataSource* ds = frame->provisionalDataSource(); DCHECK(ds); const WebURLRequest& failed_request = ds->request(); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidFailProvisionalLoad(frame, error)); bool show_repost_interstitial = (error.reason == net::ERR_CACHE_MISS && EqualsASCII(failed_request.httpMethod(), "POST")); Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError( routing_id_, frame->identifier(), !frame->parent(), error.reason, error.unreachableURL, show_repost_interstitial)); // Don't display an error page if this is simply a cancelled load. Aside // from being dumb, WebCore doesn't expect it and it will cause a crash. if (error.reason == net::ERR_ABORTED) return; // Make sure we never show errors in view source mode. frame->enableViewSourceMode(false); NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(ds); // If this is a failed back/forward/reload navigation, then we need to do a // 'replace' load. This is necessary to avoid messing up session history. // Otherwise, we do a normal load, which simulates a 'go' navigation as far // as session history is concerned. // // AUTO_SUBFRAME loads should always be treated as loads that do not advance // the page id. // bool replace = navigation_state->pending_page_id() != -1 || navigation_state->transition_type() == PageTransition::AUTO_SUBFRAME; // If we failed on a browser initiated request, then make sure that our error // page load is regarded as the same browser initiated request. if (!navigation_state->is_content_initiated()) { pending_navigation_state_.reset(NavigationState::CreateBrowserInitiated( navigation_state->pending_page_id(), navigation_state->pending_history_list_offset(), navigation_state->transition_type(), navigation_state->request_time())); } // Provide the user with a more helpful error page? if (MaybeLoadAlternateErrorPage(frame, error, replace)) return; // Fallback to a local error page. LoadNavigationErrorPage(frame, failed_request, error, std::string(), replace); } void RenderView::didReceiveDocumentData( WebFrame* frame, const char* data, size_t data_len, bool& prevent_default) { NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource()); navigation_state->set_use_error_page(false); } void RenderView::didCommitProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame, bool is_new_navigation) { NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource()); navigation_state->set_commit_load_time(Time::Now()); if (is_new_navigation) { // When we perform a new navigation, we need to update the last committed // session history entry with state for the page we are leaving. UpdateSessionHistory(frame); // We bump our Page ID to correspond with the new session history entry. page_id_ = next_page_id_++; // Advance our offset in session history, applying the length limit. There // is now no forward history. history_list_offset_++; if (history_list_offset_ >= content::kMaxSessionHistoryEntries) history_list_offset_ = content::kMaxSessionHistoryEntries - 1; history_list_length_ = history_list_offset_ + 1; } else { // Inspect the navigation_state on this frame to see if the navigation // corresponds to a session history navigation... Note: |frame| may or // may not be the toplevel frame, but for the case of capturing session // history, the first committed frame suffices. We keep track of whether // we've seen this commit before so that only capture session history once // per navigation. // // Note that we need to check if the page ID changed. In the case of a // reload, the page ID doesn't change, and UpdateSessionHistory gets the // previous URL and the current page ID, which would be wrong. if (navigation_state->pending_page_id() != -1 && navigation_state->pending_page_id() != page_id_ && !navigation_state->request_committed()) { // This is a successful session history navigation! UpdateSessionHistory(frame); page_id_ = navigation_state->pending_page_id(); history_list_offset_ = navigation_state->pending_history_list_offset(); } } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidCommitProvisionalLoad(frame, is_new_navigation)); // Remember that we've already processed this request, so we don't update // the session history again. We do this regardless of whether this is // a session history navigation, because if we attempted a session history // navigation without valid HistoryItem state, WebCore will think it is a // new navigation. navigation_state->set_request_committed(true); UpdateURL(frame); // If this committed load was initiated by a client redirect, we're // at the last stop now, so clear it. completed_client_redirect_src_ = GURL(); // Check whether we have new encoding name. UpdateEncoding(frame, frame->view()->pageEncoding().utf8()); } void RenderView::didClearWindowObject(WebFrame* frame) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidClearWindowObject(frame)); GURL frame_url = frame->url(); if (BindingsPolicy::is_web_ui_enabled(enabled_bindings_) && (frame_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeUIScheme) || frame_url.SchemeIs(chrome::kDataScheme))) { GetWebUIBindings()->set_message_sender(this); GetWebUIBindings()->set_routing_id(routing_id_); GetWebUIBindings()->BindToJavascript(frame, "chrome"); } } void RenderView::didCreateDocumentElement(WebFrame* frame) { // Notify the browser about non-blank documents loading in the top frame. GURL url = frame->url(); if (url.is_valid() && url.spec() != chrome::kAboutBlankURL) { if (frame == webview()->mainFrame()) Send(new ViewHostMsg_DocumentAvailableInMainFrame(routing_id_)); } FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidCreateDocumentElement(frame)); } void RenderView::didReceiveTitle(WebFrame* frame, const WebString& title, WebTextDirection direction) { // TODO: pass direction through various APIs. // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=79903 UpdateTitle(frame, title); // Also check whether we have new encoding name. UpdateEncoding(frame, frame->view()->pageEncoding().utf8()); } void RenderView::didChangeIcon(WebFrame* frame, WebIconURL::Type type) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidChangeIcon(frame, type)); } void RenderView::didFinishDocumentLoad(WebFrame* frame) { WebDataSource* ds = frame->dataSource(); NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(ds); DCHECK(navigation_state); navigation_state->set_finish_document_load_time(Time::Now()); Send(new ViewHostMsg_DocumentLoadedInFrame(routing_id_, frame->identifier())); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidFinishDocumentLoad(frame)); // Check whether we have new encoding name. UpdateEncoding(frame, frame->view()->pageEncoding().utf8()); } void RenderView::didHandleOnloadEvents(WebFrame* frame) { if (webview()->mainFrame() == frame) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame(routing_id_, page_id_)); } } void RenderView::didFailLoad(WebFrame* frame, const WebURLError& error) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidFailLoad(frame, error)); } void RenderView::didFinishLoad(WebFrame* frame) { WebDataSource* ds = frame->dataSource(); NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(ds); DCHECK(navigation_state); navigation_state->set_finish_load_time(Time::Now()); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidFinishLoad(frame)); Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidFinishLoad(routing_id_, frame->identifier())); } void RenderView::didNavigateWithinPage( WebFrame* frame, bool is_new_navigation) { // If this was a reference fragment navigation that we initiated, then we // could end up having a non-null pending navigation state. We just need to // update the ExtraData on the datasource so that others who read the // ExtraData will get the new NavigationState. Similarly, if we did not // initiate this navigation, then we need to take care to reset any pre- // existing navigation state to a content-initiated navigation state. // DidCreateDataSource conveniently takes care of this for us. didCreateDataSource(frame, frame->dataSource()); NavigationState* new_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource()); new_state->set_was_within_same_page(true); didCommitProvisionalLoad(frame, is_new_navigation); UpdateTitle(frame, frame->view()->mainFrame()->dataSource()->pageTitle()); } void RenderView::didUpdateCurrentHistoryItem(WebFrame* frame) { StartNavStateSyncTimerIfNecessary(); } void RenderView::assignIdentifierToRequest( WebFrame* frame, unsigned identifier, const WebURLRequest& request) { // Ignore } void RenderView::willSendRequest( WebFrame* frame, unsigned identifier, WebURLRequest& request, const WebURLResponse& redirect_response) { WebFrame* top_frame = frame->top(); if (!top_frame) top_frame = frame; WebDataSource* provisional_data_source = top_frame->provisionalDataSource(); WebDataSource* top_data_source = top_frame->dataSource(); WebDataSource* data_source = provisional_data_source ? provisional_data_source : top_data_source; GURL request_url(request.url()); GURL new_url; if (content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->WillSendRequest( frame, request_url, &new_url)) { request.setURL(WebURL(new_url)); } if (data_source) { NavigationState* state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(data_source); if (state && state->is_cache_policy_override_set()) request.setCachePolicy(state->cache_policy_override()); } if (top_data_source) { NavigationState* state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(top_data_source); if (state && request.targetType() == WebURLRequest::TargetIsPrefetch) state->set_was_prefetcher(true); } request.setRequestorID(routing_id_); request.setHasUserGesture(frame->isProcessingUserGesture()); if (!renderer_preferences_.enable_referrers) request.clearHTTPHeaderField("Referer"); // Temporary metrics, see site_isolation_metrics.h SiteIsolationMetrics::AddRequest(identifier, request.targetType()); } void RenderView::didReceiveResponse( WebFrame* frame, unsigned identifier, const WebURLResponse& response) { // Temporary metrics, see site_isolation_metrics.h SiteIsolationMetrics::LogMimeTypeForCrossOriginRequest(frame, identifier, response); // Only do this for responses that correspond to a provisional data source // of the top-most frame. If we have a provisional data source, then we // can't have any sub-resources yet, so we know that this response must // correspond to a frame load. if (!frame->provisionalDataSource() || frame->parent()) return; // If we are in view source mode, then just let the user see the source of // the server's error page. if (frame->isViewSourceModeEnabled()) return; NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->provisionalDataSource()); CHECK(navigation_state); int http_status_code = response.httpStatusCode(); // Record page load flags. navigation_state->set_was_fetched_via_spdy(response.wasFetchedViaSPDY()); navigation_state->set_was_npn_negotiated(response.wasNpnNegotiated()); navigation_state->set_was_alternate_protocol_available( response.wasAlternateProtocolAvailable()); navigation_state->set_was_fetched_via_proxy(response.wasFetchedViaProxy()); navigation_state->set_http_status_code(http_status_code); // Whether or not the http status code actually corresponds to an error is // only checked when the page is done loading, if |use_error_page| is // still true. navigation_state->set_use_error_page(true); } void RenderView::didFinishResourceLoad( WebFrame* frame, unsigned identifier) { NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->dataSource()); if (!navigation_state->use_error_page()) return; // Display error page, if appropriate. int http_status_code = navigation_state->http_status_code(); if (http_status_code == 404) { // On 404s, try a remote search page as a fallback. const GURL& frame_url = frame->url(); const GURL& error_page_url = GetAlternateErrorPageURL(frame_url, HTTP_404); if (error_page_url.is_valid()) { WebURLError original_error; original_error.unreachableURL = frame_url; navigation_state->set_alt_error_page_fetcher( new AltErrorPageResourceFetcher( error_page_url, frame, original_error, NewCallback(this, &RenderView::AltErrorPageFinished))); return; } } content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->ShowErrorPage( this, frame, http_status_code); } void RenderView::didFailResourceLoad( WebFrame* frame, unsigned identifier, const WebURLError& error) { // Ignore } void RenderView::didLoadResourceFromMemoryCache( WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request, const WebURLResponse& response) { // Let the browser know we loaded a resource from the memory cache. This // message is needed to display the correct SSL indicators. Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache( routing_id_, request.url(), response.securityInfo())); } void RenderView::didDisplayInsecureContent(WebFrame* frame) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidDisplayInsecureContent(routing_id_)); } void RenderView::didRunInsecureContent( WebFrame* frame, const WebSecurityOrigin& origin, const WebURL& target) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidRunInsecureContent( routing_id_, origin.toString().utf8(), target)); } void RenderView::didExhaustMemoryAvailableForScript(WebFrame* frame) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_JSOutOfMemory(routing_id_)); } void RenderView::didCreateScriptContext(WebFrame* frame) { content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->DidCreateScriptContext(frame); } void RenderView::didDestroyScriptContext(WebFrame* frame) { content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->DidDestroyScriptContext(frame); } void RenderView::didCreateIsolatedScriptContext(WebFrame* frame) { content::GetContentClient()->renderer()->DidCreateIsolatedScriptContext( frame); } void RenderView::logCrossFramePropertyAccess(WebFrame* frame, WebFrame* target, bool cross_origin, const WebString& property_name, unsigned long long event_id) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER( RenderViewObserver, observers_, LogCrossFramePropertyAccess( frame, target, cross_origin, property_name, event_id)); } void RenderView::didChangeContentsSize(WebFrame* frame, const WebSize& size) { CheckPreferredSize(); } void RenderView::CheckPreferredSize() { // We don't always want to send the change messages over IPC, only if we've // be put in that mode by getting a |ViewMsg_EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode| // message. if (!send_preferred_size_changes_ || !webview()) return; // WebCore likes to tell us things have changed even when they haven't, so // cache the width and height and only send the IPC message when we're sure // they're different. gfx::Size size(webview()->mainFrame()->contentsPreferredWidth(), webview()->mainFrame()->documentElementScrollHeight()); // In the presence of zoom, these sizes are still reported as if unzoomed, // so we need to adjust. double zoom_factor = WebView::zoomLevelToZoomFactor(webview()->zoomLevel()); size.set_width(static_cast(size.width() * zoom_factor)); size.set_height(static_cast(size.height() * zoom_factor)); if (size == preferred_size_) return; preferred_size_ = size; Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidContentsPreferredSizeChange(routing_id_, preferred_size_)); } void RenderView::didChangeScrollOffset(WebFrame* frame) { StartNavStateSyncTimerIfNecessary(); } void RenderView::reportFindInPageMatchCount(int request_id, int count, bool final_update) { int active_match_ordinal = -1; // -1 = don't update active match ordinal if (!count) active_match_ordinal = 0; IPC::Message* msg = new ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply( routing_id_, request_id, count, gfx::Rect(), active_match_ordinal, final_update); // If we have a message that has been queued up, then we should just replace // it. The ACK from the browser will make sure it gets sent when the browser // wants it. if (queued_find_reply_message_.get()) { queued_find_reply_message_.reset(msg); } else { // Send the search result over to the browser process. Send(msg); } } void RenderView::reportFindInPageSelection(int request_id, int active_match_ordinal, const WebRect& selection_rect) { // Send the search result over to the browser process. Send(new ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply(routing_id_, request_id, -1, selection_rect, active_match_ordinal, false)); } void RenderView::openFileSystem( WebFrame* frame, WebFileSystem::Type type, long long size, bool create, WebFileSystemCallbacks* callbacks) { DCHECK(callbacks); WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->securityOrigin(); if (origin.isEmpty()) { // Uninitialized document? callbacks->didFail(WebKit::WebFileErrorAbort); return; } ChildThread::current()->file_system_dispatcher()->OpenFileSystem( GURL(origin.toString()), static_cast(type), size, create, new WebFileSystemCallbackDispatcher(callbacks)); } void RenderView::queryStorageUsageAndQuota( WebFrame* frame, WebStorageQuotaType type, WebStorageQuotaCallbacks* callbacks) { DCHECK(frame); WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->securityOrigin(); if (origin.isEmpty()) { // Uninitialized document? callbacks->didFail(WebKit::WebStorageQuotaErrorAbort); return; } ChildThread::current()->quota_dispatcher()->QueryStorageUsageAndQuota( GURL(origin.toString()), type, callbacks); } void RenderView::requestStorageQuota( WebFrame* frame, WebStorageQuotaType type, unsigned long long requested_size, WebStorageQuotaCallbacks* callbacks) { DCHECK(frame); WebSecurityOrigin origin = frame->securityOrigin(); if (origin.isEmpty()) { // Uninitialized document? callbacks->didFail(WebKit::WebStorageQuotaErrorAbort); return; } ChildThread::current()->quota_dispatcher()->RequestStorageQuota( GURL(origin.toString()), type, requested_size, callbacks); } // webkit_glue::WebPluginPageDelegate ----------------------------------------- webkit::npapi::WebPluginDelegate* RenderView::CreatePluginDelegate( const FilePath& file_path, const std::string& mime_type) { if (!PluginChannelHost::IsListening()) return NULL; bool in_process_plugin = RenderProcess::current()->UseInProcessPlugins(); if (in_process_plugin) { #if defined(OS_WIN) // In-proc plugins aren't supported on Linux or Mac. return webkit::npapi::WebPluginDelegateImpl::Create( file_path, mime_type, gfx::NativeViewFromId(host_window_)); #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; #endif } return new WebPluginDelegateProxy(mime_type, AsWeakPtr()); } void RenderView::CreatedPluginWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { #if defined(USE_X11) RenderThread::current()->Send(new ViewHostMsg_CreatePluginContainer( routing_id(), window)); #endif } void RenderView::WillDestroyPluginWindow(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { #if defined(USE_X11) RenderThread::current()->Send(new ViewHostMsg_DestroyPluginContainer( routing_id(), window)); #endif CleanupWindowInPluginMoves(window); } void RenderView::DidMovePlugin(const webkit::npapi::WebPluginGeometry& move) { SchedulePluginMove(move); } void RenderView::DidStartLoadingForPlugin() { // TODO(darin): Make is_loading_ be a counter! didStartLoading(); } void RenderView::DidStopLoadingForPlugin() { // TODO(darin): Make is_loading_ be a counter! didStopLoading(); } WebCookieJar* RenderView::GetCookieJar() { return &cookie_jar_; } void RenderView::SyncNavigationState() { if (!webview()) return; const WebHistoryItem& item = webview()->mainFrame()->currentHistoryItem(); if (item.isNull()) return; Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateState( routing_id_, page_id_, webkit_glue::HistoryItemToString(item))); } GURL RenderView::GetAlternateErrorPageURL(const GURL& failed_url, ErrorPageType error_type) { if (failed_url.SchemeIsSecure()) { // If the URL that failed was secure, then the embedding web page was not // expecting a network attacker to be able to manipulate its contents. As // we fetch alternate error pages over HTTP, we would be allowing a network // attacker to manipulate the contents of the response if we tried to use // the link doctor here. return GURL(); } // Grab the base URL from the browser process. if (!alternate_error_page_url_.is_valid()) return GURL(); // Strip query params from the failed URL. GURL::Replacements remove_params; remove_params.ClearUsername(); remove_params.ClearPassword(); remove_params.ClearQuery(); remove_params.ClearRef(); const GURL url_to_send = failed_url.ReplaceComponents(remove_params); std::string spec_to_send = url_to_send.spec(); // Notify link doctor of the url truncation by sending of "?" at the end. if (failed_url.has_query()) spec_to_send.append("?"); // Construct the query params to send to link doctor. std::string params(alternate_error_page_url_.query()); params.append("&url="); params.append(EscapeQueryParamValue(spec_to_send, true)); params.append("&sourceid=chrome"); params.append("&error="); switch (error_type) { case DNS_ERROR: params.append("dnserror"); break; case HTTP_404: params.append("http404"); break; case CONNECTION_ERROR: params.append("connectionfailure"); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "unknown ErrorPageType"; } // OK, build the final url to return. GURL::Replacements link_doctor_params; link_doctor_params.SetQueryStr(params); GURL url = alternate_error_page_url_.ReplaceComponents(link_doctor_params); return url; } WebUIBindings* RenderView::GetWebUIBindings() { if (!web_ui_bindings_.get()) { web_ui_bindings_.reset(new WebUIBindings()); } return web_ui_bindings_.get(); } WebKit::WebPlugin* RenderView::GetWebPluginFromPluginDocument() { return webview()->mainFrame()->document().to().plugin(); } void RenderView::OnFind(int request_id, const string16& search_text, const WebFindOptions& options) { WebFrame* main_frame = webview()->mainFrame(); if (main_frame->document().isPluginDocument()) { if (options.findNext) { // Just navigate back/forward. GetWebPluginFromPluginDocument()->selectFindResult(options.forward); } else { if (GetWebPluginFromPluginDocument()->startFind( search_text, options.matchCase, request_id)) { } else { // Send "no results". Send(new ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply(routing_id_, request_id, 0, gfx::Rect(), 0, true)); } } return; } WebFrame* frame_after_main = main_frame->traverseNext(true); WebFrame* focused_frame = webview()->focusedFrame(); WebFrame* search_frame = focused_frame; // start searching focused frame. bool multi_frame = (frame_after_main != main_frame); // If we have multiple frames, we don't want to wrap the search within the // frame, so we check here if we only have main_frame in the chain. bool wrap_within_frame = !multi_frame; WebRect selection_rect; bool result = false; // If something is selected when we start searching it means we cannot just // increment the current match ordinal; we need to re-generate it. WebRange current_selection = focused_frame->selectionRange(); do { result = search_frame->find( request_id, search_text, options, wrap_within_frame, &selection_rect); if (!result) { // don't leave text selected as you move to the next frame. search_frame->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Unselect")); // Find the next frame, but skip the invisible ones. do { // What is the next frame to search? (we might be going backwards). Note // that we specify wrap=true so that search_frame never becomes NULL. search_frame = options.forward ? search_frame->traverseNext(true) : search_frame->traversePrevious(true); } while (!search_frame->hasVisibleContent() && search_frame != focused_frame); // Make sure selection doesn't affect the search operation in new frame. search_frame->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Unselect")); // If we have multiple frames and we have wrapped back around to the // focused frame, we need to search it once more allowing wrap within // the frame, otherwise it will report 'no match' if the focused frame has // reported matches, but no frames after the focused_frame contain a // match for the search word(s). if (multi_frame && search_frame == focused_frame) { result = search_frame->find( request_id, search_text, options, true, // Force wrapping. &selection_rect); } } webview()->setFocusedFrame(search_frame); } while (!result && search_frame != focused_frame); if (options.findNext && current_selection.isNull()) { // Force the main_frame to report the actual count. main_frame->increaseMatchCount(0, request_id); } else { // If nothing is found, set result to "0 of 0", otherwise, set it to // "-1 of 1" to indicate that we found at least one item, but we don't know // yet what is active. int ordinal = result ? -1 : 0; // -1 here means, we might know more later. int match_count = result ? 1 : 0; // 1 here means possibly more coming. // If we find no matches then this will be our last status update. // Otherwise the scoping effort will send more results. bool final_status_update = !result; // Send the search result over to the browser process. Send(new ViewHostMsg_Find_Reply(routing_id_, request_id, match_count, selection_rect, ordinal, final_status_update)); // Scoping effort begins, starting with the mainframe. search_frame = main_frame; main_frame->resetMatchCount(); do { // Cancel all old scoping requests before starting a new one. search_frame->cancelPendingScopingEffort(); // We don't start another scoping effort unless at least one match has // been found. if (result) { // Start new scoping request. If the scoping function determines that it // needs to scope, it will defer until later. search_frame->scopeStringMatches(request_id, search_text, options, true); // reset the tickmarks } // Iterate to the next frame. The frame will not necessarily scope, for // example if it is not visible. search_frame = search_frame->traverseNext(true); } while (search_frame != main_frame); } } void RenderView::OnStopFinding(const ViewMsg_StopFinding_Params& params) { WebView* view = webview(); if (!view) return; WebDocument doc = view->mainFrame()->document(); if (doc.isPluginDocument()) { GetWebPluginFromPluginDocument()->stopFind(); return; } bool clear_selection = params.action == ViewMsg_StopFinding_Params::kClearSelection; if (clear_selection) view->focusedFrame()->executeCommand(WebString::fromUTF8("Unselect")); WebFrame* frame = view->mainFrame(); while (frame) { frame->stopFinding(clear_selection); frame = frame->traverseNext(false); } if (params.action == ViewMsg_StopFinding_Params::kActivateSelection) { WebFrame* focused_frame = view->focusedFrame(); if (focused_frame) { WebDocument doc = focused_frame->document(); if (!doc.isNull()) { WebNode node = doc.focusedNode(); if (!node.isNull()) node.simulateClick(); } } } } void RenderView::OnFindReplyAck() { // Check if there is any queued up request waiting to be sent. if (queued_find_reply_message_.get()) { // Send the search result over to the browser process. Send(queued_find_reply_message_.release()); } } WebPlugin* RenderView::CreatePepperPlugin( WebFrame* frame, const WebPluginParams& params, const FilePath& path, webkit::ppapi::PluginModule* pepper_module) { return new webkit::ppapi::WebPluginImpl( pepper_module, params, pepper_delegate_.AsWeakPtr()); } WebPlugin* RenderView::CreateNPAPIPlugin( WebFrame* frame, const WebPluginParams& params, const FilePath& path, const std::string& mime_type) { return new webkit::npapi::WebPluginImpl( frame, params, path, mime_type, AsWeakPtr()); } void RenderView::OnZoom(PageZoom::Function function) { if (!webview()) // Not sure if this can happen, but no harm in being safe. return; webview()->hidePopups(); double old_zoom_level = webview()->zoomLevel(); double zoom_level; if (function == PageZoom::RESET) { zoom_level = 0; } else if (static_cast(old_zoom_level) == old_zoom_level) { // Previous zoom level is a whole number, so just increment/decrement. zoom_level = old_zoom_level + function; } else { // Either the user hit the zoom factor limit and thus the zoom level is now // not a whole number, or a plugin changed it to a custom value. We want // to go to the next whole number so that the user can always get back to // 100% with the keyboard/menu. if ((old_zoom_level > 1 && function > 0) || (old_zoom_level < 1 && function < 0)) { zoom_level = static_cast(old_zoom_level + function); } else { // We're going towards 100%, so first go to the next whole number. zoom_level = static_cast(old_zoom_level); } } webview()->setZoomLevel(false, zoom_level); zoomLevelChanged(); } void RenderView::OnSetZoomLevel(double zoom_level) { // Don't set zoom level for full-page plugin since they don't use the same // zoom settings. if (webview()->mainFrame()->document().isPluginDocument()) return; webview()->hidePopups(); webview()->setZoomLevel(false, zoom_level); zoomLevelChanged(); } void RenderView::OnSetZoomLevelForLoadingURL(const GURL& url, double zoom_level) { host_zoom_levels_[url] = zoom_level; } void RenderView::OnSetPageEncoding(const std::string& encoding_name) { webview()->setPageEncoding(WebString::fromUTF8(encoding_name)); } void RenderView::OnResetPageEncodingToDefault() { WebString no_encoding; webview()->setPageEncoding(no_encoding); } WebFrame* RenderView::GetChildFrame(const std::wstring& xpath) const { if (xpath.empty()) return webview()->mainFrame(); // xpath string can represent a frame deep down the tree (across multiple // frame DOMs). // Example, /html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/iframe\n/frameset/frame[0] // should break into 2 xpaths // /html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/iframe & /frameset/frame[0] WebFrame* frame = webview()->mainFrame(); std::wstring xpath_remaining = xpath; while (!xpath_remaining.empty()) { std::wstring::size_type delim_pos = xpath_remaining.find_first_of(L'\n'); std::wstring xpath_child; if (delim_pos != std::wstring::npos) { xpath_child = xpath_remaining.substr(0, delim_pos); xpath_remaining.erase(0, delim_pos + 1); } else { xpath_remaining.swap(xpath_child); } frame = frame->findChildByExpression(WideToUTF16Hack(xpath_child)); } return frame; } WebNode RenderView::GetFocusedNode() const { if (!webview()) return WebNode(); WebFrame* focused_frame = webview()->focusedFrame(); if (focused_frame) { WebDocument doc = focused_frame->document(); if (!doc.isNull()) return doc.focusedNode(); } return WebNode(); } bool RenderView::IsEditableNode(const WebNode& node) { bool is_editable_node = false; if (!node.isNull()) { if (node.isContentEditable()) { is_editable_node = true; } else if (node.isElementNode()) { is_editable_node = node.toConst().isTextFormControlElement(); } } return is_editable_node; } void RenderView::EvaluateScript(const string16& frame_xpath, const string16& script, int id, bool notify_result) { v8::Handle result; WebFrame* web_frame = GetChildFrame(UTF16ToWideHack(frame_xpath)); if (web_frame) result = web_frame->executeScriptAndReturnValue(WebScriptSource(script)); if (notify_result) { ListValue list; if (web_frame) { v8::HandleScope handle_scope; v8::Local context = web_frame->mainWorldScriptContext(); v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context); V8ValueConverter converter; converter.set_allow_date(true); converter.set_allow_regexp(true); list.Set(0, converter.FromV8Value(result, context)); } else { list.Set(0, Value::CreateNullValue()); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_ScriptEvalResponse(routing_id_, id, list)); } } void RenderView::OnScriptEvalRequest(const string16& frame_xpath, const string16& jscript, int id, bool notify_result) { EvaluateScript(frame_xpath, jscript, id, notify_result); } void RenderView::OnCSSInsertRequest(const std::wstring& frame_xpath, const std::string& css, const std::string& id) { WebFrame* web_frame = GetChildFrame(frame_xpath); if (!web_frame) return; web_frame->insertStyleText(WebString::fromUTF8(css), WebString::fromUTF8(id)); } void RenderView::OnAllowBindings(int enabled_bindings_flags) { enabled_bindings_ |= enabled_bindings_flags; } void RenderView::OnSetWebUIProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { DCHECK(BindingsPolicy::is_web_ui_enabled(enabled_bindings_)); GetWebUIBindings()->SetProperty(name, value); } void RenderView::OnReservePageIDRange(int size_of_range) { next_page_id_ += size_of_range + 1; } void RenderView::OnDragTargetDragEnter(const WebDropData& drop_data, const gfx::Point& client_point, const gfx::Point& screen_point, WebDragOperationsMask ops) { WebDragOperation operation = webview()->dragTargetDragEnter( drop_data.ToDragData(), client_point, screen_point, ops); Send(new DragHostMsg_UpdateDragCursor(routing_id_, operation)); } void RenderView::OnDragTargetDragOver(const gfx::Point& client_point, const gfx::Point& screen_point, WebDragOperationsMask ops) { WebDragOperation operation = webview()->dragTargetDragOver( client_point, screen_point, ops); Send(new DragHostMsg_UpdateDragCursor(routing_id_, operation)); } void RenderView::OnDragTargetDragLeave() { webview()->dragTargetDragLeave(); } void RenderView::OnDragTargetDrop(const gfx::Point& client_point, const gfx::Point& screen_point) { webview()->dragTargetDrop(client_point, screen_point); } void RenderView::OnDragSourceEndedOrMoved(const gfx::Point& client_point, const gfx::Point& screen_point, bool ended, WebDragOperation op) { if (ended) { webview()->dragSourceEndedAt(client_point, screen_point, op); } else { webview()->dragSourceMovedTo(client_point, screen_point, op); } } void RenderView::OnDragSourceSystemDragEnded() { webview()->dragSourceSystemDragEnded(); } void RenderView::OnUpdateWebPreferences(const WebPreferences& prefs) { webkit_preferences_ = prefs; webkit_preferences_.Apply(webview()); } void RenderView::OnSetAltErrorPageURL(const GURL& url) { alternate_error_page_url_ = url; } void RenderView::OnCustomContextMenuAction( const webkit_glue::CustomContextMenuContext& custom_context, unsigned action) { if (custom_context.is_pepper_menu) pepper_delegate_.OnCustomContextMenuAction(custom_context, action); else webview()->performCustomContextMenuAction(action); } void RenderView::OnInstallMissingPlugin() { // This could happen when the first default plugin is deleted. if (first_default_plugin_) first_default_plugin_->InstallMissingPlugin(); } void RenderView::OnEnumerateDirectoryResponse( int id, const std::vector& paths) { if (!enumeration_completions_[id]) return; WebVector ws_file_names(paths.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) ws_file_names[i] = webkit_glue::FilePathToWebString(paths[i]); enumeration_completions_[id]->didChooseFile(ws_file_names); enumeration_completions_.erase(id); } void RenderView::OnFileChooserResponse(const std::vector& paths) { // This could happen if we navigated to a different page before the user // closed the chooser. if (file_chooser_completions_.empty()) return; WebVector ws_file_names(paths.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) ws_file_names[i] = webkit_glue::FilePathToWebString(paths[i]); if (file_chooser_completions_.front()->completion) file_chooser_completions_.front()->completion->didChooseFile(ws_file_names); file_chooser_completions_.pop_front(); // If there are more pending file chooser requests, schedule one now. if (!file_chooser_completions_.empty()) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser(routing_id_, file_chooser_completions_.front()->params)); } } void RenderView::OnEnablePreferredSizeChangedMode(int flags) { DCHECK(flags != kPreferredSizeNothing); if (send_preferred_size_changes_) return; send_preferred_size_changes_ = true; // WebKit doesn't send a notification of the effective height of the page // changes, so poll for it. // TODO: Add a notification for this to WebKit, remove polling. After that's // done, rename kPreferredSizeHeightThisIsSlow to kPreferredSizeHeight. // http://crbug.com/44850 if (flags & kPreferredSizeHeightThisIsSlow) { preferred_size_change_timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), this, &RenderView::CheckPreferredSize); } } void RenderView::OnDisableScrollbarsForSmallWindows( const gfx::Size& disable_scrollbar_size_limit) { disable_scrollbars_size_limit_ = disable_scrollbar_size_limit; } void RenderView::OnSetRendererPrefs(const RendererPreferences& renderer_prefs) { renderer_preferences_ = renderer_prefs; UpdateFontRenderingFromRendererPrefs(); #if defined(TOOLKIT_USES_GTK) WebColorName name = WebKit::WebColorWebkitFocusRingColor; WebKit::setNamedColors(&name, &renderer_prefs.focus_ring_color, 1); WebKit::setCaretBlinkInterval(renderer_prefs.caret_blink_interval); gfx::NativeTheme::instance()->SetScrollbarColors( renderer_prefs.thumb_inactive_color, renderer_prefs.thumb_active_color, renderer_prefs.track_color); if (webview()) { webview()->setScrollbarColors( renderer_prefs.thumb_inactive_color, renderer_prefs.thumb_active_color, renderer_prefs.track_color); webview()->setSelectionColors( renderer_prefs.active_selection_bg_color, renderer_prefs.active_selection_fg_color, renderer_prefs.inactive_selection_bg_color, renderer_prefs.inactive_selection_fg_color); webview()->themeChanged(); } #endif } void RenderView::OnMediaPlayerActionAt(const gfx::Point& location, const WebMediaPlayerAction& action) { if (webview()) webview()->performMediaPlayerAction(action, location); } void RenderView::OnEnableAccessibility() { if (WebAccessibilityCache::accessibilityEnabled()) return; WebAccessibilityCache::enableAccessibility(); if (webview()) { // It's possible that the webview has already loaded a webpage without // accessibility being enabled. Initialize the browser's cached // accessibility tree by sending it a 'load complete' notification. postAccessibilityNotification( webview()->accessibilityObject(), WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationLoadComplete); } } void RenderView::OnSetAccessibilityFocus(int acc_obj_id) { if (!accessibility_.get()) return; WebAccessibilityObject obj = accessibility_->getObjectById(acc_obj_id); WebAccessibilityObject root = webview()->accessibilityObject(); if (!obj.isValid() || !root.isValid()) return; // By convention, calling SetFocus on the root of the tree should clear the // current focus. Otherwise set the focus to the new node. if (accessibility_->addOrGetId(obj) == accessibility_->addOrGetId(root)) webview()->clearFocusedNode(); else obj.setFocused(true); } void RenderView::OnAccessibilityDoDefaultAction(int acc_obj_id) { if (!accessibility_.get()) return; WebAccessibilityObject obj = accessibility_->getObjectById(acc_obj_id); if (!obj.isValid()) return; obj.performDefaultAction(); } void RenderView::OnAccessibilityNotificationsAck() { DCHECK(accessibility_ack_pending_); accessibility_ack_pending_ = false; SendPendingAccessibilityNotifications(); } void RenderView::OnShouldClose() { bool should_close = webview()->dispatchBeforeUnloadEvent(); Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShouldClose_ACK(routing_id_, should_close)); } void RenderView::OnSwapOut(const ViewMsg_SwapOut_Params& params) { if (is_swapped_out_) return; // Swap this RenderView out so the tab can navigate to a page rendered by a // different process. This involves running the unload handler and clearing // the page. Once WasSwappedOut is called, we also allow this process to exit // if there are no other active RenderViews in it. // Send an UpdateState message before we get swapped out. SyncNavigationState(); // Synchronously run the unload handler before sending the ACK. webview()->dispatchUnloadEvent(); // Swap out and stop sending any IPC messages that are not ACKs. SetSwappedOut(true); // Replace the page with a blank dummy URL. The unload handler will not be // run a second time, thanks to a check in FrameLoader::stopLoading. // TODO(creis): Need to add a better way to do this that avoids running the // beforeunload handler. For now, we just run it a second time silently. webview()->mainFrame()->loadHTMLString(std::string(), GURL("about:swappedout"), GURL("about:swappedout"), false); // Just echo back the params in the ACK. Send(new ViewHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK(routing_id_, params)); } void RenderView::OnClosePage() { // TODO(creis): We'd rather use webview()->Close() here, but that currently // sets the WebView's delegate_ to NULL, preventing any JavaScript dialogs // in the onunload handler from appearing. For now, we're bypassing that and // calling the FrameLoader's CloseURL method directly. This should be // revisited to avoid having two ways to close a page. Having a single way // to close that can run onunload is also useful for fixing // http://b/issue?id=753080. webview()->dispatchUnloadEvent(); Send(new ViewHostMsg_ClosePage_ACK(routing_id_)); } void RenderView::OnThemeChanged() { #if defined(OS_WIN) gfx::NativeThemeWin::instance()->CloseHandles(); if (webview()) webview()->themeChanged(); #else // defined(OS_WIN) // TODO(port): we don't support theming on non-Windows platforms yet NOTIMPLEMENTED(); #endif } void RenderView::OnDisassociateFromPopupCount() { if (decrement_shared_popup_at_destruction_) shared_popup_counter_->data--; shared_popup_counter_ = new SharedRenderViewCounter(0); decrement_shared_popup_at_destruction_ = false; } bool RenderView::MaybeLoadAlternateErrorPage(WebFrame* frame, const WebURLError& error, bool replace) { // We only show alternate error pages in the main frame. They are // intended to assist the user when navigating, so there is not much // value in showing them for failed subframes. Ideally, we would be // able to use the TYPED transition type for this, but that flag is // not preserved across page reloads. if (frame->parent()) return false; // Use the alternate error page service if this is a DNS failure or // connection failure. int ec = error.reason; if (ec != net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED && ec != net::ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED && ec != net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED && ec != net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE && ec != net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT) return false; const GURL& error_page_url = GetAlternateErrorPageURL(error.unreachableURL, ec == net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED ? DNS_ERROR : CONNECTION_ERROR); if (!error_page_url.is_valid()) return false; // Load an empty page first so there is an immediate response to the error, // and then kick off a request for the alternate error page. frame->loadHTMLString(std::string(), GURL(chrome::kUnreachableWebDataURL), error.unreachableURL, replace); // Now, create a fetcher for the error page and associate it with the data // source we just created via the LoadHTMLString call. That way if another // navigation occurs, the fetcher will get destroyed. NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(frame->provisionalDataSource()); navigation_state->set_alt_error_page_fetcher( new AltErrorPageResourceFetcher( error_page_url, frame, error, NewCallback(this, &RenderView::AltErrorPageFinished))); return true; } void RenderView::AltErrorPageFinished(WebFrame* frame, const WebURLError& original_error, const std::string& html) { // Here, we replace the blank page we loaded previously. // If we failed to download the alternate error page, LoadNavigationErrorPage // will simply display a default error page. LoadNavigationErrorPage(frame, WebURLRequest(), original_error, html, true); } void RenderView::OnMoveOrResizeStarted() { if (webview()) webview()->hidePopups(); } void RenderView::OnResize(const gfx::Size& new_size, const gfx::Rect& resizer_rect) { if (webview()) { webview()->hidePopups(); if (send_preferred_size_changes_) { webview()->mainFrame()->setCanHaveScrollbars( should_display_scrollbars(new_size.width(), new_size.height())); } } RenderWidget::OnResize(new_size, resizer_rect); } void RenderView::DidInitiatePaint() { // Notify the pepper plugins that we started painting. pepper_delegate_.ViewInitiatedPaint(); } void RenderView::DidFlushPaint() { // Notify any pepper plugins that we painted. This will call into the plugin, // and we it may ask to close itself as a result. This will, in turn, modify // our set, possibly invalidating the iterator. So we iterate on a copy that // won't change out from under us. pepper_delegate_.ViewFlushedPaint(); WebFrame* main_frame = webview()->mainFrame(); // If we have a provisional frame we are between the start and commit stages // of loading and we don't want to save stats. if (!main_frame->provisionalDataSource()) { WebDataSource* ds = main_frame->dataSource(); NavigationState* navigation_state = NavigationState::FromDataSource(ds); DCHECK(navigation_state); // TODO(jar): The following code should all be inside a method, probably in // NavigatorState. Time now = Time::Now(); if (navigation_state->first_paint_time().is_null()) { navigation_state->set_first_paint_time(now); } if (navigation_state->first_paint_after_load_time().is_null() && !navigation_state->finish_load_time().is_null()) { navigation_state->set_first_paint_after_load_time(now); } } } void RenderView::OnViewContextSwapBuffersComplete() { RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersComplete(); } void RenderView::OnViewContextSwapBuffersAborted() { RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersAborted(); } webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance* RenderView::GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint( const gfx::Rect& paint_bounds, TransportDIB** dib, gfx::Rect* location, gfx::Rect* clip) { return pepper_delegate_.GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint( paint_bounds, dib, location, clip); } gfx::Point RenderView::GetScrollOffset() { WebKit::WebSize scroll_offset = webview()->mainFrame()->scrollOffset(); return gfx::Point(scroll_offset.width, scroll_offset.height); } void RenderView::OnClearFocusedNode() { if (webview()) webview()->clearFocusedNode(); } void RenderView::OnSetBackground(const SkBitmap& background) { if (webview()) webview()->setIsTransparent(!background.empty()); SetBackground(background); } void RenderView::OnSetActive(bool active) { if (webview()) webview()->setIsActive(active); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->SetWindowFocus(active); } #endif } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void RenderView::OnSetWindowVisibility(bool visible) { // Inform plugins that their container has changed visibility. std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->SetContainerVisibility(visible); } } void RenderView::OnWindowFrameChanged(const gfx::Rect& window_frame, const gfx::Rect& view_frame) { // Inform plugins that their window's frame has changed. std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->WindowFrameChanged(window_frame, view_frame); } } void RenderView::OnPluginImeCompositionCompleted(const string16& text, int plugin_id) { // WebPluginDelegateProxy is responsible for figuring out if this event // applies to it or not, so inform all the delegates. std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->ImeCompositionCompleted(text, plugin_id); } } #endif // OS_MACOSX void RenderView::postAccessibilityNotification( const WebAccessibilityObject& obj, WebAccessibilityNotification notification) { if (!accessibility_.get() && webview()) { // Load complete should be our first notification sent. // TODO(ctguil): Investigate if a different notification is a WebCore bug. if (notification != WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationLoadComplete) return; // Create and initialize our accessibility cache accessibility_.reset(WebAccessibilityCache::create()); accessibility_->initialize(webview()); } if (!accessibility_->isCached(obj)) { // The browser doesn't know about objects that are not in the cache. Send a // children change for the first accestor that actually is in the cache. WebAccessibilityObject parent = obj; while (parent.isValid() && !accessibility_->isCached(parent)) parent = parent.parentObject(); DCHECK(parent.isValid() && accessibility_->isCached(parent)); if (!parent.isValid()) return; postAccessibilityNotification( parent, WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationChildrenChanged); // The parent's children change takes care of the child's children change. if (notification == WebKit::WebAccessibilityNotificationChildrenChanged) return; } // Add the accessibility object to our cache and ensure it's valid. RendererAccessibilityNotification acc_notification; acc_notification.id = accessibility_->addOrGetId(obj); acc_notification.type = notification; if (acc_notification.id < 0) return; ViewHostMsg_AccessibilityNotification_Type::Value temp; if (!WebAccessibilityNotificationToViewHostMsg(notification, &temp)) return; // Discard duplicate accessibility notifications. for (uint32 i = 0; i < pending_accessibility_notifications_.size(); i++) { if (pending_accessibility_notifications_[i].id == acc_notification.id && pending_accessibility_notifications_[i].type == acc_notification.type) { return; } } pending_accessibility_notifications_.push_back(acc_notification); if (!accessibility_ack_pending_ && accessibility_method_factory_.empty()) { // When no accessibility notifications are in-flight post a task to send // the notifications to the browser. We use PostTask so that we can queue // up additional notifications. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, accessibility_method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod( &RenderView::SendPendingAccessibilityNotifications)); } } void RenderView::OnSetEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent( const EditCommands& edit_commands) { edit_commands_ = edit_commands; } void RenderView::Close() { // We need to grab a pointer to the doomed WebView before we destroy it. WebView* doomed = webview(); RenderWidget::Close(); g_view_map.Get().erase(doomed); } void RenderView::DidHandleKeyEvent() { edit_commands_.clear(); } void RenderView::DidHandleMouseEvent(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& event) { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(RenderViewObserver, observers_, DidHandleMouseEvent(event)); } void RenderView::OnWasHidden() { RenderWidget::OnWasHidden(); if (webview()) { webview()->settings()->setMinimumTimerInterval( webkit_glue::kBackgroundTabTimerInterval); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Inform plugins that their container is no longer visible. std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->SetContainerVisibility(false); } #endif // OS_MACOSX } void RenderView::OnWasRestored(bool needs_repainting) { RenderWidget::OnWasRestored(needs_repainting); if (webview()) { webview()->settings()->setMinimumTimerInterval( webkit_glue::kForegroundTabTimerInterval); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Inform plugins that their container is now visible. std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->SetContainerVisibility(true); } #endif // OS_MACOSX } bool RenderView::SupportsAsynchronousSwapBuffers() { WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D* context = webview()->graphicsContext3D(); if (!context) return false; std::string extensions(context->getRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM().utf8()); return extensions.find("GL_CHROMIUM_swapbuffers_complete_callback") != std::string::npos; } void RenderView::OnSetFocus(bool enable) { RenderWidget::OnSetFocus(enable); if (webview() && webview()->isActive()) { // Notify all NPAPI plugins. std::set::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // RenderWidget's call to setFocus can cause the underlying webview's // activation state to change just like a call to setIsActive. if (enable) (*plugin_it)->SetWindowFocus(true); #endif (*plugin_it)->SetContentAreaFocus(enable); } // Notify all Pepper plugins. pepper_delegate_.OnSetFocus(enable); } } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void RenderView::PluginFocusChanged(bool focused, int plugin_id) { IPC::Message* msg = new ViewHostMsg_PluginFocusChanged(routing_id(), focused, plugin_id); Send(msg); } void RenderView::StartPluginIme() { IPC::Message* msg = new ViewHostMsg_StartPluginIme(routing_id()); // This message can be sent during event-handling, and needs to be delivered // within that context. msg->set_unblock(true); Send(msg); } gfx::PluginWindowHandle RenderView::AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle( bool opaque, bool root) { gfx::PluginWindowHandle window = NULL; Send(new ViewHostMsg_AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle( routing_id(), opaque, root, &window)); if (window) { fake_plugin_window_handles_.insert(window); } return window; } void RenderView::DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { if (window && fake_plugin_window_handles_.find(window) != fake_plugin_window_handles_.end()) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle(routing_id(), window)); fake_plugin_window_handles_.erase(window); } } void RenderView::AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, int32 width, int32 height, uint64 io_surface_identifier) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface( routing_id(), window, width, height, io_surface_identifier)); } void RenderView::AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, int32 width, int32 height, TransportDIB::Handle transport_dib) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB( routing_id(), window, width, height, transport_dib)); } TransportDIB::Handle RenderView::AcceleratedSurfaceAllocTransportDIB( size_t size) { TransportDIB::Handle dib_handle; // Assume this is a synchronous RPC. if (Send(new ViewHostMsg_AllocTransportDIB(size, true, &dib_handle))) return dib_handle; // Return an invalid handle if Send() fails. return TransportDIB::DefaultHandleValue(); } void RenderView::AcceleratedSurfaceFreeTransportDIB(TransportDIB::Id dib_id) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_FreeTransportDIB(dib_id)); } void RenderView::AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, uint64 surface_id) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped( routing_id(), window, surface_id)); } #endif bool RenderView::ScheduleFileChooser( const ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser_Params& params, WebFileChooserCompletion* completion) { static const size_t kMaximumPendingFileChooseRequests = 4; if (file_chooser_completions_.size() > kMaximumPendingFileChooseRequests) { // This sanity check prevents too many file choose requests from getting // queued which could DoS the user. Getting these is most likely a // programming error (there are many ways to DoS the user so it's not // considered a "real" security check), either in JS requesting many file // choosers to pop up, or in a plugin. // // TODO(brettw) we might possibly want to require a user gesture to open // a file picker, which will address this issue in a better way. return false; } file_chooser_completions_.push_back(linked_ptr( new PendingFileChooser(params, completion))); if (file_chooser_completions_.size() == 1) { // Actually show the browse dialog when this is the first request. Send(new ViewHostMsg_RunFileChooser(routing_id_, params)); } return true; } WebKit::WebGeolocationClient* RenderView::geolocationClient() { if (!geolocation_dispatcher_) geolocation_dispatcher_ = new GeolocationDispatcher(this); return geolocation_dispatcher_; } WebKit::WebSpeechInputController* RenderView::speechInputController( WebKit::WebSpeechInputListener* listener) { if (!speech_input_dispatcher_) speech_input_dispatcher_ = new SpeechInputDispatcher(this, listener); return speech_input_dispatcher_; } WebKit::WebDeviceOrientationClient* RenderView::deviceOrientationClient() { if (!device_orientation_dispatcher_) device_orientation_dispatcher_ = new DeviceOrientationDispatcher(this); return device_orientation_dispatcher_; } void RenderView::zoomLimitsChanged(double minimum_level, double maximum_level) { // For now, don't remember plugin zoom values. We don't want to mix them with // normal web content (i.e. a fixed layout plugin would usually want them // different). bool remember = !webview()->mainFrame()->document().isPluginDocument(); int minimum_percent = static_cast( WebView::zoomLevelToZoomFactor(minimum_level) * 100); int maximum_percent = static_cast( WebView::zoomLevelToZoomFactor(maximum_level) * 100); Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateZoomLimits( routing_id_, minimum_percent, maximum_percent, remember)); } void RenderView::zoomLevelChanged() { bool remember = !webview()->mainFrame()->document().isPluginDocument(); // Tell the browser which url got zoomed so it can update the menu and the // saved values if necessary Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidZoomURL( routing_id_, webview()->zoomLevel(), remember, GURL(webview()->mainFrame()->url()))); } void RenderView::registerProtocolHandler(const WebString& scheme, const WebString& base_url, const WebString& url, const WebString& title) { GURL base(base_url); GURL absolute_url = base.Resolve(UTF16ToUTF8(url)); if (base.GetOrigin() != absolute_url.GetOrigin()) { return; } RenderThread::current()->Send( new ViewHostMsg_RegisterProtocolHandler(routing_id_, UTF16ToUTF8(scheme), absolute_url, title)); } bool RenderView::IsNonLocalTopLevelNavigation( const GURL& url, WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebNavigationType type) { // Must be a top level frame. if (frame->parent() != NULL) return false; // Navigations initiated within Webkit are not sent out to the external host // in the following cases. // 1. The url scheme is not http/https // 2. The origin of the url and the opener is the same in which case the // opener relationship is maintained. // 3. Reloads/form submits/back forward navigations if (!url.SchemeIs("http") && !url.SchemeIs("https")) return false; // Not interested in reloads/form submits/resubmits/back forward navigations. if (type != WebKit::WebNavigationTypeReload && type != WebKit::WebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted && type != WebKit::WebNavigationTypeFormResubmitted && type != WebKit::WebNavigationTypeBackForward) { // The opener relationship between the new window and the parent allows the // new window to script the parent and vice versa. This is not allowed if // the origins of the two domains are different. This can be treated as a // top level navigation and routed back to the host. WebKit::WebFrame* opener = frame->opener(); if (!opener) { return true; } else { if (url.GetOrigin() != GURL(opener->url()).GetOrigin()) return true; } } return false; } void RenderView::OnAsyncFileOpened(base::PlatformFileError error_code, IPC::PlatformFileForTransit file_for_transit, int message_id) { pepper_delegate_.OnAsyncFileOpened( error_code, IPC::PlatformFileForTransitToPlatformFile(file_for_transit), message_id); } void RenderView::OnPpapiBrokerChannelCreated( int request_id, base::ProcessHandle broker_process_handle, IPC::ChannelHandle handle) { pepper_delegate_.OnPpapiBrokerChannelCreated(request_id, broker_process_handle, handle); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void RenderView::OnSelectPopupMenuItem(int selected_index) { if (external_popup_menu_ == NULL) { // Crash reports from the field indicate that we can be notified with a // NULL external popup menu (we probably get notified twice). // If you hit this please file a bug against jcivelli and include the page // and steps to repro. NOTREACHED(); return; } external_popup_menu_->DidSelectItem(selected_index); external_popup_menu_.reset(); } #endif #if defined(ENABLE_FLAPPER_HACKS) void RenderView::OnConnectTcpACK( int request_id, IPC::PlatformFileForTransit socket_for_transit, const PP_Flash_NetAddress& local_addr, const PP_Flash_NetAddress& remote_addr) { pepper_delegate_.OnConnectTcpACK( request_id, IPC::PlatformFileForTransitToPlatformFile(socket_for_transit), local_addr, remote_addr); } #endif void RenderView::OnContextMenuClosed( const webkit_glue::CustomContextMenuContext& custom_context) { if (custom_context.is_pepper_menu) pepper_delegate_.OnContextMenuClosed(custom_context); else context_menu_node_.reset(); } void RenderView::OnNetworkStateChanged(bool online) { WebNetworkStateNotifier::setOnLine(online); }