// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "content/common/intents_messages.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/public/browser/native_web_keyboard_event.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_ui_controller_factory.h" #include "content/public/common/bindings_policy.h" #include "content/public/common/url_constants.h" #include "content/public/test/render_view_test.h" #include "content/renderer/render_view_impl.h" #include "content/shell/shell_content_browser_client.h" #include "content/shell/shell_content_client.h" #include "content/shell/shell_main_delegate.h" #include "content/test/mock_keyboard.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebData.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebHTTPBody.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebString.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebURLError.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebHistoryItem.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebIntentServiceInfo.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebWindowFeatures.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #include "ui/base/range/range.h" #include "ui/gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h" #include "webkit/glue/glue_serialize.h" #include "webkit/glue/web_io_operators.h" #if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(USE_AURA) #include "ui/base/gtk/event_synthesis_gtk.h" #endif #if defined(USE_AURA) #include "ui/base/events/event.h" #endif #if defined(USE_AURA) && defined(USE_X11) #include #include "ui/base/events/event_constants.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion.h" #include "ui/base/x/x11_util.h" #endif using WebKit::WebFrame; using WebKit::WebInputEvent; using WebKit::WebMouseEvent; using WebKit::WebString; using WebKit::WebTextDirection; using WebKit::WebURLError; using content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent; namespace { #if defined(USE_AURA) && defined(USE_X11) // Converts MockKeyboard::Modifiers to ui::EventFlags. int ConvertMockKeyboardModifier(MockKeyboard::Modifiers modifiers) { static struct ModifierMap { MockKeyboard::Modifiers src; int dst; } kModifierMap[] = { { MockKeyboard::LEFT_SHIFT, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN }, { MockKeyboard::RIGHT_SHIFT, ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN }, { MockKeyboard::LEFT_CONTROL, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN }, { MockKeyboard::RIGHT_CONTROL, ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN }, { MockKeyboard::LEFT_ALT, ui::EF_ALT_DOWN }, { MockKeyboard::RIGHT_ALT, ui::EF_ALT_DOWN }, }; int flags = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kModifierMap); ++i) { if (kModifierMap[i].src & modifiers) { flags |= kModifierMap[i].dst; } } return flags; } #endif class WebUITestWebUIControllerFactory : public content::WebUIControllerFactory { public: virtual content::WebUIController* CreateWebUIControllerForURL( content::WebUI* web_ui, const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE { return NULL; } virtual content::WebUI::TypeID GetWebUIType( content::BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE { return content::WebUI::kNoWebUI; } virtual bool UseWebUIForURL(content::BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE { return content::GetContentClient()->HasWebUIScheme(url); } virtual bool UseWebUIBindingsForURL(content::BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE { return content::GetContentClient()->HasWebUIScheme(url); } virtual bool IsURLAcceptableForWebUI( content::BrowserContext* browser_context, const GURL& url, bool data_urls_allowed) const OVERRIDE { return false; } }; class WebUITestClient : public content::ShellContentClient { public: WebUITestClient() { } virtual bool HasWebUIScheme(const GURL& url) const OVERRIDE { return url.SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeUIScheme); } }; class WebUITestBrowserClient : public content::ShellContentBrowserClient { public: WebUITestBrowserClient() {} virtual content::WebUIControllerFactory* GetWebUIControllerFactory() OVERRIDE { return &factory_; } private: WebUITestWebUIControllerFactory factory_; }; } class RenderViewImplTest : public content::RenderViewTest { public: RenderViewImplTest() { // Attach a pseudo keyboard device to this object. mock_keyboard_.reset(new MockKeyboard()); } virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE { content::RenderViewTest::SetUp(); content::ShellMainDelegate::InitializeResourceBundle(); } RenderViewImpl* view() { return static_cast(view_); } // Sends IPC messages that emulates a key-press event. int SendKeyEvent(MockKeyboard::Layout layout, int key_code, MockKeyboard::Modifiers modifiers, string16* output) { #if defined(OS_WIN) // Retrieve the Unicode character for the given tuple (keyboard-layout, // key-code, and modifiers). // Exit when a keyboard-layout driver cannot assign a Unicode character to // the tuple to prevent sending an invalid key code to the RenderView object. CHECK(mock_keyboard_.get()); CHECK(output); int length = mock_keyboard_->GetCharacters(layout, key_code, modifiers, output); if (length != 1) return -1; // Create IPC messages from Windows messages and send them to our // back-end. // A keyboard event of Windows consists of three Windows messages: // WM_KEYDOWN, WM_CHAR, and WM_KEYUP. // WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP sends virtual-key codes. On the other hand, // WM_CHAR sends a composed Unicode character. MSG msg1 = { NULL, WM_KEYDOWN, key_code, 0 }; #if defined(USE_AURA) ui::KeyEvent evt1(msg1, false); NativeWebKeyboardEvent keydown_event(&evt1); #else NativeWebKeyboardEvent keydown_event(msg1); #endif SendNativeKeyEvent(keydown_event); MSG msg2 = { NULL, WM_CHAR, (*output)[0], 0 }; #if defined(USE_AURA) ui::KeyEvent evt2(msg2, true); NativeWebKeyboardEvent char_event(&evt2); #else NativeWebKeyboardEvent char_event(msg2); #endif SendNativeKeyEvent(char_event); MSG msg3 = { NULL, WM_KEYUP, key_code, 0 }; #if defined(USE_AURA) ui::KeyEvent evt3(msg3, false); NativeWebKeyboardEvent keyup_event(&evt3); #else NativeWebKeyboardEvent keyup_event(msg3); #endif SendNativeKeyEvent(keyup_event); return length; #elif defined(USE_AURA) && defined(USE_X11) // We ignore |layout|, which means we are only testing the layout of the // current locale. TODO(mazda): fix this to respect |layout|. CHECK(output); const int flags = ConvertMockKeyboardModifier(modifiers); XEvent xevent1; InitXKeyEventForTesting(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, static_cast(key_code), flags, &xevent1); ui::KeyEvent event1(&xevent1, false); NativeWebKeyboardEvent keydown_event(&event1); SendNativeKeyEvent(keydown_event); XEvent xevent2; InitXKeyEventForTesting(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, static_cast(key_code), flags, &xevent2); ui::KeyEvent event2(&xevent2, true); NativeWebKeyboardEvent char_event(&event2); SendNativeKeyEvent(char_event); XEvent xevent3; InitXKeyEventForTesting(ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, static_cast(key_code), flags, &xevent3); ui::KeyEvent event3(&xevent3, false); NativeWebKeyboardEvent keyup_event(&event3); SendNativeKeyEvent(keyup_event); long c = GetCharacterFromKeyCode(static_cast(key_code), flags); output->assign(1, static_cast(c)); return 1; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) // We ignore |layout|, which means we are only testing the layout of the // current locale. TODO(estade): fix this to respect |layout|. std::vector events; ui::SynthesizeKeyPressEvents( NULL, static_cast(key_code), modifiers & (MockKeyboard::LEFT_CONTROL | MockKeyboard::RIGHT_CONTROL), modifiers & (MockKeyboard::LEFT_SHIFT | MockKeyboard::RIGHT_SHIFT), modifiers & (MockKeyboard::LEFT_ALT | MockKeyboard::RIGHT_ALT), &events); guint32 unicode_key = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < events.size(); ++i) { // Only send the up/down events for key press itself (skip the up/down // events for the modifier keys). if ((i + 1) == (events.size() / 2) || i == (events.size() / 2)) { unicode_key = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(events[i]->key.keyval); NativeWebKeyboardEvent webkit_event(events[i]); SendNativeKeyEvent(webkit_event); // Need to add a char event after the key down. if (webkit_event.type == WebKit::WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown) { NativeWebKeyboardEvent char_event = webkit_event; char_event.type = WebKit::WebInputEvent::Char; char_event.skip_in_browser = true; SendNativeKeyEvent(char_event); } } gdk_event_free(events[i]); } output->assign(1, static_cast(unicode_key)); return 1; #else NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return L'\0'; #endif } private: scoped_ptr mock_keyboard_; }; // Test that we get form state change notifications when input fields change. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, OnNavStateChanged) { // Don't want any delay for form state sync changes. This will still post a // message so updates will get coalesced, but as soon as we spin the message // loop, it will generate an update. view()->set_send_content_state_immediately(true); LoadHTML(""); // We should NOT have gotten a form state change notification yet. EXPECT_FALSE(render_thread_->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID)); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Change the value of the input. We should have gotten an update state // notification. We need to spin the message loop to catch this update. ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('elt_text').value = 'foo';"); ProcessPendingMessages(); EXPECT_TRUE(render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID)); } TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, OnNavigationHttpPost) { ViewMsg_Navigate_Params nav_params; // An http url will trigger a resource load so cannot be used here. nav_params.url = GURL("data:text/html,
"); nav_params.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; nav_params.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED; nav_params.page_id = -1; nav_params.is_post = true; // Set up post data. const unsigned char* raw_data = reinterpret_cast( "post \0\ndata"); const unsigned int length = 11; const std::vector post_data(raw_data, raw_data + length); nav_params.browser_initiated_post_data = post_data; view()->OnNavigate(nav_params); ProcessPendingMessages(); const IPC::Message* frame_navigate_msg = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate::ID); EXPECT_TRUE(frame_navigate_msg); ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate::Param host_nav_params; ViewHostMsg_FrameNavigate::Read(frame_navigate_msg, &host_nav_params); EXPECT_TRUE(host_nav_params.a.is_post); // Check post data sent to browser matches EXPECT_FALSE(host_nav_params.a.content_state.empty()); const WebKit::WebHistoryItem item = webkit_glue::HistoryItemFromString( host_nav_params.a.content_state); WebKit::WebHTTPBody body = item.httpBody(); WebKit::WebHTTPBody::Element element; bool successful = body.elementAt(0, element); EXPECT_TRUE(successful); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebHTTPBody::Element::TypeData, element.type); EXPECT_EQ(length, element.data.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(raw_data, element.data.data(), length)); } TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, DecideNavigationPolicy) { WebUITestClient client; WebUITestBrowserClient browser_client; content::ContentClient* old_client = content::GetContentClient(); content::ContentBrowserClient* old_browser_client = content::GetContentClient()->browser(); content::SetContentClient(&client); content::GetContentClient()->set_browser_for_testing(&browser_client); client.set_renderer_for_testing(old_client->renderer()); // Navigations to normal HTTP URLs can be handled locally. WebKit::WebURLRequest request(GURL("http://foo.com")); WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy policy = view()->decidePolicyForNavigation( GetMainFrame(), request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab, policy); // Verify that form posts to WebUI URLs will be sent to the browser process. WebKit::WebURLRequest form_request(GURL("chrome://foo")); form_request.setHTTPMethod("POST"); policy = view()->decidePolicyForNavigation( GetMainFrame(), form_request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, policy); // Verify that popup links to WebUI URLs also are sent to browser. WebKit::WebURLRequest popup_request(GURL("chrome://foo")); policy = view()->decidePolicyForNavigation( GetMainFrame(), popup_request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewForegroundTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, policy); content::GetContentClient()->set_browser_for_testing(old_browser_client); content::SetContentClient(old_client); } TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, DecideNavigationPolicyForWebUI) { // Enable bindings to simulate a WebUI view. view()->OnAllowBindings(content::BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI); // Navigations to normal HTTP URLs will be sent to browser process. WebKit::WebURLRequest request(GURL("http://foo.com")); WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy policy = view()->decidePolicyForNavigation( GetMainFrame(), request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, policy); // Navigations to WebUI URLs will also be sent to browser process. WebKit::WebURLRequest webui_request(GURL("chrome://foo")); policy = view()->decidePolicyForNavigation( GetMainFrame(), webui_request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, policy); // Verify that form posts to data URLs will be sent to the browser process. WebKit::WebURLRequest data_request(GURL("data:text/html,foo")); data_request.setHTTPMethod("POST"); policy = view()->decidePolicyForNavigation( GetMainFrame(), data_request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeFormSubmitted, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyCurrentTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, policy); // Verify that a popup that creates a view first and then navigates to a // normal HTTP URL will be sent to the browser process, even though the // new view does not have any enabled_bindings_. WebKit::WebURLRequest popup_request(GURL("http://foo.com")); WebKit::WebView* new_web_view = view()->createView( GetMainFrame(), popup_request, WebKit::WebWindowFeatures(), "foo", WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewForegroundTab); RenderViewImpl* new_view = RenderViewImpl::FromWebView(new_web_view); policy = new_view->decidePolicyForNavigation( new_web_view->mainFrame(), popup_request, WebKit::WebNavigationTypeLinkClicked, WebKit::WebNode(), WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyNewForegroundTab, false); EXPECT_EQ(WebKit::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, policy); // Clean up after the new view so we don't leak it. new_view->Close(); new_view->Release(); } // Ensure the RenderViewImpl sends an ACK to a SwapOut request, even if it is // already swapped out. http://crbug.com/93427. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, SendSwapOutACK) { LoadHTML("
Page A
"); int initial_page_id = view()->GetPageId(); // Respond to a swap out request. ViewMsg_SwapOut_Params params; params.closing_process_id = 10; params.closing_route_id = 11; params.new_render_process_host_id = 12; params.new_request_id = 13; view()->OnSwapOut(params); // Ensure the swap out commits synchronously. EXPECT_NE(initial_page_id, view()->GetPageId()); // Check for a valid OnSwapOutACK with echoed params. const IPC::Message* msg = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg); ViewHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK::Param reply_params; ViewHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK::Read(msg, &reply_params); EXPECT_EQ(params.closing_process_id, reply_params.a.closing_process_id); EXPECT_EQ(params.closing_route_id, reply_params.a.closing_route_id); EXPECT_EQ(params.new_render_process_host_id, reply_params.a.new_render_process_host_id); EXPECT_EQ(params.new_request_id, reply_params.a.new_request_id); // It is possible to get another swap out request. Ensure that we send // an ACK, even if we don't have to do anything else. render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); view()->OnSwapOut(params); const IPC::Message* msg2 = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_SwapOut_ACK::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg2); // If we navigate back to this RenderView, ensure we don't send a state // update for the swapped out URL. (http://crbug.com/72235) ViewMsg_Navigate_Params nav_params; nav_params.url = GURL("data:text/html,
Page B
"); nav_params.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; nav_params.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED; nav_params.current_history_list_length = 1; nav_params.current_history_list_offset = 0; nav_params.pending_history_list_offset = 1; nav_params.page_id = -1; view()->OnNavigate(nav_params); ProcessPendingMessages(); const IPC::Message* msg3 = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); EXPECT_FALSE(msg3); } // Test that we get the correct UpdateState message when we go back twice // quickly without committing. Regression test for http://crbug.com/58082. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, LastCommittedUpdateState) { // Load page A. LoadHTML("
Page A
"); // Load page B, which will trigger an UpdateState message for page A. LoadHTML("
Page B
"); // Check for a valid UpdateState message for page A. const IPC::Message* msg_A = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg_A); int page_id_A; std::string state_A; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg_A, &page_id_A, &state_A); EXPECT_EQ(1, page_id_A); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Load page C, which will trigger an UpdateState message for page B. LoadHTML("
Page C
"); // Check for a valid UpdateState for page B. const IPC::Message* msg_B = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg_B); int page_id_B; std::string state_B; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg_B, &page_id_B, &state_B); EXPECT_EQ(2, page_id_B); EXPECT_NE(state_A, state_B); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Load page D, which will trigger an UpdateState message for page C. LoadHTML("
Page D
"); // Check for a valid UpdateState for page C. const IPC::Message* msg_C = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg_C); int page_id_C; std::string state_C; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg_C, &page_id_C, &state_C); EXPECT_EQ(3, page_id_C); EXPECT_NE(state_B, state_C); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Go back to C and commit, preparing for our real test. ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params_C; params_C.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; params_C.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK; params_C.current_history_list_length = 4; params_C.current_history_list_offset = 3; params_C.pending_history_list_offset = 2; params_C.page_id = 3; params_C.state = state_C; view()->OnNavigate(params_C); ProcessPendingMessages(); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Go back twice quickly, such that page B does not have a chance to commit. // This leads to two changes to the back/forward list but only one change to // the RenderView's page ID. // Back to page B (page_id 2), without committing. ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params_B; params_B.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; params_B.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK; params_B.current_history_list_length = 4; params_B.current_history_list_offset = 2; params_B.pending_history_list_offset = 1; params_B.page_id = 2; params_B.state = state_B; view()->OnNavigate(params_B); // Back to page A (page_id 1) and commit. ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params; params.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; params.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK; params_B.current_history_list_length = 4; params_B.current_history_list_offset = 2; params_B.pending_history_list_offset = 0; params.page_id = 1; params.state = state_A; view()->OnNavigate(params); ProcessPendingMessages(); // Now ensure that the UpdateState message we receive is consistent // and represents page C in both page_id and state. const IPC::Message* msg = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg); int page_id; std::string state; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg, &page_id, &state); EXPECT_EQ(page_id_C, page_id); EXPECT_NE(state_A, state); EXPECT_NE(state_B, state); EXPECT_EQ(state_C, state); } // Test that the history_page_ids_ list can reveal when a stale back/forward // navigation arrives from the browser and can be ignored. See // http://crbug.com/86758. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, StaleNavigationsIgnored) { // Load page A. LoadHTML("
Page A
"); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(0, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_page_ids_[0]); // Load page B, which will trigger an UpdateState message for page A. LoadHTML("
Page B
"); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_page_ids_[1]); // Check for a valid UpdateState message for page A. const IPC::Message* msg_A = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg_A); int page_id_A; std::string state_A; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg_A, &page_id_A, &state_A); EXPECT_EQ(1, page_id_A); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Back to page A (page_id 1) and commit. ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params_A; params_A.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; params_A.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK; params_A.current_history_list_length = 2; params_A.current_history_list_offset = 1; params_A.pending_history_list_offset = 0; params_A.page_id = 1; params_A.state = state_A; view()->OnNavigate(params_A); ProcessPendingMessages(); // A new navigation commits, clearing the forward history. LoadHTML("
Page C
"); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(3, view()->history_page_ids_[1]); // The browser then sends a stale navigation to B, which should be ignored. ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params_B; params_B.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; params_B.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK; params_B.current_history_list_length = 2; params_B.current_history_list_offset = 0; params_B.pending_history_list_offset = 1; params_B.page_id = 2; params_B.state = state_A; // Doesn't matter, just has to be present. view()->OnNavigate(params_B); // State should be unchanged. EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(3, view()->history_page_ids_[1]); } // Test that we do not ignore navigations after the entry limit is reached, // in which case the browser starts dropping entries from the front. In this // case, we'll see a page_id mismatch but the RenderView's id will be older, // not newer, than params.page_id. Use this as a cue that we should update the // state and not treat it like a navigation to a cropped forward history item. // See http://crbug.com/89798. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, DontIgnoreBackAfterNavEntryLimit) { // Load page A. LoadHTML("
Page A
"); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(0, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_page_ids_[0]); // Load page B, which will trigger an UpdateState message for page A. LoadHTML("
Page B
"); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(1, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_page_ids_[1]); // Check for a valid UpdateState message for page A. const IPC::Message* msg_A = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg_A); int page_id_A; std::string state_A; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg_A, &page_id_A, &state_A); EXPECT_EQ(1, page_id_A); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Load page C, which will trigger an UpdateState message for page B. LoadHTML("
Page C
"); EXPECT_EQ(3, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(3, view()->history_page_ids_[2]); // Check for a valid UpdateState message for page B. const IPC::Message* msg_B = render_thread_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(msg_B); int page_id_B; std::string state_B; ViewHostMsg_UpdateState::Read(msg_B, &page_id_B, &state_B); EXPECT_EQ(2, page_id_B); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Suppose the browser has limited the number of NavigationEntries to 2. // It has now dropped the first entry, but the renderer isn't notified. // Ensure that going back to page B (page_id 2) at offset 0 is successful. ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params_B; params_B.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; params_B.transition = content::PAGE_TRANSITION_FORWARD_BACK; params_B.current_history_list_length = 2; params_B.current_history_list_offset = 1; params_B.pending_history_list_offset = 0; params_B.page_id = 2; params_B.state = state_B; view()->OnNavigate(params_B); ProcessPendingMessages(); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_list_length_); EXPECT_EQ(0, view()->history_list_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(2, view()->history_page_ids_[0]); } // Test that our IME backend sends a notification message when the input focus // changes. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, OnImeStateChanged) { // Enable our IME backend code. view()->OnSetInputMethodActive(true); // Load an HTML page consisting of two input fields. view()->set_send_content_state_immediately(true); LoadHTML("" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); const int kRepeatCount = 10; for (int i = 0; i < kRepeatCount; i++) { // Move the input focus to the first element, where we should // activate IMEs. ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('test1').focus();"); ProcessPendingMessages(); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Update the IME status and verify if our IME backend sends an IPC message // to activate IMEs. view()->UpdateTextInputState(); const IPC::Message* msg = render_thread_->sink().GetMessageAt(0); EXPECT_TRUE(msg != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(ViewHostMsg_TextInputStateChanged::ID, msg->type()); ViewHostMsg_TextInputStateChanged::Param params; ViewHostMsg_TextInputStateChanged::Read(msg, ¶ms); EXPECT_EQ(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, params.a.type); EXPECT_EQ(true, params.a.can_compose_inline); EXPECT_EQ("some text", params.a.value); EXPECT_EQ(0, params.a.selection_start); EXPECT_EQ(9, params.a.selection_end); EXPECT_EQ(-1, params.a.composition_start); EXPECT_EQ(-1, params.a.composition_end); // Move the input focus to the second element, where we should // de-activate IMEs. ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('test2').focus();"); ProcessPendingMessages(); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Update the IME status and verify if our IME backend sends an IPC message // to de-activate IMEs. view()->UpdateTextInputState(); msg = render_thread_->sink().GetMessageAt(0); EXPECT_TRUE(msg != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(ViewHostMsg_TextInputStateChanged::ID, msg->type()); ViewHostMsg_TextInputStateChanged::Read(msg, ¶ms); EXPECT_EQ(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD, params.a.type); } } // Test that our IME backend can compose CJK words. // Our IME front-end sends many platform-independent messages to the IME backend // while it composes CJK words. This test sends the minimal messages captured // on my local environment directly to the IME backend to verify if the backend // can compose CJK words without any problems. // This test uses an array of command sets because an IME composotion does not // only depends on IME events, but also depends on window events, e.g. moving // the window focus while composing a CJK text. To handle such complicated // cases, this test should not only call IME-related functions in the // RenderWidget class, but also call some RenderWidget members, e.g. // ExecuteJavaScript(), RenderWidget::OnSetFocus(), etc. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, ImeComposition) { enum ImeCommand { IME_INITIALIZE, IME_SETINPUTMODE, IME_SETFOCUS, IME_SETCOMPOSITION, IME_CONFIRMCOMPOSITION, IME_CANCELCOMPOSITION }; struct ImeMessage { ImeCommand command; bool enable; int selection_start; int selection_end; const wchar_t* ime_string; const wchar_t* result; }; static const ImeMessage kImeMessages[] = { // Scenario 1: input a Chinese word with Microsoft IME (on Vista). {IME_INITIALIZE, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETINPUTMODE, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETFOCUS, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 1, 1, L"n", L"n"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 2, 2, L"ni", L"ni"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 3, 3, L"nih", L"nih"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 4, 4, L"niha", L"niha"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 5, 5, L"nihao", L"nihao"}, {IME_CONFIRMCOMPOSITION, false, -1, -1, L"\x4F60\x597D", L"\x4F60\x597D"}, // Scenario 2: input a Japanese word with Microsoft IME (on Vista). {IME_INITIALIZE, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETINPUTMODE, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETFOCUS, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\xFF4B", L"\xFF4B"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\x304B", L"\x304B"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 2, L"\x304B\xFF4E", L"\x304B\xFF4E"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 3, L"\x304B\x3093\xFF4A", L"\x304B\x3093\xFF4A"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 3, L"\x304B\x3093\x3058", L"\x304B\x3093\x3058"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 2, L"\x611F\x3058", L"\x611F\x3058"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 2, L"\x6F22\x5B57", L"\x6F22\x5B57"}, {IME_CONFIRMCOMPOSITION, false, -1, -1, L"", L"\x6F22\x5B57"}, {IME_CANCELCOMPOSITION, false, -1, -1, L"", L"\x6F22\x5B57"}, // Scenario 3: input a Korean word with Microsot IME (on Vista). {IME_INITIALIZE, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETINPUTMODE, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETFOCUS, true, 0, 0, NULL, NULL}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\x3147", L"\x3147"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\xC544", L"\xC544"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\xC548", L"\xC548"}, {IME_CONFIRMCOMPOSITION, false, -1, -1, L"", L"\xC548"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\x3134", L"\xC548\x3134"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\xB140", L"\xC548\xB140"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\xB155", L"\xC548\xB155"}, {IME_CANCELCOMPOSITION, false, -1, -1, L"", L"\xC548"}, {IME_SETCOMPOSITION, false, 0, 1, L"\xB155", L"\xC548\xB155"}, {IME_CONFIRMCOMPOSITION, false, -1, -1, L"", L"\xC548\xB155"}, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kImeMessages); i++) { const ImeMessage* ime_message = &kImeMessages[i]; switch (ime_message->command) { case IME_INITIALIZE: // Load an HTML page consisting of a content-editable
element, // and move the input focus to the
element, where we can use // IMEs. view()->OnSetInputMethodActive(ime_message->enable); view()->set_send_content_state_immediately(true); LoadHTML("" "" "" "" "
" "" ""); ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('test1').focus();"); break; case IME_SETINPUTMODE: // Activate (or deactivate) our IME back-end. view()->OnSetInputMethodActive(ime_message->enable); break; case IME_SETFOCUS: // Update the window focus. view()->OnSetFocus(ime_message->enable); break; case IME_SETCOMPOSITION: view()->OnImeSetComposition( WideToUTF16Hack(ime_message->ime_string), std::vector(), ime_message->selection_start, ime_message->selection_end); break; case IME_CONFIRMCOMPOSITION: view()->OnImeConfirmComposition( WideToUTF16Hack(ime_message->ime_string), ui::Range::InvalidRange()); break; case IME_CANCELCOMPOSITION: view()->OnImeSetComposition( string16(), std::vector(), 0, 0); break; } // Update the status of our IME back-end. // TODO(hbono): we should verify messages to be sent from the back-end. view()->UpdateTextInputState(); ProcessPendingMessages(); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); if (ime_message->result) { // Retrieve the content of this page and compare it with the expected // result. const int kMaxOutputCharacters = 128; std::wstring output = UTF16ToWideHack( GetMainFrame()->contentAsText(kMaxOutputCharacters)); EXPECT_EQ(output, ime_message->result); } } } // Test that the RenderView::OnSetTextDirection() function can change the text // direction of the selected input element. TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, OnSetTextDirection) { // Load an HTML page consisting of a " "
" "" ""); render_thread_->sink().ClearMessages(); static const struct { WebTextDirection direction; const wchar_t* expected_result; } kTextDirection[] = { { WebKit::WebTextDirectionRightToLeft, L"\x000A" L"rtl,rtl" }, { WebKit::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight, L"\x000A" L"ltr,ltr" }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(kTextDirection); ++i) { // Set the text direction of the "); ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('test').focus();"); const string16 empty_string = UTF8ToUTF16(""); const std::vector empty_underline; std::vector bounds; view()->OnSetFocus(true); view()->OnSetInputMethodActive(true); // ASCII composition const string16 ascii_composition = UTF8ToUTF16("aiueo"); view()->OnImeSetComposition(ascii_composition, empty_underline, 0, 0); view()->GetCompositionCharacterBounds(&bounds); ASSERT_EQ(ascii_composition.size(), bounds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); ++i) EXPECT_LT(0, bounds[i].width()); view()->OnImeConfirmComposition(empty_string, ui::Range::InvalidRange()); // Non surrogate pair unicode character. const string16 unicode_composition = UTF8ToUTF16( "\xE3\x81\x82\xE3\x81\x84\xE3\x81\x86\xE3\x81\x88\xE3\x81\x8A"); view()->OnImeSetComposition(unicode_composition, empty_underline, 0, 0); view()->GetCompositionCharacterBounds(&bounds); ASSERT_EQ(unicode_composition.size(), bounds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < bounds.size(); ++i) EXPECT_LT(0, bounds[i].width()); view()->OnImeConfirmComposition(empty_string, ui::Range::InvalidRange()); // Surrogate pair character. const string16 surrogate_pair_char = UTF8ToUTF16("\xF0\xA0\xAE\x9F"); view()->OnImeSetComposition(surrogate_pair_char, empty_underline, 0, 0); view()->GetCompositionCharacterBounds(&bounds); ASSERT_EQ(surrogate_pair_char.size(), bounds.size()); EXPECT_LT(0, bounds[0].width()); EXPECT_EQ(0, bounds[1].width()); view()->OnImeConfirmComposition(empty_string, ui::Range::InvalidRange()); // Mixed string. const string16 surrogate_pair_mixed_composition = surrogate_pair_char + UTF8ToUTF16("\xE3\x81\x82") + surrogate_pair_char + UTF8ToUTF16("b") + surrogate_pair_char; const size_t utf16_length = 8UL; const bool is_surrogate_pair_empty_rect[8] = { false, true, false, false, true, false, false, true }; view()->OnImeSetComposition(surrogate_pair_mixed_composition, empty_underline, 0, 0); view()->GetCompositionCharacterBounds(&bounds); ASSERT_EQ(utf16_length, bounds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < utf16_length; ++i) { if (is_surrogate_pair_empty_rect[i]) { EXPECT_EQ(0, bounds[i].width()); } else { EXPECT_LT(0, bounds[i].width()); } } view()->OnImeConfirmComposition(empty_string, ui::Range::InvalidRange()); } TEST_F(RenderViewImplTest, ZoomLimit) { const double kMinZoomLevel = WebKit::WebView::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(content::kMinimumZoomFactor); const double kMaxZoomLevel = WebKit::WebView::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(content::kMaximumZoomFactor); ViewMsg_Navigate_Params params; params.page_id = -1; params.navigation_type = ViewMsg_Navigate_Type::NORMAL; // Verifies navigation to a URL with preset zoom level indeed sets the level. // Regression test for http://crbug.com/139559, where the level was not // properly set when it is out of the default zoom limits of WebView. params.url = GURL("data:text/html,min_zoomlimit_test"); view()->OnSetZoomLevelForLoadingURL(params.url, kMinZoomLevel); view()->OnNavigate(params); ProcessPendingMessages(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(kMinZoomLevel, view()->GetWebView()->zoomLevel()); // It should work even when the zoom limit is temporarily changed in the page. view()->GetWebView()->zoomLimitsChanged( WebKit::WebView::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(1.0), WebKit::WebView::zoomFactorToZoomLevel(1.0)); params.url = GURL("data:text/html,max_zoomlimit_test"); view()->OnSetZoomLevelForLoadingURL(params.url, kMaxZoomLevel); view()->OnNavigate(params); ProcessPendingMessages(); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(kMaxZoomLevel, view()->GetWebView()->zoomLevel()); }