// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/render_widget.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/debug/trace_event.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "content/common/swapped_out_messages.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" #include "content/renderer/gpu/compositor_thread.h" #include "content/renderer/render_process.h" #include "content/renderer/render_thread_impl.h" #include "content/renderer/renderer_webkitplatformsupport_impl.h" #include "ipc/ipc_sync_message.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkShader.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkTableColorFilter.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebCursorInfo.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebPoint.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPagePopup.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPopupMenu.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebPopupMenuInfo.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebRange.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebRect.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScreenInfo.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebSize.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebString.h" #include "ui/gfx/gl/gl_switches.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/size.h" #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/surface/transport_dib.h" #include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h" #include "webkit/plugins/npapi/webplugin.h" #include "webkit/plugins/ppapi/ppapi_plugin_instance.h" #if defined(OS_POSIX) #include "ipc/ipc_channel_posix.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPixelRef.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkMallocPixelRef.h" #endif // defined(OS_POSIX) #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebWidget.h" using WebKit::WebCompositionUnderline; using WebKit::WebCursorInfo; using WebKit::WebInputEvent; using WebKit::WebMouseEvent; using WebKit::WebNavigationPolicy; using WebKit::WebPagePopup; using WebKit::WebPoint; using WebKit::WebPopupMenu; using WebKit::WebPopupMenuInfo; using WebKit::WebPopupType; using WebKit::WebRange; using WebKit::WebRect; using WebKit::WebScreenInfo; using WebKit::WebSize; using WebKit::WebTextDirection; using WebKit::WebTouchEvent; using WebKit::WebVector; using WebKit::WebWidget; using content::RenderThread; RenderWidget::RenderWidget(WebKit::WebPopupType popup_type, const WebKit::WebScreenInfo& screen_info) : routing_id_(MSG_ROUTING_NONE), surface_id_(0), webwidget_(NULL), opener_id_(MSG_ROUTING_NONE), host_window_(0), host_window_set_(false), current_paint_buf_(NULL), next_paint_flags_(0), filtered_time_per_frame_(0.0f), update_reply_pending_(false), using_asynchronous_swapbuffers_(false), num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_(0), did_show_(false), is_hidden_(false), is_fullscreen_(false), needs_repainting_on_restore_(false), has_focus_(false), handling_input_event_(false), closing_(false), is_swapped_out_(false), input_method_is_active_(false), text_input_type_(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE), can_compose_inline_(true), popup_type_(popup_type), pending_window_rect_count_(0), suppress_next_char_events_(false), is_accelerated_compositing_active_(false), animation_update_pending_(false), invalidation_task_posted_(false), screen_info_(screen_info), invert_(false) { RenderProcess::current()->AddRefProcess(); DCHECK(RenderThread::Get()); has_disable_gpu_vsync_switch_ = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kDisableGpuVsync); } RenderWidget::~RenderWidget() { DCHECK(!webwidget_) << "Leaking our WebWidget!"; STLDeleteElements(&updates_pending_swap_); if (current_paint_buf_) { RenderProcess::current()->ReleaseTransportDIB(current_paint_buf_); current_paint_buf_ = NULL; } // If we are swapped out, we have released already. if (!is_swapped_out_) RenderProcess::current()->ReleaseProcess(); } // static RenderWidget* RenderWidget::Create(int32 opener_id, WebKit::WebPopupType popup_type, const WebKit::WebScreenInfo& screen_info) { DCHECK(opener_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); scoped_refptr widget( new RenderWidget(popup_type, screen_info)); widget->Init(opener_id); // adds reference return widget; } // static WebWidget* RenderWidget::CreateWebWidget(RenderWidget* render_widget) { switch (render_widget->popup_type_) { case WebKit::WebPopupTypeNone: // Nothing to create. break; case WebKit::WebPopupTypeSelect: case WebKit::WebPopupTypeSuggestion: return WebPopupMenu::create(render_widget); case WebKit::WebPopupTypePage: return WebPagePopup::create(render_widget); default: NOTREACHED(); } return NULL; } void RenderWidget::Init(int32 opener_id) { DoInit(opener_id, RenderWidget::CreateWebWidget(this), new ViewHostMsg_CreateWidget(opener_id, popup_type_, &routing_id_, &surface_id_)); } void RenderWidget::DoInit(int32 opener_id, WebWidget* web_widget, IPC::SyncMessage* create_widget_message) { DCHECK(!webwidget_); if (opener_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE) opener_id_ = opener_id; webwidget_ = web_widget; bool result = RenderThread::Get()->Send(create_widget_message); if (result) { RenderThread::Get()->AddRoute(routing_id_, this); // Take a reference on behalf of the RenderThread. This will be balanced // when we receive ViewMsg_Close. AddRef(); } else { DCHECK(false); } } // This is used to complete pending inits and non-pending inits. For non- // pending cases, the parent will be the same as the current parent. This // indicates we do not need to reparent or anything. void RenderWidget::CompleteInit(gfx::NativeViewId parent_hwnd) { DCHECK(routing_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); host_window_ = parent_hwnd; host_window_set_ = true; DoDeferredUpdate(); Send(new ViewHostMsg_RenderViewReady(routing_id_)); } void RenderWidget::SetSwappedOut(bool is_swapped_out) { // We should only toggle between states. DCHECK(is_swapped_out_ != is_swapped_out); is_swapped_out_ = is_swapped_out; // If we are swapping out, we will call ReleaseProcess, allowing the process // to exit if all of its RenderViews are swapped out. We wait until the // WasSwappedOut call to do this, to avoid showing the sad tab. // If we are swapping in, we call AddRefProcess to prevent the process from // exiting. if (!is_swapped_out) RenderProcess::current()->AddRefProcess(); } bool RenderWidget::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(RenderWidget, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Close, OnClose) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK, OnCreatingNewAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Resize, OnResize) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ChangeResizeRect, OnChangeResizeRect) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_WasHidden, OnWasHidden) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_WasRestored, OnWasRestored) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_WasSwappedOut, OnWasSwappedOut) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK, OnUpdateRectAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent, OnHandleInputEvent) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_MouseCaptureLost, OnMouseCaptureLost) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetFocus, OnSetFocus) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetInputMethodActive, OnSetInputMethodActive) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition, OnImeSetComposition) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_ImeConfirmComposition, OnImeConfirmComposition) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_PaintAtSize, OnMsgPaintAtSize) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Repaint, OnMsgRepaint) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_SetTextDirection, OnSetTextDirection) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_Move_ACK, OnRequestMoveAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_InvertWebContent, OnInvertWebContent) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } bool RenderWidget::Send(IPC::Message* message) { // Don't send any messages after the browser has told us to close, and filter // most outgoing messages while swapped out. if ((is_swapped_out_ && !content::SwappedOutMessages::CanSendWhileSwappedOut(message)) || closing_) { delete message; return false; } // If given a messsage without a routing ID, then assign our routing ID. if (message->routing_id() == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) message->set_routing_id(routing_id_); return RenderThread::Get()->Send(message); } void RenderWidget::Resize(const gfx::Size& new_size, const gfx::Rect& resizer_rect, bool is_fullscreen, ResizeAck resize_ack) { // A resize ack shouldn't be requested if we have not ACK'd the previous one. DCHECK(resize_ack != SEND_RESIZE_ACK || !next_paint_is_resize_ack()); DCHECK(resize_ack == SEND_RESIZE_ACK || resize_ack == NO_RESIZE_ACK); // Ignore this during shutdown. if (!webwidget_) return; // Remember the rect where the resize corner will be drawn. resizer_rect_ = resizer_rect; // NOTE: We may have entered fullscreen mode without changing our size. bool fullscreen_change = is_fullscreen_ != is_fullscreen; if (fullscreen_change) WillToggleFullscreen(); is_fullscreen_ = is_fullscreen; if (size_ != new_size) { // TODO(darin): We should not need to reset this here. SetHidden(false); needs_repainting_on_restore_ = false; size_ = new_size; paint_aggregator_.ClearPendingUpdate(); // When resizing, we want to wait to paint before ACK'ing the resize. This // ensures that we only resize as fast as we can paint. We only need to // send an ACK if we are resized to a non-empty rect. webwidget_->resize(new_size); if (!new_size.IsEmpty()) { if (!is_accelerated_compositing_active_) { // Resize should have caused an invalidation of the entire view. DCHECK(paint_aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()); } // Send the Resize_ACK flag once we paint again if requested. if (resize_ack == SEND_RESIZE_ACK) set_next_paint_is_resize_ack(); } } if (fullscreen_change) DidToggleFullscreen(); // If a resize ack is requested and it isn't set-up, then no more resizes will // come in and in general things will go wrong. DCHECK(resize_ack != SEND_RESIZE_ACK || new_size.IsEmpty() || next_paint_is_resize_ack()); } void RenderWidget::OnClose() { if (closing_) return; closing_ = true; // Browser correspondence is no longer needed at this point. if (routing_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE) { RenderThread::Get()->RemoveRoute(routing_id_); SetHidden(false); } // If there is a Send call on the stack, then it could be dangerous to close // now. Post a task that only gets invoked when there are no nested message // loops. MessageLoop::current()->PostNonNestableTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderWidget::Close, this)); // Balances the AddRef taken when we called AddRoute. Release(); } // Got a response from the browser after the renderer decided to create a new // view. void RenderWidget::OnCreatingNewAck( gfx::NativeViewId parent) { DCHECK(routing_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); CompleteInit(parent); } void RenderWidget::OnResize(const gfx::Size& new_size, const gfx::Rect& resizer_rect, bool is_fullscreen) { Resize(new_size, resizer_rect, is_fullscreen, SEND_RESIZE_ACK); } void RenderWidget::OnChangeResizeRect(const gfx::Rect& resizer_rect) { if (resizer_rect_ != resizer_rect) { gfx::Rect view_rect(size_); gfx::Rect old_damage_rect = view_rect.Intersect(resizer_rect_); if (!old_damage_rect.IsEmpty()) paint_aggregator_.InvalidateRect(old_damage_rect); gfx::Rect new_damage_rect = view_rect.Intersect(resizer_rect); if (!new_damage_rect.IsEmpty()) paint_aggregator_.InvalidateRect(new_damage_rect); resizer_rect_ = resizer_rect; if (webwidget_) webwidget_->didChangeWindowResizerRect(); } } void RenderWidget::OnWasHidden() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnWasHidden"); // Go into a mode where we stop generating paint and scrolling events. SetHidden(true); } void RenderWidget::OnWasRestored(bool needs_repainting) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnWasRestored"); // During shutdown we can just ignore this message. if (!webwidget_) return; // See OnWasHidden SetHidden(false); if (!needs_repainting && !needs_repainting_on_restore_) return; needs_repainting_on_restore_ = false; // Tag the next paint as a restore ack, which is picked up by // DoDeferredUpdate when it sends out the next PaintRect message. set_next_paint_is_restore_ack(); // Generate a full repaint. if (!is_accelerated_compositing_active_) { didInvalidateRect(gfx::Rect(size_.width(), size_.height())); } else { scheduleComposite(); } } void RenderWidget::OnWasSwappedOut() { // If we have been swapped out and no one else is using this process, // it's safe to exit now. If we get swapped back in, we will call // AddRefProcess in SetSwappedOut. if (is_swapped_out_) RenderProcess::current()->ReleaseProcess(); } void RenderWidget::OnRequestMoveAck() { DCHECK(pending_window_rect_count_); pending_window_rect_count_--; } void RenderWidget::OnUpdateRectAck() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnUpdateRectAck"); DCHECK(update_reply_pending_); update_reply_pending_ = false; // If we sent an UpdateRect message with a zero-sized bitmap, then we should // have no current paint buffer. if (current_paint_buf_) { RenderProcess::current()->ReleaseTransportDIB(current_paint_buf_); current_paint_buf_ = NULL; } // If swapbuffers is still pending, then defer the update until the // swapbuffers occurs. if (num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ >= kMaxSwapBuffersPending) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_SwapStillPending"); return; } // Notify subclasses that software rendering was flushed to the screen. DidFlushPaint(); // Continue painting if necessary... DoDeferredUpdateAndSendInputAck(); } bool RenderWidget::SupportsAsynchronousSwapBuffers() { return false; } void RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersAborted() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersAborted"); while (!updates_pending_swap_.empty()) { ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect* msg = updates_pending_swap_.front(); updates_pending_swap_.pop_front(); // msg can be NULL if the swap doesn't correspond to an DoDeferredUpdate // compositing pass, hence doesn't require an UpdateRect message. if (msg) Send(msg); } num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ = 0; using_asynchronous_swapbuffers_ = false; // Schedule another frame so the compositor learns about it. scheduleComposite(); } void RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersPosted() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersPosted"); if (using_asynchronous_swapbuffers_) { ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect* msg = NULL; // pending_update_params_ can be NULL if the swap doesn't correspond to an // DoDeferredUpdate compositing pass, hence doesn't require an UpdateRect // message. if (pending_update_params_.get()) { msg = new ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect(routing_id_, *pending_update_params_); pending_update_params_.reset(); } updates_pending_swap_.push_back(msg); num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_++; } } void RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersComplete() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnSwapBuffersComplete"); // Notify subclasses that composited rendering got flushed to the screen. DidFlushPaint(); // When compositing deactivates, we reset the swapbuffers pending count. The // swapbuffers acks may still arrive, however. if (num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ == 0) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_ZeroSwapbuffersPending"); return; } DCHECK(!updates_pending_swap_.empty()); ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect* msg = updates_pending_swap_.front(); updates_pending_swap_.pop_front(); // msg can be NULL if the swap doesn't correspond to an DoDeferredUpdate // compositing pass, hence doesn't require an UpdateRect message. if (msg) Send(msg); num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_--; // If update reply is still pending, then defer the update until that reply // occurs. if (update_reply_pending_) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_UpdateReplyPending"); return; } // If we are not accelerated rendering, then this is a stale swapbuffers from // when we were previously rendering. However, if an invalidation task is not // posted, there may be software rendering work pending. In that case, don't // early out. if (!is_accelerated_compositing_active_ && invalidation_task_posted_) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_AcceleratedCompositingOff"); return; } // Continue painting if necessary... DoDeferredUpdateAndSendInputAck(); } void RenderWidget::OnHandleInputEvent(const IPC::Message& message) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::OnHandleInputEvent"); PickleIterator iter(message); const char* data; int data_length; handling_input_event_ = true; if (!message.ReadData(&iter, &data, &data_length)) { handling_input_event_ = false; return; } const WebInputEvent* input_event = reinterpret_cast(data); bool is_keyboard_shortcut = false; // is_keyboard_shortcut flag is only available for RawKeyDown events. if (input_event->type == WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown) message.ReadBool(&iter, &is_keyboard_shortcut); bool prevent_default = false; if (WebInputEvent::isMouseEventType(input_event->type)) { const WebMouseEvent& mouse_event = *static_cast(input_event); TRACE_EVENT2("renderer", "HandleMouseMove", "x", mouse_event.x, "y", mouse_event.y); prevent_default = WillHandleMouseEvent(mouse_event); } bool processed = prevent_default; if (input_event->type != WebInputEvent::Char || !suppress_next_char_events_) { suppress_next_char_events_ = false; if (!processed && webwidget_) processed = webwidget_->handleInputEvent(*input_event); } // If this RawKeyDown event corresponds to a browser keyboard shortcut and // it's not processed by webkit, then we need to suppress the upcoming Char // events. if (!processed && is_keyboard_shortcut) suppress_next_char_events_ = true; IPC::Message* response = new ViewHostMsg_HandleInputEvent_ACK(routing_id_, input_event->type, processed); if ((input_event->type == WebInputEvent::MouseMove || input_event->type == WebInputEvent::MouseWheel || WebInputEvent::isTouchEventType(input_event->type)) && paint_aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()) { // We want to rate limit the input events in this case, so we'll wait for // painting to finish before ACKing this message. if (pending_input_event_ack_.get()) { // As two different kinds of events could cause us to postpone an ack // we send it now, if we have one pending. The Browser should never // send us the same kind of event we are delaying the ack for. Send(pending_input_event_ack_.release()); } pending_input_event_ack_.reset(response); } else { Send(response); } handling_input_event_ = false; if (!prevent_default) { if (WebInputEvent::isKeyboardEventType(input_event->type)) DidHandleKeyEvent(); if (WebInputEvent::isMouseEventType(input_event->type)) DidHandleMouseEvent(*(static_cast(input_event))); if (WebInputEvent::isTouchEventType(input_event->type)) DidHandleTouchEvent(*(static_cast(input_event))); } } void RenderWidget::OnMouseCaptureLost() { if (webwidget_) webwidget_->mouseCaptureLost(); } void RenderWidget::OnSetFocus(bool enable) { has_focus_ = enable; if (webwidget_) webwidget_->setFocus(enable); } void RenderWidget::ClearFocus() { // We may have got the focus from the browser before this gets processed, in // which case we do not want to unfocus ourself. if (!has_focus_ && webwidget_) webwidget_->setFocus(false); } void RenderWidget::PaintRect(const gfx::Rect& rect, const gfx::Point& canvas_origin, skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas) { TRACE_EVENT2("renderer", "PaintRect", "width", rect.width(), "height", rect.height()); canvas->save(); // Bring the canvas into the coordinate system of the paint rect. canvas->translate(static_cast(-canvas_origin.x()), static_cast(-canvas_origin.y())); if (invert_) { // Draw everything to a temporary bitmap and then apply an // inverting color map to the result. This is balanced by an extra // call to canvas->restore(), below. DCHECK(invert_paint_.get()); SkRect bounds(gfx::RectToSkRect(rect)); canvas->saveLayer(&bounds, invert_paint_.get()); } // If there is a custom background, tile it. if (!background_.empty()) { SkPaint paint; SkShader* shader = SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(background_, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode, SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode); paint.setShader(shader)->unref(); // Use kSrc_Mode to handle background_ transparency properly. paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode); // Canvas could contain multiple update rects. Clip to given rect so that // we don't accidentally clear other update rects. canvas->save(); canvas->clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(rect)); canvas->drawPaint(paint); canvas->restore(); } // First see if this rect is a plugin that can paint itself faster. TransportDIB* optimized_dib = NULL; gfx::Rect optimized_copy_rect, optimized_copy_location; webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance* optimized_instance = GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint(rect, &optimized_dib, &optimized_copy_location, &optimized_copy_rect); if (optimized_instance) { // This plugin can be optimize-painted and we can just ask it to paint // itself. We don't actually need the TransportDIB in this case. // // This is an optimization for PPAPI plugins that know they're on top of // the page content. If this rect is inside such a plugin, we can save some // time and avoid re-rendering the page content which we know will be // covered by the plugin later (this time can be significant, especially // for a playing movie that is invalidating a lot). // // In the plugin movie case, hopefully the similar call to // GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint in DoDeferredUpdate handles the // painting, because that avoids copying the plugin image to a different // paint rect. Unfortunately, if anything on the page is animating other // than the movie, it break this optimization since the union of the // invalid regions will be larger than the plugin. // // This code optimizes that case, where we can still avoid painting in // WebKit and filling the background (which can be slow) and just painting // the plugin. Unlike the DoDeferredUpdate case, an extra copy is still // required. optimized_instance->Paint(webkit_glue::ToWebCanvas(canvas), optimized_copy_location, rect); } else { // Normal painting case. webwidget_->paint(webkit_glue::ToWebCanvas(canvas), rect); // Flush to underlying bitmap. TODO(darin): is this needed? skia::GetTopDevice(*canvas)->accessBitmap(false); } if (invert_) canvas->restore(); PaintDebugBorder(rect, canvas); canvas->restore(); } void RenderWidget::PaintDebugBorder(const gfx::Rect& rect, skia::PlatformCanvas* canvas) { static bool kPaintBorder = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kShowPaintRects); if (!kPaintBorder) return; // Cycle through these colors to help distinguish new paint rects. const SkColor colors[] = { SkColorSetARGB(0x3F, 0xFF, 0, 0), SkColorSetARGB(0x3F, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF), SkColorSetARGB(0x3F, 0, 0, 0xFF), }; static int color_selector = 0; SkPaint paint; paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); paint.setColor(colors[color_selector++ % arraysize(colors)]); paint.setStrokeWidth(1); SkIRect irect; irect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right() - 1, rect.bottom() - 1); canvas->drawIRect(irect, paint); } void RenderWidget::AnimationCallback() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::AnimationCallback"); if (!animation_update_pending_) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_NoAnimationUpdatePending"); return; } if (!animation_floor_time_.is_null() && IsRenderingVSynced()) { // Record when we fired (according to base::Time::Now()) relative to when // we posted the task to quantify how much the base::Time/base::TimeTicks // skew is affecting animations. base::TimeDelta animation_callback_delay = base::Time::Now() - (animation_floor_time_ - base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(16)); UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Renderer4.AnimationCallbackDelayTime", animation_callback_delay, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(30), 25); } DoDeferredUpdateAndSendInputAck(); } void RenderWidget::AnimateIfNeeded() { if (!animation_update_pending_) return; // Target 60FPS if vsync is on. Go as fast as we can if vsync is off. base::TimeDelta animationInterval = IsRenderingVSynced() ? base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(16) : base::TimeDelta(); base::Time now = base::Time::Now(); // animation_floor_time_ is the earliest time that we should animate when // using the dead reckoning software scheduler. If we're using swapbuffers // complete callbacks to rate limit, we can ignore this floor. if (now >= animation_floor_time_ || num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ > 0) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::AnimateIfNeeded") animation_floor_time_ = now + animationInterval; // Set a timer to call us back after animationInterval before // running animation callbacks so that if a callback requests another // we'll be sure to run it at the proper time. animation_timer_.Stop(); animation_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, animationInterval, this, &RenderWidget::AnimationCallback); animation_update_pending_ = false; webwidget_->animate(0.0); return; } TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_AnimatedTooRecently"); if (!animation_timer_.IsRunning()) { // This code uses base::Time::Now() to calculate the floor and next fire // time because javascript's Date object uses base::Time::Now(). The // message loop uses base::TimeTicks, which on windows can have a // different granularity than base::Time. // The upshot of all this is that this function might be called before // base::Time::Now() has advanced past the animation_floor_time_. To // avoid exposing this delay to javascript, we keep posting delayed // tasks until base::Time::Now() has advanced far enough. base::TimeDelta delay = animation_floor_time_ - now; animation_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, delay, this, &RenderWidget::AnimationCallback); } } bool RenderWidget::IsRenderingVSynced() { // TODO(nduca): Forcing a driver to disable vsync (e.g. in a control panel) is // not caught by this check. This will lead to artificially low frame rates // for people who force vsync off at a driver level and expect Chrome to speed // up. return !has_disable_gpu_vsync_switch_; } void RenderWidget::InvalidationCallback() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::InvalidationCallback"); invalidation_task_posted_ = false; DoDeferredUpdateAndSendInputAck(); } void RenderWidget::DoDeferredUpdateAndSendInputAck() { DoDeferredUpdate(); if (pending_input_event_ack_.get()) Send(pending_input_event_ack_.release()); } void RenderWidget::DoDeferredUpdate() { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "RenderWidget::DoDeferredUpdate"); if (!webwidget_) return; if (!host_window_set_) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_NoHostWindow"); return; } if (update_reply_pending_) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_UpdateReplyPending"); return; } if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_ && num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ >= kMaxSwapBuffersPending) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_MaxSwapBuffersPending"); return; } // Suppress updating when we are hidden. if (is_hidden_ || size_.IsEmpty()) { paint_aggregator_.ClearPendingUpdate(); needs_repainting_on_restore_ = true; TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_NotVisible"); return; } if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_) using_asynchronous_swapbuffers_ = SupportsAsynchronousSwapBuffers(); // Tracking of frame rate jitter base::TimeTicks frame_begin_ticks = base::TimeTicks::Now(); AnimateIfNeeded(); // Layout may generate more invalidation. It may also enable the // GPU acceleration, so make sure to run layout before we send the // GpuRenderingActivated message. webwidget_->layout(); // The following two can result in further layout and possibly // enable GPU acceleration so they need to be called before any painting // is done. UpdateTextInputState(); UpdateSelectionBounds(); // Suppress painting if nothing is dirty. This has to be done after updating // animations running layout as these may generate further invalidations. if (!paint_aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()) { TRACE_EVENT0("renderer", "EarlyOut_NoPendingUpdate"); return; } if (!last_do_deferred_update_time_.is_null()) { base::TimeDelta delay = frame_begin_ticks - last_do_deferred_update_time_; if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Renderer4.AccelDoDeferredUpdateDelay", delay, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(60), 30); } else { UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Renderer4.SoftwareDoDeferredUpdateDelay", delay, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(60), 30); } // Calculate filtered time per frame: float frame_time_elapsed = static_cast(delay.InSecondsF()); filtered_time_per_frame_ = 0.9f * filtered_time_per_frame_ + 0.1f * frame_time_elapsed; } last_do_deferred_update_time_ = frame_begin_ticks; // OK, save the pending update to a local since painting may cause more // invalidation. Some WebCore rendering objects only layout when painted. PaintAggregator::PendingUpdate update; paint_aggregator_.PopPendingUpdate(&update); gfx::Rect scroll_damage = update.GetScrollDamage(); gfx::Rect bounds = update.GetPaintBounds().Union(scroll_damage); // Notify derived classes that we're about to initiate a paint. WillInitiatePaint(); // A plugin may be able to do an optimized paint. First check this, in which // case we can skip all of the bitmap generation and regular paint code. // This optimization allows PPAPI plugins that declare themselves on top of // the page (like a traditional windowed plugin) to be able to animate (think // movie playing) without repeatedly re-painting the page underneath, or // copying the plugin backing store (since we can send the plugin's backing // store directly to the browser). // // This optimization only works when the entire invalid region is contained // within the plugin. There is a related optimization in PaintRect for the // case where there may be multiple invalid regions. TransportDIB* dib = NULL; gfx::Rect optimized_copy_rect, optimized_copy_location; DCHECK(!pending_update_params_.get()); pending_update_params_.reset(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params); pending_update_params_->dx = update.scroll_delta.x(); pending_update_params_->dy = update.scroll_delta.y(); pending_update_params_->scroll_rect = update.scroll_rect; pending_update_params_->view_size = size_; pending_update_params_->plugin_window_moves.swap(plugin_window_moves_); pending_update_params_->flags = next_paint_flags_; pending_update_params_->scroll_offset = GetScrollOffset(); pending_update_params_->needs_ack = true; next_paint_flags_ = 0; if (update.scroll_rect.IsEmpty() && !is_accelerated_compositing_active_ && GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint(bounds, &dib, &optimized_copy_location, &optimized_copy_rect)) { // Only update the part of the plugin that actually changed. optimized_copy_rect = optimized_copy_rect.Intersect(bounds); pending_update_params_->bitmap = dib->id(); pending_update_params_->bitmap_rect = optimized_copy_location; pending_update_params_->copy_rects.push_back(optimized_copy_rect); } else if (!is_accelerated_compositing_active_) { // Compute a buffer for painting and cache it. scoped_ptr canvas( RenderProcess::current()->GetDrawingCanvas(¤t_paint_buf_, bounds)); if (!canvas.get()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // We may get back a smaller canvas than we asked for. // TODO(darin): This seems like it could cause painting problems! DCHECK_EQ(bounds.width(), canvas->getDevice()->width()); DCHECK_EQ(bounds.height(), canvas->getDevice()->height()); bounds.set_width(canvas->getDevice()->width()); bounds.set_height(canvas->getDevice()->height()); HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("MPArch.RW_PaintRectCount", update.paint_rects.size()); pending_update_params_->bitmap = current_paint_buf_->id(); pending_update_params_->bitmap_rect = bounds; std::vector& copy_rects = pending_update_params_->copy_rects; // The scroll damage is just another rectangle to paint and copy. copy_rects.swap(update.paint_rects); if (!scroll_damage.IsEmpty()) copy_rects.push_back(scroll_damage); for (size_t i = 0; i < copy_rects.size(); ++i) PaintRect(copy_rects[i], bounds.origin(), canvas.get()); // Software FPS tick for performance tests. The accelerated path traces the // frame events in didCommitAndDrawCompositorFrame. See throughput_tests.cc. // NOTE: Tests may break if this event is renamed or moved. UNSHIPPED_TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("test_fps", "TestFrameTickSW"); } else { // Accelerated compositing path // Begin painting. // If painting is done via the gpu process then we don't set any damage // rects to save the browser process from doing unecessary work. pending_update_params_->bitmap_rect = bounds; pending_update_params_->scroll_rect = gfx::Rect(); // We don't need an ack, because we're not sharing a DIB with the browser. // If it needs to (e.g. composited UI), the GPU process does its own ACK // with the browser for the GPU surface. pending_update_params_->needs_ack = false; webwidget_->composite(false); } // If we're holding a pending input event ACK, send the ACK before sending the // UpdateReply message so we can receive another input event before the // UpdateRect_ACK on platforms where the UpdateRect_ACK is sent from within // the UpdateRect IPC message handler. if (pending_input_event_ack_.get()) Send(pending_input_event_ack_.release()); // If composite() called SwapBuffers, pending_update_params_ will be reset (in // OnSwapBuffersPosted), meaning a message has been added to the // updates_pending_swap_ queue, that will be sent later. Otherwise, we send // the message now. if (pending_update_params_.get()) { // sending an ack to browser process that the paint is complete... update_reply_pending_ = pending_update_params_->needs_ack; Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect(routing_id_, *pending_update_params_)); pending_update_params_.reset(); } // If we're software rendering then we're done initiating the paint. if (!is_accelerated_compositing_active_) DidInitiatePaint(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebWidgetClient void RenderWidget::didInvalidateRect(const WebRect& rect) { // The invalidated rect might be outside the bounds of the view. gfx::Rect view_rect(size_); gfx::Rect damaged_rect = view_rect.Intersect(rect); if (damaged_rect.IsEmpty()) return; paint_aggregator_.InvalidateRect(damaged_rect); // We may not need to schedule another call to DoDeferredUpdate. if (invalidation_task_posted_) return; if (!paint_aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()) return; if (update_reply_pending_ || num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ >= kMaxSwapBuffersPending) return; // When GPU rendering, combine pending animations and invalidations into // a single update. if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_ && animation_timer_.IsRunning()) return; // Perform updating asynchronously. This serves two purposes: // 1) Ensures that we call WebView::Paint without a bunch of other junk // on the call stack. // 2) Allows us to collect more damage rects before painting to help coalesce // the work that we will need to do. invalidation_task_posted_ = true; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderWidget::InvalidationCallback, this)); } void RenderWidget::didScrollRect(int dx, int dy, const WebRect& clip_rect) { // Drop scrolls on the floor when we are in compositing mode. // TODO(nduca): stop WebViewImpl from sending scrolls in the first place. if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_) return; // The scrolled rect might be outside the bounds of the view. gfx::Rect view_rect(size_); gfx::Rect damaged_rect = view_rect.Intersect(clip_rect); if (damaged_rect.IsEmpty()) return; paint_aggregator_.ScrollRect(dx, dy, damaged_rect); // We may not need to schedule another call to DoDeferredUpdate. if (invalidation_task_posted_) return; if (!paint_aggregator_.HasPendingUpdate()) return; if (update_reply_pending_ || num_swapbuffers_complete_pending_ >= kMaxSwapBuffersPending) return; // When GPU rendering, combine pending animations and invalidations into // a single update. if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_ && animation_timer_.IsRunning()) return; // Perform updating asynchronously. This serves two purposes: // 1) Ensures that we call WebView::Paint without a bunch of other junk // on the call stack. // 2) Allows us to collect more damage rects before painting to help coalesce // the work that we will need to do. invalidation_task_posted_ = true; MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderWidget::InvalidationCallback, this)); } void RenderWidget::didAutoResize(const WebSize& new_size) { size_ = new_size; } void RenderWidget::didActivateCompositor(int compositor_identifier) { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "RenderWidget::didActivateCompositor"); CompositorThread* compositor_thread = RenderThreadImpl::current()->compositor_thread(); if (compositor_thread) compositor_thread->AddCompositor(routing_id_, compositor_identifier); if (!is_accelerated_compositing_active_) { // When not in accelerated compositing mode, in certain cases (e.g. waiting // for a resize or if no backing store) the RenderWidgetHost is blocking the // browser's UI thread for some time, waiting for an UpdateRect. If we are // going to switch to accelerated compositing, the GPU process may need // round-trips to the browser's UI thread before finishing the frame, // causing deadlocks if we delay the UpdateRect until we receive the // OnSwapBuffersComplete. So send a dummy message that will unblock the // browser's UI thread. Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateIsDelayed(routing_id_)); } is_accelerated_compositing_active_ = true; Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidActivateAcceleratedCompositing( routing_id_, is_accelerated_compositing_active_)); } void RenderWidget::didDeactivateCompositor() { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "RenderWidget::didDeactivateCompositor"); is_accelerated_compositing_active_ = false; Send(new ViewHostMsg_DidActivateAcceleratedCompositing( routing_id_, is_accelerated_compositing_active_)); if (using_asynchronous_swapbuffers_) using_asynchronous_swapbuffers_ = false; } void RenderWidget::didCommitAndDrawCompositorFrame() { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "RenderWidget::didCommitAndDrawCompositorFrame"); // Accelerated FPS tick for performance tests. See throughput_tests.cc. // NOTE: Tests may break if this event is renamed or moved. UNSHIPPED_TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("test_fps", "TestFrameTickGPU"); // Notify subclasses that we initiated the paint operation. DidInitiatePaint(); } void RenderWidget::didCompleteSwapBuffers() { if (update_reply_pending_) return; if (!next_paint_flags_ && !plugin_window_moves_.size()) return; ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params params; params.view_size = size_; params.plugin_window_moves.swap(plugin_window_moves_); params.flags = next_paint_flags_; params.scroll_offset = GetScrollOffset(); params.needs_ack = false; Send(new ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect(routing_id_, params)); next_paint_flags_ = 0; } void RenderWidget::scheduleComposite() { if (WebWidgetHandlesCompositorScheduling()) { webwidget_->composite(false); } else { // TODO(nduca): replace with something a little less hacky. The reason this // hack is still used is because the Invalidate-DoDeferredUpdate loop // contains a lot of host-renderer synchronization logic that is still // important for the accelerated compositing case. The option of simply // duplicating all that code is less desirable than "faking out" the // invalidation path using a magical damage rect. didInvalidateRect(WebRect(0, 0, 1, 1)); } } void RenderWidget::scheduleAnimation() { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "RenderWidget::scheduleAnimation"); if (!animation_update_pending_) { animation_update_pending_ = true; if (!animation_timer_.IsRunning()) { animation_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0), this, &RenderWidget::AnimationCallback); } } } void RenderWidget::didChangeCursor(const WebCursorInfo& cursor_info) { // TODO(darin): Eliminate this temporary. WebCursor cursor(cursor_info); // Only send a SetCursor message if we need to make a change. if (!current_cursor_.IsEqual(cursor)) { current_cursor_ = cursor; Send(new ViewHostMsg_SetCursor(routing_id_, cursor)); } } // We are supposed to get a single call to Show for a newly created RenderWidget // that was created via RenderWidget::CreateWebView. So, we wait until this // point to dispatch the ShowWidget message. // // This method provides us with the information about how to display the newly // created RenderWidget (i.e., as a blocked popup or as a new tab). // void RenderWidget::show(WebNavigationPolicy) { DCHECK(!did_show_) << "received extraneous Show call"; DCHECK(routing_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); DCHECK(opener_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); if (did_show_) return; did_show_ = true; // NOTE: initial_pos_ may still have its default values at this point, but // that's okay. It'll be ignored if as_popup is false, or the browser // process will impose a default position otherwise. Send(new ViewHostMsg_ShowWidget(opener_id_, routing_id_, initial_pos_)); SetPendingWindowRect(initial_pos_); } void RenderWidget::didFocus() { } void RenderWidget::didBlur() { } void RenderWidget::DoDeferredClose() { Send(new ViewHostMsg_Close(routing_id_)); } void RenderWidget::closeWidgetSoon() { // If a page calls window.close() twice, we'll end up here twice, but that's // OK. It is safe to send multiple Close messages. // Ask the RenderWidgetHost to initiate close. We could be called from deep // in Javascript. If we ask the RendwerWidgetHost to close now, the window // could be closed before the JS finishes executing. So instead, post a // message back to the message loop, which won't run until the JS is // complete, and then the Close message can be sent. MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&RenderWidget::DoDeferredClose, this)); } void RenderWidget::Close() { if (webwidget_) { webwidget_->close(); webwidget_ = NULL; } } WebRect RenderWidget::windowRect() { if (pending_window_rect_count_) return pending_window_rect_; gfx::Rect rect; Send(new ViewHostMsg_GetWindowRect(routing_id_, host_window_, &rect)); return rect; } void RenderWidget::setToolTipText(const WebKit::WebString& text, WebTextDirection hint) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_SetTooltipText(routing_id_, text, hint)); } void RenderWidget::setWindowRect(const WebRect& pos) { if (did_show_) { Send(new ViewHostMsg_RequestMove(routing_id_, pos)); SetPendingWindowRect(pos); } else { initial_pos_ = pos; } } void RenderWidget::SetPendingWindowRect(const WebRect& rect) { pending_window_rect_ = rect; pending_window_rect_count_++; } WebRect RenderWidget::rootWindowRect() { if (pending_window_rect_count_) { // NOTE(mbelshe): If there is a pending_window_rect_, then getting // the RootWindowRect is probably going to return wrong results since the // browser may not have processed the Move yet. There isn't really anything // good to do in this case, and it shouldn't happen - since this size is // only really needed for windowToScreen, which is only used for Popups. return pending_window_rect_; } gfx::Rect rect; Send(new ViewHostMsg_GetRootWindowRect(routing_id_, host_window_, &rect)); return rect; } WebRect RenderWidget::windowResizerRect() { return resizer_rect_; } void RenderWidget::OnSetInputMethodActive(bool is_active) { // To prevent this renderer process from sending unnecessary IPC messages to // a browser process, we permit the renderer process to send IPC messages // only during the input method attached to the browser process is active. input_method_is_active_ = is_active; } void RenderWidget::OnImeSetComposition( const string16& text, const std::vector& underlines, int selection_start, int selection_end) { if (!webwidget_) return; if (webwidget_->setComposition( text, WebVector(underlines), selection_start, selection_end)) { // Setting the IME composition was successful. Send the new composition // range to the browser. ui::Range range(ui::Range::InvalidRange()); size_t location, length; if (webwidget_->compositionRange(&location, &length)) { range.set_start(location); range.set_end(location + length); } // The IME was cancelled via the Esc key, so just send back the caret. else if (webwidget_->caretOrSelectionRange(&location, &length)) { range.set_start(location); range.set_end(location + length); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_ImeCompositionRangeChanged(routing_id(), range)); } else { // If we failed to set the composition text, then we need to let the browser // process to cancel the input method's ongoing composition session, to make // sure we are in a consistent state. Send(new ViewHostMsg_ImeCancelComposition(routing_id())); // Send an updated IME range with just the caret range. ui::Range range(ui::Range::InvalidRange()); size_t location, length; if (webwidget_->caretOrSelectionRange(&location, &length)) { range.set_start(location); range.set_end(location + length); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_ImeCompositionRangeChanged(routing_id(), range)); } } void RenderWidget::OnImeConfirmComposition( const string16& text, const ui::Range& replacement_range) { if (!webwidget_) return; handling_input_event_ = true; webwidget_->confirmComposition(text); handling_input_event_ = false; // Send an updated IME range with just the caret range. ui::Range range(ui::Range::InvalidRange()); size_t location, length; if (webwidget_->caretOrSelectionRange(&location, &length)) { range.set_start(location); range.set_end(location + length); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_ImeCompositionRangeChanged(routing_id(), range)); } // This message causes the renderer to render an image of the // desired_size, regardless of whether the tab is hidden or not. void RenderWidget::OnMsgPaintAtSize(const TransportDIB::Handle& dib_handle, int tag, const gfx::Size& page_size, const gfx::Size& desired_size) { if (!webwidget_ || !TransportDIB::is_valid_handle(dib_handle)) { if (TransportDIB::is_valid_handle(dib_handle)) { // Close our unused handle. #if defined(OS_WIN) ::CloseHandle(dib_handle); #elif defined(OS_MACOSX) base::SharedMemory::CloseHandle(dib_handle); #endif } return; } if (page_size.IsEmpty() || desired_size.IsEmpty()) { // If one of these is empty, then we just return the dib we were // given, to avoid leaking it. Send(new ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK(routing_id_, tag, desired_size)); return; } // Map the given DIB ID into this process, and unmap it at the end // of this function. scoped_ptr paint_at_size_buffer( TransportDIB::CreateWithHandle(dib_handle)); gfx::Size canvas_size = page_size; float x_scale = static_cast(desired_size.width()) / static_cast(canvas_size.width()); float y_scale = static_cast(desired_size.height()) / static_cast(canvas_size.height()); gfx::Rect orig_bounds(canvas_size); canvas_size.set_width(static_cast(canvas_size.width() * x_scale)); canvas_size.set_height(static_cast(canvas_size.height() * y_scale)); gfx::Rect bounds(canvas_size); scoped_ptr canvas( paint_at_size_buffer->GetPlatformCanvas(canvas_size.width(), canvas_size.height())); if (!canvas.get()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // Reset bounds to what we actually received, but they should be the // same. DCHECK_EQ(bounds.width(), canvas->getDevice()->width()); DCHECK_EQ(bounds.height(), canvas->getDevice()->height()); bounds.set_width(canvas->getDevice()->width()); bounds.set_height(canvas->getDevice()->height()); canvas->save(); // Add the scale factor to the canvas, so that we'll get the desired size. canvas->scale(SkFloatToScalar(x_scale), SkFloatToScalar(y_scale)); // Have to make sure we're laid out at the right size before // rendering. gfx::Size old_size = webwidget_->size(); webwidget_->resize(page_size); webwidget_->layout(); // Paint the entire thing (using original bounds, not scaled bounds). PaintRect(orig_bounds, orig_bounds.origin(), canvas.get()); canvas->restore(); // Return the widget to its previous size. webwidget_->resize(old_size); Send(new ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK(routing_id_, tag, bounds.size())); } void RenderWidget::OnMsgRepaint(const gfx::Size& size_to_paint) { // During shutdown we can just ignore this message. if (!webwidget_) return; set_next_paint_is_repaint_ack(); if (is_accelerated_compositing_active_) { webwidget_->setNeedsRedraw(); scheduleComposite(); } else { gfx::Rect repaint_rect(size_to_paint.width(), size_to_paint.height()); didInvalidateRect(repaint_rect); } } void RenderWidget::OnSetTextDirection(WebTextDirection direction) { if (!webwidget_) return; webwidget_->setTextDirection(direction); } void RenderWidget::OnInvertWebContent(bool invert) { if (invert_ == invert) return; invert_ = invert; if (invert_ && !invert_paint_.get()) { // Gamma-aware color inversion: each source pixel value x is normally // displayed on a computer monitor with a gamma correction x^gamma, // where gamma is typically in the range 1.8...2.2. By approximating // gamma as exactly 2, the formula to invert one value is sqrt(1 - x^2). uint8_t table[256]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { double value = i / 255.0; value = sqrt(1 - (value * value)); table[i] = static_cast(255 * value); } // Create a Skia Paint with this inverting color map. invert_paint_.reset(new SkPaint()); invert_paint_->setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); invert_paint_->setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); SkColorFilter* filter = SkTableColorFilter::CreateARGB( NULL, table, table, table); invert_paint_->setColorFilter(filter); filter->unref(); } OnMsgRepaint(size_); } webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance* RenderWidget::GetBitmapForOptimizedPluginPaint( const gfx::Rect& paint_bounds, TransportDIB** dib, gfx::Rect* location, gfx::Rect* clip) { // Bare RenderWidgets don't support optimized plugin painting. return NULL; } gfx::Point RenderWidget::GetScrollOffset() { // Bare RenderWidgets don't support scroll offset. return gfx::Point(0, 0); } void RenderWidget::SetHidden(bool hidden) { if (is_hidden_ == hidden) return; // The status has changed. Tell the RenderThread about it. is_hidden_ = hidden; if (is_hidden_) RenderThread::Get()->WidgetHidden(); else RenderThread::Get()->WidgetRestored(); } void RenderWidget::WillToggleFullscreen() { if (!webwidget_) return; if (is_fullscreen_) { webwidget_->willExitFullScreen(); } else { webwidget_->willEnterFullScreen(); } } void RenderWidget::DidToggleFullscreen() { if (!webwidget_) return; if (is_fullscreen_) { webwidget_->didEnterFullScreen(); } else { webwidget_->didExitFullScreen(); } } void RenderWidget::SetBackground(const SkBitmap& background) { background_ = background; // Generate a full repaint. didInvalidateRect(gfx::Rect(size_.width(), size_.height())); } bool RenderWidget::next_paint_is_resize_ack() const { return ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::is_resize_ack(next_paint_flags_); } bool RenderWidget::next_paint_is_restore_ack() const { return ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::is_restore_ack(next_paint_flags_); } void RenderWidget::set_next_paint_is_resize_ack() { next_paint_flags_ |= ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::IS_RESIZE_ACK; } void RenderWidget::set_next_paint_is_restore_ack() { next_paint_flags_ |= ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::IS_RESTORE_ACK; } void RenderWidget::set_next_paint_is_repaint_ack() { next_paint_flags_ |= ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::IS_REPAINT_ACK; } void RenderWidget::UpdateTextInputState() { if (!input_method_is_active_) return; ui::TextInputType new_type = GetTextInputType(); bool new_can_compose_inline = CanComposeInline(); // Only sends text input type and compose inline to the browser process if // they are changed. if (text_input_type_ != new_type || can_compose_inline_ != new_can_compose_inline) { text_input_type_ = new_type; can_compose_inline_ = new_can_compose_inline; Send(new ViewHostMsg_TextInputStateChanged( routing_id(), new_type, new_can_compose_inline)); } } void RenderWidget::GetSelectionBounds(gfx::Rect* start, gfx::Rect* end) { WebRect start_webrect; WebRect end_webrect; webwidget_->selectionBounds(start_webrect, end_webrect); *start = start_webrect; *end = end_webrect; } void RenderWidget::UpdateSelectionBounds() { if (!webwidget_) return; gfx::Rect start_rect; gfx::Rect end_rect; GetSelectionBounds(&start_rect, &end_rect); if (selection_start_rect_ == start_rect && selection_end_rect_ == end_rect) return; selection_start_rect_ = start_rect; selection_end_rect_ = end_rect; Send(new ViewHostMsg_SelectionBoundsChanged( routing_id_, selection_start_rect_, selection_end_rect_)); } // Check WebKit::WebTextInputType and ui::TextInputType is kept in sync. COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeNone) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeText) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypePassword) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeSearch) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_SEARCH), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeEmail) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_EMAIL), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeNumber) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeTelephone) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_TELEPHONE), mismatching_enums); COMPILE_ASSERT(int(WebKit::WebTextInputTypeURL) == \ int(ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_URL), mismatching_enums); ui::TextInputType RenderWidget::GetTextInputType() { if (webwidget_) { int type = webwidget_->textInputType(); // Check the type is in the range representable by ui::TextInputType. DCHECK(type <= ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_URL) << "WebKit::WebTextInputType and ui::TextInputType not synchronized"; return static_cast(type); } return ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE; } bool RenderWidget::CanComposeInline() { return true; } WebScreenInfo RenderWidget::screenInfo() { return screen_info_; } void RenderWidget::resetInputMethod() { if (!input_method_is_active_) return; // If the last text input type is not None, then we should finish any // ongoing composition regardless of the new text input type. if (text_input_type_ != ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE) { // If a composition text exists, then we need to let the browser process // to cancel the input method's ongoing composition session. if (webwidget_->confirmComposition()) Send(new ViewHostMsg_ImeCancelComposition(routing_id())); } // Send an updated IME range with the current caret rect. ui::Range range(ui::Range::InvalidRange()); size_t location, length; if (webwidget_->caretOrSelectionRange(&location, &length)) { range.set_start(location); range.set_end(location + length); } Send(new ViewHostMsg_ImeCompositionRangeChanged(routing_id(), range)); } void RenderWidget::SchedulePluginMove( const webkit::npapi::WebPluginGeometry& move) { size_t i = 0; for (; i < plugin_window_moves_.size(); ++i) { if (plugin_window_moves_[i].window == move.window) { if (move.rects_valid) { plugin_window_moves_[i] = move; } else { plugin_window_moves_[i].visible = move.visible; } break; } } if (i == plugin_window_moves_.size()) plugin_window_moves_.push_back(move); } void RenderWidget::CleanupWindowInPluginMoves(gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { for (WebPluginGeometryVector::iterator i = plugin_window_moves_.begin(); i != plugin_window_moves_.end(); ++i) { if (i->window == window) { plugin_window_moves_.erase(i); break; } } } bool RenderWidget::WillHandleMouseEvent(const WebKit::WebMouseEvent& event) { return false; } bool RenderWidget::WebWidgetHandlesCompositorScheduling() const { return false; }