// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "content/renderer/websharedworker_proxy.h" #include "content/common/child_thread.h" #include "content/common/view_messages.h" #include "content/common/webmessageportchannel_impl.h" #include "content/common/worker_messages.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebURL.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSharedWorkerClient.h" namespace content { WebSharedWorkerProxy::WebSharedWorkerProxy(ChildThread* child_thread, unsigned long long document_id, bool exists, int route_id, int render_view_route_id) : route_id_(exists ? route_id : MSG_ROUTING_NONE), render_view_route_id_(render_view_route_id), child_thread_(child_thread), document_id_(document_id), pending_route_id_(route_id), connect_listener_(NULL) { if (route_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE) child_thread_->AddRoute(route_id_, this); } WebSharedWorkerProxy::~WebSharedWorkerProxy() { Disconnect(); // Free up any unsent queued messages. for (size_t i = 0; i < queued_messages_.size(); ++i) delete queued_messages_[i]; } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::Disconnect() { if (route_id_ == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) return; // So the messages from WorkerContext (like WorkerContextDestroyed) do not // come after nobody is listening. Since Worker and WorkerContext can // terminate independently, already sent messages may still be in the pipe. child_thread_->RemoveRoute(route_id_); route_id_ = MSG_ROUTING_NONE; } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::CreateWorkerContext( const GURL& script_url, bool is_shared, const string16& name, const string16& user_agent, const string16& source_code, const string16& content_security_policy, WebKit::WebContentSecurityPolicyType policy_type, int pending_route_id, int64 script_resource_appcache_id) { DCHECK(route_id_ == MSG_ROUTING_NONE); ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker_Params params; params.url = script_url; params.name = name; params.document_id = document_id_; params.render_view_route_id = render_view_route_id_; params.route_id = pending_route_id; params.script_resource_appcache_id = script_resource_appcache_id; IPC::Message* create_message = new ViewHostMsg_CreateWorker( params, &route_id_); child_thread_->Send(create_message); if (route_id_ == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) return; child_thread_->AddRoute(route_id_, this); // We make sure that the start message is the first, since postMessage or // connect might have already been called. queued_messages_.insert(queued_messages_.begin(), new WorkerMsg_StartWorkerContext( route_id_, script_url, user_agent, source_code, content_security_policy, policy_type)); } bool WebSharedWorkerProxy::IsStarted() { // Worker is started if we have a route ID and there are no queued messages // (meaning we've sent the WorkerMsg_StartWorkerContext already). return (route_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE && queued_messages_.empty()); } bool WebSharedWorkerProxy::Send(IPC::Message* message) { // It's possible that messages will be sent before the worker is created, in // which case route_id_ will be none. Or the worker object can be interacted // with before the browser process told us that it started, in which case we // also want to queue the message. if (!IsStarted()) { queued_messages_.push_back(message); return true; } // For now we proxy all messages to the worker process through the browser. // Revisit if we find this slow. // TODO(jabdelmalek): handle sync messages if we need them. IPC::Message* wrapped_msg = new ViewHostMsg_ForwardToWorker(*message); delete message; return child_thread_->Send(wrapped_msg); } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::SendQueuedMessages() { DCHECK(queued_messages_.size()); std::vector<IPC::Message*> queued_messages = queued_messages_; queued_messages_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < queued_messages.size(); ++i) { queued_messages[i]->set_routing_id(route_id_); Send(queued_messages[i]); } } bool WebSharedWorkerProxy::isStarted() { return IsStarted(); } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::startWorkerContext( const WebKit::WebURL& script_url, const WebKit::WebString& name, const WebKit::WebString& user_agent, const WebKit::WebString& source_code, const WebKit::WebString& content_security_policy, WebKit::WebContentSecurityPolicyType policy_type, long long script_resource_appcache_id) { DCHECK(!isStarted()); CreateWorkerContext( script_url, true, name, user_agent, source_code, content_security_policy, policy_type, pending_route_id_, script_resource_appcache_id); } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::terminateWorkerContext() { // This API should only be invoked from worker context. NOTREACHED(); } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::clientDestroyed() { // This API should only be invoked from worker context. NOTREACHED(); } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::connect(WebKit::WebMessagePortChannel* channel, ConnectListener* listener) { WebMessagePortChannelImpl* webchannel = static_cast<WebMessagePortChannelImpl*>(channel); int message_port_id = webchannel->message_port_id(); DCHECK(message_port_id != MSG_ROUTING_NONE); webchannel->QueueMessages(); Send(new WorkerMsg_Connect(route_id_, message_port_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE)); if (HasQueuedMessages()) { connect_listener_ = listener; } else { listener->connected(); // The listener may free this object, so do not access the object after // this point. } } bool WebSharedWorkerProxy::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) { bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(WebSharedWorkerProxy, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewMsg_WorkerCreated, OnWorkerCreated) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } void WebSharedWorkerProxy::OnWorkerCreated() { // The worker is created - now send off the CreateWorkerContext message and // any other queued messages SendQueuedMessages(); // Inform any listener that the pending connect event has been sent // (this can result in this object being freed). if (connect_listener_) { connect_listener_->connected(); } } } // namespace content