// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Multiply-included file, no traditional include guard. #include #include #include "content/public/common/common_param_traits.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #define IPC_MESSAGE_START ShellMsgStart IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(ShellViewMsg_SetTestConfiguration_Params) // The current working directory. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::FilePath, current_working_directory) // The temporary directory of the system. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(base::FilePath, temp_path) // The URL of the current layout test. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(GURL, test_url) // True if pixel tests are enabled. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, enable_pixel_dumping) // The layout test timeout in milliseconds. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(int, layout_test_timeout) // True if tests can open external URLs IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(bool, allow_external_pages) // The expected MD5 hash of the pixel results. IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(std::string, expected_pixel_hash) IPC_STRUCT_END() // Tells the renderer to reset all test runners. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(ShellViewMsg_ResetAll) // Sets the path to the WebKit checkout. IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(ShellViewMsg_SetWebKitSourceDir, base::FilePath /* webkit source dir */) // Sets the initial configuration to use for layout tests. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewMsg_SetTestConfiguration, ShellViewMsg_SetTestConfiguration_Params) // Send a text dump of the WebContents to the render host. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_TextDump, std::string /* dump */) // Send an image dump of the WebContents to the render host. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ShellViewHostMsg_ImageDump, std::string /* actual pixel hash */, SkBitmap /* image */) // Send an audio dump to the render host. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_AudioDump, std::vector /* audio data */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_TestFinished, bool /* did_timeout */) // WebTestDelegate related. IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_OverridePreferences, webkit_glue::WebPreferences /* preferences */) IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ShellViewHostMsg_RegisterIsolatedFileSystem, std::vector /* absolute_filenames */, std::string /* filesystem_id */) IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(ShellViewHostMsg_ReadFileToString, base::FilePath /* local path */, std::string /* contents */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_PrintMessage, std::string /* message */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ShellViewHostMsg_ShowDevTools) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ShellViewHostMsg_CloseDevTools) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_GoToOffset, int /* offset */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ShellViewHostMsg_Reload) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ShellViewHostMsg_LoadURLForFrame, GURL /* url */, std::string /* frame_name */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(ShellViewHostMsg_NotImplemented, std::string /* object_name */, std::string /* property_name */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(ShellViewHostMsg_ClearAllDatabases) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_SetDatabaseQuota, int /* quota */) IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(ShellViewHostMsg_AcceptAllCookies, bool /* accept */)