// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "courgette/label_manager.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_math.h" #include "courgette/consecutive_range_visitor.h" namespace courgette { LabelManager::RvaVisitor::~RvaVisitor() {} LabelManager::LabelManager() {} LabelManager::~LabelManager() {} // We wish to minimize peak memory usage here. Analysis: Let // m = number of (RVA) elements in |rva_visitor|, // n = number of distinct (RVA) elements in |rva_visitor|. // The final storage is n * sizeof(Label) bytes. During computation we uniquify // m RVAs, and count repeats. Taking sizeof(RVA) = 4, an implementation using // std::map or std::unordered_map would consume additionally 32 * n bytes. // Meanwhile, our std::vector implementation consumes additionally 4 * m bytes // For our typical usage (i.e. Chrome) we see m = ~4n, so we use 16 * n bytes of // extra contiguous memory during computation. Assuming memory fragmentation // would not be an issue, this is much better than using std::map. void LabelManager::Read(RvaVisitor* rva_visitor) { // Write all values in |rva_visitor| to |rvas|. size_t num_rva = rva_visitor->Remaining(); std::vector rvas(num_rva); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rva; ++i, rva_visitor->Next()) rvas[i] = rva_visitor->Get(); // Sort |rvas|, then count the number of distinct values. using CRV = ConsecutiveRangeVisitor::iterator>; std::sort(rvas.begin(), rvas.end()); size_t num_distinct_rva = 0; for (CRV it(rvas.begin(), rvas.end()); it.has_more(); it.advance()) ++num_distinct_rva; // Reserve space for |labels_|, populate with sorted RVA and repeats. DCHECK(labels_.empty()); labels_.reserve(num_distinct_rva); for (CRV it(rvas.begin(), rvas.end()); it.has_more(); it.advance()) { labels_.push_back(Label(*it.cur())); base::CheckedNumeric count = it.repeat(); labels_.back().count_ = count.ValueOrDie(); } } void LabelManager::RemoveUnderusedLabels(int32_t count_threshold) { if (count_threshold <= 0) return; labels_.erase(std::remove_if(labels_.begin(), labels_.end(), [count_threshold](const Label& label) { return label.count_ < count_threshold; }), labels_.end()); // Not shrinking |labels_|, since this may cause reallocation. } // Uses binary search to find |rva|. Label* LabelManager::Find(RVA rva) { auto it = std::lower_bound( labels_.begin(), labels_.end(), Label(rva), [](const Label& l1, const Label& l2) { return l1.rva_ < l2.rva_; }); return it == labels_.end() || it->rva_ != rva ? nullptr : &(*it); } } // namespace courgette