# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/crypto.gni") import("//testing/test.gni") if (is_nacl) { component("crypto") { output_name = "crcrypto" # Avoid colliding with OpenSSL's libcrypto. sources = [ "random.cc", "random.h", ] deps = [ "//base", ] } } else { component("crypto") { output_name = "crcrypto" # Avoid colliding with OpenSSL's libcrypto. sources = [ "aead_openssl.cc", "aead_openssl.h", "aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss.cc", "aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss.h", "apple_keychain.h", "apple_keychain_ios.mm", "apple_keychain_mac.mm", "capi_util.cc", "capi_util.h", "crypto_export.h", "cssm_init.cc", "cssm_init.h", "curve25519-donna.c", "curve25519.cc", "curve25519.h", "ec_private_key.h", "ec_private_key_nss.cc", "ec_private_key_openssl.cc", "ec_signature_creator.cc", "ec_signature_creator.h", "ec_signature_creator_impl.h", "ec_signature_creator_nss.cc", "ec_signature_creator_openssl.cc", "encryptor.cc", "encryptor.h", "encryptor_nss.cc", "encryptor_openssl.cc", "ghash.cc", "ghash.h", "hkdf.cc", "hkdf.h", "hmac.cc", "hmac.h", "hmac_nss.cc", "hmac_openssl.cc", "mac_security_services_lock.cc", "mac_security_services_lock.h", # TODO(brettw) these mocks should be moved to a test_support_crypto target # if possible. "mock_apple_keychain.cc", "mock_apple_keychain.h", "mock_apple_keychain_ios.cc", "mock_apple_keychain_mac.cc", "nss_key_util.cc", "nss_key_util.h", "nss_util.cc", "nss_util.h", "nss_util_internal.h", "openssl_bio_string.cc", "openssl_bio_string.h", "openssl_util.cc", "openssl_util.h", "p224.cc", "p224.h", "p224_spake.cc", "p224_spake.h", "random.cc", "random.h", "rsa_private_key.cc", "rsa_private_key.h", "rsa_private_key_nss.cc", "rsa_private_key_openssl.cc", "scoped_capi_types.h", "scoped_nss_types.h", "secure_hash.h", "secure_hash_default.cc", "secure_hash_openssl.cc", "secure_util.cc", "secure_util.h", "sha2.cc", "sha2.h", "signature_creator.h", "signature_creator_nss.cc", "signature_creator_openssl.cc", "signature_verifier.h", "signature_verifier_nss.cc", "signature_verifier_openssl.cc", "symmetric_key.h", "symmetric_key_nss.cc", "symmetric_key_openssl.cc", "third_party/nss/chromium-blapi.h", "third_party/nss/chromium-blapit.h", "third_party/nss/chromium-nss.h", "third_party/nss/chromium-sha256.h", "third_party/nss/pk11akey.cc", "third_party/nss/rsawrapr.c", "third_party/nss/secsign.cc", "third_party/nss/sha512.cc", ] # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations. configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ] deps = [ ":platform", "//base", "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations", ] if (!is_mac && !is_ios) { sources -= [ "apple_keychain.h", "mock_apple_keychain.cc", "mock_apple_keychain.h", ] } if (!is_mac) { sources -= [ "cssm_init.cc", "cssm_init.h", "mac_security_services_lock.cc", "mac_security_services_lock.h", ] } if (!is_win) { sources -= [ "capi_util.cc", "capi_util.h", ] } if (is_android) { deps += [ "//third_party/android_tools:cpu_features" ] } if (use_openssl) { # Remove NSS files when using OpenSSL sources -= [ "aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss.cc", "aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss.h", "ec_private_key_nss.cc", "ec_signature_creator_nss.cc", "encryptor_nss.cc", "hmac_nss.cc", "rsa_private_key_nss.cc", "secure_hash_default.cc", "signature_creator_nss.cc", "signature_verifier_nss.cc", "symmetric_key_nss.cc", "third_party/nss/chromium-blapi.h", "third_party/nss/chromium-blapit.h", "third_party/nss/chromium-nss.h", "third_party/nss/pk11akey.cc", "third_party/nss/rsawrapr.c", "third_party/nss/secsign.cc", ] } else { # Remove OpenSSL when using NSS. sources -= [ "aead_openssl.cc", "aead_openssl.h", "ec_private_key_openssl.cc", "ec_signature_creator_openssl.cc", "encryptor_openssl.cc", "hmac_openssl.cc", "openssl_bio_string.cc", "openssl_bio_string.h", "openssl_util.cc", "openssl_util.h", "rsa_private_key_openssl.cc", "secure_hash_openssl.cc", "signature_creator_openssl.cc", "signature_verifier_openssl.cc", "symmetric_key_openssl.cc", ] } # Some files are built when NSS is used at all, either for the internal crypto # library or the platform certificate library. if (use_openssl && !use_nss_certs) { sources -= [ "nss_key_util.cc", "nss_key_util.h", "nss_util.cc", "nss_util.h", "nss_util_internal.h", ] } defines = [ "CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION" ] } } # TODO(GYP): TODO(dpranke), fix the compile errors for this stuff # and make it work. if (false && is_win) { # A minimal crypto subset for hmac-related stuff that small standalone # targets can use to reduce code size on Windows. This does not depend on # OpenSSL/NSS but will use Windows APIs for that functionality. source_set("crypto_minimal_win") { sources = [ "crypto_export.h", "hmac.cc", "hmac.h", "hmac_win.cc", "scoped_capi_types.h", "scoped_nss_types.h", "secure_util.cc", "secure_util.h", "symmetric_key.h", "symmetric_key_win.cc", "third_party/nss/chromium-blapi.h", "third_party/nss/chromium-sha256.h", "third_party/nss/sha512.cc", ] deps = [ "//base", "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations", ] defines = [ "CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION" ] } } # TODO(GYP): Delete this after we've converted everything to GN. # The _run targets exist only for compatibility w/ GYP. group("crypto_unittests_run") { testonly = true deps = [ ":crypto_unittests", ] } test("crypto_unittests") { sources = [ "aead_openssl_unittest.cc", "aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss_unittest.cc", "curve25519_unittest.cc", "ec_private_key_unittest.cc", "ec_signature_creator_unittest.cc", "encryptor_unittest.cc", "ghash_unittest.cc", "hkdf_unittest.cc", "hmac_unittest.cc", "nss_key_util_unittest.cc", "nss_util_unittest.cc", "openssl_bio_string_unittest.cc", "p224_spake_unittest.cc", "p224_unittest.cc", "random_unittest.cc", "rsa_private_key_unittest.cc", "secure_hash_unittest.cc", "sha2_unittest.cc", "signature_creator_unittest.cc", "signature_verifier_unittest.cc", "symmetric_key_unittest.cc", ] # Some files are built when NSS is used at all, either for the internal crypto # library or the platform certificate library. if (use_openssl && !use_nss_certs) { sources -= [ "nss_key_util_unittest.cc", "nss_util_unittest.cc", ] } if (use_openssl) { sources -= [ "aes_128_gcm_helpers_nss_unittest.cc" ] } else { sources -= [ "openssl_bio_string_unittest.cc" ] } configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ] deps = [ ":crypto", ":platform", ":test_support", "//base", "//base/test:run_all_unittests", "//base/test:test_support", "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", ] } source_set("test_support") { sources = [ "scoped_test_nss_chromeos_user.cc", "scoped_test_nss_chromeos_user.h", "scoped_test_nss_db.cc", "scoped_test_nss_db.h", "scoped_test_system_nss_key_slot.cc", "scoped_test_system_nss_key_slot.h", ] deps = [ ":crypto", ":platform", "//base", ] if (!use_nss_certs) { sources -= [ "scoped_test_nss_db.cc", "scoped_test_nss_db.h", ] } if (!is_chromeos) { sources -= [ "scoped_test_nss_chromeos_user.cc", "scoped_test_nss_chromeos_user.h", "scoped_test_system_nss_key_slot.cc", "scoped_test_system_nss_key_slot.h", ] } } config("platform_config") { if ((!use_openssl || use_nss_certs) && is_clang) { # There is a broken header guard in /usr/include/nss/secmod.h: # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=884072 cflags = [ "-Wno-header-guard" ] } } # This is a meta-target that forwards to NSS's SSL library or OpenSSL, # according to the state of the crypto flags. A target just wanting to depend # on the current SSL library should just depend on this. group("platform") { if (use_openssl) { deps = [ "//third_party/boringssl", ] } else { deps = [ "//net/third_party/nss/ssl:libssl", ] } # Link in NSS if it is used for either the internal crypto library # (!use_openssl) or platform certificate library (use_nss_certs). if (!use_openssl || use_nss_certs) { if (is_linux) { # On Linux, we use the system NSS (excepting SSL where we always use our # own). public_configs = [ ":platform_config" ] if (!use_openssl) { # If using a bundled copy of NSS's SSL library, ensure the bundled SSL # header search path comes before the system one so our versions are # used. The libssl target will add the search path we want, but # according to GN's ordering rules, public_configs' search path will get # applied before ones inherited from our dependencies. Therefore, we # need to explicitly list our custom libssl's config here before the # system one. public_configs += [ "//net/third_party/nss/ssl:ssl_config" ] } public_configs += [ "//third_party/nss:system_nss_no_ssl_config" ] } else { # Non-Linux platforms use the hermetic NSS from the tree. public_deps = [ "//third_party/nss:nspr", "//third_party/nss:nss", ] } } }