// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_BLUETOOTH_ADAPTER_MAC_H_ #define DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_BLUETOOTH_ADAPTER_MAC_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h" #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/observer_list.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_audio_sink.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_discovery_manager_mac.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_low_energy_device_mac.h" #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_low_energy_discovery_manager_mac.h" @class IOBluetoothDevice; @class NSArray; @class NSDate; namespace base { class SequencedTaskRunner; } // namespace base @class BluetoothLowEnergyCentralManagerDelegate; namespace device { class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluetoothAdapterMac : public BluetoothAdapter, public BluetoothDiscoveryManagerMac::Observer, public BluetoothLowEnergyDiscoveryManagerMac::Observer { public: static base::WeakPtr CreateAdapter(); static base::WeakPtr CreateAdapterForTest( std::string name, std::string address, scoped_refptr ui_task_runner); // BluetoothAdapter overrides: std::string GetAddress() const override; std::string GetName() const override; void SetName(const std::string& name, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; bool IsInitialized() const override; bool IsPresent() const override; bool IsPowered() const override; void SetPowered(bool powered, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; bool IsDiscoverable() const override; void SetDiscoverable(bool discoverable, const base::Closure& callback, const ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; bool IsDiscovering() const override; void CreateRfcommService( const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const ServiceOptions& options, const CreateServiceCallback& callback, const CreateServiceErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void CreateL2capService( const BluetoothUUID& uuid, const ServiceOptions& options, const CreateServiceCallback& callback, const CreateServiceErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void RegisterAudioSink( const BluetoothAudioSink::Options& options, const AcquiredCallback& callback, const BluetoothAudioSink::ErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void RegisterAdvertisement( scoped_ptr advertisement_data, const CreateAdvertisementCallback& callback, const CreateAdvertisementErrorCallback& error_callback) override; // BluetoothDiscoveryManagerMac::Observer overrides: void ClassicDeviceFound(IOBluetoothDevice* device) override; void ClassicDiscoveryStopped(bool unexpected) override; // Registers that a new |device| has connected to the local host. void DeviceConnected(IOBluetoothDevice* device); // We only use CoreBluetooth when OS X >= 10.10. This because the // CBCentralManager destructor was found to crash on the mac_chromium_rel_ng // builder running 10.9.5. May also cause blued to crash on OS X 10.9.5 // (crbug.com/506287). static bool IsLowEnergyAvailable(); // Resets |low_energy_central_manager_| to |central_manager| and sets // |low_energy_central_manager_delegate_| as the manager's delegate. Should // be called only when |IsLowEnergyAvailable()|. void SetCentralManagerForTesting(CBCentralManager* central_manager); protected: // BluetoothAdapter override: void RemovePairingDelegateInternal( device::BluetoothDevice::PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate) override; private: // The length of time that must elapse since the last Inquiry response (on // Classic devices) or call to BluetoothLowEnergyDevice::Update() (on Low // Energy) before a discovered device is considered to be no longer available. const static NSTimeInterval kDiscoveryTimeoutSec; friend class BluetoothTestMac; friend class BluetoothAdapterMacTest; friend class BluetoothLowEnergyCentralManagerBridge; BluetoothAdapterMac(); ~BluetoothAdapterMac() override; // BluetoothAdapter overrides: void AddDiscoverySession( BluetoothDiscoveryFilter* discovery_filter, const base::Closure& callback, const DiscoverySessionErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void RemoveDiscoverySession( BluetoothDiscoveryFilter* discovery_filter, const base::Closure& callback, const DiscoverySessionErrorCallback& error_callback) override; void SetDiscoveryFilter( scoped_ptr discovery_filter, const base::Closure& callback, const DiscoverySessionErrorCallback& error_callback) override; // Start classic and/or low energy discovery sessions, according to the // filter. If a discovery session is already running the filter is updated. bool StartDiscovery(BluetoothDiscoveryFilter* discovery_filter); void Init(); void InitForTest(scoped_refptr ui_task_runner); void PollAdapter(); // Registers that a new |device| has replied to an Inquiry, is paired, or has // connected to the local host. void ClassicDeviceAdded(IOBluetoothDevice* device); // BluetoothLowEnergyDiscoveryManagerMac::Observer override: void LowEnergyDeviceUpdated(CBPeripheral* peripheral, NSDictionary* advertisement_data, int rssi) override; // Updates |devices_| when there is a change to the CBCentralManager's state. void LowEnergyCentralManagerUpdatedState(); // Removes from |devices_| any previously paired, connected or seen devices // which are no longer present. Notifies observers. void RemoveTimedOutDevices(); // Updates |devices_| to include the currently paired devices and notifies // observers. void AddPairedDevices(); std::string address_; std::string name_; bool classic_powered_; int num_discovery_sessions_; // Discovery manager for Bluetooth Classic. scoped_ptr classic_discovery_manager_; // Discovery manager for Bluetooth Low Energy. scoped_ptr low_energy_discovery_manager_; // Underlying CoreBluetooth CBCentralManager and its delegate. base::scoped_nsobject low_energy_central_manager_; base::scoped_nsobject low_energy_central_manager_delegate_; scoped_refptr ui_task_runner_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_ptr_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BluetoothAdapterMac); }; } // namespace device #endif // DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_BLUETOOTH_ADAPTER_MAC_H_