# Ninja Build Ninja is a build system written with the specific goal of improving the edit-compile cycle time. It is used by default everywhere except when building for iOS. Ninja behaves very similar to Make -- the major feature is that it starts building files nearly instantly. (It has a number of minor user interface improvements to make as well.) Read more about Ninja at [the Ninja home page](http://martine.github.com/ninja/). ## Using it ### Configure your system to use Ninja #### Install Ninja is included in `depot_tools` as well as `gyp`, so there's nothing to install. ## Build instructions To build Chrome: cd /path/to/chrome/src ninja -C out/Debug chrome Specify `out/Release` for a release build. I recommend setting up an alias so that you don't need to type out that build directory path. If you want to build all targets, use `ninja -C out/Debug all`. It's faster to build only the target you're working on, like `chrome` or `unit_tests`. ## Android Identical to Linux, just make sure `OS=android` is in your `GYP_DEFINES`. You want to build one of the apk targets, e.g. `content_shell_apk`. ## Windows Similar to Linux. It uses MSVS's `cl.exe`, `link.exe`, etc. so you still need to have VS installed. To use it, open `cmd.exe`, go to your chrome checkout, and run: set GYP_DEFINES=component=shared_library python build\gyp_chromium ninja -C out\Debug chrome.exe `component=shared_library` is optional but recommended for faster links. You can also set `GYP_GENERATORS=ninja,msvs-ninja` to get both VS projects generated if you want to use VS just to browse/edit (but then gyp takes twice as long to run). If you're using Express or the Windows SDK by itself (rather than using a Visual Studio install), you'll need to run from a vcvarsall command prompt. ### Debugging Miss VS for debugging? ``` devenv.com /debugexe chrome.exe --my-great-args "go here" --single-process etc ``` Miss Xcode for debugging? Read http://dev.chromium.org/developers/debugging-on-os-x/building-with-ninja-debugging-with-xcode ### Without Visual Studio That is, building with just the WinDDK. This is documented in the [regular build instructions](http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-windows#TOC-Setting-up-the-environment-for-building-with-Visual-C-2010-Express-or-Windows-7.1-SDK). ## Tweaks ### Building through errors Pass a flag like `-k3` to make Ninja build until it hits three errors instead of stopping at the first. ### Parallelism Pass a flag like `-j8` to use 8 parallel processes, or `-j1` to compile just one at a time (helpful if you're getting weird compiler errors). By default Ninja tries to use all your processors. ### More options There are more options. Run `ninja --help` to see them all. ### Custom build configs You can write a specific build config to a specific output directory via the `-G` flags to gyp. Here's an example from jamesr: `build/gyp_chromium -Gconfig=Release -Goutput_dir=out_profiling -Dprofiling=1 -Dlinux_fpic=0` ## Bugs If you encounter any problems, please file a bug at http://crbug.com/new with label `ninja` and cc `thakis@` or `scottmg@`. Assume that it is a bug in Ninja before you bother anyone about e.g. link problems.