// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread_bundle.h" #include "extensions/browser/extension_api_frame_id_map.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using FrameDataCallback = extensions::ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::FrameDataCallback; namespace extensions { namespace { int ToTestFrameId(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id) { if (render_process_id < 0 && frame_routing_id < 0) return ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::kInvalidFrameId; // Return a deterministic value (yet different from the input) for testing. // To make debugging easier: Ending with 0 = frame ID. return render_process_id * 1000 + frame_routing_id * 10; } int ToTestParentFrameId(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id) { if (render_process_id < 0 && frame_routing_id < 0) return ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::kInvalidFrameId; // Return a deterministic value (yet different from the input) for testing. // To make debugging easier: Ending with 7 = parent frame ID. return render_process_id * 1000 + frame_routing_id * 10 + 7; } int ToTestTabId(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id) { if (render_process_id < 0 && frame_routing_id < 0) return -1; // Return a deterministic value (yet different from the input) for testing. // To make debugging easier: Ending with 5 = tab ID. return render_process_id * 1000 + frame_routing_id * 10 + 5; } class TestExtensionApiFrameIdMap : public ExtensionApiFrameIdMap { public: int GetInternalSize() { return frame_data_map_.size(); } int GetInternalCallbackCount() { int count = 0; for (auto& it : callbacks_map_) count += it.second.callbacks.size(); return count; } // These indirections are used because we cannot mock RenderFrameHost with // fixed IDs in unit tests. // TODO(robwu): Use content/public/test/test_renderer_host.h to mock // RenderFrameHosts and update the tests to test against these mocks. // After doing that, there is no need for CacheFrameData/RemoveFrameData // methods that take a RenderFrameIdKey, so the methods can be merged. void SetInternalFrameData(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id) { CacheFrameData(RenderFrameIdKey(render_process_id, frame_routing_id)); } void RemoveInternalFrameData(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id) { RemoveFrameData(RenderFrameIdKey(render_process_id, frame_routing_id)); } private: // ExtensionApiFrameIdMap: FrameData KeyToValue(const RenderFrameIdKey& key) const override { return FrameData( ToTestFrameId(key.render_process_id, key.frame_routing_id), ToTestParentFrameId(key.render_process_id, key.frame_routing_id), ToTestTabId(key.render_process_id, key.frame_routing_id)); } }; class ExtensionApiFrameIdMapTest : public testing::Test { public: ExtensionApiFrameIdMapTest() : thread_bundle_(content::TestBrowserThreadBundle::IO_MAINLOOP) {} FrameDataCallback CreateCallback( int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id, const std::string& callback_name_for_testing) { return base::Bind(&ExtensionApiFrameIdMapTest::OnCalledCallback, base::Unretained(this), render_process_id, frame_routing_id, callback_name_for_testing); } void OnCalledCallback(int render_process_id, int frame_routing_id, const std::string& callback_name_for_testing, const ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::FrameData& frame_data) { results_.push_back(callback_name_for_testing); // If this fails, then the mapping is completely wrong. EXPECT_EQ(ToTestFrameId(render_process_id, frame_routing_id), frame_data.frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(ToTestParentFrameId(render_process_id, frame_routing_id), frame_data.parent_frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(ToTestTabId(render_process_id, frame_routing_id), frame_data.tab_id); } const std::vector& results() { return results_; } void ClearResults() { results_.clear(); } private: content::TestBrowserThreadBundle thread_bundle_; // Used to verify the order of callbacks. std::vector results_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionApiFrameIdMapTest); }; } // namespace TEST_F(ExtensionApiFrameIdMapTest, GetFrameDataOnIO) { TestExtensionApiFrameIdMap map; EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalSize()); // Two identical calls, should be processed at the next message loop. map.GetFrameDataOnIO(1, 2, CreateCallback(1, 2, "first")); EXPECT_EQ(1, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalSize()); map.GetFrameDataOnIO(1, 2, CreateCallback(1, 2, "first again")); EXPECT_EQ(2, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalSize()); // First get the frame ID on IO (queued on message loop), then set it on UI. // No callbacks should be invoked because the IO thread cannot know that the // frame ID was set on the UI thread. map.GetFrameDataOnIO(2, 1, CreateCallback(2, 1, "something else")); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalSize()); map.SetInternalFrameData(2, 1); EXPECT_EQ(1, map.GetInternalSize()); EXPECT_EQ(0U, results().size()); // Run some self-contained test. They should not affect the above callbacks. { // Callbacks for invalid IDs should immediately be run because it doesn't // require a thread hop to determine their invalidity. map.GetFrameDataOnIO(-1, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, CreateCallback(-1, MSG_ROUTING_NONE, "invalid IDs")); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // No change. EXPECT_EQ(1, map.GetInternalSize()); // No change. ASSERT_EQ(1U, results().size()); // +1 EXPECT_EQ("invalid IDs", results()[0]); ClearResults(); } { // First set the frame ID on UI, then get it on IO. Callback should // immediately be invoked. map.SetInternalFrameData(3, 1); EXPECT_EQ(2, map.GetInternalSize()); map.GetFrameDataOnIO(3, 1, CreateCallback(3, 1, "the only result")); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // No change. EXPECT_EQ(2, map.GetInternalSize()); // +1 ASSERT_EQ(1U, results().size()); // +1 EXPECT_EQ("the only result", results()[0]); ClearResults(); } { // Request the frame ID on IO, set the frame ID (in reality, set on the UI), // and request another frame ID. The last query should cause both callbacks // to run because the frame ID is known at the time of the call. map.GetFrameDataOnIO(7, 2, CreateCallback(7, 2, "queued")); EXPECT_EQ(4, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // +1 map.SetInternalFrameData(7, 2); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalSize()); // +1 map.GetFrameDataOnIO(7, 2, CreateCallback(7, 2, "not queued")); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // -1 (first callback ran). EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalSize()); // No change. ASSERT_EQ(2U, results().size()); // +2 (both callbacks ran). EXPECT_EQ("queued", results()[0]); EXPECT_EQ("not queued", results()[1]); ClearResults(); } // A call identical to the very first call. map.GetFrameDataOnIO(1, 2, CreateCallback(1, 2, "same as first")); EXPECT_EQ(4, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalSize()); // Trigger the queued callbacks. base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // -4 (no queued callbacks). EXPECT_EQ(4, map.GetInternalSize()); // +1 (1 new cached frame ID). ASSERT_EQ(4U, results().size()); // +4 (callbacks ran). // PostTasks are processed in order, so the very first callbacks should be // processed. As soon as the first callback is available, all of its callbacks // should be run (no deferrals!). EXPECT_EQ("first", results()[0]); EXPECT_EQ("first again", results()[1]); EXPECT_EQ("same as first", results()[2]); // This was queued after "first again", but has a different frame ID, so it // is received after "same as first". EXPECT_EQ("something else", results()[3]); ClearResults(); // Request the frame ID for input that was already looked up. Should complete // synchronously. map.GetFrameDataOnIO(1, 2, CreateCallback(1, 2, "first and cached")); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // No change. EXPECT_EQ(4, map.GetInternalSize()); // No change. ASSERT_EQ(1U, results().size()); // +1 (synchronous callback). EXPECT_EQ("first and cached", results()[0]); ClearResults(); // Trigger frame removal and look up frame ID. The frame ID should no longer // be available. and GetFrameDataOnIO() should require a thread hop. map.RemoveInternalFrameData(1, 2); EXPECT_EQ(3, map.GetInternalSize()); // -1 map.GetFrameDataOnIO(1, 2, CreateCallback(1, 2, "first was removed")); EXPECT_EQ(1, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // +1 ASSERT_EQ(0U, results().size()); // No change (queued callback). base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); // -1 (callback not in queue). EXPECT_EQ(4, map.GetInternalSize()); // +1 (cached frame ID). ASSERT_EQ(1U, results().size()); // +1 (callback ran). EXPECT_EQ("first was removed", results()[0]); } TEST_F(ExtensionApiFrameIdMapTest, GetCachedFrameDataOnIO) { TestExtensionApiFrameIdMap map; EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalSize()); const int kRenderProcessId = 1; const int kFrameRoutingId = 2; // Getting cached data on the IO thread should fail if there is no cached // data for the entry... ExtensionApiFrameIdMap::FrameData data; EXPECT_FALSE( map.GetCachedFrameDataOnIO(kRenderProcessId, kFrameRoutingId, &data)); // ... should not queue any callbacks... EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); // ... and should not add any entries to the map. EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalSize()); // Getting cached data should succeed if there is a cached entry. map.SetInternalFrameData(kRenderProcessId, kFrameRoutingId); EXPECT_EQ(1, map.GetInternalSize()); EXPECT_TRUE( map.GetCachedFrameDataOnIO(kRenderProcessId, kFrameRoutingId, &data)); EXPECT_EQ(0, map.GetInternalCallbackCount()); EXPECT_EQ(ToTestFrameId(kRenderProcessId, kFrameRoutingId), data.frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(ToTestParentFrameId(kRenderProcessId, kFrameRoutingId), data.parent_frame_id); EXPECT_EQ(ToTestTabId(kRenderProcessId, kFrameRoutingId), data.tab_id); } } // namespace extensions