// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef EXTENSIONS_BROWSER_SANDBOXED_UNPACKER_H_ #define EXTENSIONS_BROWSER_SANDBOXED_UNPACKER_H_ #include #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted_delete_on_message_loop.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/utility_process_host_client.h" #include "extensions/browser/crx_file_info.h" #include "extensions/browser/install/crx_install_error.h" #include "extensions/common/manifest.h" class SkBitmap; namespace base { class DictionaryValue; class SequencedTaskRunner; } namespace content { class UtilityProcessHost; } namespace crypto { class SecureHash; } namespace extensions { class Extension; class SandboxedUnpackerClient : public base::RefCountedDeleteOnMessageLoop { public: // Initialize the ref-counted base to always delete on the UI thread. Note // the constructor call must also happen on the UI thread. SandboxedUnpackerClient(); // temp_dir - A temporary directory containing the results of the extension // unpacking. The client is responsible for deleting this directory. // // extension_root - The path to the extension root inside of temp_dir. // // original_manifest - The parsed but unmodified version of the manifest, // with no modifications such as localization, etc. // // extension - The extension that was unpacked. The client is responsible // for deleting this memory. // // install_icon - The icon we will display in the installation UI, if any. virtual void OnUnpackSuccess(const base::FilePath& temp_dir, const base::FilePath& extension_root, const base::DictionaryValue* original_manifest, const Extension* extension, const SkBitmap& install_icon) = 0; virtual void OnUnpackFailure(const CrxInstallError& error) = 0; protected: friend class base::RefCountedDeleteOnMessageLoop; friend class base::DeleteHelper; virtual ~SandboxedUnpackerClient() {} }; // SandboxedUnpacker does work to optionally unpack and then validate/sanitize // an extension, either starting from a crx file or an already unzipped // directory (eg from differential update). This is done in a sandboxed // subprocess to protect the browser process from parsing complex formats like // JPEG or JSON from untrusted sources. // // Unpacking an extension using this class makes minor changes to its source, // such as transcoding all images to PNG, parsing all message catalogs // and rewriting the manifest JSON. As such, it should not be used when the // output is not intended to be given back to the author. // // // Lifetime management: // // This class is ref-counted by each call it makes to itself on another thread, // and by UtilityProcessHost. // // Additionally, we hold a reference to our own client so that it lives at least // long enough to receive the result of unpacking. // // // NOTE: This class should only be used on the file thread. class SandboxedUnpacker : public content::UtilityProcessHostClient { public: // Creates a SanboxedUnpacker that will do work to unpack an extension, // passing the |location| and |creation_flags| to Extension::Create. The // |extensions_dir| parameter should specify the directory under which we'll // create a subdirectory to write the unpacked extension contents. SandboxedUnpacker( Manifest::Location location, int creation_flags, const base::FilePath& extensions_dir, const scoped_refptr& unpacker_io_task_runner, SandboxedUnpackerClient* client); // Start processing the extension, either from a CRX file or already unzipped // in a directory. The client is called with the results. The directory form // requires the id and base64-encoded public key (for insertion into the // 'key' field of the manifest.json file). void StartWithCrx(const CRXFileInfo& crx_info); void StartWithDirectory(const std::string& extension_id, const std::string& public_key_base64, const base::FilePath& directory); private: class ProcessHostClient; // Enumerate all the ways unpacking can fail. Calls to ReportFailure() // take a failure reason as an argument, and put it in histogram // Extensions.SandboxUnpackFailureReason. enum FailureReason { // SandboxedUnpacker::CreateTempDirectory() COULD_NOT_GET_TEMP_DIRECTORY, COULD_NOT_CREATE_TEMP_DIRECTORY, // SandboxedUnpacker::Start() FAILED_TO_COPY_EXTENSION_FILE_TO_TEMP_DIRECTORY, COULD_NOT_GET_SANDBOX_FRIENDLY_PATH, // SandboxedUnpacker::OnUnpackExtensionSucceeded() COULD_NOT_LOCALIZE_EXTENSION, INVALID_MANIFEST, // SandboxedUnpacker::OnUnpackExtensionFailed() UNPACKER_CLIENT_FAILED, // SandboxedUnpacker::OnProcessCrashed() UTILITY_PROCESS_CRASHED_WHILE_TRYING_TO_INSTALL, // SandboxedUnpacker::ValidateSignature() CRX_FILE_NOT_READABLE, CRX_HEADER_INVALID, CRX_MAGIC_NUMBER_INVALID, CRX_VERSION_NUMBER_INVALID, CRX_EXCESSIVELY_LARGE_KEY_OR_SIGNATURE, CRX_ZERO_KEY_LENGTH, CRX_ZERO_SIGNATURE_LENGTH, CRX_PUBLIC_KEY_INVALID, CRX_SIGNATURE_INVALID, CRX_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, CRX_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED, // SandboxedUnpacker::RewriteManifestFile() ERROR_SERIALIZING_MANIFEST_JSON, ERROR_SAVING_MANIFEST_JSON, // SandboxedUnpacker::RewriteImageFiles() COULD_NOT_READ_IMAGE_DATA_FROM_DISK, DECODED_IMAGES_DO_NOT_MATCH_THE_MANIFEST, INVALID_PATH_FOR_BROWSER_IMAGE, ERROR_REMOVING_OLD_IMAGE_FILE, INVALID_PATH_FOR_BITMAP_IMAGE, ERROR_RE_ENCODING_THEME_IMAGE, ERROR_SAVING_THEME_IMAGE, ABORTED_DUE_TO_SHUTDOWN, // SandboxedUnpacker::RewriteCatalogFiles() COULD_NOT_READ_CATALOG_DATA_FROM_DISK, INVALID_CATALOG_DATA, INVALID_PATH_FOR_CATALOG, ERROR_SERIALIZING_CATALOG, ERROR_SAVING_CATALOG, // SandboxedUnpacker::ValidateSignature() CRX_HASH_VERIFICATION_FAILED, UNZIP_FAILED, DIRECTORY_MOVE_FAILED, COULD_NOT_START_UTILITY_PROCESS, NUM_FAILURE_REASONS }; friend class ProcessHostClient; friend class SandboxedUnpackerTest; ~SandboxedUnpacker() override; // Set |temp_dir_| as a temporary directory to unpack the extension in. // Return true on success. virtual bool CreateTempDirectory(); // Helper functions to simplify calls to ReportFailure. base::string16 FailureReasonToString16(FailureReason reason); void FailWithPackageError(FailureReason reason); // Validates the signature of the extension and extract the key to // |public_key_|. Returns true if the signature validates, false otherwise. bool ValidateSignature(const base::FilePath& crx_path, const std::string& expected_hash); void StartUnzipOnIOThread(const base::FilePath& crx_path); void StartUnpackOnIOThread(const base::FilePath& directory_path); // UtilityProcessHostClient bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override; void OnProcessCrashed(int exit_code) override; // IPC message handlers. void OnUnzipToDirSucceeded(const base::FilePath& directory); void OnUnzipToDirFailed(const std::string& error); void OnUnpackExtensionSucceeded(const base::DictionaryValue& manifest); void OnUnpackExtensionFailed(const base::string16& error_message); void ReportFailure(FailureReason reason, const base::string16& message); void ReportSuccess(const base::DictionaryValue& original_manifest, const SkBitmap& install_icon); // Overwrites original manifest with safe result from utility process. // Returns NULL on error. Caller owns the returned object. base::DictionaryValue* RewriteManifestFile( const base::DictionaryValue& manifest); // Overwrites original files with safe results from utility process. // Reports error and returns false if it fails. bool RewriteImageFiles(SkBitmap* install_icon); bool RewriteCatalogFiles(); // Cleans up temp directory artifacts. void Cleanup(); // This is a helper class to make it easier to keep track of the lifecycle of // a UtilityProcessHost, including automatic begin and end of batch mode. class UtilityHostWrapper : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe< UtilityHostWrapper, content::BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread> { public: UtilityHostWrapper(); // Start up the utility process if it is not already started, putting it // into batch mode and giving it access to |exposed_dir|. This should only // be called on the IO thread. Returns false if there was an error starting // the utility process or putting it into batch mode. bool StartIfNeeded( const base::FilePath& exposed_dir, const scoped_refptr& client, const scoped_refptr& client_task_runner); // This should only be called on the IO thread. content::UtilityProcessHost* host() const; private: friend struct content::BrowserThread::DeleteOnThread< content::BrowserThread::IO>; friend class base::DeleteHelper; ~UtilityHostWrapper(); // Should only be used on the IO thread. base::WeakPtr utility_host_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UtilityHostWrapper); }; // If we unpacked a crx file, we hold on to the path for use in various // histograms. base::FilePath crx_path_for_histograms_; // Our client. scoped_refptr client_; // The Extensions directory inside the profile. base::FilePath extensions_dir_; // A temporary directory to use for unpacking. base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; // The root directory of the unpacked extension. This is a child of temp_dir_. base::FilePath extension_root_; // Represents the extension we're unpacking. scoped_refptr extension_; // Whether we've received a response from the utility process yet. bool got_response_; // The public key that was extracted from the CRX header. std::string public_key_; // The extension's ID. This will be calculated from the public key in the crx // header. std::string extension_id_; // If we unpacked a .crx file, the time at which unpacking started. Used to // compute the time unpacking takes. base::TimeTicks crx_unpack_start_time_; // Location to use for the unpacked extension. Manifest::Location location_; // Creation flags to use for the extension. These flags will be used // when calling Extenion::Create() by the crx installer. int creation_flags_; // Sequenced task runner where file I/O operations will be performed at. scoped_refptr unpacker_io_task_runner_; // Used for sending tasks to the utility process. scoped_refptr utility_wrapper_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SandboxedUnpacker); }; } // namespace extensions #endif // EXTENSIONS_BROWSER_SANDBOXED_UNPACKER_H_