// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/browser/user_script_loader.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/version.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h" #include "extensions/browser/extensions_browser_client.h" #include "extensions/browser/notification_types.h" #include "extensions/common/extension_messages.h" using content::BrowserThread; using content::BrowserContext; namespace extensions { namespace { // Helper function to parse greasesmonkey headers bool GetDeclarationValue(const base::StringPiece& line, const base::StringPiece& prefix, std::string* value) { base::StringPiece::size_type index = line.find(prefix); if (index == base::StringPiece::npos) return false; std::string temp(line.data() + index + prefix.length(), line.length() - index - prefix.length()); if (temp.empty() || !base::IsUnicodeWhitespace(temp[0])) return false; base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(temp, base::TRIM_ALL, value); return true; } } // namespace // static bool UserScriptLoader::ParseMetadataHeader(const base::StringPiece& script_text, UserScript* script) { // http://wiki.greasespot.net/Metadata_block base::StringPiece line; size_t line_start = 0; size_t line_end = line_start; bool in_metadata = false; static const base::StringPiece kUserScriptBegin("// ==UserScript=="); static const base::StringPiece kUserScriptEng("// ==/UserScript=="); static const base::StringPiece kNamespaceDeclaration("// @namespace"); static const base::StringPiece kNameDeclaration("// @name"); static const base::StringPiece kVersionDeclaration("// @version"); static const base::StringPiece kDescriptionDeclaration("// @description"); static const base::StringPiece kIncludeDeclaration("// @include"); static const base::StringPiece kExcludeDeclaration("// @exclude"); static const base::StringPiece kMatchDeclaration("// @match"); static const base::StringPiece kExcludeMatchDeclaration("// @exclude_match"); static const base::StringPiece kRunAtDeclaration("// @run-at"); static const base::StringPiece kRunAtDocumentStartValue("document-start"); static const base::StringPiece kRunAtDocumentEndValue("document-end"); static const base::StringPiece kRunAtDocumentIdleValue("document-idle"); while (line_start < script_text.length()) { line_end = script_text.find('\n', line_start); // Handle the case where there is no trailing newline in the file. if (line_end == std::string::npos) line_end = script_text.length() - 1; line.set(script_text.data() + line_start, line_end - line_start); if (!in_metadata) { if (line.starts_with(kUserScriptBegin)) in_metadata = true; } else { if (line.starts_with(kUserScriptEng)) break; std::string value; if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kIncludeDeclaration, &value)) { // We escape some characters that MatchPattern() considers special. base::ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&value, 0, "\\", "\\\\"); base::ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&value, 0, "?", "\\?"); script->add_glob(value); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kExcludeDeclaration, &value)) { base::ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&value, 0, "\\", "\\\\"); base::ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&value, 0, "?", "\\?"); script->add_exclude_glob(value); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kNamespaceDeclaration, &value)) { script->set_name_space(value); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kNameDeclaration, &value)) { script->set_name(value); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kVersionDeclaration, &value)) { Version version(value); if (version.IsValid()) script->set_version(version.GetString()); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kDescriptionDeclaration, &value)) { script->set_description(value); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kMatchDeclaration, &value)) { URLPattern pattern(UserScript::ValidUserScriptSchemes()); if (URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS != pattern.Parse(value)) return false; script->add_url_pattern(pattern); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kExcludeMatchDeclaration, &value)) { URLPattern exclude(UserScript::ValidUserScriptSchemes()); if (URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS != exclude.Parse(value)) return false; script->add_exclude_url_pattern(exclude); } else if (GetDeclarationValue(line, kRunAtDeclaration, &value)) { if (value == kRunAtDocumentStartValue) script->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_START); else if (value == kRunAtDocumentEndValue) script->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_END); else if (value == kRunAtDocumentIdleValue) script->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_IDLE); else return false; } // TODO(aa): Handle more types of metadata. } line_start = line_end + 1; } // If no patterns were specified, default to @include *. This is what // Greasemonkey does. if (script->globs().empty() && script->url_patterns().is_empty()) script->add_glob("*"); return true; } UserScriptLoader::UserScriptLoader(BrowserContext* browser_context, const HostID& host_id) : user_scripts_(new UserScriptList()), clear_scripts_(false), ready_(false), pending_load_(false), browser_context_(browser_context), host_id_(host_id), weak_factory_(this) { registrar_.Add(this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CREATED, content::NotificationService::AllBrowserContextsAndSources()); } UserScriptLoader::~UserScriptLoader() { FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnUserScriptLoaderDestroyed(this)); } void UserScriptLoader::AddScripts(const std::set& scripts) { for (std::set::const_iterator it = scripts.begin(); it != scripts.end(); ++it) { removed_scripts_.erase(*it); added_scripts_.insert(*it); } AttemptLoad(); } void UserScriptLoader::AddScripts(const std::set& scripts, int render_process_id, int render_view_id) { AddScripts(scripts); } void UserScriptLoader::RemoveScripts(const std::set& scripts) { for (std::set::const_iterator it = scripts.begin(); it != scripts.end(); ++it) { added_scripts_.erase(*it); removed_scripts_.insert(*it); } AttemptLoad(); } void UserScriptLoader::ClearScripts() { clear_scripts_ = true; added_scripts_.clear(); removed_scripts_.clear(); AttemptLoad(); } void UserScriptLoader::Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) { DCHECK_EQ(type, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CREATED); content::RenderProcessHost* process = content::Source(source).ptr(); if (!ExtensionsBrowserClient::Get()->IsSameContext( browser_context_, process->GetBrowserContext())) return; if (scripts_ready()) { SendUpdate(process, shared_memory_.get(), std::set()); // Include all hosts. } } bool UserScriptLoader::ScriptsMayHaveChanged() const { // Scripts may have changed if there are scripts added, scripts removed, or // if scripts were cleared and either: // (1) A load is in progress (which may result in a non-zero number of // scripts that need to be cleared), or // (2) The current set of scripts is non-empty (so they need to be cleared). return (added_scripts_.size() || removed_scripts_.size() || (clear_scripts_ && (is_loading() || user_scripts_->size()))); } void UserScriptLoader::AttemptLoad() { if (ready_ && ScriptsMayHaveChanged()) { if (is_loading()) pending_load_ = true; else StartLoad(); } } void UserScriptLoader::StartLoad() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); DCHECK(!is_loading()); // If scripts were marked for clearing before adding and removing, then clear // them. if (clear_scripts_) { user_scripts_->clear(); } else { for (UserScriptList::iterator it = user_scripts_->begin(); it != user_scripts_->end();) { if (removed_scripts_.count(*it)) it = user_scripts_->erase(it); else ++it; } } user_scripts_->insert( user_scripts_->end(), added_scripts_.begin(), added_scripts_.end()); std::set added_script_ids; for (std::set::const_iterator it = added_scripts_.begin(); it != added_scripts_.end(); ++it) { added_script_ids.insert(it->id()); } // Expand |changed_hosts_| for OnScriptsLoaded, which will use it in // its IPC message. This must be done before we clear |added_scripts_| and // |removed_scripts_| below. std::set changed_scripts(added_scripts_); changed_scripts.insert(removed_scripts_.begin(), removed_scripts_.end()); for (const UserScript& script : changed_scripts) changed_hosts_.insert(script.host_id()); LoadScripts(std::move(user_scripts_), changed_hosts_, added_script_ids, base::Bind(&UserScriptLoader::OnScriptsLoaded, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); clear_scripts_ = false; added_scripts_.clear(); removed_scripts_.clear(); user_scripts_.reset(); } // static scoped_ptr UserScriptLoader::Serialize( const UserScriptList& scripts) { base::Pickle pickle; pickle.WriteUInt32(scripts.size()); for (const UserScript& script : scripts) { // TODO(aa): This can be replaced by sending content script metadata to // renderers along with other extension data in ExtensionMsg_Loaded. // See crbug.com/70516. script.Pickle(&pickle); // Write scripts as 'data' so that we can read it out in the slave without // allocating a new string. for (const UserScript::File& script_file : script.js_scripts()) { base::StringPiece contents = script_file.GetContent(); pickle.WriteData(contents.data(), contents.length()); } for (const UserScript::File& script_file : script.css_scripts()) { base::StringPiece contents = script_file.GetContent(); pickle.WriteData(contents.data(), contents.length()); } } // Create the shared memory object. base::SharedMemory shared_memory; base::SharedMemoryCreateOptions options; options.size = pickle.size(); options.share_read_only = true; if (!shared_memory.Create(options)) return scoped_ptr(); if (!shared_memory.Map(pickle.size())) return scoped_ptr(); // Copy the pickle to shared memory. memcpy(shared_memory.memory(), pickle.data(), pickle.size()); base::SharedMemoryHandle readonly_handle; if (!shared_memory.ShareReadOnlyToProcess(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(), &readonly_handle)) return scoped_ptr(); return make_scoped_ptr(new base::SharedMemory(readonly_handle, /*read_only=*/true)); } void UserScriptLoader::AddObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.AddObserver(observer); } void UserScriptLoader::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) { observers_.RemoveObserver(observer); } void UserScriptLoader::SetReady(bool ready) { bool was_ready = ready_; ready_ = ready; if (ready_ && !was_ready) AttemptLoad(); } void UserScriptLoader::OnScriptsLoaded( scoped_ptr user_scripts, scoped_ptr shared_memory) { user_scripts_.reset(user_scripts.release()); if (pending_load_) { // While we were loading, there were further changes. Don't bother // notifying about these scripts and instead just immediately reload. pending_load_ = false; StartLoad(); return; } if (shared_memory.get() == NULL) { // This can happen if we run out of file descriptors. In that case, we // have a choice between silently omitting all user scripts for new tabs, // by nulling out shared_memory_, or only silently omitting new ones by // leaving the existing object in place. The second seems less bad, even // though it removes the possibility that freeing the shared memory block // would open up enough FDs for long enough for a retry to succeed. // Pretend the extension change didn't happen. return; } // We've got scripts ready to go. shared_memory_.reset(shared_memory.release()); for (content::RenderProcessHost::iterator i( content::RenderProcessHost::AllHostsIterator()); !i.IsAtEnd(); i.Advance()) { SendUpdate(i.GetCurrentValue(), shared_memory_.get(), changed_hosts_); } changed_hosts_.clear(); // TODO(hanxi): Remove the NOTIFICATION_USER_SCRIPTS_UPDATED. content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( extensions::NOTIFICATION_USER_SCRIPTS_UPDATED, content::Source(browser_context_), content::Details(shared_memory_.get())); FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(Observer, observers_, OnScriptsLoaded(this)); } void UserScriptLoader::SendUpdate(content::RenderProcessHost* process, base::SharedMemory* shared_memory, const std::set& changed_hosts) { // Don't allow injection of non-whitelisted extensions' content scripts // into . bool whitelisted_only = process->IsForGuestsOnly() && host_id().id().empty(); // Make sure we only send user scripts to processes in our browser_context. if (!ExtensionsBrowserClient::Get()->IsSameContext( browser_context_, process->GetBrowserContext())) return; // If the process is being started asynchronously, early return. We'll end up // calling InitUserScripts when it's created which will call this again. base::ProcessHandle handle = process->GetHandle(); if (!handle) return; base::SharedMemoryHandle handle_for_process; if (!shared_memory->ShareToProcess(handle, &handle_for_process)) return; // This can legitimately fail if the renderer asserts at startup. if (base::SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(handle_for_process)) { process->Send(new ExtensionMsg_UpdateUserScripts( handle_for_process, host_id(), changed_hosts, whitelisted_only)); } } } // namespace extensions