# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. { 'targets': [ { # GN version: //extensions/common/api:mojom 'target_name': 'extensions_api_mojom', # The type of this target must be none. This is so that resources can # depend upon this target for generating the js bindings files. Any # generated cpp files must be listed explicitly in chrome_api. 'type': 'none', 'includes': [ '../../../third_party/mojo/mojom_bindings_generator.gypi', ], 'sources': [ 'mime_handler.mojom', ], }, { # GN version: //extensions/common/api 'target_name': 'extensions_api', 'type': 'static_library', # TODO(jschuh): http://crbug.com/167187 size_t -> int 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267 ], 'includes': [ '../../../build/json_schema_bundle_compile.gypi', '../../../build/json_schema_compile.gypi', 'schemas.gypi', ], 'dependencies': [ 'extensions_api_mojom', '../../../third_party/mojo/mojo_public.gyp:mojo_cpp_bindings', ], 'sources': [ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/extensions/common/api/mime_handler.mojom.cc', '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/extensions/common/api/mime_handler.mojom.h', ], }, { # Protobuf compiler / generator for chrome.cast.channel-related protocol buffers. # GN version: //extensions/browser/api/cast_channel:cast_channel_proto 'target_name': 'cast_channel_proto', 'type': 'static_library', 'sources': [ 'cast_channel/authority_keys.proto', 'cast_channel/cast_channel.proto', 'cast_channel/logging.proto', ], 'variables': { 'proto_in_dir': 'cast_channel', 'proto_out_dir': 'extensions/common/api/cast_channel', }, 'includes': [ '../../../build/protoc.gypi' ] }, ], }