// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the chrome.socket
API to send and receive data over the
// network using TCP and UDP connections. Note: Starting with Chrome 33,
// this API is deprecated in favor of the $(ref:sockets.udp), $(ref:sockets.tcp) and
// $(ref:sockets.tcpServer) APIs.
namespace socket {
enum SocketType {
// The socket options.
dictionary CreateOptions {
dictionary CreateInfo {
// The id of the newly created socket.
long socketId;
callback CreateCallback = void (CreateInfo createInfo);
callback ConnectCallback = void (long result);
callback BindCallback = void (long result);
callback ListenCallback = void (long result);
callback SecureCallback = void (long result);
dictionary AcceptInfo {
long resultCode;
// The id of the accepted socket.
long? socketId;
callback AcceptCallback = void (AcceptInfo acceptInfo);
dictionary ReadInfo {
// The resultCode returned from the underlying read() call.
long resultCode;
ArrayBuffer data;
callback ReadCallback = void (ReadInfo readInfo);
dictionary WriteInfo {
// The number of bytes sent, or a negative error code.
long bytesWritten;
callback WriteCallback = void (WriteInfo writeInfo);
dictionary RecvFromInfo {
// The resultCode returned from the underlying recvfrom() call.
long resultCode;
ArrayBuffer data;
// The address of the remote machine.
DOMString address;
long port;
dictionary SocketInfo {
// The type of the passed socket. This will be tcp
// udp
SocketType socketType;
// Whether or not the underlying socket is connected.
// For tcp
sockets, this will remain true even if the remote
// peer has disconnected. Reading or writing to the socket may then result
// in an error, hinting that this socket should be disconnected via
// disconnect()
// For udp
sockets, this just represents whether a default
// remote address has been specified for reading and writing packets.
boolean connected;
// If the underlying socket is connected, contains the IPv4/6 address of
// the peer.
DOMString? peerAddress;
// If the underlying socket is connected, contains the port of the
// connected peer.
long? peerPort;
// If the underlying socket is bound or connected, contains its local
// IPv4/6 address.
DOMString? localAddress;
// If the underlying socket is bound or connected, contains its local port.
long? localPort;
dictionary NetworkInterface {
// The underlying name of the adapter. On *nix, this will typically be
// "eth0", "lo", etc.
DOMString name;
// The available IPv4/6 address.
DOMString address;
// The prefix length
long prefixLength;
dictionary TLSVersionConstraints {
// The minimum and maximum acceptable versions of TLS. These will
// be ssl3
, tls1
, tls1.1
// or tls1.2
DOMString? min;
DOMString? max;
dictionary SecureOptions {
TLSVersionConstraints? tlsVersion;
callback RecvFromCallback = void (RecvFromInfo recvFromInfo);
callback SendToCallback = void (WriteInfo writeInfo);
callback SetKeepAliveCallback = void (boolean result);
callback SetNoDelayCallback = void (boolean result);
callback GetInfoCallback = void (SocketInfo result);
callback GetNetworkCallback = void (NetworkInterface[] result);
callback JoinGroupCallback = void (long result);
callback LeaveGroupCallback = void (long result);
callback SetMulticastTimeToLiveCallback = void (long result);
callback SetMulticastLoopbackModeCallback = void (long result);
callback GetJoinedGroupsCallback = void (DOMString[] groups);
interface Functions {
// Creates a socket of the specified type that will connect to the specified
// remote machine.
// |type| : The type of socket to create. Must be tcp
// udp
// |options| : The socket options.
// |callback| : Called when the socket has been created.
static void create(SocketType type,
optional CreateOptions options,
CreateCallback callback);
// Destroys the socket. Each socket created should be destroyed after use.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
static void destroy(long socketId);
// Connects the socket to the remote machine (for a tcp
// socket). For a udp
socket, this sets the default address
// which packets are sent to and read from for read()
// and write()
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |hostname| : The hostname or IP address of the remote machine.
// |port| : The port of the remote machine.
// |callback| : Called when the connection attempt is complete.
static void connect(long socketId,
DOMString hostname,
long port,
ConnectCallback callback);
// Binds the local address for socket. Currently, it does not support
// TCP socket.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |address| : The address of the local machine.
// |port| : The port of the local machine.
// |callback| : Called when the bind attempt is complete.
static void bind(long socketId,
DOMString address,
long port,
BindCallback callback);
// Disconnects the socket. For UDP sockets, disconnect
is a
// non-operation but is safe to call.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
static void disconnect(long socketId);
// Reads data from the given connected socket.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |bufferSize| : The read buffer size.
// |callback| : Delivers data that was available to be read without
// blocking.
static void read(long socketId,
optional long bufferSize,
ReadCallback callback);
// Writes data on the given connected socket.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |data| : The data to write.
// |callback| : Called when the write operation completes without blocking
// or an error occurs.
static void write(long socketId,
ArrayBuffer data,
WriteCallback callback);
// Receives data from the given UDP socket.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |bufferSize| : The receive buffer size.
// |callback| : Returns result of the recvFrom operation.
static void recvFrom(long socketId,
optional long bufferSize,
RecvFromCallback callback);
// Sends data on the given UDP socket to the given address and port.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |data| : The data to write.
// |address| : The address of the remote machine.
// |port| : The port of the remote machine.
// |callback| : Called when the send operation completes without blocking
// or an error occurs.
static void sendTo(long socketId,
ArrayBuffer data,
DOMString address,
long port,
SendToCallback callback);
// This method applies to TCP sockets only.
// Listens for connections on the specified port and address. This
// effectively makes this a server socket, and client socket
// functions (connect, read, write) can no longer be used on this socket.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |address| : The address of the local machine.
// |port| : The port of the local machine.
// |backlog| : Length of the socket's listen queue.
// |callback| : Called when listen operation completes.
static void listen(long socketId,
DOMString address,
long port,
optional long backlog,
ListenCallback callback);
// This method applies to TCP sockets only.
// Registers a callback function to be called when a connection is
// accepted on this listening server socket. Listen must be called first.
// If there is already an active accept callback, this callback will be
// invoked immediately with an error as the resultCode.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |callback| : The callback is invoked when a new socket is accepted.
static void accept(long socketId,
AcceptCallback callback);
// Enables or disables the keep-alive functionality for a TCP connection.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |enable| : If true, enable keep-alive functionality.
// |delay| : Set the delay seconds between the last data packet received
// and the first keepalive probe. Default is 0.
// |callback| : Called when the setKeepAlive attempt is complete.
static void setKeepAlive(long socketId,
boolean enable,
optional long delay,
SetKeepAliveCallback callback);
// Sets or clears TCP_NODELAY
for a TCP connection. Nagle's
// algorithm will be disabled when TCP_NODELAY
is set.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |noDelay| : If true, disables Nagle's algorithm.
// |callback| : Called when the setNoDelay attempt is complete.
static void setNoDelay(long socketId,
boolean noDelay,
SetNoDelayCallback callback);
// Retrieves the state of the given socket.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |callback| : Called when the state is available.
static void getInfo(long socketId,
GetInfoCallback callback);
// Retrieves information about local adapters on this system.
// |callback| : Called when local adapter information is available.
static void getNetworkList(GetNetworkCallback callback);
// Join the multicast group and start to receive packets from that group.
// The socket must be of UDP type and must be bound to a local port
// before calling this method.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |address| : The group address to join. Domain names are not supported.
// |callback| : Called when the join group operation is done with an
// integer parameter indicating the platform-independent error code.
static void joinGroup(long socketId,
DOMString address,
JoinGroupCallback callback);
// Leave the multicast group previously joined using joinGroup
// It's not necessary to leave the multicast group before destroying the
// socket or exiting. This is automatically called by the OS.
// Leaving the group will prevent the router from sending multicast
// datagrams to the local host, presuming no other process on the host is
// still joined to the group.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |address| : The group address to leave. Domain names are not supported.
// |callback| : Called when the leave group operation is done with an
// integer parameter indicating the platform-independent error code.
static void leaveGroup(long socketId, DOMString address,
LeaveGroupCallback callback);
// Set the time-to-live of multicast packets sent to the multicast group.
// Calling this method does not require multicast permissions.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |ttl| : The time-to-live value.
// |callback| : Called when the configuration operation is done.
static void setMulticastTimeToLive(
long socketId,
long ttl,
SetMulticastTimeToLiveCallback callback);
// Set whether multicast packets sent from the host to the multicast
// group will be looped back to the host.
// Note: the behavior of setMulticastLoopbackMode
is slightly
// different between Windows and Unix-like systems. The inconsistency
// happens only when there is more than one application on the same host
// joined to the same multicast group while having different settings on
// multicast loopback mode. On Windows, the applications with loopback off
// will not RECEIVE the loopback packets; while on Unix-like systems, the
// applications with loopback off will not SEND the loopback packets to
// other applications on the same host. See MSDN: http://goo.gl/6vqbj
// Calling this method does not require multicast permissions.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |enabled| : Indicate whether to enable loopback mode.
// |callback| : Called when the configuration operation is done.
static void setMulticastLoopbackMode(
long socketId,
boolean enabled,
SetMulticastLoopbackModeCallback callback);
// Get the multicast group addresses the socket is currently joined to.
// |socketId| : The socketId.
// |callback| : Called with an array of strings of the result.
static void getJoinedGroups(long socketId,
GetJoinedGroupsCallback callback);
// Start a TLS client connection over a connected TCP client socket.
// |socketId| : The connected socket to use.
// |options| : Constraints and parameters for the TLS connection.
// |callback| : Called when the TLS connection attempt is complete.
static void secure(long socketId,
optional SecureOptions options,
SecureCallback callback);