// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the chrome.usb
API to interact with connected USB
// devices. This API provides access to USB operations from within the context
// of an app. Using this API, apps can function as drivers for hardware devices.
// Errors generated by this API are reported by setting
// $(ref:runtime.lastError) and executing the function's regular callback. The
// callback's regular parameters will be undefined in this case.
namespace usb {
// Direction, Recipient, RequestType, and TransferType all map to their
// namesakes within the USB specification.
enum Direction {in, out};
enum Recipient {device, _interface, endpoint, other};
enum RequestType {standard, class, vendor, reserved};
enum TransferType {control, interrupt, isochronous, bulk};
// For isochronous mode, SynchronizationType and UsageType map to their
// namesakes within the USB specification.
enum SynchronizationType {asynchronous, adaptive, synchronous};
enum UsageType {data, feedback, explicitFeedback};
dictionary Device {
// An opaque ID for the USB device. It remains unchanged until the device is
// unplugged.
long device;
// The device vendor ID.
long vendorId;
// The product ID.
long productId;
// The iProduct string read from the device, if available.
DOMString productName;
// The iManufacturer string read from the device, if available.
DOMString manufacturerName;
// The iSerialNumber string read from the device, if available.
DOMString serialNumber;
dictionary ConnectionHandle {
// An opaque handle representing this connection to the USB device and all
// associated claimed interfaces and pending transfers. A new handle is
// created each time the device is opened. The connection handle is
// different from $(ref:Device.device).
long handle;
// The device vendor ID.
long vendorId;
// The product ID.
long productId;
[noinline_doc] dictionary EndpointDescriptor {
// Endpoint address.
long address;
// Transfer type.
TransferType type;
// Transfer direction.
Direction direction;
// Maximum packet size.
long maximumPacketSize;
// Transfer synchronization mode (isochronous only).
SynchronizationType? synchronization;
// Endpoint usage hint.
UsageType? usage;
// Polling interval (interrupt and isochronous only).
long? pollingInterval;
// Extra descriptor data associated with this endpoint.
ArrayBuffer extra_data;
[noinline_doc] dictionary InterfaceDescriptor {
// The interface number.
long interfaceNumber;
// The interface alternate setting number (defaults to 0
"in" or "out"
Direction direction;
// The transfer target. The target given by index
must be
// claimed if "interface"
or "endpoint"
Recipient recipient;
// The request type.
RequestType requestType;
// The bRequest
field, see Universal Serial Bus Specification
// Revision 1.1 § 9.3.
long request;
// The wValue
field, see Ibid.
long value;
// The wIndex
field, see Ibid.
long index;
// The amount of data to receive (required only by input transfers).
long? length;
// The data to transmit (required only by output transfers).
ArrayBuffer? data;
// Request timeout (in milliseconds). The default value 0
// indicates no timeout.
long? timeout;
dictionary GenericTransferInfo {
// The transfer direction ("in"
or "out"
Direction direction;
// The target endpoint address. The interface containing this endpoint must
// be claimed.
long endpoint;
// The amount of data to receive (required only by input transfers).
long? length;
// The data to transmit (required only by output transfers).
ArrayBuffer? data;
// Request timeout (in milliseconds). The default value 0
// indicates no timeout.
long? timeout;
dictionary IsochronousTransferInfo {
// Transfer parameters. The transfer length or data buffer specified in this
// parameter block is split along packetLength
boundaries to
// form the individual packets of the transfer.
GenericTransferInfo transferInfo;
// The total number of packets in this transfer.
long packets;
// The length of each of the packets in this transfer.
long packetLength;
dictionary TransferResultInfo {
// A value of 0
indicates that the transfer was a success.
// Other values indicate failure.
long? resultCode;
// The data returned by an input transfer. undefined
for output
// transfers.
ArrayBuffer? data;
[noinline_doc] dictionary DeviceFilter {
// Device vendor ID.
long? vendorId;
// Device product ID, checked only if the vendor ID matches.
long? productId;
// USB interface class, matches any interface on the device.
long? interfaceClass;
// USB interface sub-class, checked only if the interface class matches.
long? interfaceSubclass;
// USB interface protocol, checked only if the interface sub-class matches.
long? interfaceProtocol;
dictionary EnumerateDevicesOptions {
[deprecated="Equivalent to setting $(ref:DeviceFilter.vendorId)."]
long? vendorId;
[deprecated="Equivalent to setting $(ref:DeviceFilter.productId)."]
long? productId;
// A device matching any given filter will be returned. An empty filter list
// will return all devices the app has permission for.
DeviceFilter[]? filters;
dictionary EnumerateDevicesAndRequestAccessOptions {
// The device vendor ID.
long vendorId;
// The product ID.
long productId;
// The interface ID to request access to.
// Only available on Chrome OS. It has no effect on other platforms.
long? interfaceId;
dictionary DevicePromptOptions {
// Allow the user to select multiple devices.
boolean? multiple;
// Filter the list of devices presented to the user. If multiple filters are
// provided devices matching any filter will be displayed.
DeviceFilter[]? filters;
callback VoidCallback = void ();
callback GetDevicesCallback = void (Device[] devices);
callback GetConfigurationsCallback = void (ConfigDescriptor[] configs);
callback RequestAccessCallback = void (boolean success);
callback OpenDeviceCallback = void (ConnectionHandle handle);
callback FindDevicesCallback = void (ConnectionHandle[] handles);
callback GetConfigurationCallback = void (ConfigDescriptor config);
callback ListInterfacesCallback = void (InterfaceDescriptor[] descriptors);
callback CloseDeviceCallback = void ();
callback TransferCallback = void (TransferResultInfo info);
callback ResetDeviceCallback = void(boolean success);
interface Functions {
// Enumerates connected USB devices.
// |options|: The properties to search for on target devices.
static void getDevices(EnumerateDevicesOptions options,
GetDevicesCallback callback);
// Presents a device picker to the user and returns the $(ref:Device)s
// selected.
// If the user cancels the picker devices will be empty. A user gesture
// is required for the dialog to display. Without a user gesture, the
// callback will run as though the user cancelled.
// |options|: Configuration of the device picker dialog box.
// |callback|: Invoked with a list of chosen $(ref:Device)s.
static void getUserSelectedDevices(DevicePromptOptions options,
GetDevicesCallback callback);
// Returns the full set of device configuration descriptors.
// |device|: The $(ref:Device) to fetch descriptors from.
static void getConfigurations(Device device,
GetConfigurationsCallback callback);
// Requests access from the permission broker to a device claimed by
// Chrome OS if the given interface on the device is not claimed.
// |device|: The $(ref:Device) to request access to.
// |interfaceId|: The particular interface requested.
[deprecated="This function was Chrome OS specific and calling it on other
platforms would fail. This operation is now implicitly performed as part of
$(ref:openDevice) and this function will return true
on all
static void requestAccess(Device device,
long interfaceId,
RequestAccessCallback callback);
// Opens a USB device returned by $(ref:getDevices).
// |device|: The $(ref:Device) to open.
static void openDevice(Device device, OpenDeviceCallback callback);
// Finds USB devices specified by the vendor, product and (optionally)
// interface IDs and if permissions allow opens them for use.
// If the access request is rejected or the device fails to be opened a
// connection handle will not be created or returned.
// Calling this method is equivalent to calling $(ref:getDevices) followed
// by $(ref:openDevice) for each device.
// |options|: The properties to search for on target devices.
static void findDevices(EnumerateDevicesAndRequestAccessOptions options,
FindDevicesCallback callback);
// Closes a connection handle. Invoking operations on a handle after it
// has been closed is a safe operation but causes no action to be taken.
// |handle|: The $(ref:ConnectionHandle) to close.
static void closeDevice(ConnectionHandle handle,
optional CloseDeviceCallback callback);
// Select a device configuration.
// This function effectively resets the device by selecting one of the
// device's available configurations. Only configuration values greater
// than 0
are valid however some buggy devices have a working
// configuration 0
and so this value is allowed.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
static void setConfiguration(ConnectionHandle handle,
long configurationValue,
VoidCallback callback);
// Gets the configuration descriptor for the currently selected
// configuration.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
static void getConfiguration(ConnectionHandle handle,
GetConfigurationCallback callback);
// Lists all interfaces on a USB device.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
static void listInterfaces(ConnectionHandle handle,
ListInterfacesCallback callback);
// Claims an interface on a USB device.
// Before data can be transfered to an interface or associated endpoints the
// interface must be claimed. Only one connection handle can claim an
// interface at any given time. If the interface is already claimed, this
// call will fail.
// $(ref:releaseInterface) should be called when the interface is no longer
// needed.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
// |interfaceNumber|: The interface to be claimed.
static void claimInterface(ConnectionHandle handle, long interfaceNumber,
VoidCallback callback);
// Releases a claimed interface.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
// |interfaceNumber|: The interface to be released.
static void releaseInterface(ConnectionHandle handle, long interfaceNumber,
VoidCallback callback);
// Selects an alternate setting on a previously claimed interface.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device where this interface has been
// claimed.
// |interfaceNumber|: The interface to configure.
// |alternateSetting|: The alternate setting to configure.
static void setInterfaceAlternateSetting(ConnectionHandle handle,
long interfaceNumber,
long alternateSetting,
VoidCallback callback);
// Performs a control transfer on the specified device.
// Control transfers refer to either the device, an interface or an
// endpoint. Transfers to an interface or endpoint require the interface to
// be claimed.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
static void controlTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
ControlTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Performs a bulk transfer on the specified device.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
// |transferInfo|: The transfer parameters.
static void bulkTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
GenericTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Performs an interrupt transfer on the specified device.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
// |transferInfo|: The transfer parameters.
static void interruptTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
GenericTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Performs an isochronous transfer on the specific device.
// |handle|: An open connection to the device.
static void isochronousTransfer(ConnectionHandle handle,
IsochronousTransferInfo transferInfo,
TransferCallback callback);
// Tries to reset the USB device.
// If the reset fails, the given connection handle will be closed and the
// USB device will appear to be disconnected then reconnected.
// In this case $(ref:getDevices) or $(ref:findDevices) must be called again
// to acquire the device.
// |handle|: A connection handle to reset.
static void resetDevice(ConnectionHandle handle,
ResetDeviceCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Event generated when a device is added to the system. Events are only
// broadcast to apps and extensions that have permission to access the
// device. Permission may have been granted at install time, when the user
// accepted an optional permission (see $(ref:permissions.request)), or
// through $(ref:getUserSelectedDevices).
static void onDeviceAdded(Device device);
// Event generated when a device is removed from the system. See
// $(ref:onDeviceAdded) for which events are delivered.
static void onDeviceRemoved(Device device);