// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the chrome.vpnProvider
API to implement a VPN
// client.
namespace vpnProvider {
// A parameters class for the VPN interface.
dictionary Parameters {
// IP address for the VPN interface in CIDR notation.
// IPv4 is currently the only supported mode.
DOMString address;
// Broadcast address for the VPN interface. (default: deduced
// from IP address and mask)
DOMString? broadcastAddress;
// MTU setting for the VPN interface. (default: 1500 bytes)
DOMString? mtu;
// Exclude network traffic to the list of IP blocks in CIDR notation from
// the tunnel. This can be used to bypass traffic to and from the VPN
// server.
// When many rules match a destination, the rule with the longest matching
// prefix wins.
// Entries that correspond to the same CIDR block are treated as duplicates.
// Such duplicates in the collated (exclusionList + inclusionList) list are
// eliminated and the exact duplicate entry that will be eliminated is
// undefined.
DOMString[] exclusionList;
// Include network traffic to the list of IP blocks in CIDR notation to the
// tunnel. This parameter can be used to set up a split tunnel. By default
// no traffic is directed to the tunnel. Adding the entry "" to
// this list gets all the user traffic redirected to the tunnel.
// When many rules match a destination, the rule with the longest matching
// prefix wins.
// Entries that correspond to the same CIDR block are treated as duplicates.
// Such duplicates in the collated (exclusionList + inclusionList) list are
// eliminated and the exact duplicate entry that will be eliminated is
// undefined.
DOMString[] inclusionList;
// A list of search domains. (default: no search domain)
DOMString[]? domainSearch;
// A list of IPs for the DNS servers.
DOMString[] dnsServers;
// The enum is used by the platform to notify the client of the VPN session
// status.
enum PlatformMessage {
// VPN configuration connected.
// VPN configuration disconnected.
// An error occurred in VPN connection, for example a timeout. A description
// of the error is give as the
// error argument to onPlatformMessage.
// The enum is used by the VPN client to inform the platform
// of its current state. This helps provide meaningful messages
// to the user.
enum VpnConnectionState {
// VPN connection was successful.
// VPN connection failed.
// The enum is used by the platform to indicate the event that triggered
// onUIEvent
enum UIEvent {
// Request the VPN client to show add configuration dialog to the user.
// Request the VPN client to show configuration settings dialog to the user.
// The callback is used by setParameters, sendPacket
// to signal completion. The callback is called with
// chrome.runtime.lastError
set to error code if
// there is an error.
[inline_doc] callback CallCompleteCallback = void ();
// The callback is used by createConfig
to signal completion.
// The callback is called with chrome.runtime.lastError
set to
// an error code if there is an error.
// |id|: A unique ID for the created configuration, empty string on failure.
[inline_doc] callback CreateConfigCompleteCallback = void (DOMString id);
interface Functions {
// Creates a new VPN configuration that persists across multiple login
// sessions of the user.
// |name|: The name of the VPN configuration.
// |callback|: Called when the configuration is created or if there is an
// error.
static void createConfig(DOMString name,
CreateConfigCompleteCallback callback);
// Destroys a VPN configuration created by the extension.
// |id|: ID of the VPN configuration to destroy.
// |callback|: Called when the configuration is destroyed or if there is an
// error.
static void destroyConfig(DOMString id,
optional CallCompleteCallback callback);
// Sets the parameters for the VPN session. This should be called
// immediately after "connected"
is received from the platform.
// This will succeed only when the VPN session is owned by the extension.
// |parameters|: The parameters for the VPN session.
// |callback|: Called when the parameters are set or if there is an error.
static void setParameters(Parameters parameters,
CallCompleteCallback callback);
// Sends an IP packet through the tunnel created for the VPN session.
// This will succeed only when the VPN session is owned by the extension.
// |data|: The IP packet to be sent to the platform.
// |callback|: Called when the packet is sent or if there is an error.
static void sendPacket(ArrayBuffer data,
optional CallCompleteCallback callback);
// Notifies the VPN session state to the platform.
// This will succeed only when the VPN session is owned by the extension.
// |state|: The VPN session state of the VPN client.
// |callback|: Called when the notification is complete or if there is an
// error.
static void notifyConnectionStateChanged(
VpnConnectionState state,
optional CallCompleteCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Triggered when a message is received from the platform for a
// VPN configuration owned by the extension.
// |id|: ID of the configuration the message is intended for.
// |message|: The message received from the platform.
// |error|: Error message when there is an error.
static void onPlatformMessage(DOMString id,
PlatformMessage message,
DOMString error);
// Triggered when an IP packet is received via the tunnel for the VPN
// session owned by the extension.
// |data|: The IP packet received from the platform.
static void onPacketReceived(ArrayBuffer data);
// Triggered when a configuration created by the extension is removed by the
// platform.
// |id|: ID of the removed configuration.
static void onConfigRemoved(DOMString id);
// Triggered when a configuration is created by the platform for the
// extension.
// |id|: ID of the configuration created.
// |name|: Name of the configuration created.
// |data|: Configuration data provided by the administrator.
static void onConfigCreated(DOMString id, DOMString name, object data);
// Triggered when there is a UI event for the extension. UI events are
// signals from the platform that indicate to the app that a UI dialog
// needs to be shown to the user.
// |event|: The UI event that is triggered.
// |id|: ID of the configuration for which the UI event was triggered.
static void onUIEvent(UIEvent event, optional DOMString id);