// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. define('data_sender', [ 'async_waiter', 'device/serial/data_stream.mojom', 'device/serial/data_stream_serialization.mojom', 'mojo/public/js/bindings/core', 'mojo/public/js/bindings/router', ], function(asyncWaiter, dataStreamMojom, serialization, core, routerModule) { /** * @module data_sender */ /** * A pending send operation. * @param {!ArrayBuffer} data The data to be sent. * @constructor * @alias module:data_sender~PendingSend * @private */ function PendingSend(data) { /** * The remaining data to be sent. * @type {!ArrayBuffer} * @private */ this.data_ = data; /** * The total length of data to be sent. * @type {number} * @private */ this.length_ = data.byteLength; /** * The number of bytes that have been received by the DataSink. * @type {number} * @private */ this.bytesReceivedBySink_ = 0; /** * The promise that will be resolved or rejected when this send completes * or fails, respectively. * @type {!Promise.} * @private */ this.promise_ = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { /** * The callback to call on success. * @type {Function} * @private */ this.successCallback_ = resolve; /** * The callback to call with the error on failure. * @type {Function} * @private */ this.errorCallback_ = reject; }.bind(this)); } /** * Returns the promise that will be resolved when this operation completes or * rejected if an error occurs. * @return {!Promise.} A promise to the number of bytes sent. */ PendingSend.prototype.getPromise = function() { return this.promise_; }; /** * @typedef module:data_sender~PendingSend.ReportBytesResult * @property {number} bytesUnreported The number of bytes reported that were * not part of the send. * @property {boolean} done Whether this send has completed. * @property {?number} bytesToFlush The number of bytes to flush in the event * of an error. */ /** * Invoked when the DataSink reports that bytes have been sent. Resolves the * promise returned by * [getPromise()]{@link module:data_sender~PendingSend#getPromise} once all * bytes have been reported as sent. * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes sent. * @return {!module:data_sender~PendingSend.ReportBytesResult} */ PendingSend.prototype.reportBytesSent = function(numBytes) { var result = this.reportBytesSentInternal_(numBytes); if (this.bytesReceivedBySink_ == this.length_) { result.done = true; this.successCallback_(this.bytesReceivedBySink_); } return result; }; /** * Invoked when the DataSink reports an error. Rejects the promise returned by * [getPromise()]{@link module:data_sender~PendingSend#getPromise} unless the * error occurred after this send, that is, unless numBytes is greater than * the nubmer of outstanding bytes. * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes sent. * @param {number} error The error reported by the DataSink. * @return {!module:data_sender~PendingSend.ReportBytesResult} */ PendingSend.prototype.reportBytesSentAndError = function(numBytes, error) { var result = this.reportBytesSentInternal_(numBytes); // If there are remaining bytes to report, the error occurred after this // PendingSend so we should report success. if (result.bytesUnreported > 0) { this.successCallback_(this.bytesReceivedBySink_); result.bytesToFlush = 0; return result; } var e = new Error(); e.error = error; e.bytesSent = this.bytesReceivedBySink_; this.errorCallback_(e); this.done = true; result.bytesToFlush = this.length_ - this.data_.byteLength - this.bytesReceivedBySink_; return result; }; /** * Updates the internal state in response to a report from the DataSink. * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes sent. * @return {!module:data_sender~PendingSend.ReportBytesResult} * @private */ PendingSend.prototype.reportBytesSentInternal_ = function(numBytes) { this.bytesReceivedBySink_ += numBytes; var result = {bytesUnreported: 0}; if (this.bytesReceivedBySink_ > this.length_) { result.bytesUnreported = this.bytesReceivedBySink_ - this.length_; this.bytesReceivedBySink_ = this.length_; } result.done = false; return result; }; /** * Writes pending data into the data pipe. * @param {!MojoHandle} handle The handle to the data pipe. * @return {number} The Mojo result corresponding to the outcome: * */ PendingSend.prototype.sendData = function(handle) { var result = core.writeData( handle, new Int8Array(this.data_), core.WRITE_DATA_FLAG_NONE); if (result.result != core.RESULT_OK) return result.result; this.data_ = this.data_.slice(result.numBytes); return this.data_.byteLength ? core.RESULT_SHOULD_WAIT : core.RESULT_OK; }; /** * A DataSender that sends data to a DataSink. * @param {!MojoHandle} handle The handle to the DataSink. * @param {number} bufferSize How large a buffer the data pipe should use. * @param {number} fatalErrorValue The send error value to report in the * event of a fatal error. * @constructor * @alias module:data_sender.DataSender */ function DataSender(handle, bufferSize, fatalErrorValue) { var dataPipeOptions = { flags: core.CREATE_DATA_PIPE_OPTIONS_FLAG_NONE, elementNumBytes: 1, capacityNumBytes: bufferSize, }; var sendPipe = core.createDataPipe(dataPipeOptions); this.init_(handle, sendPipe.producerHandle, fatalErrorValue); this.sink_.init(sendPipe.consumerHandle); } DataSender.prototype = $Object.create(dataStreamMojom.DataSinkClientStub.prototype); /** * Closes this DataSender. */ DataSender.prototype.close = function() { if (this.shutDown_) return; this.shutDown_ = true; this.waiter_.stop(); this.router_.close(); core.close(this.sendPipe_); while (this.pendingSends_.length) { this.pendingSends_.pop().reportBytesSentAndError( 0, this.fatalErrorValue_); } while (this.sendsAwaitingAck_.length) { this.sendsAwaitingAck_.pop().reportBytesSentAndError( 0, this.fatalErrorValue_); } this.callCancelCallback_(); }; /** * Initialize this DataSender. * @param {!MojoHandle} sink A handle to the DataSink * @param {!MojoHandle} dataPipe A handle to use for sending data to the * DataSink. * @param {number} fatalErrorValue The error to dispatch in the event of a * fatal error. * @private */ DataSender.prototype.init_ = function(sink, dataPipe, fatalErrorValue) { /** * The handle to the data pipe to use for sending data. * @private */ this.sendPipe_ = dataPipe; /** * The error to be dispatched in the event of a fatal error. * @const {number} * @private */ this.fatalErrorValue_ = fatalErrorValue; /** * Whether this DataSender has shut down. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.shutDown_ = false; /** * The [Router]{@link module:mojo/public/js/bindings/router.Router} for the * connection to the DataSink. * @private */ this.router_ = new routerModule.Router(sink); /** * The connection to the DataSink. * @private */ this.sink_ = new dataStreamMojom.DataSinkProxy(this.router_); this.router_.setIncomingReceiver(this); /** * The async waiter used to wait for * {@link module:data_sender.DataSender#sendPipe_} to be writable. * @type {!module:async_waiter.AsyncWaiter} * @private */ this.waiter_ = new asyncWaiter.AsyncWaiter( this.sendPipe_, core.HANDLE_SIGNAL_WRITABLE, this.onHandleReady_.bind(this)); /** * A queue of sends that have not fully written their data to the data pipe. * @type {!module:data_sender~PendingSend[]} * @private */ this.pendingSends_ = []; /** * A queue of sends that have written their data to the data pipe, but have * not been received by the DataSink. * @type {!module:data_sender~PendingSend[]} * @private */ this.sendsAwaitingAck_ = []; /** * The callback that will resolve a pending cancel if one is in progress. * @type {?Function} * @private */ this.pendingCancel_ = null; /** * The promise that will be resolved when a pending cancel completes if one * is in progress. * @type {Promise} * @private */ this.cancelPromise_ = null; }; /** * Serializes this DataSender. * This will cancel any sends in progress before the returned promise * resolves. * @return {!Promise.} A promise that will resolve to * the serialization of this DataSender. If this DataSender has shut down, * the promise will resolve to null. */ DataSender.prototype.serialize = function() { if (this.shutDown_) return Promise.resolve(null); var readyToSerialize = Promise.resolve(); if (this.pendingSends_.length) { if (this.pendingCancel_) readyToSerialize = this.cancelPromise_; else readyToSerialize = this.cancel(this.fatalErrorValue_); } return readyToSerialize.then(function() { this.waiter_.stop(); var serialized = new serialization.SerializedDataSender(); serialized.sink = this.router_.connector_.handle_, serialized.data_pipe = this.sendPipe_, serialized.fatal_error_value = this.fatalErrorValue_, this.router_.connector_.handle_ = null; this.router_.close(); this.shutDown_ = true; return serialized; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Deserializes a SerializedDataSender. * @param {SerializedDataSender} serialized The serialized DataSender. * @return {!DataSender} The deserialized DataSender. */ DataSender.deserialize = function(serialized) { var sender = $Object.create(DataSender.prototype); sender.deserialize_(serialized); return sender; }; /** * Deserializes a SerializedDataSender into this DataSender. * @param {SerializedDataSender} serialized The serialized DataSender. * @private */ DataSender.prototype.deserialize_ = function(serialized) { if (!serialized) { this.shutDown_ = true; return; } this.init_( serialized.sink, serialized.data_pipe, serialized.fatal_error_value); }; /** * Sends data to the DataSink. * @return {!Promise.} A promise to the number of bytes sent. If an * error occurs, the promise will reject with an Error object with a * property error containing the error code. * @throws Will throw if this has encountered a fatal error or a cancel is in * progress. */ DataSender.prototype.send = function(data) { if (this.shutDown_) throw new Error('DataSender has been closed'); if (this.pendingCancel_) throw new Error('Cancel in progress'); var send = new PendingSend(data); this.pendingSends_.push(send); if (!this.waiter_.isWaiting()) this.waiter_.start(); return send.getPromise(); }; /** * Requests the cancellation of any in-progress sends. Calls to * [send()]{@link module:data_sender.DataSender#send} will fail until the * cancel has completed. * @param {number} error The error to report for cancelled sends. * @return {!Promise} A promise that will resolve when the cancel completes. * @throws Will throw if this has encountered a fatal error or another cancel * is in progress. */ DataSender.prototype.cancel = function(error) { if (this.shutDown_) throw new Error('DataSender has been closed'); if (this.pendingCancel_) throw new Error('Cancel already in progress'); if (this.pendingSends_.length + this.sendsAwaitingAck_.length == 0) return Promise.resolve(); this.sink_.cancel(error); this.cancelPromise_ = new Promise(function(resolve) { this.pendingCancel_ = resolve; }.bind(this)); return this.cancelPromise_; }; /** * Invoked when * |[sendPipe_]{@link module:data_sender.DataSender#sendPipe_}| is ready to * write. Writes to the data pipe if the wait is successful. * @param {number} waitResult The result of the asynchronous wait. * @private */ DataSender.prototype.onHandleReady_ = function(result) { if (result != core.RESULT_OK) { this.close(); return; } while (this.pendingSends_.length) { var result = this.pendingSends_[0].sendData(this.sendPipe_); if (result == core.RESULT_OK) { this.sendsAwaitingAck_.push(this.pendingSends_.shift()); } else if (result == core.RESULT_SHOULD_WAIT) { this.waiter_.start(); return; } else { this.close(); return; } } }; /** * Calls and clears the pending cancel callback if one is pending. * @private */ DataSender.prototype.callCancelCallback_ = function() { if (this.pendingCancel_) { this.cancelPromise_ = null; this.pendingCancel_(); this.pendingCancel_ = null; } }; /** * Invoked by the DataSink to report that data has been successfully sent. * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes sent. * @private */ DataSender.prototype.reportBytesSent = function(numBytes) { while (numBytes > 0 && this.sendsAwaitingAck_.length) { var result = this.sendsAwaitingAck_[0].reportBytesSent(numBytes); numBytes = result.bytesUnreported; if (result.done) this.sendsAwaitingAck_.shift(); } if (numBytes > 0 && this.pendingSends_.length) { var result = this.pendingSends_[0].reportBytesSent(numBytes); numBytes = result.bytesUnreported; } // A cancel is completed when all of the sends that were in progress have // completed or failed. This is the case where all sends complete // successfully. if (this.pendingSends_.length + this.sendsAwaitingAck_.length == 0) this.callCancelCallback_(); }; /** * Invoked by the DataSink to report an error in sending data. * @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes sent. * @param {number} error The error reported by the DataSink. * @private */ DataSender.prototype.reportBytesSentAndError = function(numBytes, error) { var bytesToFlush = 0; while (this.sendsAwaitingAck_.length) { var result = this.sendsAwaitingAck_[0].reportBytesSentAndError( numBytes, error); numBytes = result.bytesUnreported; this.sendsAwaitingAck_.shift(); bytesToFlush += result.bytesToFlush; } while (this.pendingSends_.length) { var result = this.pendingSends_[0].reportBytesSentAndError( numBytes, error); numBytes = result.bytesUnreported; this.pendingSends_.shift(); // Note: Only the first PendingSend in |pendingSends_| will have data to // flush as only the first can have written data to the data pipe. bytesToFlush += result.bytesToFlush; } this.callCancelCallback_(); return Promise.resolve({bytes_to_flush: bytesToFlush}); }; return {DataSender: DataSender}; });