// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/renderer/script_injection_manager.h" #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_thread.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h" #include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h" #include "extensions/common/extension.h" #include "extensions/common/extension_messages.h" #include "extensions/common/extension_set.h" #include "extensions/renderer/extension_helper.h" #include "extensions/renderer/extension_injection_host.h" #include "extensions/renderer/programmatic_script_injector.h" #include "extensions/renderer/script_injection.h" #include "extensions/renderer/scripts_run_info.h" #include "extensions/renderer/web_ui_injection_host.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDocument.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebLocalFrame.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h" #include "url/gurl.h" namespace extensions { namespace { // The length of time to wait after the DOM is complete to try and run user // scripts. const int kScriptIdleTimeoutInMs = 200; // Returns the RunLocation that follows |run_location|. UserScript::RunLocation NextRunLocation(UserScript::RunLocation run_location) { switch (run_location) { case UserScript::DOCUMENT_START: return UserScript::DOCUMENT_END; case UserScript::DOCUMENT_END: return UserScript::DOCUMENT_IDLE; case UserScript::DOCUMENT_IDLE: return UserScript::RUN_LOCATION_LAST; case UserScript::UNDEFINED: case UserScript::RUN_DEFERRED: case UserScript::BROWSER_DRIVEN: case UserScript::RUN_LOCATION_LAST: break; } NOTREACHED(); return UserScript::RUN_LOCATION_LAST; } } // namespace class ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper : public content::RenderViewObserver { public: RVOHelper(content::RenderView* render_view, ScriptInjectionManager* manager); ~RVOHelper() override; private: // RenderViewObserver implementation. bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override; void DidCreateNewDocument(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override; void DidCreateDocumentElement(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override; void DidFinishDocumentLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override; void DidFinishLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override; void FrameDetached(blink::WebFrame* frame) override; void OnDestruct() override; virtual void OnExecuteCode(const ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params& params); virtual void OnExecuteDeclarativeScript(int tab_id, const ExtensionId& extension_id, int script_id, const GURL& url); virtual void OnPermitScriptInjection(int64 request_id); // Tells the ScriptInjectionManager to run tasks associated with // document_idle. void RunIdle(blink::WebFrame* frame); // Indicate that the given |frame| is no longer valid because it is starting // a new load or closing. void InvalidateFrame(blink::WebFrame* frame); // The owning ScriptInjectionManager. ScriptInjectionManager* manager_; // The set of frames that we are about to notify for DOCUMENT_IDLE. We keep // a set of those that are valid, so we don't notify that an invalid frame // became idle. std::set pending_idle_frames_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_factory_; }; ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::RVOHelper( content::RenderView* render_view, ScriptInjectionManager* manager) : content::RenderViewObserver(render_view), manager_(manager), weak_factory_(this) { } ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::~RVOHelper() { } bool ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::OnMessageReceived( const IPC::Message& message) { bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode, OnExecuteCode) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_PermitScriptInjection, OnPermitScriptInjection) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ExtensionMsg_ExecuteDeclarativeScript, OnExecuteDeclarativeScript) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() return handled; } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::DidCreateNewDocument( blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) { // A new document is going to be shown, so invalidate the old document state. // Check that the frame's state is known before invalidating the frame, // because it is possible that a script injection was scheduled before the // page was loaded, e.g. by navigating to a javascript: URL before the page // has loaded. if (manager_->frame_statuses_.find(frame) != manager_->frame_statuses_.end()) InvalidateFrame(frame); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::DidCreateDocumentElement( blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) { manager_->StartInjectScripts(frame, UserScript::DOCUMENT_START); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::DidFinishDocumentLoad( blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) { manager_->StartInjectScripts(frame, UserScript::DOCUMENT_END); pending_idle_frames_.insert(frame); // We try to run idle in two places: here and DidFinishLoad. // DidFinishDocumentLoad() corresponds to completing the document's load, // whereas DidFinishLoad corresponds to completing the document and all // subresources' load. We don't want to hold up script injection for a // particularly slow subresource, so we set a delayed task from here - but if // we finish everything before that point (i.e., DidFinishLoad() is // triggered), then there's no reason to keep waiting. content::RenderThread::Get()->GetTaskRunner()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::RunIdle, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), frame), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kScriptIdleTimeoutInMs)); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::DidFinishLoad( blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) { // Ensure that we don't block any UI progress by running scripts. // We *don't* add the frame to |pending_idle_frames_| here because // DidFinishDocumentLoad should strictly come before DidFinishLoad, so the // first posted task to RunIdle() pops it out of the set. This ensures we // don't try to run idle twice. content::RenderThread::Get()->GetTaskRunner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::RunIdle, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), frame)); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::FrameDetached(blink::WebFrame* frame) { // The frame is closing - invalidate. InvalidateFrame(frame); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::OnDestruct() { manager_->RemoveObserver(this); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::OnExecuteCode( const ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params& params) { manager_->HandleExecuteCode(params, render_view()); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::OnExecuteDeclarativeScript( int tab_id, const ExtensionId& extension_id, int script_id, const GURL& url) { blink::WebFrame* main_frame = render_view()->GetWebView()->mainFrame(); CHECK(main_frame); // TODO(markdittmer): This would be cleaner if we compared page_ids instead. // Begin script injeciton workflow only if the current URL is identical to // the one that matched declarative conditions in the browser. if (main_frame->top()->document().url() == url) { manager_->HandleExecuteDeclarativeScript(main_frame, tab_id, extension_id, script_id, url); } } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::OnPermitScriptInjection( int64 request_id) { manager_->HandlePermitScriptInjection(request_id); } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::RunIdle(blink::WebFrame* frame) { // Only notify the manager if the frame hasn't either been removed or already // had idle run since the task to RunIdle() was posted. if (pending_idle_frames_.count(frame) > 0) { manager_->StartInjectScripts(frame, UserScript::DOCUMENT_IDLE); pending_idle_frames_.erase(frame); } } void ScriptInjectionManager::RVOHelper::InvalidateFrame( blink::WebFrame* frame) { pending_idle_frames_.erase(frame); manager_->InvalidateForFrame(frame); } ScriptInjectionManager::ScriptInjectionManager( const ExtensionSet* extensions, UserScriptSetManager* user_script_set_manager) : extensions_(extensions), user_script_set_manager_(user_script_set_manager), user_script_set_manager_observer_(this) { user_script_set_manager_observer_.Add(user_script_set_manager_); } ScriptInjectionManager::~ScriptInjectionManager() { } void ScriptInjectionManager::OnRenderViewCreated( content::RenderView* render_view) { rvo_helpers_.push_back(new RVOHelper(render_view, this)); } void ScriptInjectionManager::OnExtensionUnloaded( const std::string& extension_id) { for (auto iter = pending_injections_.begin(); iter != pending_injections_.end();) { if ((*iter)->host_id().id() == extension_id) { (*iter)->OnHostRemoved(); iter = pending_injections_.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } } void ScriptInjectionManager::OnInjectionFinished( ScriptInjection* injection) { ScopedVector::iterator iter = std::find(running_injections_.begin(), running_injections_.end(), injection); if (iter != running_injections_.end()) running_injections_.erase(iter); } void ScriptInjectionManager::OnUserScriptsUpdated( const std::set& changed_hosts, const std::vector& scripts) { for (ScopedVector::iterator iter = pending_injections_.begin(); iter != pending_injections_.end();) { if (changed_hosts.count((*iter)->host_id()) > 0) iter = pending_injections_.erase(iter); else ++iter; } } void ScriptInjectionManager::RemoveObserver(RVOHelper* helper) { for (ScopedVector::iterator iter = rvo_helpers_.begin(); iter != rvo_helpers_.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter == helper) { rvo_helpers_.erase(iter); break; } } } void ScriptInjectionManager::InvalidateForFrame(blink::WebFrame* frame) { for (ScopedVector::iterator iter = pending_injections_.begin(); iter != pending_injections_.end();) { if ((*iter)->web_frame() == frame) iter = pending_injections_.erase(iter); else ++iter; } frame_statuses_.erase(frame); } void ScriptInjectionManager::StartInjectScripts( blink::WebFrame* frame, UserScript::RunLocation run_location) { FrameStatusMap::iterator iter = frame_statuses_.find(frame); // We also don't execute if we detect that the run location is somehow out of // order. This can happen if: // - The first run location reported for the frame isn't DOCUMENT_START, or // - The run location reported doesn't immediately follow the previous // reported run location. // We don't want to run because extensions may have requirements that scripts // running in an earlier run location have run by the time a later script // runs. Better to just not run. // Note that we check run_location > NextRunLocation() in the second clause // (as opposed to !=) because earlier signals (like DidCreateDocumentElement) // can happen multiple times, so we can receive earlier/equal run locations. if ((iter == frame_statuses_.end() && run_location != UserScript::DOCUMENT_START) || (iter != frame_statuses_.end() && run_location > NextRunLocation(iter->second))) { // We also invalidate the frame, because the run order of pending injections // may also be bad. InvalidateForFrame(frame); return; } else if (iter != frame_statuses_.end() && iter->second >= run_location) { // Certain run location signals (like DidCreateDocumentElement) can happen // multiple times. Ignore the subsequent signals. return; } // Otherwise, all is right in the world, and we can get on with the // injections! frame_statuses_[frame] = run_location; InjectScripts(frame, run_location); } void ScriptInjectionManager::InjectScripts( blink::WebFrame* frame, UserScript::RunLocation run_location) { // Find any injections that want to run on the given frame. ScopedVector frame_injections; for (ScopedVector::iterator iter = pending_injections_.begin(); iter != pending_injections_.end();) { if ((*iter)->web_frame() == frame) { frame_injections.push_back(*iter); iter = pending_injections_.weak_erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } // Add any injections for user scripts. int tab_id = ExtensionHelper::Get(content::RenderView::FromWebView( frame->top()->view()))->tab_id(); user_script_set_manager_->GetAllInjections( &frame_injections, frame, tab_id, run_location); ScriptsRunInfo scripts_run_info; std::vector released_injections; frame_injections.release(&released_injections); for (ScriptInjection* injection : released_injections) TryToInject(make_scoped_ptr(injection), run_location, &scripts_run_info); scripts_run_info.LogRun(frame, run_location); } void ScriptInjectionManager::TryToInject( scoped_ptr injection, UserScript::RunLocation run_location, ScriptsRunInfo* scripts_run_info) { // Try to inject the script. If the injection is waiting (i.e., for // permission), add it to the list of pending injections. If the injection // has blocked, add it to the list of running injections. switch (injection->TryToInject( run_location, scripts_run_info, this)) { case ScriptInjection::INJECTION_WAITING: pending_injections_.push_back(injection.release()); break; case ScriptInjection::INJECTION_BLOCKED: running_injections_.push_back(injection.release()); break; case ScriptInjection::INJECTION_FINISHED: break; } } void ScriptInjectionManager::HandleExecuteCode( const ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode_Params& params, content::RenderView* render_view) { // TODO(dcheng): Not sure how this can happen today. In an OOPI world, it // would indicate a logic error--the browser must direct this request to the // right renderer process to begin with. blink::WebLocalFrame* main_frame = render_view->GetWebView()->mainFrame()->toWebLocalFrame(); if (!main_frame) { render_view->Send( new ExtensionHostMsg_ExecuteCodeFinished(render_view->GetRoutingID(), params.request_id, "No main frame", GURL(std::string()), base::ListValue())); return; } scoped_ptr injection_host; if (params.host_id.type() == HostID::EXTENSIONS) { injection_host = ExtensionInjectionHost::Create(params.host_id.id(), extensions_); if (!injection_host) return; } else if (params.host_id.type() == HostID::WEBUI) { injection_host.reset( new WebUIInjectionHost(params.host_id)); } scoped_ptr injection(new ScriptInjection( scoped_ptr( new ProgrammaticScriptInjector(params, main_frame)), main_frame, injection_host.Pass(), static_cast(params.run_at), ExtensionHelper::Get(render_view)->tab_id())); ScriptsRunInfo scripts_run_info; FrameStatusMap::const_iterator iter = frame_statuses_.find(main_frame); TryToInject( injection.Pass(), iter == frame_statuses_.end() ? UserScript::UNDEFINED : iter->second, &scripts_run_info); } void ScriptInjectionManager::HandleExecuteDeclarativeScript( blink::WebFrame* web_frame, int tab_id, const ExtensionId& extension_id, int script_id, const GURL& url) { // TODO(dcheng): This function signature should really be a WebLocalFrame, // rather than trying to coerce it here. scoped_ptr injection = user_script_set_manager_->GetInjectionForDeclarativeScript( script_id, web_frame->toWebLocalFrame(), tab_id, url, extension_id); if (injection.get()) { ScriptsRunInfo scripts_run_info; // TODO(markdittmer): Use return value of TryToInject for error handling. TryToInject(injection.Pass(), UserScript::BROWSER_DRIVEN, &scripts_run_info); scripts_run_info.LogRun(web_frame, UserScript::BROWSER_DRIVEN); } } void ScriptInjectionManager::HandlePermitScriptInjection(int64 request_id) { ScopedVector::iterator iter = pending_injections_.begin(); for (; iter != pending_injections_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->request_id() == request_id) { DCHECK((*iter)->host_id().type() == HostID::EXTENSIONS); break; } } if (iter == pending_injections_.end()) return; // At this point, because the request is present in pending_injections_, we // know that this is the same page that issued the request (otherwise, // RVOHelper's DidStartProvisionalLoad callback would have caused it to be // cleared out). scoped_ptr injection(*iter); pending_injections_.weak_erase(iter); ScriptsRunInfo scripts_run_info; ScriptInjection::InjectionResult res = injection->OnPermissionGranted( &scripts_run_info); if (res == ScriptInjection::INJECTION_BLOCKED) running_injections_.push_back(injection.Pass()); scripts_run_info.LogRun(injection->web_frame(), UserScript::RUN_DEFERRED); } } // namespace extensions