# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# Technically, this directory should not depend on files from src/chrome, but
# that's where the VERSION file is. This  should probably all be moved to
# src/build.


grit("resources") {
  source = "app_shell_resources.grd"
  outputs = [

source_set("app_shell_lib") {
  # TODO(jamescook): investigate and get rid of test dependencies. This library
  # is testonly because it depends on testonly libraries, namely
  # //content/shell:content_shell_lib. See http://crbug.com/438283
  testonly = true
  deps = [

  sources = rebase_path(app_shell_gypi_values.app_shell_lib_sources,

  if (use_aura) {
    deps += [ "//ui/wm" ]

    aura_sources = rebase_path(app_shell_gypi_values.app_shell_lib_sources_aura,
    sources += aura_sources

  if (is_chromeos) {
    deps += [
    chromeos_sources =
    sources += chromeos_sources

  # TODO(GYP): Enable this when //components/nacl GN is done. See
  # http://crbug.com/430602
  if (false) {
    if (enable_nacl) {
      if (is_linux) {
        deps += [ "//components/nacl:nacl_helper" ]
      deps += [
      nacl_sources =
      sources += nacl_sources

  if (enable_nacl) {
    sources += [

    deps += [

    if (is_linux) {
      deps += [ "//components/nacl:nacl_helper" ]

if (!(is_chromeos && !use_ozone)) {
  executable("app_shell") {
    # testonly because :app_shell_lib is testonly. See :app_shell_lib comment.
    testonly = true
    sources = rebase_path(app_shell_gypi_values.app_shell_sources,
    deps = [

    if (is_win) {
      configs += [ "//build/config/win:windowed" ]
      configs -= [ "//build/config/win:console" ]
      deps += [ "//base/allocator" ]

    if (is_mac) {
      # TODO(GYP): Mac bundling

# TODO(GYP): Delete this after we've converted everything to GN.
# The _run targets exist only for compatibility w/ GYP.
group("app_shell_unittests_run") {
  testonly = true
  deps = [

test("app_shell_unittests") {
  sources = rebase_path(app_shell_gypi_values.app_shell_unittests_sources,

  data = [

    #"$root_out_dir/natives_blob.bin", # move to gin

  deps = [

  data_deps = [
    # "//gin", # TODO(dpranke): Either gin or v8 data is needed ...

  if (use_aura) {
    deps += [ "//ui/aura:test_support" ]

    aura_sources =
    sources += aura_sources

  if (is_chromeos) {
    deps += [ "//chromeos:test_support_without_gmock" ]

    chromeos_sources =
    sources += chromeos_sources

  # TODO(GYP): Enable this when //components/nacl GN is done.
  if (false) {
    if (use_nacl) {
      nacl_sources =
      sources += nacl_sources

  if (is_win) {
    deps += [ "//base/allocator" ]

process_version("version_header") {
  template_file = "common/version.h.in"
  output = "$target_gen_dir/common/version.h"