// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/shell/browser/shell_audio_controller_chromeos.h" #include #include "chromeos/audio/audio_device.h" namespace extensions { namespace { // Returns a pointer to the device in |devices| with ID |node_id|, or NULL if it // isn't present. const chromeos::AudioDevice* GetDevice(const chromeos::AudioDeviceList& devices, uint64_t node_id) { for (chromeos::AudioDeviceList::const_iterator it = devices.begin(); it != devices.end(); ++it) { if (it->id == node_id) return &(*it); } return NULL; } } // namespace ShellAudioController::ShellAudioController() { chromeos::CrasAudioHandler::Get()->AddAudioObserver(this); ActivateDevices(); } ShellAudioController::~ShellAudioController() { chromeos::CrasAudioHandler::Get()->RemoveAudioObserver(this); } void ShellAudioController::OnOutputNodeVolumeChanged(uint64_t /* node_id */, int /* volume */) { } void ShellAudioController::OnOutputMuteChanged(bool /* mute_on */, bool /* system_adjust */) {} void ShellAudioController::OnInputNodeGainChanged(uint64_t /* node_id */, int /* gain */) { } void ShellAudioController::OnInputMuteChanged(bool /* mute_on */) { } void ShellAudioController::OnAudioNodesChanged() { VLOG(1) << "Audio nodes changed"; ActivateDevices(); } void ShellAudioController::OnActiveOutputNodeChanged() {} void ShellAudioController::OnActiveInputNodeChanged() {} void ShellAudioController::ActivateDevices() { chromeos::CrasAudioHandler* handler = chromeos::CrasAudioHandler::Get(); chromeos::AudioDeviceList devices; handler->GetAudioDevices(&devices); sort(devices.begin(), devices.end(), chromeos::AudioDeviceCompare()); uint64_t best_input = 0, best_output = 0; for (chromeos::AudioDeviceList::const_reverse_iterator it = devices.rbegin(); it != devices.rend() && (!best_input || !best_output); ++it) { // TODO(derat): Need to check |plugged_time|? if (it->is_input && !best_input) best_input = it->id; else if (!it->is_input && !best_output) best_output = it->id; } if (best_input && best_input != handler->GetPrimaryActiveInputNode()) { const chromeos::AudioDevice* device = GetDevice(devices, best_input); DCHECK(device); VLOG(1) << "Activating input device: " << device->ToString(); handler->SwitchToDevice(*device, true); } if (best_output && best_output != handler->GetPrimaryActiveOutputNode()) { const chromeos::AudioDevice* device = GetDevice(devices, best_output); DCHECK(device); VLOG(1) << "Activating output device: " << device->ToString(); handler->SwitchToDevice(*device, true); } } } // namespace extensions