// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/shell/browser/shell_native_app_window.h" #include "extensions/shell/browser/desktop_controller.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" namespace extensions { ShellNativeAppWindow::ShellNativeAppWindow( AppWindow* app_window, const AppWindow::CreateParams& params) : app_window_(app_window) { } ShellNativeAppWindow::~ShellNativeAppWindow() { } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::IsMaximized() const { return false; } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::IsMinimized() const { return false; } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::IsFullscreen() const { // The window in app_shell is considered a "restored" window that happens to // fill the display. This avoids special handling of fullscreen or maximized // windows that app_shell doesn't need. return false; } gfx::Rect ShellNativeAppWindow::GetRestoredBounds() const { // app_shell windows cannot be maximized, so the current bounds are the // restored bounds. return GetBounds(); } ui::WindowShowState ShellNativeAppWindow::GetRestoredState() const { return ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL; } void ShellNativeAppWindow::ShowInactive() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::Close() { DesktopController::instance()->RemoveAppWindow(app_window_); app_window_->OnNativeClose(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::Maximize() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::Minimize() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::Restore() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::FlashFrame(bool flash) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::IsAlwaysOnTop() const { return false; } void ShellNativeAppWindow::SetAlwaysOnTop(bool always_on_top) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } gfx::NativeView ShellNativeAppWindow::GetHostView() const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } gfx::Point ShellNativeAppWindow::GetDialogPosition(const gfx::Size& size) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return gfx::Point(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::AddObserver( web_modal::ModalDialogHostObserver* observer) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::RemoveObserver( web_modal::ModalDialogHostObserver* observer) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } gfx::Size ShellNativeAppWindow::GetMaximumDialogSize() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return gfx::Size(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::SetFullscreen(int fullscreen_types) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::IsFullscreenOrPending() const { // See comment in IsFullscreen(). return false; } void ShellNativeAppWindow::UpdateWindowIcon() { // No icon to update. } void ShellNativeAppWindow::UpdateWindowTitle() { // No window title to update. } void ShellNativeAppWindow::UpdateDraggableRegions( const std::vector& regions) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } SkRegion* ShellNativeAppWindow::GetDraggableRegion() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } void ShellNativeAppWindow::UpdateShape(scoped_ptr region) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::SetInterceptAllKeys(bool want_all_keys) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::HandleKeyboardEvent( const content::NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { // No special handling. The WebContents will handle it. } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::IsFrameless() const { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return false; } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::HasFrameColor() const { return false; } SkColor ShellNativeAppWindow::ActiveFrameColor() const { return SkColor(); } SkColor ShellNativeAppWindow::InactiveFrameColor() const { return SkColor(); } gfx::Insets ShellNativeAppWindow::GetFrameInsets() const { return gfx::Insets(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::ShowWithApp() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::HideWithApp() { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::UpdateShelfMenu() { // app_shell has no shelf, dock, or system-tray to update. } gfx::Size ShellNativeAppWindow::GetContentMinimumSize() const { // Content fills the desktop and cannot be resized. return DesktopController::instance()->GetWindowSize(); } gfx::Size ShellNativeAppWindow::GetContentMaximumSize() const { // Content fills the desktop and cannot be resized. return DesktopController::instance()->GetWindowSize(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::SetContentSizeConstraints( const gfx::Size& min_size, const gfx::Size& max_size) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } void ShellNativeAppWindow::SetVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(bool always_visible) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } bool ShellNativeAppWindow::CanHaveAlphaEnabled() const { // No background to display if the window was transparent. return false; } } // namespace extensions