# Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # Notes: # This is the main Gears SConscript file. From here, we include sub-scripts # that handle building various targets (third party libs, common exes, the # browser plugins themselves, and installers). Some sub-scripts return a # dictionary of variables to be appended to the environment, so other # sub-scripts can use them. # # To check out the Gears sources, you need to make sure this directory is in # your .gclient file, so its DEPS get processed. Example: # { "name" : "src/gears", # "url" : "svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/gears", # }, # # This is a work-in-progress conversion of the current Gears set of Makefiles. # A lot of the stuff doesn't translate to SCons-land well, and I'm not sure # how faithful we want to be to the original. # # Questions: # Should we flatten the output directory into # Hammer/gears/platform/browser/*.obj like Gears does now? If so, how? # Notes to self: # - os.path.abspath('.') (the CWD) is variant_dir if it exists, else it's the # toplevel_dir (which contains the SConstruct). # - env.Entry('.') is the entry representing the variant_dir. # - env.Entry('#') is the entry representing the toplevel_dir. # - str(entry) gives the path relative to variant_dir, or abspath if the entry # is outside the variant_dir. # - entry.path gives the path relative to toplevel_dir. # - entry.abspath gives the absolute path. import os Import('env') env = env.Clone( OPEN_DIR = "gears", PRIVATE_DIR = "gears_internal", THIRD_PARTY_DIR = "third_party", PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR = "third_party_internal", ) if not os.path.exists(env.Dir('#/$OPEN_DIR').abspath): print 'Skipping Gears build: no perforce tree checked out.' Return() # Argument switches # TODO: how do we detect linux vs osx? os_guess = env['PLATFORM'] if os_guess == 'posix': os_guess = 'linux' elif os_guess == 'darwin': os_guess = 'osx' # Map of OS -> valid browser targets for that OS. os_browsers_map = { 'win32': ['IE', 'FF2', 'FF3', 'NPAPI'], 'wince': ['IE'], 'linux': ['FF2', 'FF3'], 'osx': ['SF', 'FF2', 'FF3'], 'android': ['NPAPI'], 'symbian': ['NPAPI'], } vars = Variables(None, ARGUMENTS) vars.AddVariables( EnumVariable('OS', 'Which OS is the target', os_guess, os_browsers_map.keys()), EnumVariable('MODE', 'Type of binary to generate', 'dbg', ['dbg', 'opt']), BoolVariable('OFFICIAL_BUILD', 'Create a binary suitable for public release', 0) ) vars.Update(env) env['VALID_BROWSERS'] = os_browsers_map[env['OS']] # Add BROWSER last, since its valid inputs depend on $OS. vars.Add( EnumVariable('BROWSER', 'Which browser we want to build the plugin for. "all" builds all ' 'browsers for this OS.', 'all', env['VALID_BROWSERS'] + ['all'])) vars.Update(env) env.Replace( USING_CCTESTS = (env['MODE'] == 'dbg' or not env['OFFICIAL_BUILD']) ) # Version env.Replace( MAJOR = '0', MINOR = '5', BUILD = '2', PATCH = '6', VERSION = '${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${BUILD}.${PATCH}', FRIENDLY_NAME = 'Google Gears', SHORT_NAME = 'gears', ) # Platform # TODO: Symbian builds will override this value. # For other platforms we set just one value. if env['OS'] in ['wince', 'android']: env.Replace(ARCH = 'arm') elif env['OS'] == 'osx': # On OSX we build a fat binary. env.Replace(ARCH = 'i386+ppc') else: env.Replace(ARCH = 'i386') # Output dirs env.Replace( BASE_OUTDIR = '$GEARS_DIR/$OS-$ARCH-$MODE', COMMON_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/common', BROWSER_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/${BROWSER.lower()}', IE_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/ie', FF2_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/ff2', FF3_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/ff3', NPAPI_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/npapi', SF_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/sf', GENFILES_DIR = "$BROWSER_OUTDIR/genfiles", COMMON_GENFILES_DIR = "$COMMON_OUTDIR/genfiles", INSTALLER_OUTDIR = '$BASE_OUTDIR/installers', ) # Outputs env.Replace( INSTALLER_BASENAME = 'gears-${OS}-${MODE}-${VERSION}', FF_XPI = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/${INSTALLER_BASENAME}.xpi', WIN32_INSTALLER_MSI = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/${INSTALLER_BASENAME}.msi', WINCE_INSTALLER_CAB = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/${INSTALLER_BASENAME}.cab', # Keyston SF Metapackage installer, bundled with Keystone as part of a # DMG. SF_KEYSTONE_INSTALLER_DMG = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/${INSTALLER_BASENAME}.dmg', SF_KEYSTONE_INSTALLER_MPKG = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari/${FRIENDLY_NAME}.mpkg', SF_INSTALLER_PLUGIN_BUNDLE = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari/StatsPane.bundle', SF_PLUGIN_BUNDLE = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari/Gears.bundle', SF_PLUGIN_PROXY_BUNDLE = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari/Gears.plugin', SF_INPUTMANAGER_BUNDLE = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari/GearsEnabler', SF_INSTALLER_PKG = '$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari/Gears.pkg', ) # Library flags env.Replace( MOZJS_INCLUDE_PATHS = [ '$MOZJS_DIR', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/spidermonkey/nspr/pr/include', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/spidermonkey/nspr/pr/include/private', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/spidermonkey/nspr/pr/include/obsolete', '$OSX_SDK_ROOT/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon/', ], MOZJS_DIR = '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/spidermonkey', ) # Add our tools to the PATH. if env['OS'] in ['win32', 'wince']: if os.path.exists(env.Dir('#/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR').abspath): # Clear out our environment so we don't accidentally use the system's # libs. env['ENV']['PATH'] = '' env['ENV']['LIB'] = '' env['ENV']['INCLUDE'] = '' paths = [] # Keep system32 for 'xcopy'. paths += [env.subst('${ENV["SYSTEMROOT"]}/system32')] if env['OS'] == 'win32': env.Append( VC80 = env.Dir('#/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/vc_80/files').abspath) paths += [ env.subst('$VC80/common7/ide'), env.subst('$VC80/vc/bin'), env.subst('$VC80/common7/tools'), env.subst('$VC80/common7/tools/bin'), env.subst('$VC80/team_tools/performance_tools'), ] else: # wince env.Append( VC80 = env.Dir('#/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/vc_80ce/files').abspath) paths += [ env.subst('$VC80/bin/x86_arm'), env.subst('$VC80/common7/ide'), env.subst('$VC80/common7/tools'), env.subst('$VC80/common7/tools/bin'), env.subst('$VC80/vc/bin'), env.subst('$VC80/smartdevices/sdktools'), ] paths += [ env.Dir('#/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/wix/v3_0_2925/files').abspath] paths += [env.Dir('#/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gnu/files').abspath] paths += [env.Dir('#/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/python_24').abspath] # Prepend them so our tools come first. for each in reversed(paths): env.PrependENVPath('PATH', each) else: # If we don't have a private third_party dir, we expect the system # environment to be set up correctly to point to tool paths. env['ENV']['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] env['ENV']['LIB'] = os.environ['LIB'] env['ENV']['INCLUDE'] = os.environ['INCLUDE'] mtcom = 'echo Manifest creation disabled, since it breaks a lot.' env['MANIFEST_COM'] = mtcom env['SHMANIFEST_COM'] = mtcom # Building M4 files env.Tool('m4') env.Append( M4ARCH = (env['ARCH'] == 'i386' and 'x86' or '$ARCH'), M4FLAGS = [ '--prefix-builtins', '-DPRODUCT_VERSION=$VERSION', '-DPRODUCT_VERSION_MAJOR=$MAJOR', '-DPRODUCT_VERSION_MINOR=$MINOR', '-DPRODUCT_VERSION_BUILD=$BUILD', '-DPRODUCT_VERSION_PATCH=$PATCH', '-DPRODUCT_OS=$OS', '-DPRODUCT_ARCH="$M4ARCH"', '-DPRODUCT_GCC_VERSION="gcc3"', '-DPRODUCT_MAINTAINER="google"', '-DPRODUCT_FRIENDLY_NAME_UQ="$FRIENDLY_NAME"', '-DPRODUCT_SHORT_NAME_UQ="$SHORT_NAME"', '-DI18N_LANGUAGES="(${",".join(I18N_LANGS)})"', ], M4PATH = [ '$OPEN_DIR', '.', ], ) # SCons magic to make M4PATH work. env.Replace( M4INCPREFIX = '-I', M4INCSUFFIX = '', _M4INCFLAGS = ('${_concat(M4INCPREFIX, M4PATH, M4INCSUFFIX, ' '__env__, RDirs, TARGET, SOURCE)}'), M4COM = '$M4 $M4FLAGS ${_M4INCFLAGS} $SOURCE > $TARGET', ) # TODO: Dependency scanner for m4 files - doesn't work. It can't detect files # that don't exist! #m4_include_re = re.compile(r'm4_include\((.*)\)', re.M) #def m4_scan(node, env, path): # contents = node.get_contents() # includes = m4_include_re.findall(contents) # ret_includes = [] # for include in includes: # for dir in path: # file = os.path.join(dir, include) # if os.path.exists(file): # ret_includes.append(file) # break # return ret_includes # #m4_scanner = Scanner(function = m4_scan, skeys = ['.m4', '.html_m4']) #env.Append(SCANNERS = m4_scanner) # OS X Iceberg package builder env.Replace(ICEBERG = '/usr/local/bin/freeze') if env.WhereIs('$ICEBERG'): env.Replace(ICEBERGCOM = '"$ICEBERG" -v $SOURCE') else: env.Replace(ICEBERGCOM = 'echo To create a Safari installer for Gears, you must install Iceberg' ' from http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/Iceberg.html. You can install' ' the Safari version manually by running the' ' $OPEN_DIR/tools/osx/install_gears.sh script.') iceberg_builder = Builder(action = '$ICEBERGCOM', suffix = '.pkg', src_suffix = '.packproj') env.Append(BUILDERS = {'Iceberg': iceberg_builder}) # C++ build flags. # Clear out the inherited defines from Chrome's build. I want to match Gears' # current build as closely as possible until we switch everyone to SCons, then # gradually integrate. env.Replace( CPPPATH = [ '$OPEN_DIR', '$OPEN_DIR/..', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/googleurl', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/npapi', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/zlib', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/v8/bindings_local', '.', '$COMMON_OUTDIR', ], CFLAGS = [], CCFLAGS = [], CXXFLAGS = [], CCPDBFLAGS = [], CPPDEFINES = [ # SpiderMonkey (the Firefox JS engine)'s JS_GET_CLASS macro in jsapi.h needs # this defined to work with the gecko SDK that we've built. # The definition of JS_THREADSAFE must be kept in sync with MOZJS_CPPFLAGS. 'JS_THREADSAFE' ], FRAMEWORKPATH = [], FRAMEWORKS = [], LIBS = [], LIBPATH = ['$COMPONENT_LIBRARY_DIR'], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [], # for both executables and shared libs LINKFLAGS = ['$COMMON_LINKFLAGS'], # for executables SHLINKFLAGS = ['$COMMON_LINKFLAGS'], # for shared libs COMPONENT_LIBRARY_DIR = '$COMMON_OUTDIR/lib', ) if env['MODE'] == 'dbg': env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'DEBUG=1', '_DEBUG=1', ], M4FLAGS = '-DDEBUG=1', ) else: env.Append( CPPDEFINES = 'NDEBUG=1', M4FLAGS = '-DNDEBUG=1', ) if env['USING_CCTESTS']: env.Append( CPPDEFINES = 'USING_CCTESTS=1', M4FLAGS = '-DUSING_CCTESTS=1', ) if env['OFFICIAL_BUILD']: env.Append( CPPDEFINES = 'OFFICIAL_BUILD=1', M4FLAGS = '-DOFFICIAL_BUILD=1', ) # TODO: if USING_PNG env.Append(CPPDEFINES = 'PNG_USER_CONFIG') # TODO: if USING_ZLIB env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'NO_GZIP', 'NO_GZCOMPRESS', ] ) if env['OS'] == 'wince': env.Append(CPPDEFINES = 'NO_ERRNO_H') # Languages env['I18N_LANGS'] = [ 'en-US', 'ar', 'bg', 'ca', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en-GB', 'es', 'et', 'fa', 'fi', 'fil', 'fr', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'lt', 'lv', 'ms', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'vi', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ml', 'te', 'gu', 'kn', 'or', 'bn', 'ta', 'mr', ] # Platform-specific flags follow. if env['OS'] in ['win32', 'wince']: env.Replace(ARFLAGS = []) env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'STRICT', '_UNICODE', 'UNICODE', '_USRDLL', 'WIN32', '_WINDLL', '_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE', 'NOMINMAX', # In VC8, the way to disable exceptions is to remove all /EH* flags, and to # define _HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 (for C++ headers) and _ATL_NO_EXCEPTIONS (for ATL). '_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0', '_ATL_NO_EXCEPTIONS', # Do not export UTF functions. 'U_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION', ], # Static lib flags. ARFLAGS = [ '/NOLOGO', ], # Shared lib and exe flags. COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '/NOLOGO', '/DEBUG', '/RELEASE', '/PDB:${TARGET.base}.pdb', ], SHLINKFLAGS = [ '/DLL', # Set the preferred base address. This value was chosen because (a) it's near # the top of the valid address range, and (b) it doesn't conflict with other # DLLs loaded by Chrome in either the browser or plugin process. '/BASE:0x65000000', ], CPPFLAGS = [ '/nologo', '/Zc:wchar_t-', '/c', '/W3', '/WX', '/GR-', '/Fd"${TARGET.base}.pdb"', ], CXXFLAGS = [ '/TP', '/J', ], CPPPATH = [ '$VC80_CPPPATH', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/breakpad/src', ], CCPDBFLAGS = [ '/Zi', # TODO: Chrome defines /Z7, no idea what these are. ], LIBPATH = [ '$VC80_LIBPATH', ], ) if env['OS'] == 'win32': env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ # We require APPVER=5.0 for things like HWND_MESSAGE. # When APPVER=5.0, win32.mak in the Platform SDK sets: # C defines: WINVER=0x0500 # _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 # _WIN32_IE=0x0500 # _RICHEDIT_VER=0x0010 # RC defines: WINVER=0x0500 # MIDL flags: /target NT50 # Note: _WIN32_WINDOWS was replaced by _WIN32_WINNT for post-Win95 builds. # Note: XP_WIN is only used by Firefox headers '_WINDOWS', 'WINVER=0x0500', '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500', '_WIN32_IE=0x0500', '_RICHEDIT_VER=0x0010', '_MERGE_PROXYSTUB', 'BREAKPAD_AVOID_STREAMS', 'XP_WIN', ], ARFLAGS = [ '/MACHINE:X86', ], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '/MACHINE:X86', '/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt', # Flags for security hardening (only available for win32, not wince). '/DYNAMICBASE', '/SAFESEH', ], SHLINKFLAGS = [ # We only use /SUBSYSTEM on DLLs. For EXEs we omit the flag, and # the presence of main() or WinMain() determines the subsystem. '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS', ], VC80_CPPPATH = [ # TODO: switch over to Chrome's SDK. # Note: these must come after $THIRD_PARTY_DIR/npapi because we want our own # npapi.h to take precedence. '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/atlmfc_vc80/files/include', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platformsdk_vc80/files/include', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/vc_80/files/vc/include', ], VC80_LIBPATH = [ '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/atlmfc_vc80/files/lib', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platformsdk_vc80/files/lib', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/vc_80/files/vc/lib', ], ) else: # OS=wince env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ # For Windows Mobile we need: # C defines: _WIN32_WCE=0x0501 # _UNDER_CE=0x0501 '_WIN32_WCE=0x501', 'WINVER=_WIN32_WCE', 'UNDER_CE=0x501', 'OS_WINCE', 'WIN32_PLATFORM_PSPC', 'ARM', '_ARM_', 'POCKETPC2003_UI_MODEL', '_CE_ALLOW_SINGLE_THREADED_OBJECTS_IN_MTA', '_CE_CRT_ALLOW_WIN_MINMAX', ], ARFLAGS = [ '/MACHINE:THUMB', ], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '/MACHINE:THUMB', '/NODEFAULTLIB:secchk.lib', '/NODEFAULTLIB:oldnames.lib', ], SHLINKFLAGS = [ '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWSCE,5.01', ], VC80_CPPPATH = [ '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/atlmfc_vc80ce/files/include', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/vc_80ce/files/include', # Visual Studio must be setup before the PocketPC SDK. '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/pocketpc_sdk_ce_50/files/include/armv4i', ], VC80_LIBPATH = [ '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/atlmfc_vc80ce/files/lib/armv4i', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/vc_80ce/files/lib/armv4i', '$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/pocketpc_sdk_ce_50/files/lib/armv4i', ], ) if env['MODE'] == 'dbg': env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '/MTd', ], ) else: # MODE=opt env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '/MT', '/O2', ], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/OPT:REF', '/OPT:ICF', ], ) #--------------------------- LINUX --------------------------- elif env['OS'] == 'linux': env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'LINUX', ], CPPPATH = [ '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/include/gtk-2.0', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/include/atk-1.0', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/include/glib-2.0', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/include/pango-1.0', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/include/cairo', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/lib/gtk-2.0/include', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/gtk/lib/glib-2.0/include', ], CCFLAGS = [ '-fPIC', '-fmessage-length=0', '-Wall', '-Werror', # NS_LITERAL_STRING does not work properly without this compiler option '-fshort-wchar', # Additions to compile on hardy '-Wno-unused-variable', '-Wno-missing-braces', '-Wno-address', '-m32', ], CXXFLAGS = [ '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor', '-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy', '-funsigned-char', '-Wno-char-subscripts', ], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '-fPIC', '-Bsymbolic', '-pthread', ], SHLINKFLAGS = [ '-shared', '-Wl,--version-script', '-Wl,$OPEN_DIR/tools/xpcom-ld-script', # for PortAudio: need pthread and math '-lpthread', '-lm', # Additions to compile on hardy '-m32', ], ) if env['MODE'] == 'dbg': env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-g', '-O0', ], ) else: # MODE=opt env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-O2', ], ) #--------------------------- OSX --------------------------- elif env['OS'] == 'osx': # Gears uses the 10.4 SDK, so we need to build with g++-4.0. # Chrome uses g++-4.2 so we override this here. env['CC'] = 'gcc-4.0' env['CXX'] = 'g++-4.0' # Compile assembly files with the same command line as C files. env['ASCOM'] = '$CCCOM' env.Append(OSX_SDK_ROOT = '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk') env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'OSX', 'OS_MACOSX', # for breakpad 'USE_PROTECTED_ALLOCATIONS=1', ], CPPPATH = [ # Breakpad assumes it is in the include path '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/breakpad_osx/src', ], CCFLAGS = [ '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4', ('-arch', 'ppc'), ('-arch', 'i386'), '-fPIC', '-fmessage-length=0', # TODO # '-Wall', # NS_LITERAL_STRING does not work properly without this compiler option '-fshort-wchar', '-fvisibility=hidden', # Breakpad on OSX needs debug symbols to use the STABS format, rather than the # default DWARF debug symbols format. Note that we enable gstabs for debug & # opt; we strip them later in opt. '-gstabs+', ], CXXFLAGS = [ '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden', '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', ('-Wall', '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor', '-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy', '-Wno-char-subscripts', # When a function is deprecated in gcc, it stupidly warns about all functions # and member functions that have the same name, regardless of signature. # Example: Standard osx headers deprecate 'SetPort', which causes a warning for # url_canon::Replacements::SetPort(). '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', ), '-funsigned-char', ('-include', env.File('#/$OPEN_DIR/base/safari/prefix_header.h').abspath), ('-isysroot', '$OSX_SDK_ROOT') ], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4', '-fPIC', '-Bsymbolic', ('-arch', 'ppc'), ('-arch', 'i386'), ('-isysroot', '$OSX_SDK_ROOT'), '-Wl,-dead_strip', ], SHLINKFLAGS = [ '-bundle', # DLLFLAGS ], FRAMEWORKS = [ 'Carbon', 'CoreServices', 'Cocoa', 'WebKit', ], M4FLAGS = [ '-DGEARS_ENABLER_PATH="$SF_INPUTMANAGER_BUNDLE"', '-DGEARS_PLUGIN_PATH="$SF_PLUGIN_PROXY_BUNDLE"', '-DGEARS_INSTALLER_OUT_DIR="$INSTALLER_OUTDIR/Safari"', # Keystone '-DKEYSTONE_BASE_DIR="$MAIN_DIR/$PRIVATE_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/googlemac/Releases/Keystone/"', '-DGEARS_INSTALLER_PACKAGE="$SF_INSTALLER_PKG"', '-DGEARS_GENFILES_DIR="$SF_OUTDIR/genfiles"', '-DGEARS_TOOLS_DIR="$MAIN_DIR/$PRIVATE_DIR/tools"', ], ) if not env['OFFICIAL_BUILD']: # For PortAudio: env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = [ 'CoreAudio', 'AudioToolbox', 'AudioUnit', ]) if env['MODE'] == 'dbg': env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-g', '-O0', ], ) else: # MODE=opt env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-O2', ], ) #--------------------------- ANDROID --------------------------- elif env['OS'] == 'android': if not os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP']: print ("Please set ANDROID_BUILD_TOP to the top" " level of your Android source.") Return() if not os.environ['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN']: print ("Cannot determine location of the target toolchain." " Please set ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN manually.") Return() env['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'] = os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP'] # Figure out the cross-compile prefix by finding the *-gcc executable # and taking the '*' as the prefix for the rest. cross_prefix_command = os.popen( r"ls %s/*-gcc | sed 's|\(.*/.*\-\)gcc|\1|g'" % os.environ['ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN']) cross_prefix = cross_prefix_command.read().strip() if cross_prefix_command.close() != None: Return() # Find the output directory. Assume the only target output directory. product_out_command = os.popen("ls %s/out/target/product/*" % os.environ['ANDROID_BUILD_TOP']) product_out = product_out_command.read().strip() if product_out_command.close() != None: Return() env['CC'] = cross_prefix + 'gcc' env['CXX'] = cross_prefix + 'g++' env.Append( CPPPATH = [ '$OPEN_DIR/base/android', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/stlport/stlport', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/stlport/stlport/stl', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/stlport/stlport/stl/config', '$THIRD_PARTY_DIR/spidermonkey/nspr/pr/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/include/nativehelper', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/bionic/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/bionic/arch-arm/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/kernel_headers', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/bionic/kernel/arch-arm', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/bionic/kernel/common', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/libm/include ', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic/libc/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic/libc/arch-arm', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic/libc/arch-arm/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic/libc/kernel/arch-arm', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic/libc/kernel/common', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/bionic/libm/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/dalvik/libnativehelper/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/extlibs', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/extlibs/icu4c-3.8/common', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/extlibs/icu4c-3.8/i18n', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/extlibs/jpeg-6b', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/extlibs/sqlite', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/extlibs/zlib-1.2.3', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/common', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/i18n', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/jpeg', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/sqlite/dist', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/zlib', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/frameworks/base/include', '$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/system/core/include', ], CPPFLAGS = [ '-g', '-c', '-fPIC', '-fmessage-length=0', '-Wall', '-fvisibility=hidden', # NS_LITERAL_STRING does not work properly without this compiler option '-fshort-wchar', '-funsigned-char', '-march=armv5te', '-mtune=xscale', '-mthumb-interwork', '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections', '-fno-exceptions', ], CXXFLAGS = [ '-fno-rtti', '-fvisibility-inlines-hidden', '-Wno-non-virtual-dtor', '-Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy', ], CPPDEFINES = [ 'OS_ANDROID', 'ANDROID', 'TARGET_OS=android', 'BUILD_OSNAME=android', 'OSNAME=android', 'COMPILER_NAME=gcc', '__SGI_STL_INTERNAL_PAIR_H', '_CPP_UTILITY', '_LITTLE_ENDIAN=1234', '_BIG_ENDIAN=4321', '_PDP_ENDIAN=3412', '_BYTE_ORDER=_LITTLE_ENDIAN', ], COMMON_LINKFLAGS = [ '-g', '-fPIC', '-Bsymbolic', '-nostdlib', ], SHLINKFLAGS = [ '-shared', '-Wl,--gc-sections', '-L$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/lib', # Workaround for the Android C library not implementing # __aeabi_atexit, which is used to destruct static C++ objects. This # causes all calls to be rewritten by the linker to # __wrap___aeabi_atexit, which we then implement. '-Wl,--wrap,__aeabi_atexit', ], ) if env['MODE'] == 'dbg': env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-g', '-O', '-funwind-tables', '-mapcs-frame', ], ) else: # MODE=opt env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-O2', '-mthumb', '-fomit-frame-pointer', ], ) # Custom builder to work around a scons and/or hammer bug. ComponentLibrary # tries to install the library to COMPONENT_LIBRARY_DIR, but since we overrode # that value, scons gets confused. I'm not sure who is at fault here. # See http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4177. def GearsStaticLibrary(env, *args, **kw): lib = env.ChromeLibrary(*args, **kw) env.Install('$COMPONENT_LIBRARY_DIR', lib[0]) return lib env.AddMethod(GearsStaticLibrary) # Load all the components sconscripts = [ 'SConscript.googleurl', 'SConscript.libjpeg', 'SConscript.libpng', 'SConscript.libmozjs', 'SConscript.sqlite', 'SConscript.zlib', 'SConscript.libbreakpad_osx', 'SConscript.libgd', 'SConscript.portaudio', ] for each in sconscripts: env.SConscript(each, exports=['env'], variant_dir='$COMMON_OUTDIR', duplicate=0) # Order of execution is important here. Each sub-script adds to the # environment, for use by later scripts. env = env.SConscript('SConscript.inputs', exports=['env']) outputs = env.SConscript('SConscript.common', exports=['env'], variant_dir='$COMMON_OUTDIR', duplicate=0) env.Append(**outputs) browsers = [env['BROWSER']] if browsers[0] == 'all': browsers = env['VALID_BROWSERS'] print 'Building:', browsers # We run the browser script once for each browser target we want to build. # Each script adds variables to the environment in the form of # '${BROWSER}_foo = bar' for use by the installers script. for each in browsers: env.Replace(BROWSER = each) outputs = env.SConscript('SConscript.browser', exports=['env'], variant_dir='$BROWSER_OUTDIR', duplicate=0) browser_outputs = {} for key, value in outputs.iteritems(): browser_outputs[each + '_' + key] = value env.Append(**browser_outputs) # Note: even though the installers write to $INSTALLER_OUTDIR, they need to # read files from other dirs, so we give them a variant_dir at the toplevel. env.SConscript('SConscript.installers', exports=['env'], variant_dir='$BASE_OUTDIR', duplicate=0) env.Alias('gears-installers', 'gears')