// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <math.h> #include "gfx/codec/png_codec.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkUnPreMultiply.h" namespace gfx { static void MakeRGBImage(int w, int h, std::vector<unsigned char>* dat) { dat->resize(w * h * 3); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { unsigned char* org_px = &(*dat)[(y * w + x) * 3]; org_px[0] = x * 3; // r org_px[1] = x * 3 + 1; // g org_px[2] = x * 3 + 2; // b } } } // Set use_transparency to write data into the alpha channel, otherwise it will // be filled with 0xff. With the alpha channel stripped, this should yield the // same image as MakeRGBImage above, so the code below can make reference // images for conversion testing. static void MakeRGBAImage(int w, int h, bool use_transparency, std::vector<unsigned char>* dat) { dat->resize(w * h * 4); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { unsigned char* org_px = &(*dat)[(y * w + x) * 4]; org_px[0] = x * 3; // r org_px[1] = x * 3 + 1; // g org_px[2] = x * 3 + 2; // b if (use_transparency) org_px[3] = x*3 + 3; // a else org_px[3] = 0xFF; // a (opaque) } } } // Returns true if each channel of the given two colors are "close." This is // used for comparing colors where rounding errors may cause off-by-one. bool ColorsClose(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetB(a) - SkColorGetB(b))) < 2 && abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetG(a) - SkColorGetG(b))) < 2 && abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetR(a) - SkColorGetR(b))) < 2 && abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetA(a) - SkColorGetA(b))) < 2; } // Returns true if the RGB components are "close." bool NonAlphaColorsClose(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetB(a) - SkColorGetB(b))) < 2 && abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetG(a) - SkColorGetG(b))) < 2 && abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetR(a) - SkColorGetR(b))) < 2; } void MakeTestSkBitmap(int w, int h, SkBitmap* bmp) { bmp->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, w, h); bmp->allocPixels(); uint32_t* src_data = bmp->getAddr32(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) { src_data[i] = SkPreMultiplyARGB(i % 255, i % 250, i % 245, i % 240); } } TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeRGB) { const int w = 20, h = 20; // create an image with known values std::vector<unsigned char> original; MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original); // encode std::vector<unsigned char> encoded; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, w, h, w * 3, false, &encoded)); // decode, it should have the same size as the original std::vector<unsigned char> decoded; int outw, outh; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded, &outw, &outh)); ASSERT_EQ(w, outw); ASSERT_EQ(h, outh); ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size()); // Images must be equal ASSERT_TRUE(original == decoded); } TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeRGBA) { const int w = 20, h = 20; // create an image with known values, a must be opaque because it will be // lost during encoding std::vector<unsigned char> original; MakeRGBAImage(w, h, true, &original); // encode std::vector<unsigned char> encoded; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, w, h, w * 4, false, &encoded)); // decode, it should have the same size as the original std::vector<unsigned char> decoded; int outw, outh; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded, &outw, &outh)); ASSERT_EQ(w, outw); ASSERT_EQ(h, outh); ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size()); // Images must be exactly equal ASSERT_TRUE(original == decoded); } // Test that corrupted data decompression causes failures. TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeCorrupted) { int w = 20, h = 20; // Make some random data (an uncompressed image). std::vector<unsigned char> original; MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original); // It should fail when given non-JPEG compressed data. std::vector<unsigned char> output; int outw, outh; EXPECT_FALSE(PNGCodec::Decode(&original[0], original.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &output, &outw, &outh)); // Make some compressed data. std::vector<unsigned char> compressed; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, w, h, w * 3, false, &compressed)); // Try decompressing a truncated version. EXPECT_FALSE(PNGCodec::Decode(&compressed[0], compressed.size() / 2, PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &output, &outw, &outh)); // Corrupt it and try decompressing that. for (int i = 10; i < 30; i++) compressed[i] = i; EXPECT_FALSE(PNGCodec::Decode(&compressed[0], compressed.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &output, &outw, &outh)); } TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeBGRA) { const int w = 20, h = 20; // Create an image with known values, alpha must be opaque because it will be // lost during encoding. std::vector<unsigned char> original; MakeRGBAImage(w, h, true, &original); // Encode. std::vector<unsigned char> encoded; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA, w, h, w * 4, false, &encoded)); // Decode, it should have the same size as the original. std::vector<unsigned char> decoded; int outw, outh; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA, &decoded, &outw, &outh)); ASSERT_EQ(w, outw); ASSERT_EQ(h, outh); ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size()); // Images must be exactly equal. ASSERT_TRUE(original == decoded); } TEST(PNGCodec, StripAddAlpha) { const int w = 20, h = 20; // These should be the same except one has a 0xff alpha channel. std::vector<unsigned char> original_rgb; MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original_rgb); std::vector<unsigned char> original_rgba; MakeRGBAImage(w, h, false, &original_rgba); // Encode RGBA data as RGB. std::vector<unsigned char> encoded; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original_rgba[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, w, h, w * 4, true, &encoded)); // Decode the RGB to RGBA. std::vector<unsigned char> decoded; int outw, outh; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded, &outw, &outh)); // Decoded and reference should be the same (opaque alpha). ASSERT_EQ(w, outw); ASSERT_EQ(h, outh); ASSERT_EQ(original_rgba.size(), decoded.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(original_rgba == decoded); // Encode RGBA to RGBA. EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original_rgba[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, w, h, w * 4, false, &encoded)); // Decode the RGBA to RGB. EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(), PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded, &outw, &outh)); // It should be the same as our non-alpha-channel reference. ASSERT_EQ(w, outw); ASSERT_EQ(h, outh); ASSERT_EQ(original_rgb.size(), decoded.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(original_rgb == decoded); } TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeBGRASkBitmap) { const int w = 20, h = 20; SkBitmap original_bitmap; MakeTestSkBitmap(w, h, &original_bitmap); // Encode the bitmap. std::vector<unsigned char> encoded; PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, false, &encoded); // Decode the encoded string. SkBitmap decoded_bitmap; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(), &decoded_bitmap)); // Compare the original bitmap and the output bitmap. We use ColorsClose // as SkBitmaps are considered to be pre-multiplied, the unpremultiplication // (in Encode) and repremultiplication (in Decode) can be lossy. for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { uint32_t original_pixel = original_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x]; uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x]; EXPECT_TRUE(ColorsClose(original_pixel, decoded_pixel)); } } } TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeBGRASkBitmapDiscardTransparency) { const int w = 20, h = 20; SkBitmap original_bitmap; MakeTestSkBitmap(w, h, &original_bitmap); // Encode the bitmap. std::vector<unsigned char> encoded; PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, true, &encoded); // Decode the encoded string. SkBitmap decoded_bitmap; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(), &decoded_bitmap)); // Compare the original bitmap and the output bitmap. We need to // unpremultiply original_pixel, as the decoded bitmap doesn't have an alpha // channel. for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { uint32_t original_pixel = original_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x]; uint32_t unpremultiplied = SkUnPreMultiply::PMColorToColor(original_pixel); uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x]; EXPECT_TRUE(NonAlphaColorsClose(unpremultiplied, decoded_pixel)) << "Original_pixel: (" << SkColorGetR(unpremultiplied) << ", " << SkColorGetG(unpremultiplied) << ", " << SkColorGetB(unpremultiplied) << "), " << "Decoded pixel: (" << SkColorGetR(decoded_pixel) << ", " << SkColorGetG(decoded_pixel) << ", " << SkColorGetB(decoded_pixel) << ")"; } } } } // namespace gfx