// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "google_apis/drive/gdata_wapi_parser.h" #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/json/json_value_converter.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "google_apis/drive/time_util.h" using base::Value; using base::DictionaryValue; using base::ListValue; namespace google_apis { namespace { // Term values for kSchemeKind category: const char kTermPrefix[] = "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#"; // Node names. const char kEntryNode[] = "entry"; // Field names. const char kAuthorField[] = "author"; const char kCategoryField[] = "category"; const char kChangestampField[] = "docs$changestamp.value"; const char kContentField[] = "content"; const char kDeletedField[] = "gd$deleted"; const char kETagField[] = "gd$etag"; const char kEmailField[] = "email.$t"; const char kEntryField[] = "entry"; const char kFeedField[] = "feed"; const char kFeedLinkField[] = "gd$feedLink"; const char kFileNameField[] = "docs$filename.$t"; const char kHrefField[] = "href"; const char kIDField[] = "id.$t"; const char kItemsPerPageField[] = "openSearch$itemsPerPage.$t"; const char kLabelField[] = "label"; const char kLargestChangestampField[] = "docs$largestChangestamp.value"; const char kLastViewedField[] = "gd$lastViewed.$t"; const char kLinkField[] = "link"; const char kMD5Field[] = "docs$md5Checksum.$t"; const char kNameField[] = "name.$t"; const char kPublishedField[] = "published.$t"; const char kRelField[] = "rel"; const char kRemovedField[] = "docs$removed"; const char kResourceIdField[] = "gd$resourceId.$t"; const char kSchemeField[] = "scheme"; const char kSizeField[] = "docs$size.$t"; const char kSrcField[] = "src"; const char kStartIndexField[] = "openSearch$startIndex.$t"; const char kSuggestedFileNameField[] = "docs$suggestedFilename.$t"; const char kTermField[] = "term"; const char kTitleField[] = "title"; const char kTitleTField[] = "title.$t"; const char kTypeField[] = "type"; const char kUpdatedField[] = "updated.$t"; // Link Prefixes const char kOpenWithPrefix[] = "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#open-with-"; const size_t kOpenWithPrefixSize = arraysize(kOpenWithPrefix) - 1; struct EntryKindMap { DriveEntryKind kind; const char* entry; const char* extension; }; const EntryKindMap kEntryKindMap[] = { { ENTRY_KIND_UNKNOWN, "unknown", NULL}, { ENTRY_KIND_ITEM, "item", NULL}, { ENTRY_KIND_DOCUMENT, "document", ".gdoc"}, { ENTRY_KIND_SPREADSHEET, "spreadsheet", ".gsheet"}, { ENTRY_KIND_PRESENTATION, "presentation", ".gslides" }, { ENTRY_KIND_DRAWING, "drawing", ".gdraw"}, { ENTRY_KIND_TABLE, "table", ".gtable"}, { ENTRY_KIND_FORM, "form", ".gform"}, { ENTRY_KIND_EXTERNAL_APP, "externalapp", ".glink"}, { ENTRY_KIND_SITE, "site", NULL}, { ENTRY_KIND_FOLDER, "folder", NULL}, { ENTRY_KIND_FILE, "file", NULL}, { ENTRY_KIND_PDF, "pdf", NULL}, }; COMPILE_ASSERT(arraysize(kEntryKindMap) == ENTRY_KIND_MAX_VALUE, EntryKindMap_and_DriveEntryKind_are_not_in_sync); struct LinkTypeMap { Link::LinkType type; const char* rel; }; const LinkTypeMap kLinkTypeMap[] = { { Link::LINK_SELF, "self" }, { Link::LINK_NEXT, "next" }, { Link::LINK_PARENT, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#parent" }, { Link::LINK_ALTERNATE, "alternate"}, { Link::LINK_EDIT, "edit" }, { Link::LINK_EDIT_MEDIA, "edit-media" }, { Link::LINK_ALT_EDIT_MEDIA, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#alt-edit-media" }, { Link::LINK_ALT_POST, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#alt-post" }, { Link::LINK_FEED, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed"}, { Link::LINK_POST, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post"}, { Link::LINK_BATCH, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#batch"}, { Link::LINK_THUMBNAIL, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007/thumbnail"}, { Link::LINK_RESUMABLE_EDIT_MEDIA, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#resumable-edit-media"}, { Link::LINK_RESUMABLE_CREATE_MEDIA, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#resumable-create-media"}, { Link::LINK_TABLES_FEED, "http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006#tablesfeed"}, { Link::LINK_WORKSHEET_FEED, "http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006#worksheetsfeed"}, { Link::LINK_EMBED, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#embed"}, { Link::LINK_PRODUCT, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#product"}, { Link::LINK_ICON, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#icon"}, { Link::LINK_SHARE, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#share"}, }; struct ResourceLinkTypeMap { ResourceLink::ResourceLinkType type; const char* rel; }; const ResourceLinkTypeMap kFeedLinkTypeMap[] = { { ResourceLink::FEED_LINK_ACL, "http://schemas.google.com/acl/2007#accessControlList" }, { ResourceLink::FEED_LINK_REVISIONS, "http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007/revisions" }, }; struct CategoryTypeMap { Category::CategoryType type; const char* scheme; }; const CategoryTypeMap kCategoryTypeMap[] = { { Category::CATEGORY_KIND, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" }, { Category::CATEGORY_LABEL, "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005/labels" }, }; // Converts |url_string| to |result|. Always returns true to be used // for JSONValueConverter::RegisterCustomField method. // TODO(mukai): make it return false in case of invalid |url_string|. bool GetGURLFromString(const base::StringPiece& url_string, GURL* result) { *result = GURL(url_string.as_string()); return true; } } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Author implementation Author::Author() { } // static void Author::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { converter->RegisterStringField(kNameField, &Author::name_); converter->RegisterStringField(kEmailField, &Author::email_); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Link implementation Link::Link() : type_(Link::LINK_UNKNOWN) { } Link::~Link() { } // static bool Link::GetAppID(const base::StringPiece& rel, std::string* app_id) { DCHECK(app_id); // Fast return path if the link clearly isn't an OPEN_WITH link. if (rel.size() < kOpenWithPrefixSize) { app_id->clear(); return true; } const std::string kOpenWithPrefixStr(kOpenWithPrefix); if (StartsWithASCII(rel.as_string(), kOpenWithPrefixStr, false)) { *app_id = rel.as_string().substr(kOpenWithPrefixStr.size()); return true; } app_id->clear(); return true; } // static. bool Link::GetLinkType(const base::StringPiece& rel, Link::LinkType* type) { DCHECK(type); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kLinkTypeMap); i++) { if (rel == kLinkTypeMap[i].rel) { *type = kLinkTypeMap[i].type; return true; } } // OPEN_WITH links have extra information at the end of the rel that is unique // for each one, so we can't just check the usual map. This check is slightly // redundant to provide a quick skip if it's obviously not an OPEN_WITH url. if (rel.size() >= kOpenWithPrefixSize && StartsWithASCII(rel.as_string(), kOpenWithPrefix, false)) { *type = LINK_OPEN_WITH; return true; } // Let unknown link types through, just report it; if the link type is needed // in the future, add it into LinkType and kLinkTypeMap. DVLOG(1) << "Ignoring unknown link type for rel " << rel; *type = LINK_UNKNOWN; return true; } // static void Link::RegisterJSONConverter(base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { converter->RegisterCustomField(kRelField, &Link::type_, &Link::GetLinkType); // We have to register kRelField twice because we extract two different pieces // of data from the same rel field. converter->RegisterCustomField(kRelField, &Link::app_id_, &Link::GetAppID); converter->RegisterCustomField(kHrefField, &Link::href_, &GetGURLFromString); converter->RegisterStringField(kTitleField, &Link::title_); converter->RegisterStringField(kTypeField, &Link::mime_type_); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ResourceLink implementation ResourceLink::ResourceLink() : type_(ResourceLink::FEED_LINK_UNKNOWN) { } // static. bool ResourceLink::GetFeedLinkType( const base::StringPiece& rel, ResourceLink::ResourceLinkType* result) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kFeedLinkTypeMap); i++) { if (rel == kFeedLinkTypeMap[i].rel) { *result = kFeedLinkTypeMap[i].type; return true; } } DVLOG(1) << "Unknown feed link type for rel " << rel; return false; } // static void ResourceLink::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { converter->RegisterCustomField( kRelField, &ResourceLink::type_, &ResourceLink::GetFeedLinkType); converter->RegisterCustomField( kHrefField, &ResourceLink::href_, &GetGURLFromString); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Category implementation Category::Category() : type_(CATEGORY_UNKNOWN) { } // Converts category.scheme into CategoryType enum. bool Category::GetCategoryTypeFromScheme( const base::StringPiece& scheme, Category::CategoryType* result) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCategoryTypeMap); i++) { if (scheme == kCategoryTypeMap[i].scheme) { *result = kCategoryTypeMap[i].type; return true; } } DVLOG(1) << "Unknown feed link type for scheme " << scheme; return false; } // static void Category::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { converter->RegisterStringField(kLabelField, &Category::label_); converter->RegisterCustomField( kSchemeField, &Category::type_, &Category::GetCategoryTypeFromScheme); converter->RegisterStringField(kTermField, &Category::term_); } const Link* CommonMetadata::GetLinkByType(Link::LinkType type) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < links_.size(); ++i) { if (links_[i]->type() == type) return links_[i]; } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Content implementation Content::Content() { } // static void Content::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { converter->RegisterCustomField(kSrcField, &Content::url_, &GetGURLFromString); converter->RegisterStringField(kTypeField, &Content::mime_type_); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CommonMetadata implementation CommonMetadata::CommonMetadata() { } CommonMetadata::~CommonMetadata() { } // static template void CommonMetadata::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { converter->RegisterStringField(kETagField, &CommonMetadata::etag_); converter->template RegisterRepeatedMessage( kAuthorField, &CommonMetadata::authors_); converter->template RegisterRepeatedMessage( kLinkField, &CommonMetadata::links_); converter->template RegisterRepeatedMessage( kCategoryField, &CommonMetadata::categories_); converter->template RegisterCustomField( kUpdatedField, &CommonMetadata::updated_time_, &util::GetTimeFromString); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ResourceEntry implementation ResourceEntry::ResourceEntry() : kind_(ENTRY_KIND_UNKNOWN), file_size_(0), deleted_(false), removed_(false), changestamp_(0), image_width_(-1), image_height_(-1), image_rotation_(-1) { } ResourceEntry::~ResourceEntry() { } bool ResourceEntry::HasFieldPresent(const base::Value* value, bool* result) { *result = (value != NULL); return true; } bool ResourceEntry::ParseChangestamp(const base::Value* value, int64* result) { DCHECK(result); if (!value) { *result = 0; return true; } std::string string_value; if (value->GetAsString(&string_value) && base::StringToInt64(string_value, result)) return true; return false; } // static void ResourceEntry::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { // Inherit the parent registrations. CommonMetadata::RegisterJSONConverter(converter); converter->RegisterStringField( kResourceIdField, &ResourceEntry::resource_id_); converter->RegisterStringField(kIDField, &ResourceEntry::id_); converter->RegisterStringField(kTitleTField, &ResourceEntry::title_); converter->RegisterCustomField( kPublishedField, &ResourceEntry::published_time_, &util::GetTimeFromString); converter->RegisterCustomField( kLastViewedField, &ResourceEntry::last_viewed_time_, &util::GetTimeFromString); converter->RegisterRepeatedMessage( kFeedLinkField, &ResourceEntry::resource_links_); converter->RegisterNestedField(kContentField, &ResourceEntry::content_); // File properties. If the resource type is not a normal file, then // that's no problem because those feed must not have these fields // themselves, which does not report errors. converter->RegisterStringField(kFileNameField, &ResourceEntry::filename_); converter->RegisterStringField(kMD5Field, &ResourceEntry::file_md5_); converter->RegisterCustomField( kSizeField, &ResourceEntry::file_size_, &base::StringToInt64); converter->RegisterStringField( kSuggestedFileNameField, &ResourceEntry::suggested_filename_); // Deleted are treated as 'trashed' items on web client side. Removed files // are gone for good. We treat both cases as 'deleted' for this client. converter->RegisterCustomValueField( kDeletedField, &ResourceEntry::deleted_, &ResourceEntry::HasFieldPresent); converter->RegisterCustomValueField( kRemovedField, &ResourceEntry::removed_, &ResourceEntry::HasFieldPresent); converter->RegisterCustomValueField( kChangestampField, &ResourceEntry::changestamp_, &ResourceEntry::ParseChangestamp); // ImageMediaMetadata fields are not supported by WAPI. } // static std::string ResourceEntry::GetHostedDocumentExtension(DriveEntryKind kind) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kEntryKindMap); i++) { if (kEntryKindMap[i].kind == kind) { if (kEntryKindMap[i].extension) return std::string(kEntryKindMap[i].extension); else return std::string(); } } return std::string(); } // static DriveEntryKind ResourceEntry::GetEntryKindFromExtension( const std::string& extension) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kEntryKindMap); ++i) { const char* document_extension = kEntryKindMap[i].extension; if (document_extension && extension == document_extension) return kEntryKindMap[i].kind; } return ENTRY_KIND_UNKNOWN; } // static int ResourceEntry::ClassifyEntryKindByFileExtension( const base::FilePath& file_path) { #if defined(OS_WIN) std::string file_extension = base::WideToUTF8(file_path.Extension()); #else std::string file_extension = file_path.Extension(); #endif return ClassifyEntryKind(GetEntryKindFromExtension(file_extension)); } // static DriveEntryKind ResourceEntry::GetEntryKindFromTerm( const std::string& term) { if (!StartsWithASCII(term, kTermPrefix, false)) { DVLOG(1) << "Unexpected term prefix term " << term; return ENTRY_KIND_UNKNOWN; } std::string type = term.substr(strlen(kTermPrefix)); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kEntryKindMap); i++) { if (type == kEntryKindMap[i].entry) return kEntryKindMap[i].kind; } DVLOG(1) << "Unknown entry type for term " << term << ", type " << type; return ENTRY_KIND_UNKNOWN; } // static int ResourceEntry::ClassifyEntryKind(DriveEntryKind kind) { int classes = 0; // All DriveEntryKind members are listed here, so the compiler catches if a // newly added member is missing here. switch (kind) { case ENTRY_KIND_UNKNOWN: // Special entries. case ENTRY_KIND_ITEM: case ENTRY_KIND_SITE: break; // Hosted Google document. case ENTRY_KIND_DOCUMENT: case ENTRY_KIND_SPREADSHEET: case ENTRY_KIND_PRESENTATION: case ENTRY_KIND_DRAWING: case ENTRY_KIND_TABLE: case ENTRY_KIND_FORM: classes = KIND_OF_GOOGLE_DOCUMENT | KIND_OF_HOSTED_DOCUMENT; break; // Hosted external application document. case ENTRY_KIND_EXTERNAL_APP: classes = KIND_OF_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT | KIND_OF_HOSTED_DOCUMENT; break; // Folders, collections. case ENTRY_KIND_FOLDER: classes = KIND_OF_FOLDER; break; // Regular files. case ENTRY_KIND_FILE: case ENTRY_KIND_PDF: classes = KIND_OF_FILE; break; case ENTRY_KIND_MAX_VALUE: NOTREACHED(); } return classes; } void ResourceEntry::FillRemainingFields() { // Set |kind_| and |labels_| based on the |categories_| in the class. // JSONValueConverter does not have the ability to catch an element in a list // based on a predicate. Thus we need to iterate over |categories_| and // find the elements to set these fields as a post-process. for (size_t i = 0; i < categories_.size(); ++i) { const Category* category = categories_[i]; if (category->type() == Category::CATEGORY_KIND) kind_ = GetEntryKindFromTerm(category->term()); else if (category->type() == Category::CATEGORY_LABEL) labels_.push_back(category->label()); } } // static scoped_ptr ResourceEntry::ExtractAndParse( const base::Value& value) { const base::DictionaryValue* as_dict = NULL; const base::DictionaryValue* entry_dict = NULL; if (value.GetAsDictionary(&as_dict) && as_dict->GetDictionary(kEntryField, &entry_dict)) { return ResourceEntry::CreateFrom(*entry_dict); } return scoped_ptr(); } // static scoped_ptr ResourceEntry::CreateFrom(const base::Value& value) { base::JSONValueConverter converter; scoped_ptr entry(new ResourceEntry()); if (!converter.Convert(value, entry.get())) { DVLOG(1) << "Invalid resource entry!"; return scoped_ptr(); } entry->FillRemainingFields(); return entry.Pass(); } // static std::string ResourceEntry::GetEntryNodeName() { return kEntryNode; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ResourceList implementation ResourceList::ResourceList() : start_index_(0), items_per_page_(0), largest_changestamp_(0) { } ResourceList::~ResourceList() { } // static void ResourceList::RegisterJSONConverter( base::JSONValueConverter* converter) { // inheritance CommonMetadata::RegisterJSONConverter(converter); // TODO(zelidrag): Once we figure out where these will be used, we should // check for valid start_index_ and items_per_page_ values. converter->RegisterCustomField( kStartIndexField, &ResourceList::start_index_, &base::StringToInt); converter->RegisterCustomField( kItemsPerPageField, &ResourceList::items_per_page_, &base::StringToInt); converter->RegisterStringField(kTitleTField, &ResourceList::title_); converter->RegisterRepeatedMessage(kEntryField, &ResourceList::entries_); converter->RegisterCustomField( kLargestChangestampField, &ResourceList::largest_changestamp_, &base::StringToInt64); } bool ResourceList::Parse(const base::Value& value) { base::JSONValueConverter converter; if (!converter.Convert(value, this)) { DVLOG(1) << "Invalid resource list!"; return false; } ScopedVector::iterator iter = entries_.begin(); while (iter != entries_.end()) { ResourceEntry* entry = (*iter); entry->FillRemainingFields(); ++iter; } return true; } // static scoped_ptr ResourceList::ExtractAndParse( const base::Value& value) { const base::DictionaryValue* as_dict = NULL; const base::DictionaryValue* feed_dict = NULL; if (value.GetAsDictionary(&as_dict) && as_dict->GetDictionary(kFeedField, &feed_dict)) { return ResourceList::CreateFrom(*feed_dict); } return scoped_ptr(); } // static scoped_ptr ResourceList::CreateFrom(const base::Value& value) { scoped_ptr feed(new ResourceList()); if (!feed->Parse(value)) { DVLOG(1) << "Invalid resource list!"; return scoped_ptr(); } return feed.Pass(); } bool ResourceList::GetNextFeedURL(GURL* url) const { DCHECK(url); for (size_t i = 0; i < links_.size(); ++i) { if (links_[i]->type() == Link::LINK_NEXT) { *url = links_[i]->href(); return true; } } return false; } void ResourceList::ReleaseEntries(std::vector* entries) { entries_.release(entries); } } // namespace google_apis