#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """code generator for GLES2 command buffers.""" import os import os.path import sys import re from optparse import OptionParser _SIZE_OF_UINT32 = 4 _SIZE_OF_COMMAND_HEADER = 4 _FIRST_SPECIFIC_COMMAND_ID = 256 _LICENSE = """// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. """ _DO_NOT_EDIT_WARNING = """// This file is auto-generated from // gpu/command_buffer/build_gles2_cmd_buffer.py // DO NOT EDIT! """ # This string is copied directly out of the gl2.h file from GLES2.0 # # Edits: # # *) Any argument that is a resourceID has been changed to GLid. # (not pointer arguments) and if it's allowed to be zero it's GLidZero # If it's allowed to not exist it's GLidBind # # *) All GLenums have been changed to GLenumTypeOfEnum # _GL_TYPES = { 'GLenum': 'unsigned int', 'GLboolean': 'unsigned char', 'GLbitfield': 'unsigned int', 'GLbyte': 'signed char', 'GLshort': 'short', 'GLint': 'int', 'GLsizei': 'int', 'GLubyte': 'unsigned char', 'GLushort': 'unsigned short', 'GLuint': 'unsigned int', 'GLfloat': 'float', 'GLclampf': 'float', 'GLvoid': 'void', 'GLfixed': 'int', 'GLclampx': 'int', 'GLintptr': 'long int', 'GLsizeiptr': 'long int', } # This is a list of enum names and their valid values. It is used to map # GLenum arguments to a specific set of valid values. _ENUM_LISTS = { 'BlitFilter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_NEAREST', 'GL_LINEAR', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR', ], }, 'FrameBufferTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER' , 'GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER' , ], }, 'RenderBufferTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_RENDERBUFFER', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER', ], }, 'BufferTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ARRAY_BUFFER', 'GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_RENDERBUFFER', ], }, 'BufferUsage': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_STREAM_DRAW', 'GL_STATIC_DRAW', 'GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_STATIC_READ', ], }, 'CompressedTextureFormat': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ ], }, 'GLState': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE', 'GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE', 'GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE', 'GL_ALPHA_BITS', 'GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING', 'GL_BLEND', 'GL_BLEND_COLOR', 'GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_BLEND_DST_RGB', 'GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA', 'GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB', 'GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB', 'GL_BLUE_BITS', 'GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE', 'GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK', 'GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS', 'GL_CULL_FACE', 'GL_CULL_FACE_MODE', 'GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM', 'GL_DEPTH_BITS', 'GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE', 'GL_DEPTH_FUNC', 'GL_DEPTH_RANGE', 'GL_DEPTH_TEST', 'GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK', 'GL_DITHER', 'GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING', 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING', 'GL_FRONT_FACE', 'GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT', 'GL_GREEN_BITS', 'GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT', 'GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE', 'GL_LINE_WIDTH', 'GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS', 'GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE', 'GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS', 'GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE', 'GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS', 'GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE', 'GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS', 'GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS', 'GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS', 'GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS', 'GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS', 'GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS', 'GL_NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS', 'GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT', 'GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR', 'GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL', 'GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS', 'GL_RED_BITS', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING', 'GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS', 'GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT', 'GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE', 'GL_SAMPLES', 'GL_SCISSOR_BOX', 'GL_SCISSOR_TEST', 'GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS', 'GL_SHADER_COMPILER', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK', 'GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK', 'GL_STENCIL_BITS', 'GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE', 'GL_STENCIL_FAIL', 'GL_STENCIL_FUNC', 'GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL', 'GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS', 'GL_STENCIL_REF', 'GL_STENCIL_TEST', 'GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK', 'GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK', 'GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS', 'GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D', 'GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP', 'GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT', 'GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_CHROMIUM', 'GL_UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_CHROMIUM', 'GL_UNPACK_UNPREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_CHROMIUM', 'GL_VIEWPORT', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_FOG_HINT', ], }, 'GetTexParamTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_TEXTURE_2D', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP', ] }, 'TextureTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_TEXTURE_2D', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP', ] }, 'TextureBindTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_TEXTURE_2D', 'GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_TEXTURE_1D', 'GL_TEXTURE_3D', ], }, 'ShaderType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_VERTEX_SHADER', 'GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER', ], }, 'FaceType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_FRONT', 'GL_BACK', 'GL_FRONT_AND_BACK', ], }, 'FaceMode': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_CW', 'GL_CCW', ], }, 'CmpFunction': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_NEVER', 'GL_LESS', 'GL_EQUAL', 'GL_LEQUAL', 'GL_GREATER', 'GL_NOTEQUAL', 'GL_GEQUAL', 'GL_ALWAYS', ], }, 'Equation': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_FUNC_ADD', 'GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT', 'GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_MIN', 'GL_MAX', ], }, 'SrcBlendFactor': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ZERO', 'GL_ONE', 'GL_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_DST_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_CONSTANT_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR', 'GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE', ], }, 'DstBlendFactor': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ZERO', 'GL_ONE', 'GL_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR', 'GL_DST_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR', 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA', 'GL_CONSTANT_COLOR', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR', 'GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA', ], }, 'Capability': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_DITHER', # 1st one is a non-cached value so autogen unit tests work. 'GL_BLEND', 'GL_CULL_FACE', 'GL_DEPTH_TEST', 'GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL', 'GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE', 'GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE', 'GL_SCISSOR_TEST', 'GL_STENCIL_TEST', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_CLIP_PLANE0', 'GL_POINT_SPRITE', ], }, 'DrawMode': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_POINTS', 'GL_LINE_STRIP', 'GL_LINE_LOOP', 'GL_LINES', 'GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP', 'GL_TRIANGLE_FAN', 'GL_TRIANGLES', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_QUADS', 'GL_POLYGON', ], }, 'IndexType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_UNSIGNED_INT', 'GL_INT', ], }, 'GetMaxIndexType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT', 'GL_UNSIGNED_INT', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_INT', ], }, 'Attachment': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0', 'GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT', 'GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT', ], }, 'BufferParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_BUFFER_SIZE', 'GL_BUFFER_USAGE', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER', ], }, 'FrameBufferParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE', 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME', 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL', 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE', ], }, 'ProgramParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_DELETE_STATUS', 'GL_LINK_STATUS', 'GL_VALIDATE_STATUS', 'GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH', 'GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS', 'GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES', 'GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH', 'GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS', 'GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH', ], }, 'QueryObjectParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_QUERY_RESULT_EXT', 'GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_EXT', ], }, 'QueryParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_CURRENT_QUERY_EXT', ], }, 'QueryTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_EXT', 'GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE_EXT', 'GL_COMMANDS_ISSUED_CHROMIUM', ], }, 'RenderBufferParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT', 'GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT', ], }, 'ShaderParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_SHADER_TYPE', 'GL_DELETE_STATUS', 'GL_COMPILE_STATUS', 'GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH', 'GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH', 'GL_TRANSLATED_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH_ANGLE', ], }, 'ShaderPrecision': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_LOW_FLOAT', 'GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT', 'GL_HIGH_FLOAT', 'GL_LOW_INT', 'GL_MEDIUM_INT', 'GL_HIGH_INT', ], }, 'StringType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_VENDOR', 'GL_RENDERER', 'GL_VERSION', 'GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION', 'GL_EXTENSIONS', ], }, 'TextureParameter': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER', 'GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER', 'GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S', 'GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP', ], }, 'TextureWrapMode': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE', 'GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT', 'GL_REPEAT', ], }, 'TextureMinFilterMode': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_NEAREST', 'GL_LINEAR', 'GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST', 'GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST', 'GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR', 'GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR', ], }, 'TextureMagFilterMode': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_NEAREST', 'GL_LINEAR', ], }, 'TextureUsage': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_NONE', 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ANGLE', ], }, 'VertexAttribute': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ # some enum that the decoder actually passes through to GL needs # to be the first listed here since it's used in unit tests. 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED', 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING', 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED', 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE', 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE', 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE', 'GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB', ], }, 'VertexPointer': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER', ], }, 'HintTarget': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT', ], }, 'HintMode': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_FASTEST', 'GL_NICEST', 'GL_DONT_CARE', ], }, 'PixelStore': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT', 'GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT', 'GL_UNPACK_FLIP_Y_CHROMIUM', 'GL_UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_CHROMIUM', 'GL_UNPACK_UNPREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_CHROMIUM', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES', 'GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES', ], }, 'PixelStoreAlignment': { 'type': 'GLint', 'valid': [ '1', '2', '4', '8', ], 'invalid': [ '3', '9', ], }, 'ReadPixelFormat': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ALPHA', 'GL_RGB', 'GL_RGBA', ], }, 'PixelType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_SHORT', 'GL_INT', ], }, 'ReadPixelType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_SHORT', 'GL_INT', ], }, 'RenderBufferFormat': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_RGBA4', 'GL_RGB565', 'GL_RGB5_A1', 'GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16', 'GL_STENCIL_INDEX8', ], }, 'ShaderBinaryFormat': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ ], }, 'StencilOp': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_KEEP', 'GL_ZERO', 'GL_REPLACE', 'GL_INCR', 'GL_INCR_WRAP', 'GL_DECR', 'GL_DECR_WRAP', 'GL_INVERT', ], }, 'TextureFormat': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ALPHA', 'GL_LUMINANCE', 'GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA', 'GL_RGB', 'GL_RGBA', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_BGRA', 'GL_BGR', ], }, 'TextureInternalFormat': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_ALPHA', 'GL_LUMINANCE', 'GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA', 'GL_RGB', 'GL_RGBA', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_BGRA', 'GL_BGR', ], }, 'TextureInternalFormatStorage': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_RGB565', 'GL_RGBA4', 'GL_RGB5_A1', 'GL_ALPHA8_EXT', 'GL_LUMINANCE8_EXT', 'GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_EXT', 'GL_RGB8_OES', 'GL_RGBA8_OES', ], }, 'VertexAttribType': { 'type': 'GLenum', 'valid': [ 'GL_BYTE', 'GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE', 'GL_SHORT', 'GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT', # 'GL_FIXED', // This is not available on Desktop GL. 'GL_FLOAT', ], 'invalid': [ 'GL_DOUBLE', ], }, 'TextureBorder': { 'type': 'GLint', 'valid': [ '0', ], 'invalid': [ '1', ], }, 'VertexAttribSize': { 'type': 'GLint', 'valid': [ '1', '2', '3', '4', ], 'invalid': [ '0', '5', ], }, 'ZeroOnly': { 'type': 'GLint', 'valid': [ '0', ], 'invalid': [ '1', ], }, 'FalseOnly': { 'type': 'GLboolean', 'valid': [ 'false', ], 'invalid': [ 'true', ], }, } # This table specifies the different pepper interfaces that are supported for # GL commands. 'dev' is true if it's a dev interface. _PEPPER_INTERFACES = [ {'name': '', 'dev': False}, {'name': 'InstancedArrays', 'dev': False}, {'name': 'FramebufferBlit', 'dev': False}, {'name': 'FramebufferMultisample', 'dev': False}, {'name': 'ChromiumEnableFeature', 'dev': False}, {'name': 'ChromiumMapSub', 'dev': False}, {'name': 'Query', 'dev': False}, ] # This table specifies types and other special data for the commands that # will be generated. # # Must match function names specified in "cmd_buffer_functions.txt". # # cmd_comment: A comment added to the cmd format. # type: defines which handler will be used to generate code. # decoder_func: defines which function to call in the decoder to execute the # corresponding GL command. If not specified the GL command will # be called directly. # gl_test_func: GL function that is expected to be called when testing. # cmd_args: The arguments to use for the command. This overrides generating # them based on the GL function arguments. # a NonImmediate type is a type that stays a pointer even in # and immediate version of acommand. # gen_cmd: Whether or not this function geneates a command. Default = True. # immediate: Whether or not to generate an immediate command for the GL # function. The default is if there is exactly 1 pointer argument # in the GL function an immediate command is generated. # bucket: True to generate a bucket version of the command. # impl_func: Whether or not to generate the GLES2Implementation part of this # command. # impl_decl: Whether or not to generate the GLES2Implementation declaration # for this command. # needs_size: If true a data_size field is added to the command. # data_type: The type of data the command uses. For PUTn or PUT types. # count: The number of units per element. For PUTn or PUT types. # unit_test: If False no service side unit test will be generated. # client_test: If False no client side unit test will be generated. # expectation: If False the unit test will have no expected calls. # gen_func: Name of function that generates GL resource for corresponding # bind function. # valid_args: A dictionary of argument indices to args to use in unit tests # when they can not be automatically determined. # pepper_interface: The pepper interface that is used for this extension # invalid_test: False if no invalid test needed. _FUNCTION_INFO = { 'ActiveTexture': { 'decoder_func': 'DoActiveTexture', 'unit_test': False, 'impl_func': False, 'client_test': False, }, 'AttachShader': {'decoder_func': 'DoAttachShader'}, 'BindAttribLocation': {'type': 'GLchar', 'bucket': True, 'needs_size': True}, 'BindBuffer': { 'type': 'Bind', 'decoder_func': 'DoBindBuffer', 'gen_func': 'GenBuffersARB', }, 'BindFramebuffer': { 'type': 'Bind', 'decoder_func': 'DoBindFramebuffer', 'gl_test_func': 'glBindFramebufferEXT', 'gen_func': 'GenFramebuffersEXT', }, 'BindRenderbuffer': { 'type': 'Bind', 'decoder_func': 'DoBindRenderbuffer', 'gl_test_func': 'glBindRenderbufferEXT', 'gen_func': 'GenRenderbuffersEXT', }, 'BindTexture': { 'type': 'Bind', 'decoder_func': 'DoBindTexture', 'gen_func': 'GenTextures', }, 'BlitFramebufferEXT': { 'decoder_func': 'DoBlitFramebufferEXT', 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'pepper_interface': 'FramebufferBlit', }, 'BufferData': { 'type': 'Manual', 'immediate': True, 'client_test': False, }, 'BufferSubData': { 'type': 'Data', 'client_test': False, 'decoder_func': 'DoBufferSubData', }, 'CheckFramebufferStatus': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoCheckFramebufferStatus', 'gl_test_func': 'glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT', 'error_value': 'GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED', 'result': ['GLenum'], }, 'Clear': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLbitfield mask' }, 'ClearColor': {'decoder_func': 'DoClearColor'}, 'ClearDepthf': { 'decoder_func': 'DoClearDepthf', 'gl_test_func': 'glClearDepth', }, 'ColorMask': {'decoder_func': 'DoColorMask', 'expectation': False}, 'ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM': { 'decoder_func': 'DoConsumeTextureCHROMIUM', 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLbyte', 'count': 64, 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'ClearStencil': {'decoder_func': 'DoClearStencil'}, 'EnableFeatureCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'decoder_func': 'DoEnableFeatureCHROMIUM', 'expectation': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLuint bucket_id, GLint* result', 'result': ['GLint'], 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'pepper_interface': 'ChromiumEnableFeature', }, 'CompileShader': {'decoder_func': 'DoCompileShader', 'unit_test': False}, 'CompressedTexImage2D': { 'type': 'Manual', 'immediate': True, 'bucket': True, }, 'CompressedTexSubImage2D': { 'type': 'Data', 'bucket': True, 'decoder_func': 'DoCompressedTexSubImage2D', }, 'CopyTexImage2D': { 'decoder_func': 'DoCopyTexImage2D', 'unit_test': False, }, 'CopyTexSubImage2D': { 'decoder_func': 'DoCopyTexSubImage2D', }, 'CreateProgram': { 'type': 'Create', 'client_test': False, }, 'CreateShader': { 'type': 'Create', 'client_test': False, }, 'DeleteBuffers': { 'type': 'DELn', 'gl_test_func': 'glDeleteBuffersARB', 'resource_type': 'Buffer', 'resource_types': 'Buffers', }, 'DeleteFramebuffers': { 'type': 'DELn', 'gl_test_func': 'glDeleteFramebuffersEXT', 'resource_type': 'Framebuffer', 'resource_types': 'Framebuffers', }, 'DeleteProgram': {'type': 'Delete', 'decoder_func': 'DoDeleteProgram'}, 'DeleteRenderbuffers': { 'type': 'DELn', 'gl_test_func': 'glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT', 'resource_type': 'Renderbuffer', 'resource_types': 'Renderbuffers', }, 'DeleteShader': {'type': 'Delete', 'decoder_func': 'DoDeleteShader'}, 'DeleteSharedIdsCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'decoder_func': 'DoDeleteSharedIdsCHROMIUM', 'impl_func': False, 'expectation': False, 'immediate': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'DeleteTextures': { 'type': 'DELn', 'resource_type': 'Texture', 'resource_types': 'Textures', }, 'DepthRangef': {'decoder_func': 'glDepthRange'}, 'DepthMask': {'decoder_func': 'DoDepthMask', 'expectation': False}, 'DetachShader': {'decoder_func': 'DoDetachShader'}, 'Disable': { 'decoder_func': 'DoDisable', 'impl_func': False, }, 'DisableVertexAttribArray': { 'decoder_func': 'DoDisableVertexAttribArray', 'impl_decl': False, }, 'DrawArrays': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLenumDrawMode mode, GLint first, GLsizei count', }, 'DrawElements': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLenumDrawMode mode, GLsizei count, ' 'GLenumIndexType type, GLuint index_offset', 'client_test': False }, 'Enable': { 'decoder_func': 'DoEnable', 'impl_func': False, }, 'EnableVertexAttribArray': { 'decoder_func': 'DoEnableVertexAttribArray', 'impl_decl': False, }, 'Finish': { 'impl_func': False, 'client_test': False, 'decoder_func': 'DoFinish', }, 'Flush': { 'impl_func': False, 'decoder_func': 'DoFlush', }, 'ShallowFlushCHROMIUM': { 'impl_func': False, 'gen_cmd': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, }, 'FramebufferRenderbuffer': { 'decoder_func': 'DoFramebufferRenderbuffer', 'gl_test_func': 'glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT', }, 'FramebufferTexture2D': { 'decoder_func': 'DoFramebufferTexture2D', 'gl_test_func': 'glFramebufferTexture2DEXT', }, 'GenerateMipmap': { 'decoder_func': 'DoGenerateMipmap', 'gl_test_func': 'glGenerateMipmapEXT', }, 'GenBuffers': { 'type': 'GENn', 'gl_test_func': 'glGenBuffersARB', 'resource_type': 'Buffer', 'resource_types': 'Buffers', }, 'GenMailboxCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLuint bucket_id', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'client_test': False, 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'GenFramebuffers': { 'type': 'GENn', 'gl_test_func': 'glGenFramebuffersEXT', 'resource_type': 'Framebuffer', 'resource_types': 'Framebuffers', }, 'GenRenderbuffers': { 'type': 'GENn', 'gl_test_func': 'glGenRenderbuffersEXT', 'resource_type': 'Renderbuffer', 'resource_types': 'Renderbuffers', }, 'GenTextures': { 'type': 'GENn', 'gl_test_func': 'glGenTextures', 'resource_type': 'Texture', 'resource_types': 'Textures', }, 'GenSharedIdsCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'decoder_func': 'DoGenSharedIdsCHROMIUM', 'impl_func': False, 'expectation': False, 'immediate': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'GetActiveAttrib': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLidProgram program, GLuint index, uint32 name_bucket_id, ' 'void* result', 'result': [ 'int32 success', 'int32 size', 'uint32 type', ], }, 'GetActiveUniform': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLidProgram program, GLuint index, uint32 name_bucket_id, ' 'void* result', 'result': [ 'int32 success', 'int32 size', 'uint32 type', ], }, 'GetAttachedShaders': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLidProgram program, void* result, uint32 result_size', 'result': ['SizedResult'], }, 'GetAttribLocation': { 'type': 'HandWritten', 'immediate': True, 'bucket': True, 'needs_size': True, 'cmd_args': 'GLidProgram program, const char* name, NonImmediate GLint* location', 'result': ['GLint'], }, 'GetBooleanv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'decoder_func': 'DoGetBooleanv', 'gl_test_func': 'glGetBooleanv', }, 'GetBufferParameteriv': {'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult']}, 'GetError': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'GetGLError', 'impl_func': False, 'result': ['GLenum'], 'client_test': False, }, 'GetFloatv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'decoder_func': 'DoGetFloatv', 'gl_test_func': 'glGetFloatv', }, 'GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv', 'gl_test_func': 'glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT', 'result': ['SizedResult'], }, 'GetIntegerv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'decoder_func': 'DoGetIntegerv', 'client_test': False, }, 'GetMaxValueInBufferCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetMaxValueInBufferCHROMIUM', 'result': ['GLuint'], 'unit_test': False, 'client_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'impl_func': False, }, 'GetMultipleIntegervCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'expectation': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, }, 'GetProgramiv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetProgramiv', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'expectation': False, }, 'GetProgramInfoCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'expectation': False, 'impl_func': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLidProgram program, uint32 bucket_id', 'result': [ 'uint32 link_status', 'uint32 num_attribs', 'uint32 num_uniforms', ], }, 'GetProgramInfoLog': { 'type': 'STRn', 'expectation': False, }, 'GetRenderbufferParameteriv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetRenderbufferParameteriv', 'gl_test_func': 'glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT', 'result': ['SizedResult'], }, 'GetShaderiv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'decoder_func': 'DoGetShaderiv', 'result': ['SizedResult'], }, 'GetShaderInfoLog': { 'type': 'STRn', 'get_len_func': 'glGetShaderiv', 'get_len_enum': 'GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH', 'unit_test': False, }, 'GetShaderPrecisionFormat': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLenumShaderType shadertype, GLenumShaderPrecision precisiontype, ' 'void* result', 'result': [ 'int32 success', 'int32 min_range', 'int32 max_range', 'int32 precision', ], }, 'GetShaderSource': { 'type': 'STRn', 'get_len_func': 'DoGetShaderiv', 'get_len_enum': 'GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH', 'unit_test': False, 'client_test': False, }, 'GetString': { 'type': 'Custom', 'client_test': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLenumStringType name, uint32 bucket_id', }, 'GetTexParameterfv': {'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult']}, 'GetTexParameteriv': {'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult']}, 'GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE': { 'type': 'STRn', 'get_len_func': 'DoGetShaderiv', 'get_len_enum': 'GL_TRANSLATED_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH_ANGLE', 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, }, 'GetUniformfv': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'result': ['SizedResult'], }, 'GetUniformiv': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'result': ['SizedResult'], }, 'GetUniformLocation': { 'type': 'HandWritten', 'immediate': True, 'bucket': True, 'needs_size': True, 'cmd_args': 'GLidProgram program, const char* name, NonImmediate GLint* location', 'result': ['GLint'], }, 'GetVertexAttribfv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'impl_decl': False, 'decoder_func': 'DoGetVertexAttribfv', 'expectation': False, 'client_test': False, }, 'GetVertexAttribiv': { 'type': 'GETn', 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'impl_decl': False, 'decoder_func': 'DoGetVertexAttribiv', 'expectation': False, 'client_test': False, }, 'GetVertexAttribPointerv': { 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'result': ['SizedResult'], 'client_test': False, }, 'IsBuffer': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsBuffer', 'expectation': False, }, 'IsEnabled': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsEnabled', 'impl_func': False, }, 'IsFramebuffer': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsFramebuffer', 'expectation': False, }, 'IsProgram': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsProgram', 'expectation': False, }, 'IsRenderbuffer': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsRenderbuffer', 'expectation': False, }, 'IsShader': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsShader', 'expectation': False, }, 'IsTexture': { 'type': 'Is', 'decoder_func': 'DoIsTexture', 'expectation': False, }, 'LinkProgram': { 'decoder_func': 'DoLinkProgram', 'impl_func': False, }, 'MapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'ChromiumMapSub', }, 'MapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'ChromiumMapSub', }, 'PixelStorei': {'type': 'Manual'}, 'PostSubBufferCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'impl_func': False, 'unit_test': False, 'client_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'ProduceTextureCHROMIUM': { 'decoder_func': 'DoProduceTextureCHROMIUM', 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLbyte', 'count': 64, 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'RenderbufferStorage': { 'decoder_func': 'DoRenderbufferStorage', 'gl_test_func': 'glRenderbufferStorageEXT', 'expectation': False, }, 'RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT': { 'decoder_func': 'DoRenderbufferStorageMultisample', 'gl_test_func': 'glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT', 'expectation': False, 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'pepper_interface': 'FramebufferMultisample', }, 'ReadPixels': { 'cmd_comment': '// ReadPixels has the result separated from the pixel buffer so that\n' '// it is easier to specify the result going to some specific place\n' '// that exactly fits the rectangle of pixels.\n', 'type': 'Custom', 'immediate': False, 'impl_func': False, 'client_test': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, ' 'GLenumReadPixelFormat format, GLenumReadPixelType type, ' 'uint32 pixels_shm_id, uint32 pixels_shm_offset, ' 'uint32 result_shm_id, uint32 result_shm_offset', 'result': ['uint32'], }, 'RegisterSharedIdsCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'decoder_func': 'DoRegisterSharedIdsCHROMIUM', 'impl_func': False, 'expectation': False, 'immediate': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'ReleaseShaderCompiler': { 'decoder_func': 'DoReleaseShaderCompiler', 'unit_test': False, }, 'ShaderBinary': { 'type': 'Custom', 'client_test': False, }, 'ShaderSource': { 'type': 'Manual', 'immediate': True, 'bucket': True, 'needs_size': True, 'client_test': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLuint shader, const char* data', }, 'StencilMask': {'decoder_func': 'DoStencilMask', 'expectation': False}, 'StencilMaskSeparate': { 'decoder_func': 'DoStencilMaskSeparate', 'expectation': False, }, 'SwapBuffers': { 'type': 'Custom', 'impl_func': False, 'unit_test': False, 'client_test': False, 'extension': True, }, 'TexImage2D': { 'type': 'Manual', 'immediate': True, 'client_test': False, }, 'TexParameterf': { 'decoder_func': 'DoTexParameterf', 'valid_args': { '2': 'GL_NEAREST' }, }, 'TexParameteri': { 'decoder_func': 'DoTexParameteri', 'valid_args': { '2': 'GL_NEAREST' }, }, 'TexParameterfv': { 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'data_value': 'GL_NEAREST', 'count': 1, 'decoder_func': 'DoTexParameterfv', }, 'TexParameteriv': { 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'data_value': 'GL_NEAREST', 'count': 1, 'decoder_func': 'DoTexParameteriv', }, 'TexSubImage2D': { 'type': 'Manual', 'immediate': True, 'client_test': False, 'cmd_args': 'GLenumTextureTarget target, GLint level, ' 'GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, ' 'GLsizei width, GLsizei height, ' 'GLenumTextureFormat format, GLenumPixelType type, ' 'const void* pixels, GLboolean internal' }, 'Uniform1f': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 1}, 'Uniform1fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 1, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform1fv', }, 'Uniform1i': {'decoder_func': 'DoUniform1i', 'unit_test': False}, 'Uniform1iv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 1, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform1iv', 'unit_test': False, }, 'Uniform2i': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 2}, 'Uniform2f': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 2}, 'Uniform2fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 2, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform2fv', }, 'Uniform2iv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 2, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform2iv', }, 'Uniform3i': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 3}, 'Uniform3f': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 3}, 'Uniform3fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 3, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform3fv', }, 'Uniform3iv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 3, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform3iv', }, 'Uniform4i': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 4}, 'Uniform4f': {'type': 'PUTXn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 4}, 'Uniform4fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 4, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform4fv', }, 'Uniform4iv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLint', 'count': 4, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniform4iv', }, 'UniformMatrix2fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 4, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniformMatrix2fv', }, 'UniformMatrix3fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 9, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniformMatrix3fv', }, 'UniformMatrix4fv': { 'type': 'PUTn', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 16, 'decoder_func': 'DoUniformMatrix4fv', }, 'UnmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'ChromiumMapSub', }, 'UnmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'ChromiumMapSub', }, 'UseProgram': {'decoder_func': 'DoUseProgram', 'unit_test': False}, 'ValidateProgram': {'decoder_func': 'DoValidateProgram'}, 'VertexAttrib1f': {'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib1f'}, 'VertexAttrib1fv': { 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 1, 'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib1fv', }, 'VertexAttrib2f': {'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib2f'}, 'VertexAttrib2fv': { 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 2, 'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib2fv', }, 'VertexAttrib3f': {'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib3f'}, 'VertexAttrib3fv': { 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 3, 'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib3fv', }, 'VertexAttrib4f': {'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib4f'}, 'VertexAttrib4fv': { 'type': 'PUT', 'data_type': 'GLfloat', 'count': 4, 'decoder_func': 'DoVertexAttrib4fv', }, 'VertexAttribPointer': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLuint indx, GLintVertexAttribSize size, ' 'GLenumVertexAttribType type, GLboolean normalized, ' 'GLsizei stride, GLuint offset', 'client_test': False, }, 'Viewport': { 'decoder_func': 'DoViewport', }, 'ResizeCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'impl_func': False, 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'GetRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'impl_func': False, 'immediate': False, 'cmd_args': 'uint32 bucket_id', 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'RequestExtensionCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'impl_func': False, 'immediate': False, 'client_test': False, 'cmd_args': 'uint32 bucket_id', 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'RateLimitOffscreenContextCHROMIUM': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, }, 'CreateStreamTextureCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'cmd_args': 'GLuint client_id, void* result', 'result': ['GLuint'], 'immediate': False, 'impl_func': False, 'expectation': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, 'client_test': False, }, 'DestroyStreamTextureCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'Custom', 'impl_func': False, 'expectation': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'TexImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM': { 'decoder_func': 'DoTexImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM', 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'CopyTextureCHROMIUM': { 'decoder_func': 'DoCopyTextureCHROMIUM', 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'chromium': True, }, 'TexStorage2DEXT': { 'unit_test': False, 'extension': True, 'decoder_func': 'DoTexStorage2DEXT', }, 'DrawArraysInstancedANGLE': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLenumDrawMode mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, ' 'GLsizei primcount', 'extension': True, 'unit_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'InstancedArrays', }, 'DrawElementsInstancedANGLE': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLenumDrawMode mode, GLsizei count, ' 'GLenumIndexType type, GLuint index_offset, GLsizei primcount', 'extension': True, 'unit_test': False, 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'InstancedArrays', }, 'VertexAttribDivisorANGLE': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLuint index, GLuint divisor', 'extension': True, 'unit_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'InstancedArrays', }, 'GenQueriesEXT': { 'type': 'GENn', 'gl_test_func': 'glGenQueriesARB', 'resource_type': 'Query', 'resource_types': 'Queries', 'unit_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'DeleteQueriesEXT': { 'type': 'DELn', 'gl_test_func': 'glDeleteQueriesARB', 'resource_type': 'Query', 'resource_types': 'Queries', 'unit_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'IsQueryEXT': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'BeginQueryEXT': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLenumQueryTarget target, GLidQuery id, void* sync_data', 'immediate': False, 'gl_test_func': 'glBeginQuery', 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'EndQueryEXT': { 'type': 'Manual', 'cmd_args': 'GLenumQueryTarget target, GLuint submit_count', 'gl_test_func': 'glEndnQuery', 'client_test': False, 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'GetQueryivEXT': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'client_test': False, 'gl_test_func': 'glGetQueryiv', 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'GetQueryObjectuivEXT': { 'gen_cmd': False, 'client_test': False, 'gl_test_func': 'glGetQueryObjectuiv', 'pepper_interface': 'Query', }, 'BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM': { 'type': 'GLchar', 'bucket': True, 'needs_size': True, 'gl_test_func': 'DoBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM', }, 'InsertEventMarkerEXT': { 'type': 'GLcharN', 'decoder_func': 'DoInsertEventMarkerEXT', 'expectation': False, }, 'PushGroupMarkerEXT': { 'type': 'GLcharN', 'decoder_func': 'DoPushGroupMarkerEXT', 'expectation': False, }, 'PopGroupMarkerEXT': { 'decoder_func': 'DoPopGroupMarkerEXT', 'expectation': False, 'impl_func': False, }, } def SplitWords(input_string): """Transforms a input_string into a list of lower-case components. Args: input_string: the input string. Returns: a list of lower-case words. """ if input_string.find('_') > -1: # 'some_TEXT_' -> 'some text' return input_string.replace('_', ' ').strip().lower().split() else: if re.search('[A-Z]', input_string) and re.search('[a-z]', input_string): # mixed case. # look for capitalization to cut input_strings # 'SomeText' -> 'Some Text' input_string = re.sub('([A-Z])', r' \1', input_string).strip() # 'Vector3' -> 'Vector 3' input_string = re.sub('([^0-9])([0-9])', r'\1 \2', input_string) return input_string.lower().split() def Lower(words): """Makes a lower-case identifier from words. Args: words: a list of lower-case words. Returns: the lower-case identifier. """ return '_'.join(words) def ToUnderscore(input_string): """converts CamelCase to camel_case.""" words = SplitWords(input_string) return Lower(words) class CWriter(object): """Writes to a file formatting it for Google's style guidelines.""" def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.file_num = 0 self.content = [] def SetFileNum(self, num): """Used to help write number files and tests.""" self.file_num = num def Write(self, string): """Writes a string to a file spliting if it's > 80 characters.""" lines = string.splitlines() num_lines = len(lines) for ii in range(0, num_lines): self.__WriteLine(lines[ii], ii < (num_lines - 1) or string[-1] == '\n') def __FindSplit(self, string): """Finds a place to split a string.""" splitter = string.find('=') if splitter >= 1 and not string[splitter + 1] == '=' and splitter < 80: return splitter # parts = string.split('(') parts = re.split("(?<=[^\"])\((?!\")", string) fptr = re.compile('\*\w*\)') if len(parts) > 1: splitter = len(parts[0]) for ii in range(1, len(parts)): # Don't split on the dot in "if (.condition)". if (not parts[ii - 1][-3:] == "if " and # Don't split "(.)" or "(.*fptr)". (len(parts[ii]) > 0 and not parts[ii][0] == ")" and not fptr.match(parts[ii])) and splitter < 80): return splitter splitter += len(parts[ii]) + 1 done = False end = len(string) last_splitter = -1 while not done: splitter = string[0:end].rfind(',') if splitter < 0 or (splitter > 0 and string[splitter - 1] == '"'): return last_splitter elif splitter >= 80: end = splitter else: return splitter def __WriteLine(self, line, ends_with_eol): """Given a signle line, writes it to a file, splitting if it's > 80 chars""" if len(line) >= 80: i = self.__FindSplit(line) if i > 0: line1 = line[0:i + 1] if line1[-1] == ' ': line1 = line1[:-1] lineend = '' if line1[0] == '#': lineend = ' \\' nolint = '' if len(line1) > 80: nolint = ' // NOLINT' self.__AddLine(line1 + nolint + lineend + '\n') match = re.match("( +)", line1) indent = "" if match: indent = match.group(1) splitter = line[i] if not splitter == ',': indent = " " + indent self.__WriteLine(indent + line[i + 1:].lstrip(), True) return nolint = '' if len(line) > 80: nolint = ' // NOLINT' self.__AddLine(line + nolint) if ends_with_eol: self.__AddLine('\n') def __AddLine(self, line): self.content.append(line) def Close(self): """Close the file.""" content = "".join(self.content) write_file = True if os.path.exists(self.filename): old_file = open(self.filename, "rb"); old_content = old_file.read() old_file.close(); if content == old_content: write_file = False if write_file: file = open(self.filename, "wb") file.write(content) file.close() class CHeaderWriter(CWriter): """Writes a C Header file.""" _non_alnum_re = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]') def __init__(self, filename, file_comment = None, guard_depth = 3): CWriter.__init__(self, filename) base = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) for i in range(guard_depth): base = os.path.dirname(base) hpath = os.path.abspath(filename)[len(base) + 1:] self.guard = self._non_alnum_re.sub('_', hpath).upper() + '_' self.Write(_LICENSE) self.Write(_DO_NOT_EDIT_WARNING) if not file_comment == None: self.Write(file_comment) self.Write("#ifndef %s\n" % self.guard) self.Write("#define %s\n\n" % self.guard) def Close(self): self.Write("#endif // %s\n\n" % self.guard) CWriter.Close(self) class TypeHandler(object): """This class emits code for a particular type of function.""" _remove_expected_call_re = re.compile(r' EXPECT_CALL.*?;\n', re.S) def __init__(self): pass def InitFunction(self, func): """Add or adjust anything type specific for this function.""" if func.GetInfo('needs_size') and not func.name.endswith('Bucket'): func.AddCmdArg(DataSizeArgument('data_size')) def AddImmediateFunction(self, generator, func): """Adds an immediate version of a function.""" # Generate an immediate command if there is only 1 pointer arg. immediate = func.GetInfo('immediate') # can be True, False or None if immediate == True or immediate == None: if func.num_pointer_args == 1 or immediate: generator.AddFunction(ImmediateFunction(func)) def AddBucketFunction(self, generator, func): """Adds a bucket version of a function.""" # Generate an immediate command if there is only 1 pointer arg. bucket = func.GetInfo('bucket') # can be True, False or None if bucket: generator.AddFunction(BucketFunction(func)) def WriteStruct(self, func, file): """Writes a structure that matches the arguments to a function.""" comment = func.GetInfo('cmd_comment') if not comment == None: file.Write(comment) file.Write("struct %s {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" typedef %s ValueType;\n" % func.name) file.Write(" static const CommandId kCmdId = k%s;\n" % func.name) func.WriteCmdArgFlag(file) file.Write("\n") result = func.GetInfo('result') if not result == None: if len(result) == 1: file.Write(" typedef %s Result;\n\n" % result[0]) else: file.Write(" struct Result {\n") for line in result: file.Write(" %s;\n" % line) file.Write(" };\n\n") func.WriteCmdComputeSize(file) func.WriteCmdSetHeader(file) func.WriteCmdInit(file) func.WriteCmdSet(file) file.Write(" gpu::CommandHeader header;\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s %s;\n" % (arg.cmd_type, arg.name)) file.Write("};\n") file.Write("\n") size = len(args) * _SIZE_OF_UINT32 + _SIZE_OF_COMMAND_HEADER file.Write("COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(%s) == %d,\n" % (func.name, size)) file.Write(" Sizeof_%s_is_not_%d);\n" % (func.name, size)) file.Write("COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(%s, header) == 0,\n" % func.name) file.Write(" OffsetOf_%s_header_not_0);\n" % func.name) offset = _SIZE_OF_COMMAND_HEADER for arg in args: file.Write("COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(%s, %s) == %d,\n" % (func.name, arg.name, offset)) file.Write(" OffsetOf_%s_%s_not_%d);\n" % (func.name, arg.name, offset)) offset += _SIZE_OF_UINT32 if not result == None and len(result) > 1: offset = 0; for line in result: parts = line.split() name = parts[-1] check = """ COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(%(cmd_name)s::Result, %(field_name)s) == %(offset)d, OffsetOf_%(cmd_name)s_Result_%(field_name)s_not_%(offset)d); """ file.Write((check.strip() + "\n") % { 'cmd_name': func.name, 'field_name': name, 'offset': offset, }) offset += _SIZE_OF_UINT32 file.Write("\n") def WriteHandlerImplementation(self, func, file): """Writes the handler implementation for this command.""" file.Write(" %s(%s);\n" % (func.GetGLFunctionName(), func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) def WriteCmdSizeTest(self, func, file): """Writes the size test for a command.""" file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd), cmd.header.size * 4u);\n") def WriteFormatTest(self, func, file): """Writes a format test for a command.""" file.Write("TEST_F(GLES2FormatTest, %s) {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" %s& cmd = *GetBufferAs<%s>();\n" % (func.name, func.name)) file.Write(" void* next_cmd = cmd.Set(\n") file.Write(" &cmd") args = func.GetCmdArgs() value = 11 for arg in args: file.Write(",\n static_cast<%s>(%d)" % (arg.type, value)) value += 1 file.Write(");\n") value = 11 file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(%s::kCmdId),\n" % func.name) file.Write(" cmd.header.command);\n") func.type_handler.WriteCmdSizeTest(func, file) for arg in args: file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<%s>(%d), cmd.%s);\n" % (arg.type, value, arg.name)) value += 1 file.Write(" CheckBytesWrittenMatchesExpectedSize(\n") file.Write(" next_cmd, sizeof(cmd));\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Writes a format test for an immediate version of a command.""" pass def WriteBucketFormatTest(self, func, file): """Writes a format test for a bucket version of a command.""" pass def WriteGetDataSizeCode(self, func, file): """Writes the code to set data_size used in validation""" pass def WriteImmediateCmdSizeTest(self, func, file): """Writes a size test for an immediate version of a command.""" file.Write(" // TODO(gman): Compute correct size.\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd), cmd.header.size * 4u);\n") def WriteImmediateHandlerImplementation (self, func, file): """Writes the handler impl for the immediate version of a command.""" file.Write(" %s(%s);\n" % (func.GetGLFunctionName(), func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) def WriteBucketHandlerImplementation (self, func, file): """Writes the handler impl for the bucket version of a command.""" file.Write(" %s(%s);\n" % (func.GetGLFunctionName(), func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Writes the service implementation for a command.""" file.Write( "error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" % func.name) file.Write( " uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" % func.name) if len(func.GetOriginalArgs()) > 0: last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() all_but_last_arg = func.GetOriginalArgs()[:-1] for arg in all_but_last_arg: arg.WriteGetCode(file) self.WriteGetDataSizeCode(func, file) last_arg.WriteGetCode(file) func.WriteHandlerValidation(file) func.WriteHandlerImplementation(file) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Writes the service implementation for an immediate version of command.""" file.Write( "error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" % func.name) file.Write( " uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" % func.name) last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() all_but_last_arg = func.GetOriginalArgs()[:-1] for arg in all_but_last_arg: arg.WriteGetCode(file) self.WriteGetDataSizeCode(func, file) last_arg.WriteGetCode(file) func.WriteHandlerValidation(file) func.WriteHandlerImplementation(file) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteBucketServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Writes the service implementation for a bucket version of command.""" file.Write( "error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" % func.name) file.Write( " uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" % func.name) last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() all_but_last_arg = func.GetOriginalArgs()[:-1] for arg in all_but_last_arg: arg.WriteGetCode(file) self.WriteGetDataSizeCode(func, file) last_arg.WriteGetCode(file) func.WriteHandlerValidation(file) func.WriteHandlerImplementation(file) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteValidUnitTest(self, func, file, test, extra = {}): """Writes a valid unit test.""" if func.GetInfo('expectation') == False: test = self._remove_expected_call_re.sub('', test) name = func.name arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 gl_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidGLArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 gl_func_name = func.GetGLTestFunctionName() vars = { 'test_name': 'GLES2DecoderTest%d' % file.file_num, 'name':name, 'gl_func_name': gl_func_name, 'args': ", ".join(arg_strings), 'gl_args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), } vars.update(extra) file.Write(test % vars) def WriteInvalidUnitTest(self, func, file, test, extra = {}): """Writes a invalid unit test.""" arg_index = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): num_invalid_values = arg.GetNumInvalidValues(func) for value_index in range(0, num_invalid_values): arg_strings = [] parse_result = "kNoError" gl_error = None count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): if count == arg_index: (arg_string, parse_result, gl_error) = arg.GetInvalidArg( count, value_index) else: arg_string = arg.GetValidArg(func, count, 0) arg_strings.append(arg_string) count += 1 gl_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): gl_arg_strings.append("_") count += 1 gl_func_name = func.GetGLTestFunctionName() gl_error_test = '' if not gl_error == None: gl_error_test = '\n EXPECT_EQ(%s, GetGLError());' % gl_error vars = { 'test_name': 'GLES2DecoderTest%d' % file.file_num , 'name': func.name, 'arg_index': arg_index, 'value_index': value_index, 'gl_func_name': gl_func_name, 'args': ", ".join(arg_strings), 'all_but_last_args': ", ".join(arg_strings[:-1]), 'gl_args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'parse_result': parse_result, 'gl_error_test': gl_error_test, } vars.update(extra) file.Write(test % vars) arg_index += 1 def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the service unit test for a command.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteCmd(cmd));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the service unit test for an immediate command.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateValidationCode(self, func, file): """Writes the validation code for an immediate version of a command.""" pass def WriteBucketServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the service unit test for a bucket command.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n" % func.name) def WriteBucketValidationCode(self, func, file): """Writes the validation code for a bucket version of a command.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n" % func.name) def WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention declaration.""" impl_decl = func.GetInfo('impl_decl') if impl_decl == None or impl_decl == True: file.Write("%s %s(%s);\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("\n") def WriteGLES2CLibImplementation(self, func, file): file.Write("%s GLES2%s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) result_string = "return " if func.return_type == "void": result_string = "" file.Write(" %sgles2::GetGLContext()->%s(%s);\n" % (result_string, func.original_name, func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("}\n") def WriteClientGLCallLog(self, func, file): """Writes a logging macro for the client side code.""" comma = "" if len(func.GetOriginalArgs()): comma = " << " file.Write( ' GPU_CLIENT_LOG("[" << GetLogPrefix() << "] gl%s("%s%s << ")");\n' % (func.original_name, comma, func.MakeLogArgString())) def WriteClientGLReturnLog(self, func, file): """Writes the return value logging code.""" if func.return_type != "void": file.Write(' GPU_CLIENT_LOG("return:" << result)\n') def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention.""" impl_func = func.GetInfo('impl_func') impl_decl = func.GetInfo('impl_decl') gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') if (func.can_auto_generate and (impl_func == None or impl_func == True) and (impl_decl == None or impl_decl == True) and (gen_cmd == None or gen_cmd == True)): file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) file.Write(" helper_->%s(%s);\n" % (func.name, func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) self.WriteClientGLReturnLog(func, file) file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") else: self.WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(func, file) def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention unit test.""" client_test = func.GetInfo('client_test') if (func.can_auto_generate and (client_test == None or client_test == True)): code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { struct Cmds { %(name)s cmd; }; Cmds expected; expected.cmd.Init(%(cmd_args)s); gl_->%(name)s(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); } """ cmd_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetCmdArgs(): cmd_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideCmdArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 gl_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'cmd_args': ", ".join(cmd_arg_strings), }) else: if client_test != False: file.Write("// TODO: Implement unit test for %s\n" % func.name) def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, func, file): """Writes the client side destintion initialization validation.""" for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file, func) def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file): """Writes the size computation code for the immediate version of a cmd.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize(uint32 size_in_bytes) {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write(" sizeof(ValueType) + // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(size_in_bytes));\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, func, file): """Writes the SetHeader function for the immediate version of a cmd.""" file.Write(" void SetHeader(uint32 size_in_bytes) {\n") file.Write(" header.SetCmdByTotalSize(size_in_bytes);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Writes the Init function for the immediate version of a command.""" raise NotImplementedError(func.name) def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Writes the Set function for the immediate version of a command.""" raise NotImplementedError(func.name) def WriteCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Writes the cmd helper definition for a cmd.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { gles2::%(name)s* c = GetCmdSpace(); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedCmdArgString(""), "args": func.MakeCmdArgString(""), }) def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Writes the cmd helper definition for the immediate version of a cmd.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { const uint32 s = 0; // TODO(gman): compute correct size gles2::%(name)s* c = GetImmediateCmdSpaceTotalSize(s); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedCmdArgString(""), "args": func.MakeCmdArgString(""), }) class CustomHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for commands that are auto-generated but require minor tweaks.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteImmediateServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteBucketServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" uint32 total_size = 0; // TODO(gman): get correct size.\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" void Init(%s) {\n" % func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_")) self.WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(func, file) file.Write(" SetHeader(total_size);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" copy_args = func.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s) {\n" % func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True)) self.WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(func, file) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s);\n" % copy_args) file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize(" "cmd, total_size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") class TodoHandler(CustomHandler): """Handle for commands that are not yet implemented.""" def AddImmediateFunction(self, generator, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" // TODO: for now this is a no-op\n") file.Write( " SetGLError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, \"gl%s\", \"not implemented\");\n" % func.name) if func.return_type != "void": file.Write(" return 0;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write( "error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" % func.name) file.Write( " uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" // TODO: for now this is a no-op\n") file.Write( " SetGLError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, \"gl%s\", \"not implemented\");\n" % func.name) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class HandWrittenHandler(CustomHandler): """Handler for comands where everything must be written by hand.""" def InitFunction(self, func): """Add or adjust anything type specific for this function.""" CustomHandler.InitFunction(self, func) func.can_auto_generate = False def WriteStruct(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteDocs(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteBucketServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteImmediateServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteBucketServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteBucketCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): Write test for %s\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): Write test for %s\n" % func.name) def WriteBucketFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): Write test for %s\n" % func.name) class ManualHandler(CustomHandler): """Handler for commands who's handlers must be written by hand.""" def __init__(self): CustomHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" if (func.name == 'CompressedTexImage2DBucket'): func.cmd_args = func.cmd_args[:-1] func.AddCmdArg(Argument('bucket_id', 'GLuint')) else: CustomHandler.InitFunction(self, func) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteBucketServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): Implement test for %s\n" % func.name) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("%s %s(%s);\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" # TODO(gman): Move this data to _FUNCTION_INFO? if func.name == 'ShaderSourceImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = ComputeSize(_data_size);\n") else: CustomHandler.WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(self, func, file) class DataHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glBufferData, glBufferSubData, glTexImage2D, glTexSubImage2D, glCompressedTexImage2D, glCompressedTexImageSub2D.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" if func.name == 'CompressedTexSubImage2DBucket': func.cmd_args = func.cmd_args[:-1] func.AddCmdArg(Argument('bucket_id', 'GLuint')) def WriteGetDataSizeCode(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" # TODO(gman): Move this data to _FUNCTION_INFO? name = func.name if name.endswith("Immediate"): name = name[0:-9] if name == 'BufferData' or name == 'BufferSubData': file.Write(" uint32 data_size = size;\n") elif (name == 'CompressedTexImage2D' or name == 'CompressedTexSubImage2D'): file.Write(" uint32 data_size = imageSize;\n") elif (name == 'CompressedTexSubImage2DBucket'): file.Write(" Bucket* bucket = GetBucket(c.bucket_id);\n") file.Write(" uint32 data_size = bucket->size();\n") file.Write(" GLsizei imageSize = data_size;\n") elif name == 'TexImage2D' or name == 'TexSubImage2D': code = """ uint32 data_size; if (!GLES2Util::ComputeImageDataSize( width, height, format, type, unpack_alignment_, &data_size)) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } """ file.Write(code) else: file.Write("// uint32 data_size = 0; // TODO(gman): get correct size!\n") def WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" # TODO(gman): Move this data to _FUNCTION_INFO? if func.name == 'BufferDataImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = ComputeSize(_size);\n") elif func.name == 'BufferSubDataImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = ComputeSize(_size);\n") elif func.name == 'CompressedTexImage2DImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = ComputeSize(_imageSize);\n") elif func.name == 'CompressedTexSubImage2DImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = ComputeSize(_imageSize);\n") elif func.name == 'TexImage2DImmediate': file.Write( " uint32 total_size = 0; // TODO(gman): get correct size\n") elif func.name == 'TexSubImage2DImmediate': file.Write( " uint32 total_size = 0; // TODO(gman): get correct size\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSizeTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" # TODO(gman): Move this data to _FUNCTION_INFO? if func.name == 'BufferDataImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = cmd.ComputeSize(cmd.size);\n") elif func.name == 'BufferSubDataImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = cmd.ComputeSize(cmd.size);\n") elif func.name == 'CompressedTexImage2DImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = cmd.ComputeSize(cmd.imageSize);\n") elif func.name == 'CompressedTexSubImage2DImmediate': file.Write(" uint32 total_size = cmd.ComputeSize(cmd.imageSize);\n") elif func.name == 'TexImage2DImmediate': file.Write( " uint32 total_size = 0; // TODO(gman): get correct size\n") elif func.name == 'TexSubImage2DImmediate': file.Write( " uint32 total_size = 0; // TODO(gman): get correct size\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd), total_size);\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" void Init(%s) {\n" % func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_")) self.WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(func, file) file.Write(" SetHeader(total_size);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" copy_args = func.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s) {\n" % func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True)) self.WriteImmediateCmdGetTotalSize(func, file) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s);\n" % copy_args) file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize(" "cmd, total_size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" # TODO(gman): Remove this exception. file.Write("// TODO(gman): Implement test for %s\n" % func.name) return def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n\n" % func.name) def WriteBucketServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" if not func.name == 'CompressedTexSubImage2DBucket': TypeHandler.WriteBucketServiceImplemenation(self, func, file) class BindHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glBind___ type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgsNewId) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(first_gl_arg)s, kNewServiceId)); EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_gen_func_name)s(1, _)) .WillOnce(SetArgumentPointee<1>(kNewServiceId)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(first_arg)s, kNewClientId); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); EXPECT_TRUE(Get%(resource_type)sInfo(kNewClientId) != NULL); } """ gen_func_names = { } self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'first_arg': func.GetOriginalArgs()[0].GetValidArg(func, 0, 0), 'first_gl_arg': func.GetOriginalArgs()[0].GetValidGLArg(func, 0, 0), 'resource_type': func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].resource_type, 'gl_gen_func_name': func.GetInfo("gen_func"), }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteCmd(cmd));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention.""" impl_func = func.GetInfo('impl_func') impl_decl = func.GetInfo('impl_decl') if (func.can_auto_generate and (impl_func == None or impl_func == True) and (impl_decl == None or impl_decl == True)): file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) code = """ if (Is%(type)sReservedId(%(id)s)) { SetGLError(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%(name)s\", \"%(id)s reserved id"); return; } Bind%(type)sHelper(%(arg_string)s); helper_->%(name)s(%(arg_string)s); } """ file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'arg_string': func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), 'id': func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].name, 'type': func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].resource_type, 'lc_type': func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].resource_type.lower(), }) else: self.WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(func, file) class GENnHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glGen___ type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteGetDataSizeCode(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ uint32 data_size; if (!SafeMultiplyUint32(n, sizeof(GLuint), &data_size)) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } """ file.Write(code) def WriteHandlerImplementation (self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" if (!%sHelper(n, %s)) {\n" " return error::kInvalidArguments;\n" " }\n" % (func.name, func.GetLastOriginalArg().name)) def WriteImmediateHandlerImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" if (!%sHelper(n, %s)) {\n" " return error::kInvalidArguments;\n" " }\n" % (func.original_name, func.GetLastOriginalArg().name)) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" log_code = (""" GPU_CLIENT_LOG_CODE_BLOCK({ for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GPU_CLIENT_LOG(" " << i << ": " << %s[i]); } });""" % func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].name) args = { 'log_code': log_code, 'return_type': func.return_type, 'name': func.original_name, 'typed_args': func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), 'args': func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), 'resource_types': func.GetInfo('resource_types'), 'count_name': func.GetOriginalArgs()[0].name, } file.Write("%(return_type)s %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) {\n" % args) func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) code = """ GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK(); GetIdHandler(id_namespaces::k%(resource_types)s)-> MakeIds(this, 0, %(args)s); helper_->%(name)sImmediate(%(args)s); %(log_code)s } """ file.Write(code % args) def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { GLuint ids[2] = { 0, }; struct Cmds { %(name)sImmediate gen; GLuint data[2]; }; Cmds expected; expected.gen.Init(arraysize(ids), &ids[0]); expected.data[0] = k%(types)sStartId; expected.data[1] = k%(types)sStartId + 1; gl_->%(name)s(arraysize(ids), &ids[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); EXPECT_EQ(k%(types)sStartId, ids[0]); EXPECT_EQ(k%(types)sStartId + 1, ids[1]); } """ file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'types': func.GetInfo('resource_types'), }) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(1, _)) .WillOnce(SetArgumentPointee<1>(kNewServiceId)); GetSharedMemoryAs()[0] = kNewClientId; SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); EXPECT_TRUE(Get%(resource_name)sInfo(kNewClientId) != NULL); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type'), }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(_, _)).Times(0); GetSharedMemoryAs()[0] = client_%(resource_name)s_id_; SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kInvalidArguments, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, { 'resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type').lower(), }) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(1, _)) .WillOnce(SetArgumentPointee<1>(kNewServiceId)); %(name)s* cmd = GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); GLuint temp = kNewClientId; SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); cmd->Init(1, &temp); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteImmediateCmd(*cmd, sizeof(temp))); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); EXPECT_TRUE(Get%(resource_name)sInfo(kNewClientId) != NULL); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type'), }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(_, _)).Times(0); %(name)s* cmd = GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); cmd->Init(1, &client_%(resource_name)s_id_); EXPECT_EQ(error::kInvalidArguments, ExecuteImmediateCmd(*cmd, sizeof(&client_%(resource_name)s_id_))); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, { 'resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type').lower(), }) def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeDataSize(GLsizei n) {\n") file.Write( " return static_cast(sizeof(GLuint) * n); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize(GLsizei n) {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write(" sizeof(ValueType) + ComputeDataSize(n)); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" void SetHeader(GLsizei n) {\n") file.Write(" header.SetCmdByTotalSize(ComputeSize(n));\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() file.Write(" void Init(%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_"), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" SetHeader(_n);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this),\n") file.Write(" _%s, ComputeDataSize(_n));\n" % last_arg.name) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() copy_args = func.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s, _%s);\n" % (copy_args, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" const uint32 size = ComputeSize(_n);\n") file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize(" "cmd, size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { const uint32 size = gles2::%(name)s::ComputeSize(n); gles2::%(name)s* c = GetImmediateCmdSpaceTotalSize(size); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), "args": func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), }) def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("TEST_F(GLES2FormatTest, %s) {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" static GLuint ids[] = { 12, 23, 34, };\n") file.Write(" %s& cmd = *GetBufferAs<%s>();\n" % (func.name, func.name)) file.Write(" void* next_cmd = cmd.Set(\n") file.Write(" &cmd, static_cast(arraysize(ids)), ids);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(%s::kCmdId),\n" % func.name) file.Write(" cmd.header.command);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(cmd.n * 4u),\n") file.Write(" cmd.header.size * 4u);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(arraysize(ids)), cmd.n);\n"); file.Write(" CheckBytesWrittenMatchesExpectedSize(\n") file.Write(" next_cmd, sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(arraysize(ids) * 4u));\n") file.Write(" // TODO(gman): Check that ids were inserted;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class CreateHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glCreate___ type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" func.AddCmdArg(Argument("client_id", 'uint32')) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)) .WillOnce(Return(kNewServiceId)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s%(comma)skNewClientId); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); EXPECT_TRUE(Get%(resource_type)sInfo(kNewClientId) != NULL); } """ comma = "" if len(func.GetOriginalArgs()): comma =", " self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'comma': comma, 'resource_type': func.name[6:], }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s%(comma)skNewClientId); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, { 'comma': comma, }) def WriteHandlerImplementation (self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" uint32 client_id = c.client_id;\n") file.Write(" if (!%sHelper(%s)) {\n" % (func.name, func.MakeCmdArgString(""))) file.Write(" return error::kInvalidArguments;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) file.Write(" GLuint client_id;\n") file.Write( " GetIdHandler(id_namespaces::kProgramsAndShaders)->\n") file.Write(" MakeIds(this, 0, 1, &client_id);\n") file.Write(" helper_->%s(%s);\n" % (func.name, func.MakeCmdArgString(""))) file.Write(' GPU_CLIENT_LOG("returned " << client_id);\n') file.Write(" return client_id;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class DeleteHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glDelete___ single resource type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) file.Write( " GPU_CLIENT_DCHECK(%s != 0);\n" % func.GetOriginalArgs()[-1].name) file.Write(" %sHelper(%s);\n" % (func.original_name, func.GetOriginalArgs()[-1].name)) file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class DELnHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glDelete___ type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteGetDataSizeCode(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ uint32 data_size; if (!SafeMultiplyUint32(n, sizeof(GLuint), &data_size)) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } """ file.Write(code) def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { GLuint ids[2] = { k%(types)sStartId, k%(types)sStartId + 1 }; struct Cmds { %(name)sImmediate del; GLuint data[2]; }; Cmds expected; expected.del.Init(arraysize(ids), &ids[0]); expected.data[0] = k%(types)sStartId; expected.data[1] = k%(types)sStartId + 1; gl_->%(name)s(arraysize(ids), &ids[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); } """ file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'types': func.GetInfo('resource_types'), }) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL( *gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(1, Pointee(kService%(upper_resource_name)sId))) .Times(1); GetSharedMemoryAs()[0] = client_%(resource_name)s_id_; SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); EXPECT_TRUE( Get%(upper_resource_name)sInfo(client_%(resource_name)s_id_) == NULL); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type').lower(), 'upper_resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type'), }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs) { GetSharedMemoryAs()[0] = kInvalidClientId; SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL( *gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(1, Pointee(kService%(upper_resource_name)sId))) .Times(1); %(name)s& cmd = *GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); cmd.Init(1, &client_%(resource_name)s_id_); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(client_%(resource_name)s_id_))); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); EXPECT_TRUE( Get%(upper_resource_name)sInfo(client_%(resource_name)s_id_) == NULL); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type').lower(), 'upper_resource_name': func.GetInfo('resource_type'), }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs) { %(name)s& cmd = *GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); GLuint temp = kInvalidClientId; cmd.Init(1, &temp); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(temp))); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test) def WriteHandlerImplementation (self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" %sHelper(n, %s);\n" % (func.name, func.GetLastOriginalArg().name)) def WriteImmediateHandlerImplementation (self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" %sHelper(n, %s);\n" % (func.original_name, func.GetLastOriginalArg().name)) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" impl_decl = func.GetInfo('impl_decl') if impl_decl == None or impl_decl == True: args = { 'return_type': func.return_type, 'name': func.original_name, 'typed_args': func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), 'args': func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), 'resource_type': func.GetInfo('resource_type').lower(), 'count_name': func.GetOriginalArgs()[0].name, } file.Write("%(return_type)s %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) {\n" % args) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) file.Write(""" GPU_CLIENT_LOG_CODE_BLOCK({ for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GPU_CLIENT_LOG(" " << i << ": " << %s[i]); } }); """ % func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].name) file.Write(""" GPU_CLIENT_DCHECK_CODE_BLOCK({ for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; ++i) { GPU_DCHECK(%s[i] != 0); } }); """ % func.GetOriginalArgs()[1].name) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) code = """ %(name)sHelper(%(args)s); } """ file.Write(code % args) def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeDataSize(GLsizei n) {\n") file.Write( " return static_cast(sizeof(GLuint) * n); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize(GLsizei n) {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write(" sizeof(ValueType) + ComputeDataSize(n)); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" void SetHeader(GLsizei n) {\n") file.Write(" header.SetCmdByTotalSize(ComputeSize(n));\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() file.Write(" void Init(%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_"), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" SetHeader(_n);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this),\n") file.Write(" _%s, ComputeDataSize(_n));\n" % last_arg.name) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() copy_args = func.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s, _%s);\n" % (copy_args, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" const uint32 size = ComputeSize(_n);\n") file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize(" "cmd, size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { const uint32 size = gles2::%(name)s::ComputeSize(n); gles2::%(name)s* c = GetImmediateCmdSpaceTotalSize(size); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), "args": func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), }) def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("TEST_F(GLES2FormatTest, %s) {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" static GLuint ids[] = { 12, 23, 34, };\n") file.Write(" %s& cmd = *GetBufferAs<%s>();\n" % (func.name, func.name)) file.Write(" void* next_cmd = cmd.Set(\n") file.Write(" &cmd, static_cast(arraysize(ids)), ids);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(%s::kCmdId),\n" % func.name) file.Write(" cmd.header.command);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(cmd.n * 4u),\n") file.Write(" cmd.header.size * 4u);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(arraysize(ids)), cmd.n);\n"); file.Write(" CheckBytesWrittenMatchesExpectedSize(\n") file.Write(" next_cmd, sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(arraysize(ids) * 4u));\n") file.Write(" // TODO(gman): Check that ids were inserted;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class GETnHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for GETn for glGetBooleanv, glGetFloatv, ... type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def AddImmediateFunction(self, generator, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write( "error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" % func.name) file.Write( " uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" % func.name) last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() all_but_last_args = func.GetOriginalArgs()[:-1] for arg in all_but_last_args: arg.WriteGetCode(file) code = """ typedef %(func_name)s::Result Result; GLsizei num_values = 0; GetNumValuesReturnedForGLGet(pname, &num_values); Result* result = GetSharedMemoryAs( c.params_shm_id, c.params_shm_offset, Result::ComputeSize(num_values)); %(last_arg_type)s params = result ? result->GetData() : NULL; """ file.Write(code % { 'last_arg_type': last_arg.type, 'func_name': func.name, }) func.WriteHandlerValidation(file) code = """ // Check that the client initialized the result. if (result->size != 0) { return error::kInvalidArguments; } CopyRealGLErrorsToWrapper(); """ file.Write(code) func.WriteHandlerImplementation(file) code = """ GLenum error = glGetError(); if (error == GL_NO_ERROR) { result->SetNumResults(num_values); } else { SetGLError(error, "", ""); } return error::kNoError; } """ file.Write(code) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" impl_decl = func.GetInfo('impl_decl') if impl_decl == None or impl_decl == True: file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) all_but_last_args = func.GetOriginalArgs()[:-1] arg_string = ( ", ".join(["%s" % arg.name for arg in all_but_last_args])) all_arg_string = ( ", ".join(["%s" % arg.name for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()])) code = """ if (%(func_name)sHelper(%(all_arg_string)s)) { return; } typedef %(func_name)s::Result Result; Result* result = GetResultAs(); if (!result) { return; } result->SetNumResults(0); helper_->%(func_name)s(%(arg_string)s, GetResultShmId(), GetResultShmOffset()); WaitForCmd(); result->CopyResult(params); GPU_CLIENT_LOG_CODE_BLOCK({ for (int32 i = 0; i < result->GetNumResults(); ++i) { GPU_CLIENT_LOG(" " << i << ": " << result->GetData()[i]); } }); } """ file.Write(code % { 'func_name': func.name, 'arg_string': arg_string, 'all_arg_string': all_arg_string, }) def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention unit test.""" code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { struct Cmds { %(name)s cmd; }; typedef %(name)s::Result Result; Result::Type result = 0; Cmds expected; ExpectedMemoryInfo result1 = GetExpectedResultMemory(4); expected.cmd.Init(%(cmd_args)s, result1.id, result1.offset); EXPECT_CALL(*command_buffer(), OnFlush()) .WillOnce(SetMemory(result1.ptr, SizedResultHelper(1))) .RetiresOnSaturation(); gl_->%(name)s(%(args)s, &result); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(1), result); } """ cmd_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetCmdArgs()[0:-2]: cmd_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideCmdArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 cmd_arg_strings[0] = '123' gl_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()[0:-1]: gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 gl_arg_strings[0] = '123' file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'cmd_args': ", ".join(cmd_arg_strings), }) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, GetError()) .WillOnce(Return(GL_NO_ERROR)) .WillOnce(Return(GL_NO_ERROR)) .RetiresOnSaturation(); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); typedef %(name)s::Result Result; Result* result = static_cast(shared_memory_address_); EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(local_gl_args)s)); result->size = 0; %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(decoder_->GetGLES2Util()->GLGetNumValuesReturned( %(valid_pname)s), result->GetNumResults()); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ gl_arg_strings = [] valid_pname = '' count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()[:-1]: arg_value = arg.GetValidGLArg(func, count, 0) gl_arg_strings.append(arg_value) if arg.name == 'pname': valid_pname = arg_value count += 1 if func.GetInfo('gl_test_func') == 'glGetIntegerv': gl_arg_strings.append("_") else: gl_arg_strings.append("result->GetData()") self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'local_gl_args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'valid_pname': valid_pname, }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s::Result* result = static_cast<%(name)s::Result*>(shared_memory_address_); result->size = 0; %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, result->size);%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test) class PUTHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glTexParameter_v, glVertexAttrib_v functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the service unit test for a command.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); GetSharedMemoryAs<%(data_type)s*>()[0] = %(data_value)s; EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ extra = { 'data_type': func.GetInfo('data_type'), 'data_value': func.GetInfo('data_value') or '0', } self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, extra) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); GetSharedMemoryAs<%(data_type)s*>()[0] = %(data_value)s; EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteCmd(cmd));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, extra) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the service unit test for a command.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { %(name)s& cmd = *GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); EXPECT_CALL( *gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s, reinterpret_cast<%(data_type)s*>(ImmediateDataAddress(&cmd)))); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(data_type)s temp[%(data_count)s] = { %(data_value)s, }; cmd.Init(%(gl_args)s, &temp[0]); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(temp))); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ gl_arg_strings = [] gl_any_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()[0:-1]: gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidGLArg(func, count, 0)) gl_any_strings.append("_") count += 1 extra = { 'data_type': func.GetInfo('data_type'), 'data_count': func.GetInfo('count'), 'data_value': func.GetInfo('data_value') or '0', 'gl_args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'gl_any_args': ", ".join(gl_any_strings), } self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, extra) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { %(name)s& cmd = *GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_any_args)s, _)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(data_type)s temp[%(data_count)s] = { %(data_value)s, }; cmd.Init(%(all_but_last_args)s, &temp[0]); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(temp)));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, extra) def WriteGetDataSizeCode(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ uint32 data_size; if (!ComputeDataSize(1, sizeof(%s), %d, &data_size)) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } """ file.Write(code % (func.info.data_type, func.info.count)) if func.is_immediate: file.Write(" if (data_size > immediate_data_size) {\n") file.Write(" return error::kOutOfBounds;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) last_arg_name = func.GetLastOriginalArg().name values_str = ' << ", " << '.join( ["%s[%d]" % (last_arg_name, ndx) for ndx in range(0, func.info.count)]) file.Write(' GPU_CLIENT_LOG("values: " << %s);\n' % values_str) for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) file.Write(" helper_->%sImmediate(%s);\n" % (func.name, func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention unit test.""" code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { struct Cmds { %(name)sImmediate cmd; %(type)s data[%(count)d]; }; Cmds expected; for (int jj = 0; jj < %(count)d; ++jj) { expected.data[jj] = static_cast<%(type)s>(jj); } expected.cmd.Init(%(cmd_args)s, &expected.data[0]); gl_->%(name)s(%(args)s, &expected.data[0]); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); } """ cmd_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetCmdArgs()[0:-2]: cmd_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideCmdArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 gl_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()[0:-1]: gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'type': func.GetInfo('data_type'), 'count': func.GetInfo('count'), 'args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'cmd_args': ", ".join(cmd_arg_strings), }) def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeDataSize() {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write(" sizeof(%s) * %d); // NOLINT\n" % (func.info.data_type, func.info.count)) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize() {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write( " sizeof(ValueType) + ComputeDataSize()); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" void SetHeader() {\n") file.Write( " header.SetCmdByTotalSize(ComputeSize());\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() file.Write(" void Init(%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_"), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" SetHeader();\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this),\n") file.Write(" _%s, ComputeDataSize());\n" % last_arg.name) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() copy_args = func.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s, _%s);\n" % (copy_args, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" const uint32 size = ComputeSize();\n") file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize(" "cmd, size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { const uint32 size = gles2::%(name)s::ComputeSize(); gles2::%(name)s* c = GetImmediateCmdSpaceTotalSize(size); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), "args": func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), }) def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("TEST_F(GLES2FormatTest, %s) {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" const int kSomeBaseValueToTestWith = 51;\n") file.Write(" static %s data[] = {\n" % func.info.data_type) for v in range(0, func.info.count): file.Write(" static_cast<%s>(kSomeBaseValueToTestWith + %d),\n" % (func.info.data_type, v)) file.Write(" };\n") file.Write(" %s& cmd = *GetBufferAs<%s>();\n" % (func.name, func.name)) file.Write(" void* next_cmd = cmd.Set(\n") file.Write(" &cmd") args = func.GetCmdArgs() value = 11 for arg in args: file.Write(",\n static_cast<%s>(%d)" % (arg.type, value)) value += 1 file.Write(",\n data);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() value = 11 file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(%s::kCmdId),\n" % func.name) file.Write(" cmd.header.command);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(sizeof(data)),\n") file.Write(" cmd.header.size * 4u);\n") for arg in args: file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<%s>(%d), cmd.%s);\n" % (arg.type, value, arg.name)) value += 1 file.Write(" CheckBytesWrittenMatchesExpectedSize(\n") file.Write(" next_cmd, sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(sizeof(data)));\n") file.Write(" // TODO(gman): Check that data was inserted;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class PUTnHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for PUTn 'glUniform__v' type functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overridden from TypeHandler.""" TypeHandler.WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file) valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgsCountTooLarge) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ gl_arg_strings = [] arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): # hardcoded to match unit tests. if count == 0: # the location of the second element of the 2nd uniform. # defined in GLES2DecoderBase::SetupShaderForUniform gl_arg_strings.append("3") arg_strings.append("ProgramManager::MakeFakeLocation(1, 1)") elif count == 1: # the number of elements that gl will be called with. gl_arg_strings.append("3") # the number of elements requested in the command. arg_strings.append("5") else: gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidGLArg(func, count, 0)) arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 extra = { 'gl_args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'args': ", ".join(arg_strings), } self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, extra) def WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overridden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { %(name)s& cmd = *GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); EXPECT_CALL( *gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s, reinterpret_cast<%(data_type)s*>(ImmediateDataAddress(&cmd)))); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(data_type)s temp[%(data_count)s * 2] = { 0, }; cmd.Init(%(args)s, &temp[0]); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(temp))); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ gl_arg_strings = [] gl_any_strings = [] arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()[0:-1]: gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidGLArg(func, count, 0)) gl_any_strings.append("_") arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 extra = { 'data_type': func.GetInfo('data_type'), 'data_count': func.GetInfo('count'), 'args': ", ".join(arg_strings), 'gl_args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'gl_any_args': ", ".join(gl_any_strings), } self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, extra) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { %(name)s& cmd = *GetImmediateAs<%(name)s>(); EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_any_args)s, _)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(data_type)s temp[%(data_count)s * 2] = { 0, }; cmd.Init(%(all_but_last_args)s, &temp[0]); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteImmediateCmd(cmd, sizeof(temp)));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, extra) def WriteGetDataSizeCode(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ uint32 data_size; if (!ComputeDataSize(count, sizeof(%s), %d, &data_size)) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } """ file.Write(code % (func.info.data_type, func.info.count)) if func.is_immediate: file.Write(" if (data_size > immediate_data_size) {\n") file.Write(" return error::kOutOfBounds;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) last_arg_name = func.GetLastOriginalArg().name file.Write(""" GPU_CLIENT_LOG_CODE_BLOCK({ for (GLsizei i = 0; i < count; ++i) { """) values_str = ' << ", " << '.join( ["%s[%d + i * %d]" % ( last_arg_name, ndx, func.info.count) for ndx in range( 0, func.info.count)]) file.Write(' GPU_CLIENT_LOG(" " << i << ": " << %s);\n' % values_str) file.Write(" }\n });\n") for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteClientSideValidationCode(file, func) file.Write(" helper_->%sImmediate(%s);\n" % (func.name, func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention unit test.""" code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { struct Cmds { %(name)sImmediate cmd; %(type)s data[2][%(count)d]; }; Cmds expected; for (int ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii) { for (int jj = 0; jj < %(count)d; ++jj) { expected.data[ii][jj] = static_cast<%(type)s>(ii * %(count)d + jj); } } expected.cmd.Init(%(cmd_args)s, &expected.data[0][0]); gl_->%(name)s(%(args)s, &expected.data[0][0]); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); } """ cmd_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetCmdArgs()[0:-2]: cmd_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideCmdArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 gl_arg_strings = [] count = 0 for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs()[0:-1]: gl_arg_strings.append(arg.GetValidClientSideArg(func, count, 0)) count += 1 file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'type': func.GetInfo('data_type'), 'count': func.GetInfo('count'), 'args': ", ".join(gl_arg_strings), 'cmd_args': ", ".join(cmd_arg_strings), }) def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeDataSize(GLsizei count) {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write(" sizeof(%s) * %d * count); // NOLINT\n" % (func.info.data_type, func.info.count)) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize(GLsizei count) {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write( " sizeof(ValueType) + ComputeDataSize(count)); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" void SetHeader(GLsizei count) {\n") file.Write( " header.SetCmdByTotalSize(ComputeSize(count));\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() file.Write(" void Init(%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_"), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" SetHeader(_count);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this),\n") file.Write(" _%s, ComputeDataSize(_count));\n" % last_arg.name) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() copy_args = func.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s, %s _%s) {\n" % (func.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True), last_arg.type, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s, _%s);\n" % (copy_args, last_arg.name)) file.Write(" const uint32 size = ComputeSize(_count);\n") file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize(" "cmd, size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { const uint32 size = gles2::%(name)s::ComputeSize(count); gles2::%(name)s* c = GetImmediateCmdSpaceTotalSize(size); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), "args": func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), }) def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("TEST_F(GLES2FormatTest, %s) {\n" % func.name) file.Write(" const int kSomeBaseValueToTestWith = 51;\n") file.Write(" static %s data[] = {\n" % func.info.data_type) for v in range(0, func.info.count * 2): file.Write(" static_cast<%s>(kSomeBaseValueToTestWith + %d),\n" % (func.info.data_type, v)) file.Write(" };\n") file.Write(" %s& cmd = *GetBufferAs<%s>();\n" % (func.name, func.name)) file.Write(" const GLsizei kNumElements = 2;\n") file.Write(" const size_t kExpectedCmdSize =\n") file.Write(" sizeof(cmd) + kNumElements * sizeof(%s) * %d;\n" % (func.info.data_type, func.info.count)) file.Write(" void* next_cmd = cmd.Set(\n") file.Write(" &cmd") args = func.GetCmdArgs() value = 1 for arg in args: file.Write(",\n static_cast<%s>(%d)" % (arg.type, value)) value += 1 file.Write(",\n data);\n") args = func.GetCmdArgs() value = 1 file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(%s::kCmdId),\n" % func.name) file.Write(" cmd.header.command);\n") file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedCmdSize, cmd.header.size * 4u);\n") for arg in args: file.Write(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<%s>(%d), cmd.%s);\n" % (arg.type, value, arg.name)) value += 1 file.Write(" CheckBytesWrittenMatchesExpectedSize(\n") file.Write(" next_cmd, sizeof(cmd) +\n") file.Write(" RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(sizeof(data)));\n") file.Write(" // TODO(gman): Check that data was inserted;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") class PUTXnHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glUniform?f functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def WriteHandlerImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ %(type)s temp[%(count)s] = { %(values)s}; Do%(name)sv(%(location)s, 1, &temp[0]); """ values = "" args = func.GetOriginalArgs() count = int(func.GetInfo('count')) num_args = len(args) for ii in range(count): values += "%s, " % args[len(args) - count + ii].name file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, 'count': func.GetInfo('count'), 'type': func.GetInfo('data_type'), 'location': args[0].name, 'args': func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), 'values': values, }) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(name)sv(%(local_args)s)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ args = func.GetOriginalArgs() local_args = "%s, 1, _" % args[0].GetValidGLArg(func, 0, 0) self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'name': func.name, 'count': func.GetInfo('count'), 'local_args': local_args, }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(name)sv(_, _, _).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteCmd(cmd));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, { 'name': func.GetInfo('name'), 'count': func.GetInfo('count'), }) class GLcharHandler(CustomHandler): """Handler for functions that pass a single string .""" def __init__(self): CustomHandler.__init__(self) def WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize(uint32 data_size) {\n") file.Write(" return static_cast(\n") file.Write(" sizeof(ValueType) + data_size); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") def WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ void SetHeader(uint32 data_size) { header.SetCmdBySize(data_size); } """ file.Write(code) def WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() args = func.GetCmdArgs() set_code = [] for arg in args: set_code.append(" %s = _%s;" % (arg.name, arg.name)) code = """ void Init(%(typed_args)s, uint32 _data_size) { SetHeader(_data_size); %(set_code)s memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this), _%(last_arg)s, _data_size); } """ file.Write(code % { "typed_args": func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("_"), "set_code": "\n".join(set_code), "last_arg": last_arg.name }) def WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" last_arg = func.GetLastOriginalArg() file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s, uint32 _data_size) {\n" % func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("_", True)) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s, _data_size);\n" % func.MakeOriginalArgString("_")) file.Write(" return NextImmediateCmdAddress(" "cmd, _data_size);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code = """ void %(name)s(%(typed_args)s) { const uint32 data_size = strlen(name); gles2::%(name)s* c = GetImmediateCmdSpace(data_size); if (c) { c->Init(%(args)s, data_size); } } """ file.Write(code % { "name": func.name, "typed_args": func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), "args": func.MakeOriginalArgString(""), }) def WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" init_code = [] check_code = [] all_but_last_arg = func.GetCmdArgs()[:-1] value = 11 for arg in all_but_last_arg: init_code.append(" static_cast<%s>(%d)," % (arg.type, value)) value += 1 value = 11 for arg in all_but_last_arg: check_code.append(" EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<%s>(%d), cmd.%s);" % (arg.type, value, arg.name)) value += 1 code = """ TEST_F(GLES2FormatTest, %(func_name)s) { %(func_name)s& cmd = *GetBufferAs<%(func_name)s>(); static const char* const test_str = \"test string\"; void* next_cmd = cmd.Set( &cmd, %(init_code)s test_str, strlen(test_str)); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(%(func_name)s::kCmdId), cmd.header.command); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(cmd) + RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(strlen(test_str)), cmd.header.size * 4u); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(next_cmd), reinterpret_cast(&cmd) + sizeof(cmd) + RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(strlen(test_str))); %(check_code)s EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(strlen(test_str)), cmd.data_size); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(test_str, ImmediateDataAddress(&cmd), strlen(test_str))); CheckBytesWritten( next_cmd, sizeof(cmd) + RoundSizeToMultipleOfEntries(strlen(test_str)), sizeof(cmd) + strlen(test_str)); } """ file.Write(code % { 'func_name': func.name, 'init_code': "\n".join(init_code), 'check_code': "\n".join(check_code), }) class GLcharNHandler(CustomHandler): """Handler for functions that pass a single string with an optional len.""" def __init__(self): CustomHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" func.cmd_args = [] func.AddCmdArg(Argument('bucket_id', 'GLuint')) def AddImmediateFunction(self, generator, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def AddBucketFunction(self, generator, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write("""error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%(name)s( uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%(name)s& c) { GLuint bucket_id = static_cast(c.%(bucket_id)s); Bucket* bucket = GetBucket(bucket_id); if (!bucket || bucket->size() == 0) { return error::kInvalidArguments; } std::string str; if (!bucket->GetAsString(&str)) { return error::kInvalidArguments; } %(gl_func_name)s(0, str.c_str()); return error::kNoError; } """ % { 'name': func.name, 'gl_func_name': func.GetGLFunctionName(), 'bucket_id': func.cmd_args[0].name, }) class IsHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for glIs____ type and glGetError functions.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" func.AddCmdArg(Argument("result_shm_id", 'uint32')) func.AddCmdArg(Argument("result_shm_offset", 'uint32')) if func.GetInfo('result') == None: func.AddInfo('result', ['uint32']) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s%(comma)sshared_memory_id_, shared_memory_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ comma = "" if len(func.GetOriginalArgs()): comma =", " self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, { 'comma': comma, }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs%(arg_index)d_%(value_index)d) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s%(comma)sshared_memory_id_, shared_memory_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(error::%(parse_result)s, ExecuteCmd(cmd));%(gl_error_test)s } """ self.WriteInvalidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, { 'comma': comma, }) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgsBadSharedMemoryId) { EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)).Times(0); SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(false); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s%(comma)skInvalidSharedMemoryId, shared_memory_offset_); EXPECT_EQ(error::kOutOfBounds, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); cmd.Init(%(args)s%(comma)sshared_memory_id_, kInvalidSharedMemoryOffset); EXPECT_EQ(error::kOutOfBounds, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test, { 'comma': comma, }) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" file.Write( "error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::Handle%s(\n" % func.name) file.Write( " uint32 immediate_data_size, const gles2::%s& c) {\n" % func.name) args = func.GetOriginalArgs() for arg in args: arg.WriteGetCode(file) code = """ typedef %(func_name)s::Result Result; Result* result_dst = GetSharedMemoryAs( c.result_shm_id, c.result_shm_offset, sizeof(*result_dst)); if (!result_dst) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } """ file.Write(code % {'func_name': func.name}) func.WriteHandlerValidation(file) file.Write(" *result_dst = %s(%s);\n" % (func.GetGLFunctionName(), func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" impl_func = func.GetInfo('impl_func') if impl_func == None or impl_func == True: error_value = func.GetInfo("error_value") or "GL_FALSE" file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.original_name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write(" GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK();\n") func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) self.WriteClientGLCallLog(func, file) file.Write(" typedef %s::Result Result;\n" % func.name) file.Write(" Result* result = GetResultAs();\n") file.Write(" if (!result) {\n") file.Write(" return %s;\n" % error_value) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write(" *result = 0;\n") arg_string = func.MakeOriginalArgString("") comma = "" if len(arg_string) > 0: comma = ", " file.Write( " helper_->%s(%s%sGetResultShmId(), GetResultShmOffset());\n" % (func.name, arg_string, comma)) file.Write(" WaitForCmd();\n") file.Write(' GPU_CLIENT_LOG("returned " << *result);\n') file.Write(" return *result;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n") else: self.WriteGLES2ImplementationDeclaration(func, file) def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" client_test = func.GetInfo('client_test') if client_test == None or client_test == True: code = """ TEST_F(GLES2ImplementationTest, %(name)s) { struct Cmds { %(name)s cmd; }; typedef %(name)s::Result Result; Cmds expected; ExpectedMemoryInfo result1 = GetExpectedResultMemory(sizeof(%(name)s::Result)); expected.cmd.Init(1, result1.id, result1.offset); EXPECT_CALL(*command_buffer(), OnFlush()) .WillOnce(SetMemory(result1.ptr, uint32(1))) .RetiresOnSaturation(); GLboolean result = gl_->%(name)s(1); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&expected, commands_, sizeof(expected))); EXPECT_TRUE(result); } """ file.Write(code % { 'name': func.name, }) class STRnHandler(TypeHandler): """Handler for GetProgramInfoLog, GetShaderInfoLog, GetShaderSource, and GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE.""" def __init__(self): TypeHandler.__init__(self) def InitFunction(self, func): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" # remove all but the first cmd args. cmd_args = func.GetCmdArgs() func.ClearCmdArgs() func.AddCmdArg(cmd_args[0]) # add on a bucket id. func.AddCmdArg(Argument('bucket_id', 'uint32')) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" code_1 = """%(return_type)s %(func_name)s(%(args)s) { GPU_CLIENT_SINGLE_THREAD_CHECK(); """ code_2 = """ GPU_CLIENT_LOG("[" << GetLogPrefix() << "] gl%(func_name)s" << "(" << %(arg0)s << ", " << %(arg1)s << ", " << static_cast(%(arg2)s) << ", " << static_cast(%(arg3)s) << ")"); helper_->SetBucketSize(kResultBucketId, 0); helper_->%(func_name)s(%(id_name)s, kResultBucketId); std::string str; GLsizei max_size = 0; if (GetBucketAsString(kResultBucketId, &str)) { if (bufsize > 0) { max_size = std::min(static_cast(%(bufsize_name)s) - 1, str.size()); memcpy(%(dest_name)s, str.c_str(), max_size); %(dest_name)s[max_size] = '\\0'; GPU_CLIENT_LOG("------\\n" << %(dest_name)s << "\\n------"); } } if (%(length_name)s != NULL) { *%(length_name)s = max_size; } } """ args = func.GetOriginalArgs() str_args = { 'return_type': func.return_type, 'func_name': func.original_name, 'args': func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""), 'id_name': args[0].name, 'bufsize_name': args[1].name, 'length_name': args[2].name, 'dest_name': args[3].name, 'arg0': args[0].name, 'arg1': args[1].name, 'arg2': args[2].name, 'arg3': args[3].name, } file.Write(code_1 % str_args) func.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(file) file.Write(code_2 % str_args) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" valid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sValidArgs) { const char* kInfo = "hello"; const uint32 kBucketId = 123; SpecializedSetup<%(name)s, 0>(true); %(expect_len_code)s EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(%(gl_args)s)) .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgumentPointee<2>(strlen(kInfo)), SetArrayArgument<3>(kInfo, kInfo + strlen(kInfo) + 1))); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(%(args)s); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); CommonDecoder::Bucket* bucket = decoder_->GetBucket(kBucketId); ASSERT_TRUE(bucket != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(strlen(kInfo) + 1, bucket->size()); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(bucket->GetData(0, bucket->size()), kInfo, bucket->size())); EXPECT_EQ(GL_NO_ERROR, GetGLError()); } """ args = func.GetOriginalArgs() id_name = args[0].GetValidGLArg(func, 0, 0) get_len_func = func.GetInfo('get_len_func') get_len_enum = func.GetInfo('get_len_enum') sub = { 'id_name': id_name, 'get_len_func': get_len_func, 'get_len_enum': get_len_enum, 'gl_args': '%s, strlen(kInfo) + 1, _, _' % args[0].GetValidGLArg(func, 0, 0), 'args': '%s, kBucketId' % args[0].GetValidArg(func, 0, 0), 'expect_len_code': '', } if get_len_func and get_len_func[0:2] == 'gl': sub['expect_len_code'] = ( " EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %s(%s, %s, _))\n" " .WillOnce(SetArgumentPointee<2>(strlen(kInfo) + 1));") % ( get_len_func[2:], id_name, get_len_enum) self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, valid_test, sub) invalid_test = """ TEST_F(%(test_name)s, %(name)sInvalidArgs) { const uint32 kBucketId = 123; EXPECT_CALL(*gl_, %(gl_func_name)s(_, _, _, _)) .Times(0); %(name)s cmd; cmd.Init(kInvalidClientId, kBucketId); EXPECT_EQ(error::kNoError, ExecuteCmd(cmd)); EXPECT_EQ(GL_INVALID_VALUE, GetGLError()); } """ self.WriteValidUnitTest(func, file, invalid_test) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, func, file): """Overrriden from TypeHandler.""" pass class FunctionInfo(object): """Holds info about a function.""" def __init__(self, info, type_handler): for key in info: setattr(self, key, info[key]) self.type_handler = type_handler if not 'type' in info: self.type = '' class Argument(object): """A class that represents a function argument.""" cmd_type_map_ = { 'GLenum': 'uint32', 'GLint': 'int32', 'GLintptr': 'int32', 'GLsizei': 'int32', 'GLsizeiptr': 'int32', 'GLfloat': 'float', 'GLclampf': 'float', } need_validation_ = ['GLsizei*', 'GLboolean*', 'GLenum*', 'GLint*'] def __init__(self, name, type): self.name = name self.optional = type.endswith("Optional*") if self.optional: type = type[:-9] + "*" self.type = type if type in self.cmd_type_map_: self.cmd_type = self.cmd_type_map_[type] else: self.cmd_type = 'uint32' def IsPointer(self): """Returns true if argument is a pointer.""" return False def AddCmdArgs(self, args): """Adds command arguments for this argument to the given list.""" return args.append(self) def AddInitArgs(self, args): """Adds init arguments for this argument to the given list.""" return args.append(self) def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" valid_arg = func.GetValidArg(offset) if valid_arg != None: return valid_arg return str(offset + 1) def GetValidClientSideArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return str(offset + 1) def GetValidClientSideCmdArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return str(offset + 1) def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid GL value for this argument.""" valid_arg = func.GetValidArg(offset) if valid_arg != None: return valid_arg return str(offset + 1) def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func): """returns the number of invalid values to be tested.""" return 0 def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index): """returns an invalid value and expected parse result by index.""" return ("---ERROR0---", "---ERROR2---", None) def GetLogArg(self): """Get argument appropriate for LOG macro.""" if self.type == 'GLboolean': return 'GLES2Util::GetStringBool(%s)' % self.name if self.type == 'GLenum': return 'GLES2Util::GetStringEnum(%s)' % self.name return self.name def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Writes the code to get an argument from a command structure.""" file.Write(" %s %s = static_cast<%s>(c.%s);\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.type, self.name)) def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): """Writes the validation code for an argument.""" pass def WriteClientSideValidationCode(self, file, func): """Writes the validation code for an argument.""" pass def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, file, func): """Writes the client side destintion initialization validation.""" pass def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidatationIfNeeded(self, file, func): """Writes the client side destintion initialization validation if needed.""" parts = self.type.split(" ") if len(parts) > 1: return if parts[0] in self.need_validation_: file.Write( " GPU_CLIENT_VALIDATE_DESTINATION_%sINITALIZATION(%s, %s);\n" % ("OPTIONAL_" if self.optional else "", self.type[:-1], self.name)) def WriteGetAddress(self, file): """Writes the code to get the address this argument refers to.""" pass def GetImmediateVersion(self): """Gets the immediate version of this argument.""" return self def GetBucketVersion(self): """Gets the bucket version of this argument.""" return self class BoolArgument(Argument): """class for GLboolean""" def __init__(self, name, type): Argument.__init__(self, name, 'GLboolean') def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return 'true' def GetValidClientSideArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return 'true' def GetValidClientSideCmdArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return 'true' def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid GL value for this argument.""" return 'true' class UniformLocationArgument(Argument): """class for uniform locations.""" def __init__(self, name): Argument.__init__(self, name, "GLint") def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Writes the code to get an argument from a command structure.""" code = """ %s %s = static_cast<%s>(c.%s); """ file.Write(code % (self.type, self.name, self.type, self.name)) def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return "%d" % (offset + 1) class DataSizeArgument(Argument): """class for data_size which Bucket commands do not need.""" def __init__(self, name): Argument.__init__(self, name, "uint32") def GetBucketVersion(self): return None class SizeArgument(Argument): """class for GLsizei and GLsizeiptr.""" def __init__(self, name, type): Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func): """overridden from Argument.""" if func.is_immediate: return 0 return 1 def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index): """overridden from Argument.""" return ("-1", "kNoError", "GL_INVALID_VALUE") def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): """overridden from Argument.""" file.Write(" if (%s < 0) {\n" % self.name) file.Write(" SetGLError(GL_INVALID_VALUE, \"gl%s\", \"%s < 0\");\n" % (func.original_name, self.name)) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def WriteClientSideValidationCode(self, file, func): """overridden from Argument.""" file.Write(" if (%s < 0) {\n" % self.name) file.Write(" SetGLError(GL_INVALID_VALUE, \"gl%s\", \"%s < 0\");\n" % (func.original_name, self.name)) file.Write(" return;\n") file.Write(" }\n") class SizeNotNegativeArgument(SizeArgument): """class for GLsizeiNotNegative. It's NEVER allowed to be negative""" def __init__(self, name, type, gl_type): SizeArgument.__init__(self, name, gl_type) def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index): """overridden from SizeArgument.""" return ("-1", "kOutOfBounds", "GL_NO_ERROR") def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): """overridden from SizeArgument.""" pass class EnumBaseArgument(Argument): """Base class for EnumArgument, IntArgument and ValidatedBoolArgument""" def __init__(self, name, gl_type, type, gl_error): Argument.__init__(self, name, gl_type) self.local_type = type self.gl_error = gl_error name = type[len(gl_type):] self.type_name = name self.enum_info = _ENUM_LISTS[name] def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): file.Write(" if (!validators_->%s.IsValid(%s)) {\n" % (ToUnderscore(self.type_name), self.name)) if self.gl_error == "GL_INVALID_ENUM": file.Write( " SetGLErrorInvalidEnum(\"gl%s\", %s, \"%s\");\n" % (func.original_name, self.name, self.name)) else: file.Write( " SetGLError(%s, \"gl%s\", \"%s %s\");\n" % (self.gl_error, func.original_name, self.name, self.gl_error)) file.Write(" return error::kNoError;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): valid_arg = func.GetValidArg(offset) if valid_arg != None: return valid_arg if 'valid' in self.enum_info: valid = self.enum_info['valid'] num_valid = len(valid) if index >= num_valid: index = num_valid - 1 return valid[index] return str(offset + 1) def GetValidClientSideArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return self.GetValidArg(func, offset, index) def GetValidClientSideCmdArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return self.GetValidArg(func, offset, index) def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): """Gets a valid value for this argument.""" return self.GetValidArg(func, offset, index) def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func): """returns the number of invalid values to be tested.""" if 'invalid' in self.enum_info: invalid = self.enum_info['invalid'] return len(invalid) return 0 def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index): """returns an invalid value by index.""" if 'invalid' in self.enum_info: invalid = self.enum_info['invalid'] num_invalid = len(invalid) if index >= num_invalid: index = num_invalid - 1 return (invalid[index], "kNoError", self.gl_error) return ("---ERROR1---", "kNoError", self.gl_error) class EnumArgument(EnumBaseArgument): """A class that represents a GLenum argument""" def __init__(self, name, type): EnumBaseArgument.__init__(self, name, "GLenum", type, "GL_INVALID_ENUM") def GetLogArg(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return ("GLES2Util::GetString%s(%s)" % (self.type_name, self.name)) class IntArgument(EnumBaseArgument): """A class for a GLint argument that can only except specific values. For example glTexImage2D takes a GLint for its internalformat argument instead of a GLenum. """ def __init__(self, name, type): EnumBaseArgument.__init__(self, name, "GLint", type, "GL_INVALID_VALUE") class ValidatedBoolArgument(EnumBaseArgument): """A class for a GLboolean argument that can only except specific values. For example glUniformMatrix takes a GLboolean for it's transpose but it must be false. """ def __init__(self, name, type): EnumBaseArgument.__init__(self, name, "GLboolean", type, "GL_INVALID_VALUE") def GetLogArg(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return 'GLES2Util::GetStringBool(%s)' % self.name class ImmediatePointerArgument(Argument): """A class that represents an immediate argument to a function. An immediate argument is one where the data follows the command. """ def __init__(self, name, type): Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def AddCmdArgs(self, args): """Overridden from Argument.""" pass def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write( " %s %s = GetImmediateDataAs<%s>(\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.type)) file.Write(" c, data_size, immediate_data_size);\n") def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write(" if (%s == NULL) {\n" % self.name) file.Write(" return error::kOutOfBounds;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def GetImmediateVersion(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return None def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, file, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" self.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidatationIfNeeded(file, func) def GetLogArg(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return "static_cast(%s)" % self.name class BucketPointerArgument(Argument): """A class that represents an bucket argument to a function.""" def __init__(self, name, type): Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def AddCmdArgs(self, args): """Overridden from Argument.""" pass def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write( " %s %s = bucket->GetData(0, data_size);\n" % (self.type, self.name)) def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" pass def GetImmediateVersion(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return None def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, file, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" self.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidatationIfNeeded(file, func) def GetLogArg(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return "static_cast(%s)" % self.name class PointerArgument(Argument): """A class that represents a pointer argument to a function.""" def __init__(self, name, type): Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def IsPointer(self): """Returns true if argument is a pointer.""" return True def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): """Overridden from Argument.""" return "shared_memory_id_, shared_memory_offset_" def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): """Overridden from Argument.""" return "reinterpret_cast<%s>(shared_memory_address_)" % self.type def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" return 2 def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index): """Overridden from Argument.""" if index == 0: return ("kInvalidSharedMemoryId, 0", "kOutOfBounds", None) else: return ("shared_memory_id_, kInvalidSharedMemoryOffset", "kOutOfBounds", None) def GetLogArg(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return "static_cast(%s)" % self.name def AddCmdArgs(self, args): """Overridden from Argument.""" args.append(Argument("%s_shm_id" % self.name, 'uint32')) args.append(Argument("%s_shm_offset" % self.name, 'uint32')) def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write( " %s %s = GetSharedMemoryAs<%s>(\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.type)) file.Write( " c.%s_shm_id, c.%s_shm_offset, data_size);\n" % (self.name, self.name)) def WriteGetAddress(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write( " %s %s = GetSharedMemoryAs<%s>(\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.type)) file.Write( " %s_shm_id, %s_shm_offset, %s_size);\n" % (self.name, self.name, self.name)) def WriteValidationCode(self, file, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write(" if (%s == NULL) {\n" % self.name) file.Write(" return error::kOutOfBounds;\n") file.Write(" }\n") def GetImmediateVersion(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return ImmediatePointerArgument(self.name, self.type) def GetBucketVersion(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" if self.type == "const char*": return InputStringBucketArgument(self.name, self.type) return BucketPointerArgument(self.name, self.type) def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, file, func): """Overridden from Argument.""" self.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidatationIfNeeded(file, func) class InputStringBucketArgument(Argument): """An string input argument where the string is passed in a bucket.""" def __init__(self, name, type): Argument.__init__(self, name + "_bucket_id", "uint32") def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" code = """ Bucket* %(name)s_bucket = GetBucket(c.%(name)s); if (!%(name)s_bucket) { return error::kInvalidArguments; } std::string %(name)s_str; if (!%(name)s_bucket->GetAsString(&%(name)s_str)) { return error::kInvalidArguments; } const char* %(name)s = %(name)s_str.c_str(); """ file.Write(code % { 'name': self.name, }) def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): return "kNameBucketId" def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): return "_" class NonImmediatePointerArgument(PointerArgument): """A pointer argument that stays a pointer even in an immediate cmd.""" def __init__(self, name, type): PointerArgument.__init__(self, name, type) def IsPointer(self): """Returns true if argument is a pointer.""" return False def GetImmediateVersion(self): """Overridden from Argument.""" return self class ResourceIdArgument(Argument): """A class that represents a resource id argument to a function.""" def __init__(self, name, type): match = re.match("(GLid\w+)", type) self.resource_type = match.group(1)[4:] type = type.replace(match.group(1), "GLuint") Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write(" %s %s = c.%s;\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.name)) def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): return "client_%s_id_" % self.resource_type.lower() def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): return "kService%sId" % self.resource_type class ResourceIdBindArgument(Argument): """Represents a resource id argument to a bind function.""" def __init__(self, name, type): match = re.match("(GLidBind\w+)", type) self.resource_type = match.group(1)[8:] type = type.replace(match.group(1), "GLuint") Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" code = """ %(type)s %(name)s = c.%(name)s; """ file.Write(code % {'type': self.type, 'name': self.name}) def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): return "client_%s_id_" % self.resource_type.lower() def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): return "kService%sId" % self.resource_type class ResourceIdZeroArgument(Argument): """Represents a resource id argument to a function that can be zero.""" def __init__(self, name, type): match = re.match("(GLidZero\w+)", type) self.resource_type = match.group(1)[8:] type = type.replace(match.group(1), "GLuint") Argument.__init__(self, name, type) def WriteGetCode(self, file): """Overridden from Argument.""" file.Write(" %s %s = c.%s;\n" % (self.type, self.name, self.name)) def GetValidArg(self, func, offset, index): return "client_%s_id_" % self.resource_type.lower() def GetValidGLArg(self, func, offset, index): return "kService%sId" % self.resource_type def GetNumInvalidValues(self, func): """returns the number of invalid values to be tested.""" return 1 def GetInvalidArg(self, offset, index): """returns an invalid value by index.""" return ("kInvalidClientId", "kNoError", "GL_INVALID_VALUE") class Function(object): """A class that represents a function.""" def __init__(self, original_name, name, info, return_type, original_args, args_for_cmds, cmd_args, init_args, num_pointer_args): self.name = name self.original_name = original_name self.info = info self.type_handler = info.type_handler self.return_type = return_type self.original_args = original_args self.num_pointer_args = num_pointer_args self.can_auto_generate = num_pointer_args == 0 and return_type == "void" self.cmd_args = cmd_args self.init_args = init_args self.InitFunction() self.args_for_cmds = args_for_cmds self.is_immediate = False def IsType(self, type_name): """Returns true if function is a certain type.""" return self.info.type == type_name def InitFunction(self): """Calls the init function for the type handler.""" self.type_handler.InitFunction(self) def GetInfo(self, name): """Returns a value from the function info for this function.""" if hasattr(self.info, name): return getattr(self.info, name) return None def GetValidArg(self, index): """Gets a valid arg from the function info if one exists.""" valid_args = self.GetInfo('valid_args') if valid_args and str(index) in valid_args: return valid_args[str(index)] return None def AddInfo(self, name, value): """Adds an info.""" setattr(self.info, name, value) def IsCoreGLFunction(self): return (not self.GetInfo('extension') and not self.GetInfo('pepper_interface')) def InPepperInterface(self, interface): ext = self.GetInfo('pepper_interface') if not interface.GetName(): return self.IsCoreGLFunction() return ext == interface.GetName() def InAnyPepperExtension(self): return self.IsCoreGLFunction() or self.GetInfo('pepper_interface') def GetGLFunctionName(self): """Gets the function to call to execute GL for this command.""" if self.GetInfo('decoder_func'): return self.GetInfo('decoder_func') return "gl%s" % self.original_name def GetGLTestFunctionName(self): gl_func_name = self.GetInfo('gl_test_func') if gl_func_name == None: gl_func_name = self.GetGLFunctionName() if gl_func_name.startswith("gl"): gl_func_name = gl_func_name[2:] else: gl_func_name = self.original_name return gl_func_name def AddCmdArg(self, arg): """Adds a cmd argument to this function.""" self.cmd_args.append(arg) def GetCmdArgs(self): """Gets the command args for this function.""" return self.cmd_args def ClearCmdArgs(self): """Clears the command args for this function.""" self.cmd_args = [] def GetInitArgs(self): """Gets the init args for this function.""" return self.init_args def GetOriginalArgs(self): """Gets the original arguments to this function.""" return self.original_args def GetLastOriginalArg(self): """Gets the last original argument to this function.""" return self.original_args[len(self.original_args) - 1] def __GetArgList(self, arg_string, add_comma): """Adds a comma if arg_string is not empty and add_comma is true.""" comma = "" if add_comma and len(arg_string): comma = ", " return "%s%s" % (comma, arg_string) def MakeTypedOriginalArgString(self, prefix, add_comma = False): """Gets a list of arguments as they arg in GL.""" args = self.GetOriginalArgs() arg_string = ", ".join( ["%s %s%s" % (arg.type, prefix, arg.name) for arg in args]) return self.__GetArgList(arg_string, add_comma) def MakeOriginalArgString(self, prefix, add_comma = False, separator = ", "): """Gets the list of arguments as they are in GL.""" args = self.GetOriginalArgs() arg_string = separator.join( ["%s%s" % (prefix, arg.name) for arg in args]) return self.__GetArgList(arg_string, add_comma) def MakeTypedCmdArgString(self, prefix, add_comma = False): """Gets a typed list of arguments as they need to be for command buffers.""" args = self.GetCmdArgs() arg_string = ", ".join( ["%s %s%s" % (arg.type, prefix, arg.name) for arg in args]) return self.__GetArgList(arg_string, add_comma) def MakeCmdArgString(self, prefix, add_comma = False): """Gets the list of arguments as they need to be for command buffers.""" args = self.GetCmdArgs() arg_string = ", ".join( ["%s%s" % (prefix, arg.name) for arg in args]) return self.__GetArgList(arg_string, add_comma) def MakeTypedInitString(self, prefix, add_comma = False): """Gets a typed list of arguments as they need to be for cmd Init/Set.""" args = self.GetInitArgs() arg_string = ", ".join( ["%s %s%s" % (arg.type, prefix, arg.name) for arg in args]) return self.__GetArgList(arg_string, add_comma) def MakeInitString(self, prefix, add_comma = False): """Gets the list of arguments as they need to be for cmd Init/Set.""" args = self.GetInitArgs() arg_string = ", ".join( ["%s%s" % (prefix, arg.name) for arg in args]) return self.__GetArgList(arg_string, add_comma) def MakeLogArgString(self): """Makes a string of the arguments for the LOG macros""" args = self.GetOriginalArgs() return ' << ", " << '.join([arg.GetLogArg() for arg in args]) def WriteCommandDescription(self, file): """Writes a description of the command.""" file.Write("//! Command that corresponds to gl%s.\n" % self.original_name) def WriteHandlerValidation(self, file): """Writes validation code for the function.""" for arg in self.GetOriginalArgs(): arg.WriteValidationCode(file, self) self.WriteValidationCode(file) def WriteHandlerImplementation(self, file): """Writes the handler implementation for this command.""" self.type_handler.WriteHandlerImplementation(self, file) def WriteValidationCode(self, file): """Writes the validation code for a command.""" pass def WriteCmdArgFlag(self, file): """Writes the cmd kArgFlags constant.""" file.Write(" static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kFixed;\n") def WriteCmdComputeSize(self, file): """Writes the ComputeSize function for the command.""" file.Write(" static uint32 ComputeSize() {\n") file.Write( " return static_cast(sizeof(ValueType)); // NOLINT\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteCmdSetHeader(self, file): """Writes the cmd's SetHeader function.""" file.Write(" void SetHeader() {\n") file.Write(" header.SetCmd();\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteCmdInit(self, file): """Writes the cmd's Init function.""" file.Write(" void Init(%s) {\n" % self.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_")) file.Write(" SetHeader();\n") args = self.GetCmdArgs() for arg in args: file.Write(" %s = _%s;\n" % (arg.name, arg.name)) file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteCmdSet(self, file): """Writes the cmd's Set function.""" copy_args = self.MakeCmdArgString("_", False) file.Write(" void* Set(void* cmd%s) {\n" % self.MakeTypedCmdArgString("_", True)) file.Write(" static_cast(cmd)->Init(%s);\n" % copy_args) file.Write(" return NextCmdAddress(cmd);\n") file.Write(" }\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteStruct(self, file): self.type_handler.WriteStruct(self, file) def WriteDocs(self, file): self.type_handler.WriteDocs(self, file) def WriteCmdHelper(self, file): """Writes the cmd's helper.""" self.type_handler.WriteCmdHelper(self, file) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, file): """Writes the service implementation for a command.""" self.type_handler.WriteServiceImplementation(self, file) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, file): """Writes the service implementation for a command.""" self.type_handler.WriteServiceUnitTest(self, file) def WriteGLES2CLibImplementation(self, file): """Writes the GLES2 C Lib Implemention.""" self.type_handler.WriteGLES2CLibImplementation(self, file) def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention declaration.""" self.type_handler.WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, file) def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, file): """Writes the GLES2 Implemention unit test.""" self.type_handler.WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(self, file) def WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, file): """Writes the client side destintion initialization validation.""" self.type_handler.WriteDestinationInitalizationValidation(self, file) def WriteFormatTest(self, file): """Writes the cmd's format test.""" self.type_handler.WriteFormatTest(self, file) class PepperInterface(object): """A class that represents a function.""" def __init__(self, info): self.name = info["name"] self.dev = info["dev"] def GetName(self): return self.name def GetInterfaceName(self): upperint = "" dev = "" if self.name: upperint = "_" + self.name.upper() if self.dev: dev = "_DEV" return "PPB_OPENGLES2%s%s_INTERFACE" % (upperint, dev) def GetInterfaceString(self): dev = "" if self.dev: dev = "(Dev)" return "PPB_OpenGLES2%s%s" % (self.name, dev) def GetStructName(self): dev = "" if self.dev: dev = "_Dev" return "PPB_OpenGLES2%s%s" % (self.name, dev) class ImmediateFunction(Function): """A class that represnets an immediate function command.""" def __init__(self, func): new_args = [] for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): new_arg = arg.GetImmediateVersion() if new_arg: new_args.append(new_arg) cmd_args = [] new_args_for_cmds = [] for arg in func.args_for_cmds: new_arg = arg.GetImmediateVersion() if new_arg: new_args_for_cmds.append(new_arg) new_arg.AddCmdArgs(cmd_args) new_init_args = [] for arg in new_args_for_cmds: arg.AddInitArgs(new_init_args) Function.__init__( self, func.original_name, "%sImmediate" % func.name, func.info, func.return_type, new_args, new_args_for_cmds, cmd_args, new_init_args, 0) self.is_immediate = True def WriteCommandDescription(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" file.Write("//! Immediate version of command that corresponds to gl%s.\n" % self.original_name) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateServiceImplementation(self, file) def WriteHandlerImplementation(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateHandlerImplementation(self, file) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, file): """Writes the service implementation for a command.""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateServiceUnitTest(self, file) def WriteValidationCode(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateValidationCode(self, file) def WriteCmdArgFlag(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" file.Write(" static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kAtLeastN;\n") def WriteCmdComputeSize(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateCmdComputeSize(self, file) def WriteCmdSetHeader(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateCmdSetHeader(self, file) def WriteCmdInit(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateCmdInit(self, file) def WriteCmdSet(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateCmdSet(self, file) def WriteCmdHelper(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateCmdHelper(self, file) def WriteFormatTest(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteImmediateFormatTest(self, file) class BucketFunction(Function): """A class that represnets a bucket version of a function command.""" def __init__(self, func): new_args = [] for arg in func.GetOriginalArgs(): new_arg = arg.GetBucketVersion() if new_arg: new_args.append(new_arg) cmd_args = [] new_args_for_cmds = [] for arg in func.args_for_cmds: new_arg = arg.GetBucketVersion() if new_arg: new_args_for_cmds.append(new_arg) new_arg.AddCmdArgs(cmd_args) new_init_args = [] for arg in new_args_for_cmds: arg.AddInitArgs(new_init_args) Function.__init__( self, func.original_name, "%sBucket" % func.name, func.info, func.return_type, new_args, new_args_for_cmds, cmd_args, new_init_args, 0) # def InitFunction(self): # """Overridden from Function""" # pass def WriteCommandDescription(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" file.Write("//! Bucket version of command that corresponds to gl%s.\n" % self.original_name) def WriteServiceImplementation(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteBucketServiceImplementation(self, file) def WriteHandlerImplementation(self, file): """Overridden from Function""" self.type_handler.WriteBucketHandlerImplementation(self, file) def WriteServiceUnitTest(self, file): """Writes the service implementation for a command.""" self.type_handler.WriteBucketServiceUnitTest(self, file) def CreateArg(arg_string): """Creates an Argument.""" arg_parts = arg_string.split() if len(arg_parts) == 1 and arg_parts[0] == 'void': return None # Is this a pointer argument? elif arg_string.find('*') >= 0: if arg_parts[0] == 'NonImmediate': return NonImmediatePointerArgument( arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[1:-1])) else: return PointerArgument( arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) # Is this a resource argument? Must come after pointer check. elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLidBind'): return ResourceIdBindArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLidZero'): return ResourceIdZeroArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLid'): return ResourceIdArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLenum') and len(arg_parts[0]) > 6: return EnumArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLboolean') and len(arg_parts[0]) > 9: return ValidatedBoolArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLboolean'): return BoolArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLintUniformLocation'): return UniformLocationArgument(arg_parts[-1]) elif (arg_parts[0].startswith('GLint') and len(arg_parts[0]) > 5 and not arg_parts[0].startswith('GLintptr')): return IntArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) elif (arg_parts[0].startswith('GLsizeiNotNegative') or arg_parts[0].startswith('GLintptrNotNegative')): return SizeNotNegativeArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1]), arg_parts[0][0:-11]) elif arg_parts[0].startswith('GLsize'): return SizeArgument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) else: return Argument(arg_parts[-1], " ".join(arg_parts[0:-1])) class GLGenerator(object): """A class to generate GL command buffers.""" _function_re = re.compile(r'GL_APICALL(.*?)GL_APIENTRY (.*?) \((.*?)\);') def __init__(self, verbose): self.original_functions = [] self.functions = [] self.verbose = verbose self.errors = 0 self._function_info = {} self._empty_type_handler = TypeHandler() self._empty_function_info = FunctionInfo({}, self._empty_type_handler) self.pepper_interfaces = [] self.interface_info = {} self._type_handlers = { 'Bind': BindHandler(), 'Create': CreateHandler(), 'Custom': CustomHandler(), 'Data': DataHandler(), 'Delete': DeleteHandler(), 'DELn': DELnHandler(), 'GENn': GENnHandler(), 'GETn': GETnHandler(), 'GLchar': GLcharHandler(), 'GLcharN': GLcharNHandler(), 'HandWritten': HandWrittenHandler(), 'Is': IsHandler(), 'Manual': ManualHandler(), 'PUT': PUTHandler(), 'PUTn': PUTnHandler(), 'PUTXn': PUTXnHandler(), 'STRn': STRnHandler(), 'Todo': TodoHandler(), } for func_name in _FUNCTION_INFO: info = _FUNCTION_INFO[func_name] type = '' if 'type' in info: type = info['type'] self._function_info[func_name] = FunctionInfo(info, self.GetTypeHandler(type)) for interface in _PEPPER_INTERFACES: interface = PepperInterface(interface) self.pepper_interfaces.append(interface) self.interface_info[interface.GetName()] = interface def AddFunction(self, func): """Adds a function.""" self.functions.append(func) def GetTypeHandler(self, name): """Gets a type info for the given type.""" if name in self._type_handlers: return self._type_handlers[name] return self._empty_type_handler def GetFunctionInfo(self, name): """Gets a type info for the given function name.""" if name in self._function_info: return self._function_info[name] return self._empty_function_info def Log(self, msg): """Prints something if verbose is true.""" if self.verbose: print msg def Error(self, msg): """Prints an error.""" print "Error: %s" % msg self.errors += 1 def WriteLicense(self, file): """Writes the license.""" file.Write(_LICENSE) def WriteNamespaceOpen(self, file): """Writes the code for the namespace.""" file.Write("namespace gpu {\n") file.Write("namespace gles2 {\n") file.Write("\n") def WriteNamespaceClose(self, file): """Writes the code to close the namespace.""" file.Write("} // namespace gles2\n") file.Write("} // namespace gpu\n") file.Write("\n") def ParseArgs(self, arg_string): """Parses a function arg string.""" args = [] num_pointer_args = 0 parts = arg_string.split(',') is_gl_enum = False for arg_string in parts: if arg_string.startswith('GLenum '): is_gl_enum = True arg = CreateArg(arg_string) if arg: args.append(arg) if arg.IsPointer(): num_pointer_args += 1 return (args, num_pointer_args, is_gl_enum) def ParseGLH(self, filename): """Parses the cmd_buffer_functions.txt file and extracts the functions""" f = open("gpu/command_buffer/cmd_buffer_functions.txt", "r") functions = f.read() f.close() for line in functions.splitlines(): match = self._function_re.match(line) if match: func_name = match.group(2)[2:] func_info = self.GetFunctionInfo(func_name) if func_info.type != 'Noop': return_type = match.group(1).strip() arg_string = match.group(3) (args, num_pointer_args, is_gl_enum) = self.ParseArgs(arg_string) # comment in to find out which functions use bare enums. # if is_gl_enum: # self.Log("%s uses bare GLenum" % func_name) args_for_cmds = args if hasattr(func_info, 'cmd_args'): (args_for_cmds, num_pointer_args, is_gl_enum) = ( self.ParseArgs(getattr(func_info, 'cmd_args'))) cmd_args = [] for arg in args_for_cmds: arg.AddCmdArgs(cmd_args) init_args = [] for arg in args_for_cmds: arg.AddInitArgs(init_args) return_arg = CreateArg(return_type + " result") if return_arg: init_args.append(return_arg) f = Function(func_name, func_name, func_info, return_type, args, args_for_cmds, cmd_args, init_args, num_pointer_args) self.original_functions.append(f) gen_cmd = f.GetInfo('gen_cmd') if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: self.AddFunction(f) f.type_handler.AddImmediateFunction(self, f) f.type_handler.AddBucketFunction(self, f) self.Log("Auto Generated Functions : %d" % len([f for f in self.functions if f.can_auto_generate or (not f.IsType('') and not f.IsType('Custom') and not f.IsType('Todo'))])) funcs = [f for f in self.functions if not f.can_auto_generate and (f.IsType('') or f.IsType('Custom') or f.IsType('Todo'))] self.Log("Non Auto Generated Functions: %d" % len(funcs)) for f in funcs: self.Log(" %-10s %-20s gl%s" % (f.info.type, f.return_type, f.name)) def WriteCommandIds(self, filename): """Writes the command buffer format""" file = CHeaderWriter(filename) file.Write("#define GLES2_COMMAND_LIST(OP) \\\n") id = 256 for func in self.functions: file.Write(" %-60s /* %d */ \\\n" % ("OP(%s)" % func.name, id)) id += 1 file.Write("\n") file.Write("enum CommandId {\n") file.Write(" kStartPoint = cmd::kLastCommonId, " "// All GLES2 commands start after this.\n") file.Write("#define GLES2_CMD_OP(name) k ## name,\n") file.Write(" GLES2_COMMAND_LIST(GLES2_CMD_OP)\n") file.Write("#undef GLES2_CMD_OP\n") file.Write(" kNumCommands\n") file.Write("};\n") file.Write("\n") file.Close() def WriteFormat(self, filename): """Writes the command buffer format""" file = CHeaderWriter(filename) for func in self.functions: if True: #gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') #if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: func.WriteStruct(file) file.Write("\n") file.Close() def WriteDocs(self, filename): """Writes the command buffer doc version of the commands""" file = CWriter(filename) for func in self.functions: if True: #gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') #if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: func.WriteDocs(file) file.Write("\n") file.Close() def WriteFormatTest(self, filename): """Writes the command buffer format test.""" file = CHeaderWriter( filename, "// This file contains unit tests for gles2 commmands\n" "// It is included by gles2_cmd_format_test.cc\n" "\n") for func in self.functions: if True: #gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') #if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: func.WriteFormatTest(file) file.Close() def WriteCmdHelperHeader(self, filename): """Writes the gles2 command helper.""" file = CHeaderWriter(filename) for func in self.functions: if True: #gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') #if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: func.WriteCmdHelper(file) file.Close() def WriteServiceImplementation(self, filename): """Writes the service decorder implementation.""" file = CHeaderWriter( filename, "// It is included by gles2_cmd_decoder.cc\n") for func in self.functions: if True: #gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') #if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: func.WriteServiceImplementation(file) file.Close() def WriteServiceUnitTests(self, filename): """Writes the service decorder unit tests.""" num_tests = len(self.functions) FUNCTIONS_PER_FILE = 98 # hard code this so it doesn't change. count = 0 for test_num in range(0, num_tests, FUNCTIONS_PER_FILE): count += 1 name = filename % count file = CHeaderWriter( name, "// It is included by gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_%d.cc\n" % count) file.SetFileNum(count) end = test_num + FUNCTIONS_PER_FILE if end > num_tests: end = num_tests for idx in range(test_num, end): func = self.functions[idx] if True: #gen_cmd = func.GetInfo('gen_cmd') #if gen_cmd == True or gen_cmd == None: if func.GetInfo('unit_test') == False: file.Write("// TODO(gman): %s\n" % func.name) else: func.WriteServiceUnitTest(file) file.Close() def WriteGLES2CLibImplementation(self, filename): """Writes the GLES2 c lib implementation.""" file = CHeaderWriter( filename, "// These functions emulate GLES2 over command buffers.\n") for func in self.original_functions: func.WriteGLES2CLibImplementation(file) file.Write("\n") file.Close() def WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(self, filename): """Writes the GLES2 helper header.""" file = CHeaderWriter( filename, "// This file is included by gles2_implementation.h to declare the\n" "// GL api functions.\n") for func in self.original_functions: func.WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader(file) file.Close() def WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTests(self, filename): """Writes the GLES2 helper header.""" file = CHeaderWriter( filename, "// This file is included by gles2_implementation.h to declare the\n" "// GL api functions.\n") for func in self.original_functions: func.WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTest(file) file.Close() def WriteServiceUtilsHeader(self, filename): """Writes the gles2 auto generated utility header.""" file = CHeaderWriter(filename) for enum in sorted(_ENUM_LISTS.keys()): file.Write("ValueValidator<%s> %s;\n" % (_ENUM_LISTS[enum]['type'], ToUnderscore(enum))) file.Write("\n") file.Close() def WriteServiceUtilsImplementation(self, filename): """Writes the gles2 auto generated utility implementation.""" file = CHeaderWriter(filename) enums = sorted(_ENUM_LISTS.keys()) for enum in enums: if len(_ENUM_LISTS[enum]['valid']) > 0: file.Write("static %s valid_%s_table[] = {\n" % (_ENUM_LISTS[enum]['type'], ToUnderscore(enum))) for value in _ENUM_LISTS[enum]['valid']: file.Write(" %s,\n" % value) file.Write("};\n") file.Write("\n") file.Write("Validators::Validators()\n") pre = ': ' post = ',' count = 0 for enum in enums: count += 1 if count == len(enums): post = ' {' if len(_ENUM_LISTS[enum]['valid']) > 0: code = """ %(pre)s%(name)s( valid_%(name)s_table, arraysize(valid_%(name)s_table))%(post)s """ else: code = """ %(pre)s%(name)s()%(post)s """ file.Write(code % { 'name': ToUnderscore(enum), 'pre': pre, 'post': post, }) pre = ' ' file.Write("}\n\n"); file.Close() def WriteCommonUtilsHeader(self, filename): """Writes the gles2 common utility header.""" file = CHeaderWriter(filename) enums = sorted(_ENUM_LISTS.keys()) for enum in enums: if _ENUM_LISTS[enum]['type'] == 'GLenum': file.Write("static std::string GetString%s(uint32 value);\n" % enum) file.Write("\n") file.Close() def WriteCommonUtilsImpl(self, filename): """Writes the gles2 common utility header.""" enum_re = re.compile(r'\#define\s+(GL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s+([0-9A-Fa-fx]+)') dict = {} for fname in ['../../third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h', '../../third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2ext.h']: lines = open(fname).readlines() for line in lines: m = enum_re.match(line) if m: name = m.group(1) value = m.group(2) if not value in dict: dict[value] = name file = CHeaderWriter(filename) file.Write("static GLES2Util::EnumToString enum_to_string_table[] = {\n") for value in dict: file.Write(' { %s, "%s", },\n' % (value, dict[value])) file.Write("""}; const GLES2Util::EnumToString* GLES2Util::enum_to_string_table_ = enum_to_string_table; const size_t GLES2Util::enum_to_string_table_len_ = sizeof(enum_to_string_table) / sizeof(enum_to_string_table[0]); """) enums = sorted(_ENUM_LISTS.keys()) for enum in enums: if _ENUM_LISTS[enum]['type'] == 'GLenum': file.Write("std::string GLES2Util::GetString%s(uint32 value) {\n" % enum) if len(_ENUM_LISTS[enum]['valid']) > 0: file.Write(" static EnumToString string_table[] = {\n") for value in _ENUM_LISTS[enum]['valid']: file.Write(' { %s, "%s" },\n' % (value, value)) file.Write(""" }; return GLES2Util::GetQualifiedEnumString( string_table, arraysize(string_table), value); } """) else: file.Write(""" return GLES2Util::GetQualifiedEnumString( NULL, 0, value); } """) file.Close() def WritePepperGLES2Interface(self, filename, dev): """Writes the Pepper OpenGLES interface definition.""" file = CHeaderWriter( filename, "// OpenGL ES interface.\n", 2) file.Write("#include \"ppapi/c/pp_resource.h\"\n") if dev: file.Write("#include \"ppapi/c/ppb_opengles2.h\"\n\n") else: file.Write("\n#ifndef __gl2_h_\n") for (k, v) in _GL_TYPES.iteritems(): file.Write("typedef %s %s;\n" % (v, k)) file.Write("#endif // __gl2_h_\n\n") for interface in self.pepper_interfaces: if interface.dev != dev: continue file.Write("#define %s_1_0 \"%s;1.0\"\n" % (interface.GetInterfaceName(), interface.GetInterfaceString())) file.Write("#define %s %s_1_0\n" % (interface.GetInterfaceName(), interface.GetInterfaceName())) file.Write("\nstruct %s {\n" % interface.GetStructName()) for func in self.original_functions: if not func.InPepperInterface(interface): continue original_arg = func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("") context_arg = "PP_Resource context" if len(original_arg): arg = context_arg + ", " + original_arg else: arg = context_arg file.Write(" %s (*%s)(%s);\n" % (func.return_type, func.name, arg)) file.Write("};\n\n") file.Close() def WritePepperGLES2Implementation(self, filename): """Writes the Pepper OpenGLES interface implementation.""" file = CWriter(filename) file.Write(_LICENSE) file.Write(_DO_NOT_EDIT_WARNING) file.Write("#include \"ppapi/shared_impl/ppb_opengles2_shared.h\"\n\n") file.Write("#include \"base/logging.h\"\n") file.Write("#include \"gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_implementation.h\"\n") file.Write("#include \"ppapi/shared_impl/ppb_graphics_3d_shared.h\"\n") file.Write("#include \"ppapi/thunk/enter.h\"\n\n") file.Write("namespace ppapi {\n\n") file.Write("namespace {\n\n") file.Write("gpu::gles2::GLES2Implementation*" " GetGLES(PP_Resource context) {\n") file.Write(" thunk::EnterResource" " enter_g3d(context, false);\n") file.Write(" DCHECK(enter_g3d.succeeded());\n") file.Write(" return static_cast" "(enter_g3d.object())->gles2_impl();\n") file.Write("}\n\n") for func in self.original_functions: if not func.InAnyPepperExtension(): continue original_arg = func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("") context_arg = "PP_Resource context_id" if len(original_arg): arg = context_arg + ", " + original_arg else: arg = context_arg file.Write("%s %s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.name, arg)) return_str = "" if func.return_type == "void" else "return " file.Write(" %sGetGLES(context_id)->%s(%s);\n" % (return_str, func.original_name, func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("}\n\n") file.Write("} // namespace\n") for interface in self.pepper_interfaces: file.Write("const %s* PPB_OpenGLES2_Shared::Get%sInterface() {\n" % (interface.GetStructName(), interface.GetName())) file.Write(" static const struct %s " "ppb_opengles2 = {\n" % interface.GetStructName()) file.Write(" &") file.Write(",\n &".join( f.name for f in self.original_functions if f.InPepperInterface(interface))) file.Write("\n") file.Write(" };\n") file.Write(" return &ppb_opengles2;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Write("} // namespace ppapi\n") file.Close() def WriteGLES2ToPPAPIBridge(self, filename): """Connects GLES2 helper library to PPB_OpenGLES2 interface""" file = CWriter(filename) file.Write(_LICENSE) file.Write(_DO_NOT_EDIT_WARNING) file.Write("#ifndef GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES\n") file.Write("#define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES\n") file.Write("#endif\n") file.Write("#include \n") file.Write("#include \n") file.Write("#include \"ppapi/lib/gl/gles2/gl2ext_ppapi.h\"\n\n") for func in self.original_functions: if not func.InAnyPepperExtension(): continue interface = self.interface_info[func.GetInfo('pepper_interface') or ''] file.Write("%s GL_APIENTRY gl%s(%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.name, func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString(""))) return_str = "" if func.return_type == "void" else "return " interface_str = "glGet%sInterfacePPAPI()" % interface.GetName() original_arg = func.MakeOriginalArgString("") context_arg = "glGetCurrentContextPPAPI()" if len(original_arg): arg = context_arg + ", " + original_arg else: arg = context_arg if interface.GetName(): file.Write(" const struct %s* ext = %s;\n" % (interface.GetStructName(), interface_str)) file.Write(" if (ext)\n") file.Write(" %sext->%s(%s);\n" % (return_str, func.name, arg)) if return_str: file.Write(" %s0;\n" % return_str) else: file.Write(" %s%s->%s(%s);\n" % (return_str, interface_str, func.name, arg)) file.Write("}\n\n") file.Close() def WritePepperGLES2NaClProxy(self, filename): """Writes the Pepper OpenGLES interface implementation for NaCl.""" file = CWriter(filename) file.Write(_LICENSE) file.Write(_DO_NOT_EDIT_WARNING) file.Write("#include \"native_client/src/shared/ppapi_proxy" "/plugin_ppb_graphics_3d.h\"\n\n") file.Write("#include \"gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_implementation.h\"") file.Write("\n#include \"ppapi/c/ppb_opengles2.h\"\n\n") file.Write("using ppapi_proxy::PluginGraphics3D;\n") file.Write("using ppapi_proxy::PluginResource;\n\n") file.Write("namespace {\n\n") for func in self.original_functions: if not func.InAnyPepperExtension(): continue args = func.MakeTypedOriginalArgString("") if len(args) != 0: args = ", " + args file.Write("%s %s(PP_Resource context%s) {\n" % (func.return_type, func.name, args)) return_string = "return " if func.return_type == "void": return_string = "" file.Write(" %sPluginGraphics3D::implFromResource(context)->" "%s(%s);\n" % (return_string, func.original_name, func.MakeOriginalArgString(""))) file.Write("}\n") file.Write("\n} // namespace\n\n") for interface in self.pepper_interfaces: file.Write("const %s* " "PluginGraphics3D::GetOpenGLES%sInterface() {\n" % (interface.GetStructName(), interface.GetName())) file.Write(" const static struct %s ppb_opengles = {\n" % interface.GetStructName()) file.Write(" &") file.Write(",\n &".join( f.name for f in self.original_functions if f.InPepperInterface(interface))) file.Write("\n") file.Write(" };\n") file.Write(" return &ppb_opengles;\n") file.Write("}\n") file.Close() def main(argv): """This is the main function.""" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-g", "--generate-implementation-templates", action="store_true", help="generates files that are generally hand edited..") parser.add_option( "--alternate-mode", type="choice", choices=("ppapi", "chrome_ppapi", "chrome_ppapi_proxy", "nacl_ppapi"), help="generate files for other projects. \"ppapi\" will generate ppapi " "bindings. \"chrome_ppapi\" generate chrome implementation for ppapi. " "\"chrome_ppapi_proxy\" will generate the glue for the chrome IPC ppapi" "proxy. \"nacl_ppapi\" will generate NaCl implementation for ppapi") parser.add_option( "--output-dir", help="base directory for resulting files, under chrome/src. default is " "empty. Use this if you want the result stored under gen.") parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="prints more output.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=argv) # This script lives under gpu/command_buffer, cd to base directory. os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../..") gen = GLGenerator(options.verbose) gen.ParseGLH("common/GLES2/gl2.h") # Support generating files under gen/ if options.output_dir != None: os.chdir(options.output_dir) if options.alternate_mode == "ppapi": # To trigger this action, do "make ppapi_gles_bindings" os.chdir("ppapi"); gen.WritePepperGLES2Interface("c/ppb_opengles2.h", False) gen.WritePepperGLES2Interface("c/dev/ppb_opengles2ext_dev.h", True) gen.WriteGLES2ToPPAPIBridge("lib/gl/gles2/gles2.c") elif options.alternate_mode == "chrome_ppapi": # To trigger this action, do "make ppapi_gles_implementation" gen.WritePepperGLES2Implementation( "ppapi/shared_impl/ppb_opengles2_shared.cc") elif options.alternate_mode == "nacl_ppapi": os.chdir("ppapi") gen.WritePepperGLES2NaClProxy( "native_client/src/shared/ppapi_proxy/plugin_opengles.cc") else: os.chdir("gpu/command_buffer") gen.WriteCommandIds("common/gles2_cmd_ids_autogen.h") gen.WriteFormat("common/gles2_cmd_format_autogen.h") gen.WriteFormatTest("common/gles2_cmd_format_test_autogen.h") gen.WriteGLES2ImplementationHeader("client/gles2_implementation_autogen.h") gen.WriteGLES2ImplementationUnitTests( "client/gles2_implementation_unittest_autogen.h") gen.WriteGLES2CLibImplementation("client/gles2_c_lib_autogen.h") gen.WriteCmdHelperHeader("client/gles2_cmd_helper_autogen.h") gen.WriteServiceImplementation("service/gles2_cmd_decoder_autogen.h") gen.WriteServiceUnitTests("service/gles2_cmd_decoder_unittest_%d_autogen.h") gen.WriteServiceUtilsHeader("service/gles2_cmd_validation_autogen.h") gen.WriteServiceUtilsImplementation( "service/gles2_cmd_validation_implementation_autogen.h") gen.WriteCommonUtilsHeader("common/gles2_cmd_utils_autogen.h") gen.WriteCommonUtilsImpl("common/gles2_cmd_utils_implementation_autogen.h") if gen.errors > 0: print "%d errors" % gen.errors return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))