// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file is auto-generated from // gpu/command_buffer/build_gles2_cmd_buffer.py // It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style: // clang-format -i -style=chromium filename // DO NOT EDIT! // This file is included by gles2_interface_stub.cc. #ifndef GPU_COMMAND_BUFFER_CLIENT_GLES2_INTERFACE_STUB_IMPL_AUTOGEN_H_ #define GPU_COMMAND_BUFFER_CLIENT_GLES2_INTERFACE_STUB_IMPL_AUTOGEN_H_ void GLES2InterfaceStub::ActiveTexture(GLenum /* texture */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::AttachShader(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* shader */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindAttribLocation(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, const char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindBuffer(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* buffer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindBufferBase(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* index */, GLuint /* buffer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindBufferRange(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* index */, GLuint /* buffer */, GLintptr /* offset */, GLsizeiptr /* size */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindFramebuffer(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* framebuffer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindRenderbuffer(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* renderbuffer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindSampler(GLuint /* unit */, GLuint /* sampler */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindTexture(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* texture */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindTransformFeedback(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* transformfeedback */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendColor(GLclampf /* red */, GLclampf /* green */, GLclampf /* blue */, GLclampf /* alpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendEquation(GLenum /* mode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendEquationSeparate(GLenum /* modeRGB */, GLenum /* modeAlpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendFunc(GLenum /* sfactor */, GLenum /* dfactor */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendFuncSeparate(GLenum /* srcRGB */, GLenum /* dstRGB */, GLenum /* srcAlpha */, GLenum /* dstAlpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BufferData(GLenum /* target */, GLsizeiptr /* size */, const void* /* data */, GLenum /* usage */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BufferSubData(GLenum /* target */, GLintptr /* offset */, GLsizeiptr /* size */, const void* /* data */) {} GLenum GLES2InterfaceStub::CheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum /* target */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::Clear(GLbitfield /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearBufferfi(GLenum /* buffer */, GLint /* drawbuffers */, GLfloat /* depth */, GLint /* stencil */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearBufferfv(GLenum /* buffer */, GLint /* drawbuffers */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearBufferiv(GLenum /* buffer */, GLint /* drawbuffers */, const GLint* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearBufferuiv(GLenum /* buffer */, GLint /* drawbuffers */, const GLuint* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearColor(GLclampf /* red */, GLclampf /* green */, GLclampf /* blue */, GLclampf /* alpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearDepthf(GLclampf /* depth */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ClearStencil(GLint /* s */) {} GLenum GLES2InterfaceStub::ClientWaitSync(GLsync /* sync */, GLbitfield /* flags */, GLuint64 /* timeout */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::ColorMask(GLboolean /* red */, GLboolean /* green */, GLboolean /* blue */, GLboolean /* alpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompileShader(GLuint /* shader */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedTexImage2D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLint /* border */, GLsizei /* imageSize */, const void* /* data */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLenum /* format */, GLsizei /* imageSize */, const void* /* data */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedTexImage3D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLsizei /* depth */, GLint /* border */, GLsizei /* imageSize */, const void* /* data */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedTexSubImage3D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLint /* zoffset */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLsizei /* depth */, GLenum /* format */, GLsizei /* imageSize */, const void* /* data */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyBufferSubData(GLenum /* readtarget */, GLenum /* writetarget */, GLintptr /* readoffset */, GLintptr /* writeoffset */, GLsizeiptr /* size */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTexImage2D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLint /* border */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTexSubImage3D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLint /* zoffset */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateProgram() { return 0; } GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateShader(GLenum /* type */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::CullFace(GLenum /* mode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteBuffers(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* buffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteFramebuffers(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* framebuffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteProgram(GLuint /* program */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteRenderbuffers( GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* renderbuffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteSamplers(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* samplers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteSync(GLsync /* sync */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteShader(GLuint /* shader */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteTextures(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* textures */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteTransformFeedbacks(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* ids */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DepthFunc(GLenum /* func */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DepthMask(GLboolean /* flag */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DepthRangef(GLclampf /* zNear */, GLclampf /* zFar */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DetachShader(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* shader */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Disable(GLenum /* cap */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint /* index */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawArrays(GLenum /* mode */, GLint /* first */, GLsizei /* count */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawElements(GLenum /* mode */, GLsizei /* count */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* indices */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawRangeElements(GLenum /* mode */, GLuint /* start */, GLuint /* end */, GLsizei /* count */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* indices */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Enable(GLenum /* cap */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::EnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint /* index */) {} GLsync GLES2InterfaceStub::FenceSync(GLenum /* condition */, GLbitfield /* flags */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::Finish() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Flush() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* attachment */, GLenum /* renderbuffertarget */, GLuint /* renderbuffer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferTexture2D(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* attachment */, GLenum /* textarget */, GLuint /* texture */, GLint /* level */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferTextureLayer(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* attachment */, GLuint /* texture */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* layer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::FrontFace(GLenum /* mode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenBuffers(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* buffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenerateMipmap(GLenum /* target */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenFramebuffers(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* framebuffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenRenderbuffers(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* renderbuffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenSamplers(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* samplers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenTextures(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* textures */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenTransformFeedbacks(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* ids */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveAttrib(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, GLint* /* size */, GLenum* /* type */, char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveUniform(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, GLint* /* size */, GLenum* /* type */, char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveUniformBlockiv(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveUniformBlockName(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetActiveUniformsiv(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLuint* /* indices */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetAttachedShaders(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* maxcount */, GLsizei* /* count */, GLuint* /* shaders */) {} GLint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetAttribLocation(GLuint /* program */, const char* /* name */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetBooleanv(GLenum /* pname */, GLboolean* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetBufferParameteri64v(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint64* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetBufferParameteriv(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} GLenum GLES2InterfaceStub::GetError() { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetFloatv(GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat* /* params */) {} GLint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetFragDataLocation(GLuint /* program */, const char* /* name */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv( GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* attachment */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetInteger64v(GLenum /* pname */, GLint64* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetIntegeri_v(GLenum /* pname */, GLuint /* index */, GLint* /* data */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetInteger64i_v(GLenum /* pname */, GLuint /* index */, GLint64* /* data */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetIntegerv(GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetInternalformativ(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* pname */, GLsizei /* bufSize */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetProgramiv(GLuint /* program */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetProgramInfoLog(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, char* /* infolog */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetRenderbufferParameteriv(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetSamplerParameterfv(GLuint /* sampler */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetSamplerParameteriv(GLuint /* sampler */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderiv(GLuint /* shader */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderInfoLog(GLuint /* shader */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, char* /* infolog */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum /* shadertype */, GLenum /* precisiontype */, GLint* /* range */, GLint* /* precision */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetShaderSource(GLuint /* shader */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, char* /* source */) {} const GLubyte* GLES2InterfaceStub::GetString(GLenum /* name */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetSynciv(GLsync /* sync */, GLenum /* pname */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, GLint* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTexParameterfv(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTexParameteriv(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTransformFeedbackVarying(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, GLsizei* /* size */, GLenum* /* type */, char* /* name */) {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformBlockIndex(GLuint /* program */, const char* /* name */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformfv(GLuint /* program */, GLint /* location */, GLfloat* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformiv(GLuint /* program */, GLint /* location */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformuiv(GLuint /* program */, GLint /* location */, GLuint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformIndices(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* count */, const char* const* /* names */, GLuint* /* indices */) {} GLint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformLocation(GLuint /* program */, const char* /* name */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribfv(GLuint /* index */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribiv(GLuint /* index */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribIiv(GLuint /* index */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribIuiv(GLuint /* index */, GLenum /* pname */, GLuint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetVertexAttribPointerv(GLuint /* index */, GLenum /* pname */, void** /* pointer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Hint(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* mode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::InvalidateFramebuffer( GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLenum* /* attachments */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::InvalidateSubFramebuffer( GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLenum* /* attachments */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsBuffer(GLuint /* buffer */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsEnabled(GLenum /* cap */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsFramebuffer(GLuint /* framebuffer */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsProgram(GLuint /* program */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsRenderbuffer(GLuint /* renderbuffer */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsSampler(GLuint /* sampler */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsShader(GLuint /* shader */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsSync(GLsync /* sync */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsTexture(GLuint /* texture */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsTransformFeedback( GLuint /* transformfeedback */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::LineWidth(GLfloat /* width */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::LinkProgram(GLuint /* program */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PauseTransformFeedback() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PixelStorei(GLenum /* pname */, GLint /* param */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PolygonOffset(GLfloat /* factor */, GLfloat /* units */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReadBuffer(GLenum /* src */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReadPixels(GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* type */, void* /* pixels */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReleaseShaderCompiler() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::RenderbufferStorage(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ResumeTransformFeedback() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SampleCoverage(GLclampf /* value */, GLboolean /* invert */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SamplerParameterf(GLuint /* sampler */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat /* param */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SamplerParameterfv(GLuint /* sampler */, GLenum /* pname */, const GLfloat* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SamplerParameteri(GLuint /* sampler */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint /* param */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SamplerParameteriv(GLuint /* sampler */, GLenum /* pname */, const GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Scissor(GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShaderBinary(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* shaders */, GLenum /* binaryformat */, const void* /* binary */, GLsizei /* length */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShaderSource(GLuint /* shader */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLchar* const* /* str */, const GLint* /* length */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShallowFinishCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ShallowFlushCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::OrderingBarrierCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilFunc(GLenum /* func */, GLint /* ref */, GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilFuncSeparate(GLenum /* face */, GLenum /* func */, GLint /* ref */, GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilMask(GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilMaskSeparate(GLenum /* face */, GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilOp(GLenum /* fail */, GLenum /* zfail */, GLenum /* zpass */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilOpSeparate(GLenum /* face */, GLenum /* fail */, GLenum /* zfail */, GLenum /* zpass */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexImage2D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLint /* border */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* pixels */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexImage3D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLsizei /* depth */, GLint /* border */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* pixels */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameterf(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat /* param */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameterfv(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, const GLfloat* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameteri(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint /* param */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexParameteriv(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, const GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexStorage3D(GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* levels */, GLenum /* internalFormat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLsizei /* depth */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexSubImage2D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* pixels */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexSubImage3D(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLint /* zoffset */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLsizei /* depth */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* pixels */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TransformFeedbackVaryings( GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* count */, const char* const* /* varyings */, GLenum /* buffermode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1f(GLint /* location */, GLfloat /* x */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLfloat* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1i(GLint /* location */, GLint /* x */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1iv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1ui(GLint /* location */, GLuint /* x */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform1uiv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLuint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2f(GLint /* location */, GLfloat /* x */, GLfloat /* y */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLfloat* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2i(GLint /* location */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2iv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2ui(GLint /* location */, GLuint /* x */, GLuint /* y */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform2uiv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLuint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3f(GLint /* location */, GLfloat /* x */, GLfloat /* y */, GLfloat /* z */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLfloat* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3i(GLint /* location */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLint /* z */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3iv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3ui(GLint /* location */, GLuint /* x */, GLuint /* y */, GLuint /* z */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform3uiv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLuint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4f(GLint /* location */, GLfloat /* x */, GLfloat /* y */, GLfloat /* z */, GLfloat /* w */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLfloat* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4i(GLint /* location */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLint /* z */, GLint /* w */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4iv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4ui(GLint /* location */, GLuint /* x */, GLuint /* y */, GLuint /* z */, GLuint /* w */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Uniform4uiv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLuint* /* v */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformBlockBinding(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* index */, GLuint /* binding */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix2fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix2x3fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix2x4fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix3fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix3x2fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix3x4fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix4fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix4x2fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformMatrix4x3fv(GLint /* location */, GLsizei /* count */, GLboolean /* transpose */, const GLfloat* /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::UseProgram(GLuint /* program */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ValidateProgram(GLuint /* program */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib1f(GLuint /* indx */, GLfloat /* x */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib1fv(GLuint /* indx */, const GLfloat* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib2f(GLuint /* indx */, GLfloat /* x */, GLfloat /* y */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib2fv(GLuint /* indx */, const GLfloat* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib3f(GLuint /* indx */, GLfloat /* x */, GLfloat /* y */, GLfloat /* z */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib3fv(GLuint /* indx */, const GLfloat* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib4f(GLuint /* indx */, GLfloat /* x */, GLfloat /* y */, GLfloat /* z */, GLfloat /* w */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttrib4fv(GLuint /* indx */, const GLfloat* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribI4i(GLuint /* indx */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLint /* z */, GLint /* w */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribI4iv(GLuint /* indx */, const GLint* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribI4ui(GLuint /* indx */, GLuint /* x */, GLuint /* y */, GLuint /* z */, GLuint /* w */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribI4uiv(GLuint /* indx */, const GLuint* /* values */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribIPointer(GLuint /* indx */, GLint /* size */, GLenum /* type */, GLsizei /* stride */, const void* /* ptr */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribPointer(GLuint /* indx */, GLint /* size */, GLenum /* type */, GLboolean /* normalized */, GLsizei /* stride */, const void* /* ptr */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::Viewport(GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::WaitSync(GLsync /* sync */, GLbitfield /* flags */, GLuint64 /* timeout */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlitFramebufferCHROMIUM(GLint /* srcX0 */, GLint /* srcY0 */, GLint /* srcX1 */, GLint /* srcY1 */, GLint /* dstX0 */, GLint /* dstY0 */, GLint /* dstX1 */, GLint /* dstY1 */, GLbitfield /* mask */, GLenum /* filter */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::RenderbufferStorageMultisampleCHROMIUM( GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* samples */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT( GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* samples */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::FramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT( GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* attachment */, GLenum /* textarget */, GLuint /* texture */, GLint /* level */, GLsizei /* samples */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexStorage2DEXT(GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* levels */, GLenum /* internalFormat */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenQueriesEXT(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* queries */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteQueriesEXT(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* queries */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::QueryCounterEXT(GLuint /* id */, GLenum /* target */) { } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsQueryEXT(GLuint /* id */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BeginQueryEXT(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* id */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BeginTransformFeedback(GLenum /* primitivemode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::EndQueryEXT(GLenum /* target */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::EndTransformFeedback() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryivEXT(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryObjectivEXT(GLuint /* id */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryObjectuivEXT(GLuint /* id */, GLenum /* pname */, GLuint* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryObjecti64vEXT(GLuint /* id */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint64* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetQueryObjectui64vEXT(GLuint /* id */, GLenum /* pname */, GLuint64* /* params */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SetDisjointValueSyncCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::InsertEventMarkerEXT(GLsizei /* length */, const GLchar* /* marker */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PushGroupMarkerEXT(GLsizei /* length */, const GLchar* /* marker */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PopGroupMarkerEXT() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenVertexArraysOES(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* arrays */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteVertexArraysOES(GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* arrays */) {} GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsVertexArrayOES(GLuint /* array */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindVertexArrayOES(GLuint /* array */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SwapBuffers() {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetMaxValueInBufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* buffer_id */, GLsizei /* count */, GLenum /* type */, GLuint /* offset */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::EnableFeatureCHROMIUM(const char* /* feature */) { return 0; } void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapBufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* target */, GLenum /* access */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapBufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* target */) { return 0; } void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(GLuint /* target */, GLintptr /* offset */, GLsizeiptr /* size */, GLenum /* access */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapBufferSubDataCHROMIUM(const void* /* mem */) {} void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapBufferRange(GLenum /* target */, GLintptr /* offset */, GLsizeiptr /* size */, GLbitfield /* access */) { return 0; } GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapBuffer(GLenum /* target */) { return 0; } void* GLES2InterfaceStub::MapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* level */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLenum /* format */, GLenum /* type */, GLenum /* access */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::UnmapTexSubImage2DCHROMIUM(const void* /* mem */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ResizeCHROMIUM(GLuint /* width */, GLuint /* height */, GLfloat /* scale_factor */, GLboolean /* alpha */) {} const GLchar* GLES2InterfaceStub::GetRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM() { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::RequestExtensionCHROMIUM(const char* /* extension */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetProgramInfoCHROMIUM(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* size */, void* /* info */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformBlocksCHROMIUM(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* size */, void* /* info */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTransformFeedbackVaryingsCHROMIUM( GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* size */, void* /* info */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetUniformsES3CHROMIUM(GLuint /* program */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* size */, void* /* info */) {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateImageCHROMIUM(ClientBuffer /* buffer */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLenum /* internalformat */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::DestroyImageCHROMIUM(GLuint /* image_id */) {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateGpuMemoryBufferImageCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLenum /* internalformat */, GLenum /* usage */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(GLuint /* shader */, GLsizei /* bufsize */, GLsizei* /* length */, char* /* source */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PostSubBufferCHROMIUM(GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLint /* width */, GLint /* height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TexImageIOSurface2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLuint /* ioSurfaceId */, GLuint /* plane */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopyTextureCHROMIUM( GLenum /* source_id */, GLenum /* dest_id */, GLint /* internalformat */, GLenum /* dest_type */, GLboolean /* unpack_flip_y */, GLboolean /* unpack_premultiply_alpha */, GLboolean /* unpack_unmultiply_alpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CopySubTextureCHROMIUM( GLenum /* source_id */, GLenum /* dest_id */, GLint /* xoffset */, GLint /* yoffset */, GLint /* x */, GLint /* y */, GLsizei /* width */, GLsizei /* height */, GLboolean /* unpack_flip_y */, GLboolean /* unpack_premultiply_alpha */, GLboolean /* unpack_unmultiply_alpha */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CompressedCopyTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum /* source_id */, GLenum /* dest_id */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GLenum /* mode */, GLint /* first */, GLsizei /* count */, GLsizei /* primcount */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GLenum /* mode */, GLsizei /* count */, GLenum /* type */, const void* /* indices */, GLsizei /* primcount */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VertexAttribDivisorANGLE(GLuint /* index */, GLuint /* divisor */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenMailboxCHROMIUM(GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ProduceTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, const GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ProduceTextureDirectCHROMIUM( GLuint /* texture */, GLenum /* target */, const GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, const GLbyte* /* mailbox */) {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::CreateAndConsumeTextureCHROMIUM( GLenum /* target */, const GLbyte* /* mailbox */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(GLuint /* program */, GLint /* location */, const char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenValuebuffersCHROMIUM(GLsizei /* n */, GLuint* /* buffers */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeleteValuebuffersCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* n */, const GLuint* /* valuebuffers */) {} GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsValuebufferCHROMIUM(GLuint /* valuebuffer */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindValuebufferCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, GLuint /* valuebuffer */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SubscribeValueCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* subscription */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PopulateSubscribedValuesCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::UniformValuebufferCHROMIUM(GLint /* location */, GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* subscription */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* imageId */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ReleaseTexImage2DCHROMIUM(GLenum /* target */, GLint /* imageId */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TraceBeginCHROMIUM(const char* /* category_name */, const char* /* trace_name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::TraceEndCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DiscardFramebufferEXT( GLenum /* target */, GLsizei /* count */, const GLenum* /* attachments */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::LoseContextCHROMIUM(GLenum /* current */, GLenum /* other */) {} GLuint64 GLES2InterfaceStub::InsertFenceSyncCHROMIUM() { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenSyncTokenCHROMIUM(GLuint64 /* fence_sync */, GLbyte* /* sync_token */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::GenUnverifiedSyncTokenCHROMIUM( GLuint64 /* fence_sync */, GLbyte* /* sync_token */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::VerifySyncTokensCHROMIUM(GLbyte** /* sync_tokens */, GLsizei /* count */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::WaitSyncTokenCHROMIUM(const GLbyte* /* sync_token */) { } void GLES2InterfaceStub::DrawBuffersEXT(GLsizei /* count */, const GLenum* /* bufs */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::DiscardBackbufferCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ScheduleOverlayPlaneCHROMIUM( GLint /* plane_z_order */, GLenum /* plane_transform */, GLuint /* overlay_texture_id */, GLint /* bounds_x */, GLint /* bounds_y */, GLint /* bounds_width */, GLint /* bounds_height */, GLfloat /* uv_x */, GLfloat /* uv_y */, GLfloat /* uv_width */, GLfloat /* uv_height */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ScheduleCALayerCHROMIUM( GLuint /* contents_texture_id */, const GLfloat* /* contents_rect */, GLfloat /* opacity */, GLuint /* background_color */, GLuint /* edge_aa_mask */, const GLfloat* /* bounds_rect */, GLboolean /* is_clipped */, const GLfloat* /* clip_rect */, GLint /* sorting_context_id */, const GLfloat* /* transform */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CommitOverlayPlanesCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::SwapInterval(GLint /* interval */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::FlushDriverCachesCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::MatrixLoadfCHROMIUM(GLenum /* matrixMode */, const GLfloat* /* m */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::MatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM(GLenum /* matrixMode */) {} GLuint GLES2InterfaceStub::GenPathsCHROMIUM(GLsizei /* range */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::DeletePathsCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLsizei /* range */) {} GLboolean GLES2InterfaceStub::IsPathCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */) { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::PathCommandsCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLsizei /* numCommands */, const GLubyte* /* commands */, GLsizei /* numCoords */, GLenum /* coordType */, const GLvoid* /* coords */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PathParameterfCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PathParameteriCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint /* value */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::PathStencilFuncCHROMIUM(GLenum /* func */, GLint /* ref */, GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilFillPathCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLenum /* fillMode */, GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLint /* reference */, GLuint /* mask */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CoverFillPathCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLenum /* coverMode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM(GLuint /* path */, GLenum /* coverMode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM( GLuint /* path */, GLenum /* fillMode */, GLuint /* mask */, GLenum /* coverMode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM( GLuint /* path */, GLint /* reference */, GLuint /* mask */, GLenum /* coverMode */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* numPaths */, GLenum /* pathNameType */, const GLvoid* /* paths */, GLuint /* pathBase */, GLenum /* fillMode */, GLuint /* mask */, GLenum /* transformType */, const GLfloat* /* transformValues */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* numPaths */, GLenum /* pathNameType */, const GLvoid* /* paths */, GLuint /* pathBase */, GLint /* reference */, GLuint /* mask */, GLenum /* transformType */, const GLfloat* /* transformValues */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* numPaths */, GLenum /* pathNameType */, const GLvoid* /* paths */, GLuint /* pathBase */, GLenum /* coverMode */, GLenum /* transformType */, const GLfloat* /* transformValues */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* numPaths */, GLenum /* pathNameType */, const GLvoid* /* paths */, GLuint /* pathBase */, GLenum /* coverMode */, GLenum /* transformType */, const GLfloat* /* transformValues */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* numPaths */, GLenum /* pathNameType */, const GLvoid* /* paths */, GLuint /* pathBase */, GLenum /* fillMode */, GLuint /* mask */, GLenum /* coverMode */, GLenum /* transformType */, const GLfloat* /* transformValues */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM( GLsizei /* numPaths */, GLenum /* pathNameType */, const GLvoid* /* paths */, GLuint /* pathBase */, GLint /* reference */, GLuint /* mask */, GLenum /* coverMode */, GLenum /* transformType */, const GLfloat* /* transformValues */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM( GLuint /* program */, GLint /* location */, const char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM( GLuint /* program */, GLint /* location */, GLenum /* genMode */, GLint /* components */, const GLfloat* /* coeffs */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::CoverageModulationCHROMIUM(GLenum /* components */) {} GLenum GLES2InterfaceStub::GetGraphicsResetStatusKHR() { return 0; } void GLES2InterfaceStub::BlendBarrierKHR() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::ApplyScreenSpaceAntialiasingCHROMIUM() {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT( GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* colorNumber */, GLuint /* index */, const char* /* name */) {} void GLES2InterfaceStub::BindFragDataLocationEXT(GLuint /* program */, GLuint /* colorNumber */, const char* /* name */) {} GLint GLES2InterfaceStub::GetFragDataIndexEXT(GLuint /* program */, const char* /* name */) { return 0; } #endif // GPU_COMMAND_BUFFER_CLIENT_GLES2_INTERFACE_STUB_IMPL_AUTOGEN_H_