// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/atomicops.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_implementation.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/client/program_info_manager.h" #include "gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_utils.h" namespace gpu { namespace gles2 { class NonCachedProgramInfoManager : public ProgramInfoManager { public: NonCachedProgramInfoManager(); virtual ~NonCachedProgramInfoManager(); virtual void CreateInfo(GLuint program) OVERRIDE; virtual void DeleteInfo(GLuint program) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetProgramiv(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) OVERRIDE; virtual GLint GetAttribLocation(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual GLint GetUniformLocation(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetActiveAttrib(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetActiveUniform(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) OVERRIDE; }; NonCachedProgramInfoManager::NonCachedProgramInfoManager() { } NonCachedProgramInfoManager::~NonCachedProgramInfoManager() { } void NonCachedProgramInfoManager::CreateInfo(GLuint /* program */) { } void NonCachedProgramInfoManager::DeleteInfo(GLuint /* program */) { } bool NonCachedProgramInfoManager::GetProgramiv( GLES2Implementation* /* gl */, GLuint /* program */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) { return false; } GLint NonCachedProgramInfoManager::GetAttribLocation( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) { return gl->GetAttribLocationHelper(program, name); } GLint NonCachedProgramInfoManager::GetUniformLocation( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) { return gl->GetUniformLocationHelper(program, name); } bool NonCachedProgramInfoManager::GetActiveAttrib( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) { return gl->GetActiveAttribHelper( program, index, bufsize, length, size, type, name); } bool NonCachedProgramInfoManager::GetActiveUniform( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) { return gl->GetActiveUniformHelper( program, index, bufsize, length, size, type, name); } class CachedProgramInfoManager : public ProgramInfoManager { public: CachedProgramInfoManager(); virtual ~CachedProgramInfoManager(); virtual void CreateInfo(GLuint program) OVERRIDE; virtual void DeleteInfo(GLuint program) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetProgramiv(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) OVERRIDE; virtual GLint GetAttribLocation(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual GLint GetUniformLocation(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetActiveAttrib(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) OVERRIDE; virtual bool GetActiveUniform(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) OVERRIDE; private: class Program { public: struct UniformInfo { UniformInfo(GLsizei _size, GLenum _type, const std::string& _name); GLsizei size; GLenum type; bool is_array; std::string name; std::vector element_locations; }; struct VertexAttrib { VertexAttrib(GLsizei _size, GLenum _type, const std::string& _name, GLint _location) : size(_size), type(_type), location(_location), name(_name) { } GLsizei size; GLenum type; GLint location; std::string name; }; typedef std::vector UniformInfoVector; typedef std::vector AttribInfoVector; Program(); const AttribInfoVector& GetAttribInfos() const { return attrib_infos_; } const VertexAttrib* GetAttribInfo(GLint index) const { return (static_cast(index) < attrib_infos_.size()) ? &attrib_infos_[index] : NULL; } GLint GetAttribLocation(const std::string& name) const; const UniformInfo* GetUniformInfo(GLint index) const { return (static_cast(index) < uniform_infos_.size()) ? &uniform_infos_[index] : NULL; } // Gets the location of a uniform by name. GLint GetUniformLocation(const std::string& name) const; bool GetProgramiv(GLenum pname, GLint* params); // Updates the program info after a successful link. void Update(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program); private: bool cached_; GLsizei max_attrib_name_length_; // Attrib by index. AttribInfoVector attrib_infos_; GLsizei max_uniform_name_length_; // Uniform info by index. UniformInfoVector uniform_infos_; // This is true if glLinkProgram was successful last time it was called. bool link_status_; }; Program* GetProgramInfo(GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program); // TODO(gman): Switch to a faster container. typedef std::map ProgramInfoMap; ProgramInfoMap program_infos_; mutable Lock lock_; }; CachedProgramInfoManager::Program::UniformInfo::UniformInfo( GLsizei _size, GLenum _type, const std::string& _name) : size(_size), type(_type), name(_name) { is_array = (!name.empty() && name[name.size() - 1] == ']'); GPU_DCHECK(!(size > 1 && !is_array)); } CachedProgramInfoManager::Program::Program() : cached_(false), max_attrib_name_length_(0), max_uniform_name_length_(0), link_status_(false) { } // TODO(gman): Add a faster lookup. GLint CachedProgramInfoManager::Program::GetAttribLocation( const std::string& name) const { for (GLuint ii = 0; ii < attrib_infos_.size(); ++ii) { const VertexAttrib& info = attrib_infos_[ii]; if (info.name == name) { return info.location; } } return -1; } GLint CachedProgramInfoManager::Program::GetUniformLocation( const std::string& name) const { bool getting_array_location = false; size_t open_pos = std::string::npos; int index = 0; if (!GLES2Util::ParseUniformName( name, &open_pos, &index, &getting_array_location)) { return -1; } for (GLuint ii = 0; ii < uniform_infos_.size(); ++ii) { const UniformInfo& info = uniform_infos_[ii]; if (info.name == name || (info.is_array && info.name.compare(0, info.name.size() - 3, name) == 0)) { return info.element_locations[0]; } else if (getting_array_location && info.is_array) { // Look for an array specification. size_t open_pos_2 = info.name.find_last_of('['); if (open_pos_2 == open_pos && name.compare(0, open_pos, info.name, 0, open_pos) == 0) { if (index >= 0 && index < info.size) { return info.element_locations[index]; } } } } return -1; } bool CachedProgramInfoManager::Program::GetProgramiv( GLenum pname, GLint* params) { switch (pname) { case GL_LINK_STATUS: *params = link_status_; return true; case GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES: *params = attrib_infos_.size(); return true; case GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH: *params = max_attrib_name_length_; return true; case GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: *params = uniform_infos_.size(); return true; case GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH: *params = max_uniform_name_length_; return true; default: break; } return false; } template static T LocalGetAs( const std::vector& data, uint32 offset, size_t size) { const int8* p = &data[0] + offset; if (offset + size > data.size()) { GPU_NOTREACHED(); return NULL; } return static_cast(static_cast(p)); } void CachedProgramInfoManager::Program::Update( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program) { if (cached_) { return; } std::vector result; gl->GetProgramInfoCHROMIUMHelper(program, &result); if (result.empty()) { // This should only happen on a lost context. return; } GPU_DCHECK_GE(result.size(), sizeof(ProgramInfoHeader)); const ProgramInfoHeader* header = LocalGetAs( result, 0, sizeof(header)); link_status_ = header->link_status != 0; if (!link_status_) { return; } attrib_infos_.clear(); uniform_infos_.clear(); max_attrib_name_length_ = 0; max_uniform_name_length_ = 0; const ProgramInput* inputs = LocalGetAs( result, sizeof(*header), sizeof(ProgramInput) * (header->num_attribs + header->num_uniforms)); const ProgramInput* input = inputs; for (uint32 ii = 0; ii < header->num_attribs; ++ii) { const int32* location = LocalGetAs( result, input->location_offset, sizeof(int32)); const char* name_buf = LocalGetAs( result, input->name_offset, input->name_length); std::string name(name_buf, input->name_length); attrib_infos_.push_back( VertexAttrib(input->size, input->type, name, *location)); max_attrib_name_length_ = std::max( static_cast(name.size() + 1), max_attrib_name_length_); ++input; } for (uint32 ii = 0; ii < header->num_uniforms; ++ii) { const int32* locations = LocalGetAs( result, input->location_offset, sizeof(int32) * input->size); const char* name_buf = LocalGetAs( result, input->name_offset, input->name_length); std::string name(name_buf, input->name_length); UniformInfo info(input->size, input->type, name); max_uniform_name_length_ = std::max( static_cast(name.size() + 1), max_uniform_name_length_); for (int32 jj = 0; jj < input->size; ++jj) { info.element_locations.push_back(locations[jj]); } uniform_infos_.push_back(info); ++input; } GPU_DCHECK_EQ(header->num_attribs + header->num_uniforms, static_cast(input - inputs)); cached_ = true; } CachedProgramInfoManager::CachedProgramInfoManager() { } CachedProgramInfoManager::~CachedProgramInfoManager() { } CachedProgramInfoManager::Program* CachedProgramInfoManager::GetProgramInfo( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program) { ProgramInfoMap::iterator it = program_infos_.find(program); if (it == program_infos_.end()) { return NULL; } Program* info = &it->second; info->Update(gl, program); return info; } void CachedProgramInfoManager::CreateInfo(GLuint program) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); DeleteInfo(program); std::pair result = program_infos_.insert(std::make_pair(program, Program())); GPU_DCHECK(result.second); } void CachedProgramInfoManager::DeleteInfo(GLuint program) { program_infos_.erase(program); } bool CachedProgramInfoManager::GetProgramiv( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); Program* info = GetProgramInfo(gl, program); if (!info) { return false; } return info->GetProgramiv(pname, params); } GLint CachedProgramInfoManager::GetAttribLocation( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); Program* info = GetProgramInfo(gl, program); if (info) { return info->GetAttribLocation(name); } return gl->GetAttribLocationHelper(program, name); } GLint CachedProgramInfoManager::GetUniformLocation( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, const char* name) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); Program* info = GetProgramInfo(gl, program); if (info) { return info->GetUniformLocation(name); } return gl->GetUniformLocationHelper(program, name); } bool CachedProgramInfoManager::GetActiveAttrib( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); Program* info = GetProgramInfo(gl, program); if (info) { const Program::VertexAttrib* attrib_info = info->GetAttribInfo(index); if (attrib_info) { if (size) { *size = attrib_info->size; } if (type) { *type = attrib_info->type; } if (length || name) { GLsizei max_size = std::min(static_cast(bufsize) - 1, std::max(static_cast(0), attrib_info->name.size())); if (length) { *length = max_size; } if (name && bufsize > 0) { memcpy(name, attrib_info->name.c_str(), max_size); name[max_size] = '\0'; } } return true; } } return gl->GetActiveAttribHelper( program, index, bufsize, length, size, type, name); } bool CachedProgramInfoManager::GetActiveUniform( GLES2Implementation* gl, GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); Program* info = GetProgramInfo(gl, program); if (info) { const Program::UniformInfo* uniform_info = info->GetUniformInfo(index); if (uniform_info) { if (size) { *size = uniform_info->size; } if (type) { *type = uniform_info->type; } if (length || name) { GLsizei max_size = std::min(static_cast(bufsize) - 1, std::max(static_cast(0), uniform_info->name.size())); if (length) { *length = max_size; } if (name && bufsize > 0) { memcpy(name, uniform_info->name.c_str(), max_size); name[max_size] = '\0'; } } return true; } } return gl->GetActiveUniformHelper( program, index, bufsize, length, size, type, name); } ProgramInfoManager::ProgramInfoManager() { } ProgramInfoManager::~ProgramInfoManager() { } ProgramInfoManager* ProgramInfoManager::Create( bool shared_resources_across_processes) { if (shared_resources_across_processes) { return new NonCachedProgramInfoManager(); } else { return new CachedProgramInfoManager(); } } } // namespace gles2 } // namespace gpu