// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gl_utils.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/renderbuffer_manager.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/texture_manager.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"

namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {

// This class keeps track of the frambebuffers and their attached renderbuffers
// so we can correctly clear them.
class GPU_EXPORT FramebufferManager {
  // Info about Framebuffers currently in the system.
  class GPU_EXPORT FramebufferInfo : public base::RefCounted<FramebufferInfo> {
    typedef scoped_refptr<FramebufferInfo> Ref;

    class Attachment : public base::RefCounted<Attachment> {
      typedef scoped_refptr<Attachment> Ref;

      virtual GLsizei width() const = 0;
      virtual GLsizei height() const = 0;
      virtual GLenum internal_format() const = 0;
      virtual GLsizei samples() const = 0;
      virtual bool cleared() const = 0;
      virtual void SetCleared(
          RenderbufferManager* renderbuffer_manager,
          TextureManager* texture_manager) = 0;
      virtual bool IsTexture(TextureManager::TextureInfo* texture) const = 0;
      virtual bool IsRenderbuffer(
          RenderbufferManager::RenderbufferInfo* renderbuffer) const = 0;
      virtual bool CanRenderTo() const = 0;
      virtual void DetachFromFramebuffer() = 0;
      virtual bool ValidForAttachmentType(GLenum attachment_type) = 0;

      friend class base::RefCounted<Attachment>;
      virtual ~Attachment() {}

    FramebufferInfo(FramebufferManager* manager, GLuint service_id);

    GLuint service_id() const {
      return service_id_;

    bool HasUnclearedAttachment(GLenum attachment) const;

    // Attaches a renderbuffer to a particlar attachment.
    // Pass null to detach.
    void AttachRenderbuffer(
        GLenum attachment, RenderbufferManager::RenderbufferInfo* renderbuffer);

    // Attaches a texture to a particlar attachment. Pass null to detach.
    void AttachTexture(
        GLenum attachment, TextureManager::TextureInfo* texture, GLenum target,
        GLint level);

    // Unbinds the given renderbuffer if it is bound.
    void UnbindRenderbuffer(
        GLenum target, RenderbufferManager::RenderbufferInfo* renderbuffer);

    // Unbinds the given texture if it is bound.
    void UnbindTexture(
        GLenum target, TextureManager::TextureInfo* texture);

    const Attachment* GetAttachment(GLenum attachment) const;

    bool IsDeleted() const {
      return deleted_;

    void MarkAsValid() {
      has_been_bound_ = true;

    bool IsValid() const {
      return has_been_bound_ && !IsDeleted();

    bool HasDepthAttachment() const;
    bool HasStencilAttachment() const;
    GLenum GetColorAttachmentFormat() const;

    // Verify all the rules in OpenGL ES 2.0.25 4.4.5 are followed.
    // Returns GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE if there are no reasons we know we can't
    // use this combination of attachments. Otherwise returns the value
    // that glCheckFramebufferStatus should return for this set of attachments.
    // Note that receiving GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE from this function does
    // not mean the real OpenGL will consider it framebuffer complete. It just
    // means it passed our tests.
    GLenum IsPossiblyComplete() const;

    // Check all attachments are cleared
    bool IsCleared() const;

    friend class FramebufferManager;
    friend class base::RefCounted<FramebufferInfo>;


    void MarkAsDeleted();

    void MarkAttachmentsAsCleared(
      RenderbufferManager* renderbuffer_manager,
      TextureManager* texture_manager);

    void MarkAsComplete(unsigned state_id) {
      framebuffer_complete_state_count_id_ = state_id;

    unsigned framebuffer_complete_state_count_id() const {
      return framebuffer_complete_state_count_id_;

    // The managers that owns this.
    FramebufferManager* manager_;

    bool deleted_;

    // Service side framebuffer id.
    GLuint service_id_;

    // Whether this framebuffer has ever been bound.
    bool has_been_bound_;

    // state count when this framebuffer was last checked for completeness.
    unsigned framebuffer_complete_state_count_id_;

    // A map of attachments.
    typedef base::hash_map<GLenum, Attachment::Ref> AttachmentMap;
    AttachmentMap attachments_;



  // Must call before destruction.
  void Destroy(bool have_context);

  // Creates a FramebufferInfo for the given framebuffer.
  void CreateFramebufferInfo(GLuint client_id, GLuint service_id);

  // Gets the framebuffer info for the given framebuffer.
  FramebufferInfo* GetFramebufferInfo(GLuint client_id);

  // Removes a framebuffer info for the given framebuffer.
  void RemoveFramebufferInfo(GLuint client_id);

  // Gets a client id for a given service id.
  bool GetClientId(GLuint service_id, GLuint* client_id) const;

  void MarkAttachmentsAsCleared(
    FramebufferInfo* framebuffer,
    RenderbufferManager* renderbuffer_manager,
    TextureManager* texture_manager);

  void MarkAsComplete(FramebufferInfo* framebuffer);

  bool IsComplete(FramebufferInfo* framebuffer);

  void IncFramebufferStateChangeCount() {
    // make sure this is never 0.
    framebuffer_state_change_count_ =
        (framebuffer_state_change_count_ + 1) | 0x80000000U;

  void StartTracking(FramebufferInfo* info);
  void StopTracking(FramebufferInfo* info);

  // Info for each framebuffer in the system.
  typedef base::hash_map<GLuint, FramebufferInfo::Ref> FramebufferInfoMap;
  FramebufferInfoMap framebuffer_infos_;

  // Incremented anytime anything changes that might effect framebuffer
  // state.
  unsigned framebuffer_state_change_count_;

  // Counts the number of FramebufferInfo allocated with 'this' as its manager.
  // Allows to check no FramebufferInfo will outlive this.
  unsigned int framebuffer_info_count_;

  bool have_context_;


}  // namespace gles2
}  // namespace gpu