// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file adheres to closure-compiler conventions in order to enable // compilation with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS. See http://goo.gl/FwOgy // // Installs password management functions on the |__gCrWeb| object. // // Finds all password forms in the current document and extracts // their attributes and elements using the same logic as // third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/html/HTMLFormElement.cpp // // Returns a JSON string representing an array of objects, // where each object represents a password form with the discovered // elements and their values. // // The search for password form fields follows the same algorithm // as the WebKit implementation, see http://goo.gl/4hwh6 // Only install the password management functions once. if (__gCrWeb && !__gCrWeb['fillPasswordForm']) { /** * Finds all password forms in the window and returns form data as a JSON * string. * @return {string} Form data as a JSON string. */ __gCrWeb['findPasswordForms'] = function() { var formDataList = []; if (__gCrWeb.hasPasswordField()) { __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormDataList(formDataList, window); } return __gCrWeb.stringify(formDataList); }; /** * Returns the password form with the given |name| as a JSON string. * @param {string} name The name of the form to extract. * @return {string} The password form. */ __gCrWeb['getPasswordForm'] = function(name) { var el = __gCrWeb.common.getFormElementFromIdentifier(name); if (!el) return 'noPasswordsFound'; var formData = __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormData(el); if (!formData) return 'noPasswordsFound'; return __gCrWeb.stringify(formData); }; /** * Returns an array of forms on the page that match the structure described by * |formData|. The form matching logic follows that in * chrome/renderer/autofill/password_autofill_manager.h. * @param {Object} formData Form data. * @param {Object} doc A document containing formData. * @param {string=} opt_normalizedAction The action URL to compare to. * @return {Array.} Array of forms found. */ __gCrWeb.findMatchingPasswordForms = function(formData, doc, opt_normalizedAction) { var forms = doc.forms; var fields = formData['fields']; var matching = []; for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) { var form = forms[i]; var normalizedFormAction = opt_normalizedAction || __gCrWeb.common.removeQueryAndReferenceFromURL( __gCrWeb.common.absoluteURL(doc, form.action)); if (formData.action != normalizedFormAction) { continue; } // We need to find all input fields matching |formData| in this form, // otherwise it is the wrong form. var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input'); var foundAllFields = true; for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fields.length; fieldIndex++) { var name = fields[fieldIndex]['name']; var value = fields[fieldIndex]['value']; // The first field in |formData| is always the username field, // the second is always the password field. var findingUsername = fieldIndex == 0; var findingPassword = fieldIndex == 1; var foundField = false; for (var k = 0; k < inputs.length; k++) { var input = inputs[k]; // Ensure that the field is the right type. if (findingPassword && input.type != 'password') { continue; } if (!findingPassword && (input.type == 'password' || !__gCrWeb.common.isTextField(input))) { continue; } // Skip read-only fields without a value since they cannot be filled. if (input.readOnly && input.value == '') { continue; } // If more than one match is made, then we have an ambiguity (due to // misuse of 'name' attribute) and the form is considered a mismatch. if (input.name == name) { if (foundField) { foundField = false; break; } foundField = true; } } if (!foundField) { foundAllFields = false; break; } } if (foundAllFields) { matching.push(form); } } return matching; }; /** * Clears autofilled credentials in the form with the specified name. * @param {string} formName The name of the form to clear. * @return {boolean} Whether the form was successfully cleared. */ __gCrWeb['clearAutofilledPasswords'] = function(formName) { var el = __gCrWeb.common.getFormElementFromIdentifier(formName); if (!el) return false; var formData = __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormData(el); if (!formData) return false; var usernameElement = __gCrWeb.getElementByNameWithParent(el, formData.usernameElement); __gCrWeb.setAutofilled(usernameElement, false); formData.passwords.forEach(function(password) { var passwordElement = __gCrWeb.getElementByNameWithParent(el, password.element, true); if (__gCrWeb.isAutofilled(passwordElement)) { __gCrWeb.setAutofilled(passwordElement, false); passwordElement.value = ''; } }); return true; }; /** * Finds the form described by |formData| and fills in the * username and password values. * * This is a public function invoked by Chrome. There is no information * passed to this function that the page does not have access to anyway. * * @param {!Object.} formData Dictionary of parameters, * including: * 'action': The form action URL; * 'fields': {Array.{Object.}} Field name/value pairs; * @param {string} username The username to fill. * @param {string} password The password to fill. * @param {string=} opt_normalizedOrigin The origin URL to compare to. * @return {boolean} Whether a form field has been filled. */ __gCrWeb['fillPasswordForm'] = function(formData, username, password, opt_normalizedOrigin) { return __gCrWeb.fillPasswordFormWithData( formData, username, password, window, opt_normalizedOrigin); }; /** * Returns the element with the specified name that is a child of the * specified parent element. * @param {Element} parent The parent of the desired element. * @param {string} name The name of the desired element. * @param {boolen} isPassword Whether the field should be a password field; * if not supplied, |false| is assumed. * @return {Element} The element if found, otherwise null; */ __gCrWeb['getElementByNameWithParent'] = function( parent, name, isPassword) { isPassword = isPassword || false; var parentType = parent.type || ""; var isParentPassword = parentType === "password"; if (parent.name === name && (isPassword === isParentPassword)) { return parent; } for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { var el = __gCrWeb.getElementByNameWithParent( parent.children[i], name, isPassword); if (el) { return el; } } return null; }; /** * Given a description of a form (origin, action and input fields), * finds that form on the page and fills in the specified username * and password. * * @param {Object} formData Form data. * @param {string} username The username to fill. * @param {string} password The password to fill. * @param {Object} win A window or a frame containing formData. * @param {string=} opt_normalizedOrigin The origin URL to compare to. * @return {boolean} Whether a form field has been filled. */ __gCrWeb.fillPasswordFormWithData = function(formData, username, password, win, opt_normalizedOrigin) { var doc = win.document; // If unable to read the 'document' property from a frame in a different // origin, do nothing. if (!doc) { return false; } var origin = formData['origin']; var normalizedOrigin = opt_normalizedOrigin || __gCrWeb.common.removeQueryAndReferenceFromURL(win.location.href); if (origin != normalizedOrigin) { return false; } var filled = false; __gCrWeb.findMatchingPasswordForms(formData, doc, opt_normalizedOrigin). forEach(function(form) { var usernameInput = __gCrWeb.getElementByNameWithParent(form, formData.fields[0].name); var passwordInput = __gCrWeb.getElementByNameWithParent( form, formData.fields[1].name, true); if (!usernameInput.disabled && !passwordInput.disabled) { // If username was provided on a read-only field and it matches the // requested username, fill the form. if (usernameInput.readOnly && usernameInput.value) { if (usernameInput.value == username) { passwordInput.value = password; __gCrWeb.setAutofilled(passwordInput, true); filled = true; } } else { usernameInput.value = username; passwordInput.value = password; __gCrWeb.setAutofilled(passwordInput, true); __gCrWeb.setAutofilled(usernameInput, true); filled = true; } } }); // Recursively invoke for all frames/iframes. var frames = win.frames; for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { if (__gCrWeb.fillPasswordFormWithData( formData, username, password, frames[i], opt_normalizedOrigin)) { filled = true; } } return filled; }; /** * Returns true if the supplied field |inputElement| was autofilled. * @param {Element} inputElement The form field for which we need to * acquire the autofilled indicator. * @return {boolean} Whether inputElement was autofilled. */ __gCrWeb.isAutofilled = function(inputElement) { return inputElement['__gCrWebAutofilled']; }; /** * Marks the supplied field as autofilled or not depending on the * |value|. * @param {Element} inputElement The form field for which the indicator * needs to be set. * @param {boolean} value The new value of the indicator. */ __gCrWeb.setAutofilled = function(inputElement, value) { inputElement['__gCrWebAutofilled'] = value; }; /** * Selects text starting from |selectFrom| in the specified field. * @param {string} formName The name of the form to select in. * @param {string} fieldName The name of the field to select in. * @param {number} selectFrom The starting index for selection. * @return {boolean} Whether the operation was successful. */ __gCrWeb['selectText'] = function(formName, fieldName, selectFrom) { var form = __gCrWeb.common.getFormElementFromIdentifier(formName); var el = __gCrWeb.getElementByNameWithParent(form, fieldName); if (!el) return false; el.selectionStart = selectFrom; el.selectionEnd = el.value.length; return true; }; /** * Fills all password fields in the form identified by |formName| * with |password| and marks them as autofilled. * * @param {string} formName The name of the form to fill. * @param {string} password The password to fill. * @return {boolean} Whether a password field has been filled. */ __gCrWeb['fillPasswordFormWithGeneratedPassword'] = function(formName, password) { var form = __gCrWeb.common.getFormElementFromIdentifier(formName); if (!form) return false; var fields = form.querySelectorAll('input[type=password]'); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; field.value = password; __gCrWeb.setAutofilled(field, true); } return fields.length > 0; }; /** * Finds all forms with passwords in the supplied window or frame and appends * JS objects containing the form data to |formDataList|. * @param {!Array.} formDataList A list that this function populates * with descriptions of discovered forms. * @param {Window} win A window (or frame) in which the function should * look for password forms. */ __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormDataList = function(formDataList, win) { var doc = win.document; // We may not be allowed to read the 'document' property from a frame // that is in a different domain. if (!doc) { return; } var forms = doc.forms; for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) { var formData = __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormData(forms[i]); if (formData) { formDataList.push(formData); } } // Recursively invoke for all frames/iframes. var frames = win.frames; for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormDataList(formDataList, frames[i]); } }; /** * Returns a JS object containing the data from |formElement|. * @param {Element} formElement An HTML Form element. * @return {Object} Object of data from formElement. */ __gCrWeb.getPasswordFormData = function(formElement) { var inputs = formElement.getElementsByTagName('input'); var fields = []; var passwords = []; var firstPasswordIndex = 0; for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) { // TODO(dplotnikov): figure out a way to identify the activated // submit, which is the button that the user has already hit // before this code is called. var input = inputs[j]; fields.push({ 'element': input.name, 'type': input.type }); if (!input.disabled && input.type == 'password') { if (passwords.length == 0) { firstPasswordIndex = j; } passwords.push({ 'element': input.name, 'value': input.value }); } } if (passwords.length == 0) return null; var usernameElement = ''; var usernameValue = ''; for (var j = firstPasswordIndex - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var input = inputs[j]; if (!input.disabled && __gCrWeb.common.isTextField(input)) { usernameElement = input.name; usernameValue = input.value; break; } } var origin = __gCrWeb.common.removeQueryAndReferenceFromURL( formElement.ownerDocument.location.href); return { 'action': formElement.getAttribute('action'), 'method': formElement.getAttribute('method'), 'name': __gCrWeb.common.getFormIdentifier(formElement), 'origin': origin, 'fields': fields, 'usernameElement': usernameElement, 'usernameValue': usernameValue, 'passwords': passwords }; }; }