// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ios/chrome/common/string_util.h" #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "testing/gtest_mac.h" #include "testing/platform_test.h" namespace { TEST(StringUtilTest, ParseStringWithLink) { NSArray* const all_test_data = @[ @{ @"input" : @"Text without link.", @"expected" : @"Text without link.", @"link range" : [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)] }, @{ @"input" : @"Text with empty link BEGIN_LINK END_LINK.", @"expected" : @"Text with empty link .", @"link range" : [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(21, 0)] }, @{ @"input" : @"Text with BEGIN_LINK and no end link.", @"expected" : @"Text with BEGIN_LINK and no end link.", @"link range" : [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)] }, @{ @"input" : @"Text with valid BEGIN_LINK link END_LINK and spaces.", @"expected" : @"Text with valid link and spaces.", @"link range" : [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(16, 4)] }, @{ @"input" : @"Text with valid BEGIN_LINKlinkEND_LINK and no spaces.", @"expected" : @"Text with valid link and no spaces.", @"link range" : [NSValue valueWithRange:NSMakeRange(16, 4)] } ]; for (NSDictionary* test_data : all_test_data) { NSString* input_text = test_data[@"input"]; NSString* expected_text = test_data[@"expected"]; NSRange expected_range = [test_data[@"link range"] rangeValue]; EXPECT_NSEQ(expected_text, ParseStringWithLink(input_text, nullptr)); // Initialize |range| with some values that are not equal to the expected // ones. NSRange range = NSMakeRange(1000, 2000); EXPECT_NSEQ(expected_text, ParseStringWithLink(input_text, &range)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_range.location, range.location); EXPECT_EQ(expected_range.length, range.length); } } TEST(StringUtilTest, CleanNSStringForDisplay) { NSArray* const all_test_data = @[ @{ @"input" : @"Clean String", @"remove_graphic_chars" : @NO, @"expected" : @"Clean String" }, @{ @"input" : @" \t String with leading and trailing whitespaces ", @"remove_graphic_chars" : @NO, @"expected" : @"String with leading and trailing whitespaces" }, @{ @"input" : @" \n\n\r String with \n\n\r\n\r newline characters \n\n\r", @"remove_graphic_chars" : @NO, @"expected" : @"String with newline characters" }, @{ @"input" : @"String with an arrow ⟰ that remains intact", @"remove_graphic_chars" : @NO, @"expected" : @"String with an arrow ⟰ that remains intact" }, @{ @"input" : @"String with an arrow ⟰ that gets cleaned up", @"remove_graphic_chars" : @YES, @"expected" : @"String with an arrow that gets cleaned up" }, ]; for (NSDictionary* test_data : all_test_data) { NSString* input_text = test_data[@"input"]; NSString* expected_text = test_data[@"expected"]; BOOL remove_graphic_chars = [test_data[@"remove_graphic_chars"] boolValue]; EXPECT_NSEQ(expected_text, CleanNSStringForDisplay(input_text, remove_graphic_chars)); } } TEST(StringUnitTest, SubstringOfWidth) { // returns nil for zero-length strings EXPECT_NSEQ(SubstringOfWidth(@"", @{}, 100, NO), nil); EXPECT_NSEQ(SubstringOfWidth(nil, @{}, 100, NO), nil); // This font should always exist UIFont* sys_font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:18.0f]; NSDictionary* attributes = @{NSFontAttributeName : sys_font}; EXPECT_NSEQ(SubstringOfWidth(@"asdf", attributes, 100, NO), @"asdf"); // construct some string of known lenghts NSString* leading = @"some text"; NSString* trailing = @"some other text"; NSString* mid = @"some text for the method to do some actual work"; NSString* long_string = [[leading stringByAppendingString:mid] stringByAppendingString:trailing]; CGFloat leading_width = [leading sizeWithAttributes:attributes].width; CGFloat trailing_width = [trailing sizeWithAttributes:attributes].width; NSString* leading_calculated = SubstringOfWidth(long_string, attributes, leading_width, NO); EXPECT_NSEQ(leading, leading_calculated); NSString* trailing_calculated = SubstringOfWidth(long_string, attributes, trailing_width, YES); EXPECT_NSEQ(trailing, trailing_calculated); } } // namespace