# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. { 'variables': { 'chromium_code': 1, 'grit_base_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', 'grit_out_dir': '<(grit_base_dir)/ios/chrome', }, 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'ios_chrome_resources', 'type': 'none', 'dependencies': [ 'ios_strings_resources_gen', 'ios_theme_resources_gen', ], }, { 'target_name': 'ios_strings_resources_gen', 'type': 'none', 'hard_dependency': 1, 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'ios_strings_resources', 'variables': { 'grit_whitelist': '', 'grit_grd_file': 'app/strings/ios_strings_resources.grd', }, 'includes': [ '../../build/grit_action.gypi' ], }, ], 'includes': [ '../../build/grit_target.gypi' ], # Override the exported include-dirs; ios_strings_resources.h should only # be referenceable as ios/chrome/grit/ to allow DEPS-time checking of # usage. 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '<(grit_base_dir)', ], 'include_dirs!': [ '<(grit_out_dir)', ], } }, { 'target_name': 'ios_theme_resources_gen', 'type': 'none', 'hard_dependency': 1, 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'ios_theme_resources', 'variables': { 'grit_whitelist': '', 'grit_grd_file': 'app/theme/ios_theme_resources.grd', }, 'includes': [ '../../build/grit_action.gypi' ], }, ], 'includes': [ '../../build/grit_target.gypi' ], # Override the exported include-dirs; ios_theme_resources.h should only be # referencable as ios/chrome/grit/ to allow DEPS-time checking of usage. 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '<(grit_base_dir)', ], 'include_dirs!': [ '<(grit_out_dir)', ], }, }, { 'target_name': 'ios_packed_resources', 'type': 'none', 'dependencies': [ '../../components/components_strings.gyp:components_strings', '../../net/net.gyp:net_resources', '../../ui/resources/ui_resources.gyp:ui_resources', '../../ui/strings/ui_strings.gyp:ui_strings', 'ios_chrome_resources', ], 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'repack_ios_locales', 'variables': { 'repack_locales_path': 'tools/build/ios_repack_locales.py', }, 'inputs': [ 'tools/build/ios_repack_locales.py', '