// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "build/build_config.h" #include #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "ipc/attachment_broker_privileged_win.h" #include "ipc/attachment_broker_win.h" #include "ipc/handle_attachment_win.h" #include "ipc/ipc_listener.h" #include "ipc/ipc_message.h" #include "ipc/ipc_test_base.h" namespace { const char kDataBuffer[] = "This is some test data to write to the file."; // Returns the contents of the file represented by |h| as a std::string. std::string ReadFromFile(HANDLE h) { SetFilePointer(h, 0, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN); char buffer[100]; DWORD bytes_read; BOOL success = ::ReadFile(h, buffer, static_cast(strlen(kDataBuffer)), &bytes_read, nullptr); return success ? std::string(buffer, bytes_read) : std::string(); } HANDLE GetHandleFromBrokeredAttachment( const scoped_refptr& attachment) { if (attachment->GetType() != IPC::BrokerableAttachment::TYPE_BROKERABLE_ATTACHMENT) return nullptr; if (attachment->GetBrokerableType() != IPC::BrokerableAttachment::WIN_HANDLE) return nullptr; IPC::internal::HandleAttachmentWin* received_handle_attachment = static_cast(attachment.get()); return received_handle_attachment->get_handle(); } // Returns true if |attachment| is a file HANDLE whose contents is // |kDataBuffer|. bool CheckContentsOfBrokeredAttachment( const scoped_refptr& attachment) { HANDLE h = GetHandleFromBrokeredAttachment(attachment); if (h == nullptr) return false; std::string contents = ReadFromFile(h); return contents == std::string(kDataBuffer); } enum TestResult { RESULT_UNKNOWN, RESULT_SUCCESS, RESULT_FAILURE, }; // Once the test is finished, send a control message to the parent process with // the result. The message may require the runloop to be run before its // dispatched. void SendControlMessage(IPC::Sender* sender, bool success) { IPC::Message* message = new IPC::Message(0, 2, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); TestResult result = success ? RESULT_SUCCESS : RESULT_FAILURE; message->WriteInt(result); sender->Send(message); } class MockObserver : public IPC::AttachmentBroker::Observer { public: void ReceivedBrokerableAttachmentWithId( const IPC::BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId& id) override { id_ = id; } IPC::BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId* get_id() { return &id_; } private: IPC::BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId id_; }; // Forwards all messages to |listener_|. Quits the message loop after a // message is received, or the channel has an error. class ProxyListener : public IPC::Listener { public: ProxyListener() : reason_(MESSAGE_RECEIVED) {} ~ProxyListener() override {} // The reason for exiting the message loop. enum Reason { MESSAGE_RECEIVED, CHANNEL_ERROR }; bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override { bool result = listener_->OnMessageReceived(message); reason_ = MESSAGE_RECEIVED; base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); return result; } void OnChannelError() override { reason_ = CHANNEL_ERROR; base::MessageLoop::current()->Quit(); } void set_listener(IPC::Listener* listener) { listener_ = listener; } Reason get_reason() { return reason_; } private: IPC::Listener* listener_; Reason reason_; }; // Waits for a result to be sent over the channel. Quits the message loop // after a message is received, or the channel has an error. class ResultListener : public IPC::Listener { public: ResultListener() : result_(RESULT_UNKNOWN) {} ~ResultListener() override {} bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override { base::PickleIterator iter(message); int result; EXPECT_TRUE(iter.ReadInt(&result)); result_ = static_cast(result); return true; } TestResult get_result() { return result_; } private: TestResult result_; }; // The parent process acts as an unprivileged process. The forked process acts // as the privileged process. class IPCAttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWinTest : public IPCTestBase { public: IPCAttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWinTest() : message_index_(0) {} ~IPCAttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWinTest() override {} void SetUp() override { IPCTestBase::SetUp(); ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); ASSERT_TRUE(base::CreateTemporaryFileInDir(temp_dir_.path(), &temp_path_)); } void TearDown() override { IPCTestBase::TearDown(); } // Takes ownership of |broker|. Has no effect if called after CommonSetUp(). void set_broker(IPC::AttachmentBrokerWin* broker) { broker_.reset(broker); } void CommonSetUp() { if (!broker_.get()) set_broker(new IPC::AttachmentBrokerWin); broker_->AddObserver(&observer_); set_attachment_broker(broker_.get()); CreateChannel(&proxy_listener_); broker_->set_sender(channel()); ASSERT_TRUE(ConnectChannel()); ASSERT_TRUE(StartClient()); } void CommonTearDown() { // Close the channel so the client's OnChannelError() gets fired. channel()->Close(); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForClientShutdown()); DestroyChannel(); broker_.reset(); } HANDLE CreateTempFile() { EXPECT_NE(-1, WriteFile(temp_path_, kDataBuffer, static_cast(strlen(kDataBuffer)))); HANDLE h = CreateFile(temp_path_.value().c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); EXPECT_NE(h, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); return h; } void SendMessageWithAttachment(HANDLE h) { IPC::Message* message = new IPC::Message(0, 2, IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL); message->WriteInt(message_index_++); scoped_refptr attachment( new IPC::internal::HandleAttachmentWin(h)); ASSERT_TRUE(message->WriteAttachment(attachment)); sender()->Send(message); } ProxyListener* get_proxy_listener() { return &proxy_listener_; } IPC::AttachmentBrokerWin* get_broker() { return broker_.get(); } MockObserver* get_observer() { return &observer_; } private: base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; base::FilePath temp_path_; int message_index_; ProxyListener proxy_listener_; scoped_ptr broker_; MockObserver observer_; }; // A broker which always sets the current process as the destination process // for attachments. class MockBroker : public IPC::AttachmentBrokerWin { public: MockBroker() {} ~MockBroker() override {} bool SendAttachmentToProcess(const IPC::BrokerableAttachment* attachment, base::ProcessId destination_process) override { return IPC::AttachmentBrokerWin::SendAttachmentToProcess( attachment, base::Process::Current().Pid()); } }; // An unprivileged process makes a file HANDLE, and writes a string to it. The // file HANDLE is sent to the privileged process using the attachment broker. // The privileged process dups the HANDLE into its own HANDLE table. This test // checks that the file has the same contents in the privileged process. TEST_F(IPCAttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWinTest, SendHandle) { Init("SendHandle"); CommonSetUp(); ResultListener result_listener; get_proxy_listener()->set_listener(&result_listener); HANDLE h = CreateTempFile(); SendMessageWithAttachment(h); base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // Check the result. ASSERT_EQ(ProxyListener::MESSAGE_RECEIVED, get_proxy_listener()->get_reason()); ASSERT_EQ(result_listener.get_result(), RESULT_SUCCESS); CommonTearDown(); } // Similar to SendHandle, except the file HANDLE attached to the message has // neither read nor write permissions. TEST_F(IPCAttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWinTest, SendHandleWithoutPermissions) { Init("SendHandleWithoutPermissions"); CommonSetUp(); ResultListener result_listener; get_proxy_listener()->set_listener(&result_listener); HANDLE h = CreateTempFile(); HANDLE h2; BOOL result = ::DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), h, GetCurrentProcess(), &h2, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE); ASSERT_TRUE(result); SendMessageWithAttachment(h2); base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // Check the result. ASSERT_EQ(ProxyListener::MESSAGE_RECEIVED, get_proxy_listener()->get_reason()); ASSERT_EQ(result_listener.get_result(), RESULT_SUCCESS); CommonTearDown(); } // Similar to SendHandle, except the attachment's destination process is this // process. This is an unrealistic scenario, but simulates an unprivileged // process sending an attachment to another unprivileged process. TEST_F(IPCAttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWinTest, SendHandleToSelf) { Init("SendHandleToSelf"); set_broker(new MockBroker); CommonSetUp(); get_proxy_listener()->set_listener(get_broker()); HANDLE h = CreateTempFile(); SendMessageWithAttachment(h); base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // Get the received attachment. IPC::BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId* id = get_observer()->get_id(); scoped_refptr received_attachment; get_broker()->GetAttachmentWithId(*id, &received_attachment); ASSERT_NE(received_attachment.get(), nullptr); // Check that it's a new entry in the HANDLE table. HANDLE h2 = GetHandleFromBrokeredAttachment(received_attachment); EXPECT_NE(h2, h); EXPECT_NE(h2, nullptr); // But it still points to the same file. std::string contents = ReadFromFile(h); EXPECT_EQ(contents, std::string(kDataBuffer)); CommonTearDown(); } using OnMessageReceivedCallback = void (*)(MockObserver* observer, IPC::AttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWin* broker, IPC::Sender* sender); int CommonPrivilegedProcessMain(OnMessageReceivedCallback callback, const char* channel_name) { base::MessageLoopForIO main_message_loop; ProxyListener listener; // Set up IPC channel. IPC::AttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWin broker; listener.set_listener(&broker); scoped_ptr channel(IPC::Channel::CreateClient( IPCTestBase::GetChannelName(channel_name), &listener, &broker)); broker.RegisterCommunicationChannel(channel.get()); CHECK(channel->Connect()); MockObserver observer; broker.AddObserver(&observer); while (true) { base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); ProxyListener::Reason reason = listener.get_reason(); if (reason == ProxyListener::CHANNEL_ERROR) break; callback(&observer, &broker, channel.get()); } return 0; } void SendHandleCallback(MockObserver* observer, IPC::AttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWin* broker, IPC::Sender* sender) { IPC::BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId* id = observer->get_id(); scoped_refptr received_attachment; broker->GetAttachmentWithId(*id, &received_attachment); // Check that it's the expected handle. bool success = CheckContentsOfBrokeredAttachment(received_attachment); SendControlMessage(sender, success); } MULTIPROCESS_IPC_TEST_CLIENT_MAIN(SendHandle) { return CommonPrivilegedProcessMain(&SendHandleCallback, "SendHandle"); } void SendHandleWithoutPermissionsCallback( MockObserver* observer, IPC::AttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWin* broker, IPC::Sender* sender) { IPC::BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId* id = observer->get_id(); scoped_refptr received_attachment; broker->GetAttachmentWithId(*id, &received_attachment); // Check that it's the expected handle. HANDLE h = GetHandleFromBrokeredAttachment(received_attachment); if (h != nullptr) { SetFilePointer(h, 0, nullptr, FILE_BEGIN); char buffer[100]; DWORD bytes_read; BOOL success = ::ReadFile(h, buffer, static_cast(strlen(kDataBuffer)), &bytes_read, nullptr); if (!success && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { SendControlMessage(sender, true); return; } } SendControlMessage(sender, false); } MULTIPROCESS_IPC_TEST_CLIENT_MAIN(SendHandleWithoutPermissions) { return CommonPrivilegedProcessMain(&SendHandleWithoutPermissionsCallback, "SendHandleWithoutPermissions"); } void SendHandleToSelfCallback(MockObserver* observer, IPC::AttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWin* broker, IPC::Sender* sender) { // Do nothing special. The default behavior already runs the // AttachmentBrokerPrivilegedWin. } MULTIPROCESS_IPC_TEST_CLIENT_MAIN(SendHandleToSelf) { return CommonPrivilegedProcessMain(&SendHandleToSelfCallback, "SendHandleToSelf"); } } // namespace