// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Defining IPC Messages
// Your IPC messages will be defined by macros inside of an XXX_messages.h
// header file.  Most of the time, the system can automatically generate all
// of messaging mechanism from these definitions, but sometimes some manual
// coding is required.  In these cases, you will also have an XXX_messages.cc
// implemation file as well.
// The senders of your messages will include your XXX_messages.h file to
// get the full set of definitions they need to send your messages.
// Each XXX_messages.h file must be registered with the IPC system.  This
// requires adding two things:
//   - An XXXMsgStart value to the IPCMessageStart enum in ipc_message_utils.h
//   - An inclusion of XXX_messages.h file in a message generator .h file
// The XXXMsgStart value is an enumeration that ensures uniqueness for
// each different message file.  Later, you will use this inside your
// XXX_messages.h file before invoking message declatation macros:
//     #define IPC_MESSAGE_START XXXMsgStart
//       ( ... your macro invocations go here ... )
// Message Generator Files
// A message generator .h header file pulls in all other message-declaring
// headers for a given component.  It is included by a message generator
// .cc file, which is where all the generated code will wind up.  Typically,
// you will use an existing generator (e.g. common_message_generator.cc
// in /chrome/common), but there are circumstances where you may add a
// new one.
// In the rare cicrucmstances where you can't re-use an existing file,
// your YYY_message_generator.cc file for a component YYY would contain
// the following code:
//     // Get basic type definitions.
//     #define IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
//     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
//     // Generate constructors.
//     #include "ipc/struct_constructor_macros.h"
//     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
//     // Generate destructors.
//     #include "ipc/struct_destructor_macros.h"
//     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
//     // Generate param traits write methods.
//     #include "ipc/param_traits_write_macros.h"
//     namespace IPC {
//     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
//     }  // namespace IPC
//     // Generate param traits read methods.
//     #include "ipc/param_traits_read_macros.h"
//     namespace IPC {
//     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
//     }  // namespace IPC
//     // Generate param traits log methods.
//     #include "ipc/param_traits_log_macros.h"
//     namespace IPC {
//     #include "path/to/YYY_message_generator.h"
//     }  // namespace IPC
// In cases where manual generation is required, in your XXX_messages.cc
// file, put the following after all the includes for param types:
//     #define IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
//     #include "XXX_messages.h"
//        (... implementation of traits not auto-generated ...)
// Multiple Inclusion
// The XXX_messages.h file will be multiply-included by the
// YYY_message_generator.cc file, so your XXX_messages file can't be
// guarded in the usual manner.  Ideally, there will be no need for any
// inclusion guard, since the XXX_messages.h file should consist soley
// of inclusions of other headers (which are self-guarding) and IPC
// macros (which are multiply evaluating).
// Note that there is no #pragma once either; doing so would mark the whole
// file as being singly-included.  Since your XXX_messages.h file is only
// partially-guarded, care must be taken to ensure that it is only included
// by other .cc files (and the YYY_message_generator.h file).  Including an
// XXX_messages.h file in some other .h file may result in duplicate
// declarations and a compilation failure.
// Type Declarations
// It is generally a bad idea to have type definitions in a XXX_messages.h
// file; most likely the typedef will then be used in the message, as opposed
// to the struct iself.  Later, an IPC message dispatcher wil need to call
// a function taking that type, and that function is declared in some other
// header.  Thus, in order to get the type definition, the other header
// would have to include the XXX_messages.h file, violating the rule above
// about not including XXX_messages.h file in other .h files.
// One approach here is to move these type definitions to another (guarded)
// .h file and include this second .h in your XXX_messages.h file.  This
// is still less than ideal, because the dispatched function would have to
// redeclare the typedef or include this second header.  This may be
// reasonable in a few cases.
// Failing all of the above, then you will want to bracket the smallest
// possible section of your XXX_messages.h file containing these types
// with an include guard macro.  Be aware that providing an incomplete
// class type declaration to avoid pulling in a long chain of headers is
// acceptable when your XXX_messages.h header is being included by the
// message sending caller's code, but not when the YYY_message_generator.c
// is building the messages. In addtion, due to the multiple inclusion
// restriction, these type ought to be guarded.  Follow a convention like:
//      #ifndef SOME_GUARD_MACRO
//      #define SOME_GUARD_MACRO
//      class some_class;        // One incomplete class declaration
//      class_some_other_class;  // Another incomplete class declaration
//      #endif  // SOME_GUARD_MACRO
//      #ifdef IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
//      #inlcude "path/to/some_class.h"        // Full class declaration
//      #inlcude "path/to/some_other_class.h"  // Full class declaration
//      #endif  // IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL
//        (.. IPC macros using some_class and some_other_class ...)
// Macro Invocations
// You will use IPC message macro invocations for three things:
//   - New struct definitions for IPC
//   - Registering existing struct and enum definitions with IPC
//   - Defining the messages themselves
// New structs are defined with IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(), IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(),
// IPC_STRUCT_END() family of macros.  These cause the XXX_messages.h
// to proclaim equivalent struct declarations for use by callers, as well
// as later registering the type with the message generation.  Note that
// IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER() is only permitted inside matching calls to
// Externally-defined structs are registered with IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(),
// cause registration of the types with message generation only.
// There's also IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_PARENT, which is used to register a parent
// class (whose own traits are already defined). Note that
// inside matching calls to IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN() /
// Enum types are registered with a single IPC_ENUM_TRAITS() macro.  There
// is no need to enumerate each value to the IPC mechanism.
// Do not place semicolons following these IPC_ macro invocations.  There
// is no reason to expect that their expansion corresponds one-to-one with
// C++ statements.
// Once the types have been declared / registered, message definitions follow.
// "Sync" messages are just synchronous calls, the Send() call doesn't return
// until a reply comes back.  Input parameters are first (const TYPE&), and
// To declare a sync message, use the IPC_SYNC_ macros.  The numbers at the
// end show how many input/output parameters there are (i.e. 1_2 is 1 in, 2
// out). The caller does a Send([route id, ], in1, &out1, &out2).
// The receiver's handler function will be
//     void OnSyncMessageName(const type1& in1, type2* out1, type3* out2)
// A caller can also send a synchronous message, while the receiver can respond
// at a later time.  This is transparent from the sender's side.  The receiver
// needs to use a different handler that takes in a IPC::Message* as the output
// type, stash the message, and when it has the data it can Send the message.
//     IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(ViewHostMsg_SyncMessageName,
//                                     OnSyncMessageName)
// The handler function will look like:
//     void OnSyncMessageName(const type1& in1, IPC::Message* reply_msg);
// Receiver stashes the IPC::Message* pointer, and when it's ready, it does:
//     ViewHostMsg_SyncMessageName::WriteReplyParams(reply_msg, out1, out2);
//     Send(reply_msg);


#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
#include "ipc/param_traits_macros.h"

#if defined(IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL)
#include "ipc/ipc_message_utils_impl.h"

// Macros for defining structs.  May be subsequently redefined.
#define IPC_STRUCT_BEGIN(struct_name) \
  struct struct_name; \
  IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_BEGIN(struct_name) \
  struct struct_name : IPC::NoParams { \
    struct_name(); \
#define IPC_STRUCT_MEMBER(type, name) type name;
#define IPC_STRUCT_END() };

// Message macros collect specific numbers of arguments and funnel them into
// the common message generation macro.  These should never be redefined.
#define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0(msg_class) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(EMPTY, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(msg_class, type1) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(msg_class, type1, type2) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1, type2), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3(msg_class, type1, type2, type3) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1, type2, type3), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4, type5), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0(msg_class) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(EMPTY, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(msg_class, type1) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(msg_class, type1, type2) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1, type2), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(msg_class, type1, type2, type3) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1, type2, type3), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4), ())

#define IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(msg_class, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(ASYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1, type2, type3, type4, type5), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_0(msg_class) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_1(msg_class, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 1, (), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_2(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 2, (), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_3(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 3, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL0_4(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 0, 4, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_0(msg_class, type1_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 1, (type1_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_2(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 2, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_3(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 3, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_4(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 1, 4, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1_in, type2_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 1, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 2, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 3, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 2, 4, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL3_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 3, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL4_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 4, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL5_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, CONTROL, msg_class, 5, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_0(msg_class) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 0, (), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(msg_class, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 1, (), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_2(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 2, (), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_3(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 3, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_4(msg_class, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 0, 4, (), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_0(msg_class, type1_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 0, (type1_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 1, (type1_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 2, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_3(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 3, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_4(msg_class, type1_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 1, 4, (type1_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 0, (type1_in, type2_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 1, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 2, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 3, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 2, 4, (type1_in, type2_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 0, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 3, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 4, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_0(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), ())

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_1(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 1, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_2(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 2, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_3(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 3, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out))

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5_4(msg_class, type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in, type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(SYNC, ROUTED, msg_class, 5, 4, (type1_in, type2_in, type3_in, type4_in, type5_in), (type1_out, type2_out, type3_out, type4_out))

// Common message macro which dispatches into one of the 6 (sync x kind)
// routines.  There is a way that these 6 cases can be lumped together,
// but the  macros get very complicated in that case.
// Note: intended be redefined to generate other information.
#define IPC_MESSAGE_DECL(sync, kind, msg_class,                               \
                         in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)                  \
  IPC_##sync##_##kind##_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
  IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)

#define IPC_EMPTY_CONTROL_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list) \
  class msg_class : public IPC::Message {                                     \
   public:                                                                    \
    enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    msg_class() : IPC::Message(MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL) {}   \

#define IPC_EMPTY_ROUTED_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
  class msg_class : public IPC::Message {                                     \
   public:                                                                    \
    enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    msg_class(int32 routing_id)                                               \
        : IPC::Message(routing_id, ID, PRIORITY_NORMAL) {}                    \

#define IPC_ASYNC_CONTROL_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list) \
  class msg_class :                                                           \
      public IPC::MessageWithTuple<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list> {           \
   public:                                                                    \
    enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                                  \
    virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \

#define IPC_ASYNC_ROUTED_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
  class msg_class :                                                           \
      public IPC::MessageWithTuple<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list> {           \
   public:                                                                    \
    enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    msg_class(int32 routing_id IPC_COMMA_##in_cnt                             \
              IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list);                                  \
    virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \

#define IPC_SYNC_CONTROL_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
  class msg_class :                                                           \
      public IPC::MessageWithReply<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list,             \
                                   IPC_TUPLE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list> {        \
   public:                                                                    \
    enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                                    \
              IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)                     \
              IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list);                               \
    virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \

#define IPC_SYNC_ROUTED_DECL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
  class msg_class :                                                           \
      public IPC::MessageWithReply<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list,             \
                                   IPC_TUPLE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list> {        \
   public:                                                                    \
    enum { ID = IPC_MESSAGE_ID() };                                           \
    msg_class(int32 routing_id                                                \
              IPC_COMMA_OR_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)                      \
              IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                                    \
              IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)                     \
              IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list);                               \
    virtual ~msg_class();                                                     \
    static void Log(std::string* name, const Message* msg, std::string* l);   \

#if defined(IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL)

// "Implementation" inclusion produces constructors, destructors, and
// logging functions, except for the no-arg special cases, where the
// implementation occurs in the declaration, and there is no special
// logging function.
#define IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class,                              \
                          in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)                 \
  IPC_##sync##_##kind##_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \

#define IPC_EMPTY_CONTROL_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)
#define IPC_EMPTY_ROUTED_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)

#define IPC_ASYNC_CONTROL_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list) \
  msg_class::msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list) :                        \
      IPC::MessageWithTuple<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list>                    \
      (MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, ID, IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list)                 \
      {}                                                                      \
  msg_class::~msg_class() {}

#define IPC_ASYNC_ROUTED_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
  msg_class::msg_class(int32 routing_id IPC_COMMA_##in_cnt                    \
                       IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list) :                        \
      IPC::MessageWithTuple<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list>                    \
      (routing_id, ID, IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list)                          \
      {}                                                                      \
  msg_class::~msg_class() {}

#define IPC_SYNC_CONTROL_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)  \
  msg_class::msg_class(IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                           \
                       IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)            \
                       IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list) :                     \
      IPC::MessageWithReply<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list,                    \
                            IPC_TUPLE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list>                 \
      (MSG_ROUTING_CONTROL, ID,                                               \
       IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list,                                          \
       IPC_NAME_OUT_##out_cnt out_list)                                       \
      {}                                                                      \
  msg_class::~msg_class() {}

#define IPC_SYNC_ROUTED_IMPL(msg_class, in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)   \
  msg_class::msg_class(int32 routing_id                                       \
                       IPC_COMMA_OR_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)             \
                       IPC_TYPE_IN_##in_cnt in_list                           \
                       IPC_COMMA_AND_##in_cnt(IPC_COMMA_##out_cnt)            \
                       IPC_TYPE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list) :                     \
      IPC::MessageWithReply<IPC_TUPLE_IN_##in_cnt in_list,                    \
                            IPC_TUPLE_OUT_##out_cnt out_list>                 \
      (routing_id, ID,                                                        \
       IPC_NAME_IN_##in_cnt in_list,                                          \
       IPC_NAME_OUT_##out_cnt out_list)                                       \
      {}                                                                      \
  msg_class::~msg_class() {}

#define IPC_EMPTY_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)

#define IPC_ASYNC_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)                                \
  void msg_class::Log(std::string* name,                                \
                      const Message* msg,                               \
                      std::string* l) {                                 \
    if (name)                                                           \
      *name = #msg_class;                                               \
    if (!msg || !l)                                                     \
      return;                                                           \
    Param p;                                                            \
    if (Read(msg, &p))                                                  \
      IPC::LogParam(p, l);                                              \

#define IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_LOG(msg_class)                                 \
  void msg_class::Log(std::string* name,                                \
                      const Message* msg,                               \
                      std::string* l) {                                 \
    if (name)                                                           \
      *name = #msg_class;                                               \
    if (!msg || !l)                                                     \
      return;                                                           \
    if (msg->is_sync()) {                                               \
      TupleTypes<SendParam>::ValueTuple p;                              \
      if (ReadSendParam(msg, &p))                                       \
        IPC::LogParam(p, l);                                            \
      AddOutputParamsToLog(msg, l);                                     \
    } else {                                                            \
      TupleTypes<ReplyParam>::ValueTuple p;                             \
      if (ReadReplyParam(msg, &p))                                      \
        IPC::LogParam(p, l);                                            \
    }                                                                   \



#include "base/hash_tables.h"

typedef void (*LogFunction)(std::string* name,
                            const IPC::Message* msg,
                            std::string* params);

typedef base::hash_map<uint32, LogFunction > LogFunctionMap;
LogFunctionMap g_log_function_mapping;


// "Log table" inclusion produces extra logging registration code.
#define IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class,                        \
                          in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)           \
  class LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class {                               \
 public:                                                                \
    LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class() {                                 \
      g_log_function_mapping[msg_class::ID] = msg_class::Log;           \
    }                                                                   \
  };                                                                    \
  LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class g_LoggerRegisterHelper##msg_class;


// Normal inclusion produces nothing extra.
#define IPC_MESSAGE_EXTRA(sync, kind, msg_class,                \
                          in_cnt, out_cnt, in_list, out_list)

#endif // defined(IPC_MESSAGE_IMPL)

// Handle variable sized argument lists.  These are usually invoked by token
// pasting against the argument counts.
#define IPC_TYPE_IN_0()
#define IPC_TYPE_IN_1(t1)                   const t1& arg1
#define IPC_TYPE_IN_2(t1, t2)               const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2
#define IPC_TYPE_IN_3(t1, t2, t3)           const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2, const t3& arg3
#define IPC_TYPE_IN_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)       const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2, const t3& arg3, const t4& arg4
#define IPC_TYPE_IN_5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)   const t1& arg1, const t2& arg2, const t3& arg3, const t4& arg4, const t5& arg5

#define IPC_TYPE_OUT_0()
#define IPC_TYPE_OUT_1(t1)                  t1* arg6
#define IPC_TYPE_OUT_2(t1, t2)              t1* arg6, t2* arg7
#define IPC_TYPE_OUT_3(t1, t2, t3)          t1* arg6, t2* arg7, t3* arg8
#define IPC_TYPE_OUT_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)      t1* arg6, t2* arg7, t3* arg8, t4* arg9

#define IPC_TUPLE_IN_0()                    Tuple0
#define IPC_TUPLE_IN_1(t1)                  Tuple1<t1>
#define IPC_TUPLE_IN_2(t1, t2)              Tuple2<t1, t2>
#define IPC_TUPLE_IN_3(t1, t2, t3)          Tuple3<t1, t2, t3>
#define IPC_TUPLE_IN_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)      Tuple4<t1, t2, t3, t4>
#define IPC_TUPLE_IN_5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)  Tuple5<t1, t2, t3, t4, t5>

#define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_0()                   Tuple0
#define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_1(t1)                 Tuple1<t1&>
#define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_2(t1, t2)             Tuple2<t1&, t2&>
#define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_3(t1, t2, t3)         Tuple3<t1&, t2&, t3&>
#define IPC_TUPLE_OUT_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)     Tuple4<t1&, t2&, t3&, t4&>

#define IPC_NAME_IN_0()                     MakeTuple()
#define IPC_NAME_IN_1(t1)                   MakeRefTuple(arg1)
#define IPC_NAME_IN_2(t1, t2)               MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2)
#define IPC_NAME_IN_3(t1, t2, t3)           MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2, arg3)
#define IPC_NAME_IN_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)       MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
#define IPC_NAME_IN_5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5)   MakeRefTuple(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)

#define IPC_NAME_OUT_0()                    MakeTuple()
#define IPC_NAME_OUT_1(t1)                  MakeRefTuple(*arg6)
#define IPC_NAME_OUT_2(t1, t2)              MakeRefTuple(*arg6, *arg7)
#define IPC_NAME_OUT_3(t1, t2, t3)          MakeRefTuple(*arg6, *arg7, *arg8)
#define IPC_NAME_OUT_4(t1, t2, t3, t4)      MakeRefTuple(*arg6, *arg7, *arg8, *arg9)

// There are places where the syntax requires a comma if there are input args,
// if there are input args and output args, or if there are input args or
// output args.  These macros allow generation of the comma as needed; invoke
// by token pasting against the argument counts.
#define IPC_COMMA_0
#define IPC_COMMA_1 ,
#define IPC_COMMA_2 ,
#define IPC_COMMA_3 ,
#define IPC_COMMA_4 ,
#define IPC_COMMA_5 ,

#define IPC_COMMA_AND_0(x)
#define IPC_COMMA_AND_1(x) x
#define IPC_COMMA_AND_2(x) x
#define IPC_COMMA_AND_3(x) x
#define IPC_COMMA_AND_4(x) x
#define IPC_COMMA_AND_5(x) x

#define IPC_COMMA_OR_0(x) x
#define IPC_COMMA_OR_1(x) ,
#define IPC_COMMA_OR_2(x) ,
#define IPC_COMMA_OR_3(x) ,
#define IPC_COMMA_OR_4(x) ,
#define IPC_COMMA_OR_5(x) ,

// Message IDs
// Note: we currently use __LINE__ to give unique IDs to messages within
// a file.  They're globally unique since each file defines its own
// IPC_MESSAGE_START.  Ideally, we wouldn't use line numbers (a possibility
// is to instead use the __COUNTER__ macro, but it needs gcc 4.3 and xcode
// doesn't use it yet).
#define IPC_MESSAGE_ID() ((IPC_MESSAGE_START << 16) + __LINE__)
#define IPC_MESSAGE_ID_CLASS(id) ((id) >> 16)
#define IPC_MESSAGE_ID_LINE(id) ((id) & 0xffff)

// Message crackers and handlers.
// Prefer to use the IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX to the older macros since they
// allow you to detect when a message could not be de-serialized. Usage:
//   bool MyClass::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) {
//     bool handled = true;
//     bool msg_is_good = false;
//     IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(MyClass, msg, msg_is_good)
//       IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MsgClassOne, OnMsgClassOne)
//       ...more handlers here ...
//       IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MsgClassTen, OnMsgClassTen)
//       IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
//     if (!msg_is_good) {
//       // Signal error here or terminate offending process.
//     }
//     return handled;
//   }

#define IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(class_name, msg, msg_is_ok) \
  { \
    typedef class_name _IpcMessageHandlerClass; \
    const IPC::Message& ipc_message__ = msg; \
    bool& msg_is_ok__ = msg_is_ok; \
    switch (ipc_message__.type()) { \

#define IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(class_name, msg) \
  { \
    typedef class_name _IpcMessageHandlerClass; \
    const IPC::Message& ipc_message__ = msg; \
    bool msg_is_ok__ = true; \
    switch (ipc_message__.type()) { \

#define IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD(msg_class, obj, member_func) \
  case msg_class::ID: \
    msg_is_ok__ = msg_class::Dispatch(&ipc_message__, obj, this, &member_func); \

#define IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(msg_class, member_func) \
  IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD(msg_class, this, _IpcMessageHandlerClass::member_func)

#define IPC_MESSAGE_FORWARD_DELAY_REPLY(msg_class, obj, member_func) \
    case msg_class::ID: \
    msg_is_ok__ = msg_class::DispatchDelayReply(&ipc_message__, obj, &member_func); \

#define IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_DELAY_REPLY(msg_class, member_func) \

#define IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER_GENERIC(msg_class, code) \
  case msg_class::ID: \
    code; \

#define IPC_REPLY_HANDLER(func) \
   case IPC_REPLY_ID: \
     func(ipc_message__); \

  default: \
    code; \

                              "Invalid message with type = " << \

    DCHECK(msg_is_ok__); \
  } \

  } \

// This corresponds to an enum value from IPCMessageStart.
#define IPC_MESSAGE_CLASS(message) \


// Clean up IPC_MESSAGE_START in this unguarded section so that the
// XXX_messages.h files need not do so themselves.  This makes the
// XXX_messages.h files easier to write.