// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/android/build_info.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/test/test_timeouts.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "media/audio/android/audio_manager_android.h" #include "media/audio/audio_io.h" #include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h" #include "media/audio/mock_audio_source_callback.h" #include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h" #include "media/base/seekable_buffer.h" #include "media/base/test_data_util.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using ::testing::_; using ::testing::AtLeast; using ::testing::DoAll; using ::testing::Invoke; using ::testing::NotNull; using ::testing::Return; namespace media { ACTION_P3(CheckCountAndPostQuitTask, count, limit, loop) { if (++*count >= limit) { loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::MessageLoop::QuitClosure()); } } static const char kSpeechFile_16b_s_48k[] = "speech_16b_stereo_48kHz.raw"; static const char kSpeechFile_16b_m_48k[] = "speech_16b_mono_48kHz.raw"; static const char kSpeechFile_16b_s_44k[] = "speech_16b_stereo_44kHz.raw"; static const char kSpeechFile_16b_m_44k[] = "speech_16b_mono_44kHz.raw"; static const float kCallbackTestTimeMs = 2000.0; static const int kBitsPerSample = 16; static const int kBytesPerSample = kBitsPerSample / 8; // Converts AudioParameters::Format enumerator to readable string. static std::string FormatToString(AudioParameters::Format format) { switch (format) { case AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR: return std::string("AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR"); case AudioParameters::AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY: return std::string("AUDIO_PCM_LOW_LATENCY"); case AudioParameters::AUDIO_FAKE: return std::string("AUDIO_FAKE"); case AudioParameters::AUDIO_LAST_FORMAT: return std::string("AUDIO_LAST_FORMAT"); default: return std::string(); } } // Converts ChannelLayout enumerator to readable string. Does not include // multi-channel cases since these layouts are not supported on Android. static std::string LayoutToString(ChannelLayout channel_layout) { switch (channel_layout) { case CHANNEL_LAYOUT_NONE: return std::string("CHANNEL_LAYOUT_NONE"); case CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO: return std::string("CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO"); case CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO: return std::string("CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO"); case CHANNEL_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED: default: return std::string("CHANNEL_LAYOUT_UNSUPPORTED"); } } static double ExpectedTimeBetweenCallbacks(AudioParameters params) { return (base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds( params.frames_per_buffer() * base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / static_cast(params.sample_rate()))).InMillisecondsF(); } // Helper method which verifies that the device list starts with a valid // default device name followed by non-default device names. static void CheckDeviceNames(const AudioDeviceNames& device_names) { VLOG(2) << "Got " << device_names.size() << " audio devices."; if (device_names.empty()) { // Log a warning so we can see the status on the build bots. No need to // break the test though since this does successfully test the code and // some failure cases. LOG(WARNING) << "No input devices detected"; return; } AudioDeviceNames::const_iterator it = device_names.begin(); // The first device in the list should always be the default device. EXPECT_EQ(std::string(AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceName), it->device_name); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId), it->unique_id); ++it; // Other devices should have non-empty name and id and should not contain // default name or id. while (it != device_names.end()) { EXPECT_FALSE(it->device_name.empty()); EXPECT_FALSE(it->unique_id.empty()); VLOG(2) << "Device ID(" << it->unique_id << "), label: " << it->device_name; EXPECT_NE(std::string(AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceName), it->device_name); EXPECT_NE(std::string(AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId), it->unique_id); ++it; } } // We clear the data bus to ensure that the test does not cause noise. static int RealOnMoreData(AudioBus* dest, AudioBuffersState buffers_state) { dest->Zero(); return dest->frames(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AudioParameters& params) { using namespace std; os << endl << "format: " << FormatToString(params.format()) << endl << "channel layout: " << LayoutToString(params.channel_layout()) << endl << "sample rate: " << params.sample_rate() << endl << "bits per sample: " << params.bits_per_sample() << endl << "frames per buffer: " << params.frames_per_buffer() << endl << "channels: " << params.channels() << endl << "bytes per buffer: " << params.GetBytesPerBuffer() << endl << "bytes per second: " << params.GetBytesPerSecond() << endl << "bytes per frame: " << params.GetBytesPerFrame() << endl << "chunk size in ms: " << ExpectedTimeBetweenCallbacks(params) << endl << "echo_canceller: " << (params.effects() & AudioParameters::ECHO_CANCELLER); return os; } // Gmock implementation of AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback. class MockAudioInputCallback : public AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback { public: MOCK_METHOD4(OnData, void(AudioInputStream* stream, const AudioBus* src, uint32 hardware_delay_bytes, double volume)); MOCK_METHOD1(OnError, void(AudioInputStream* stream)); }; // Implements AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback and provides audio data // by reading from a data file. class FileAudioSource : public AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback { public: explicit FileAudioSource(base::WaitableEvent* event, const std::string& name) : event_(event), pos_(0) { // Reads a test file from media/test/data directory and stores it in // a DecoderBuffer. file_ = ReadTestDataFile(name); // Log the name of the file which is used as input for this test. base::FilePath file_path = GetTestDataFilePath(name); VLOG(0) << "Reading from file: " << file_path.value().c_str(); } virtual ~FileAudioSource() {} // AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback implementation. // Use samples read from a data file and fill up the audio buffer // provided to us in the callback. virtual int OnMoreData(AudioBus* audio_bus, AudioBuffersState buffers_state) OVERRIDE { bool stop_playing = false; int max_size = audio_bus->frames() * audio_bus->channels() * kBytesPerSample; // Adjust data size and prepare for end signal if file has ended. if (pos_ + max_size > file_size()) { stop_playing = true; max_size = file_size() - pos_; } // File data is stored as interleaved 16-bit values. Copy data samples from // the file and deinterleave to match the audio bus format. // FromInterleaved() will zero out any unfilled frames when there is not // sufficient data remaining in the file to fill up the complete frame. int frames = max_size / (audio_bus->channels() * kBytesPerSample); if (max_size) { audio_bus->FromInterleaved(file_->data() + pos_, frames, kBytesPerSample); pos_ += max_size; } // Set event to ensure that the test can stop when the file has ended. if (stop_playing) event_->Signal(); return frames; } virtual void OnError(AudioOutputStream* stream) OVERRIDE {} int file_size() { return file_->data_size(); } private: base::WaitableEvent* event_; int pos_; scoped_refptr file_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileAudioSource); }; // Implements AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback and writes the recorded // audio data to a local output file. Note that this implementation should // only be used for manually invoked and evaluated tests, hence the created // file will not be destroyed after the test is done since the intention is // that it shall be available for off-line analysis. class FileAudioSink : public AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback { public: explicit FileAudioSink(base::WaitableEvent* event, const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& file_name) : event_(event), params_(params) { // Allocate space for ~10 seconds of data. const int kMaxBufferSize = 10 * params.GetBytesPerSecond(); buffer_.reset(new media::SeekableBuffer(0, kMaxBufferSize)); // Open up the binary file which will be written to in the destructor. base::FilePath file_path; EXPECT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &file_path)); file_path = file_path.AppendASCII(file_name.c_str()); binary_file_ = base::OpenFile(file_path, "wb"); DLOG_IF(ERROR, !binary_file_) << "Failed to open binary PCM data file."; VLOG(0) << "Writing to file: " << file_path.value().c_str(); } virtual ~FileAudioSink() { int bytes_written = 0; while (bytes_written < buffer_->forward_capacity()) { const uint8* chunk; int chunk_size; // Stop writing if no more data is available. if (!buffer_->GetCurrentChunk(&chunk, &chunk_size)) break; // Write recorded data chunk to the file and prepare for next chunk. // TODO(henrika): use file_util:: instead. fwrite(chunk, 1, chunk_size, binary_file_); buffer_->Seek(chunk_size); bytes_written += chunk_size; } base::CloseFile(binary_file_); } // AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback implementation. virtual void OnData(AudioInputStream* stream, const AudioBus* src, uint32 hardware_delay_bytes, double volume) OVERRIDE { const int num_samples = src->frames() * src->channels(); scoped_ptr interleaved(new int16[num_samples]); const int bytes_per_sample = sizeof(*interleaved); src->ToInterleaved(src->frames(), bytes_per_sample, interleaved.get()); // Store data data in a temporary buffer to avoid making blocking // fwrite() calls in the audio callback. The complete buffer will be // written to file in the destructor. const int size = bytes_per_sample * num_samples; if (!buffer_->Append((const uint8*)interleaved.get(), size)) event_->Signal(); } virtual void OnError(AudioInputStream* stream) OVERRIDE {} private: base::WaitableEvent* event_; AudioParameters params_; scoped_ptr buffer_; FILE* binary_file_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileAudioSink); }; // Implements AudioInputCallback and AudioSourceCallback to support full // duplex audio where captured samples are played out in loopback after // reading from a temporary FIFO storage. class FullDuplexAudioSinkSource : public AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback, public AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback { public: explicit FullDuplexAudioSinkSource(const AudioParameters& params) : params_(params), previous_time_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), started_(false) { // Start with a reasonably small FIFO size. It will be increased // dynamically during the test if required. fifo_.reset(new media::SeekableBuffer(0, 2 * params.GetBytesPerBuffer())); buffer_.reset(new uint8[params_.GetBytesPerBuffer()]); } virtual ~FullDuplexAudioSinkSource() {} // AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback implementation virtual void OnData(AudioInputStream* stream, const AudioBus* src, uint32 hardware_delay_bytes, double volume) OVERRIDE { const base::TimeTicks now_time = base::TimeTicks::Now(); const int diff = (now_time - previous_time_).InMilliseconds(); EXPECT_EQ(params_.bits_per_sample(), 16); const int num_samples = src->frames() * src->channels(); scoped_ptr interleaved(new int16[num_samples]); const int bytes_per_sample = sizeof(*interleaved); src->ToInterleaved(src->frames(), bytes_per_sample, interleaved.get()); const int size = bytes_per_sample * num_samples; base::AutoLock lock(lock_); if (diff > 1000) { started_ = true; previous_time_ = now_time; // Log out the extra delay added by the FIFO. This is a best effort // estimate. We might be +- 10ms off here. int extra_fifo_delay = static_cast(BytesToMilliseconds(fifo_->forward_bytes() + size)); DVLOG(1) << extra_fifo_delay; } // We add an initial delay of ~1 second before loopback starts to ensure // a stable callback sequence and to avoid initial bursts which might add // to the extra FIFO delay. if (!started_) return; // Append new data to the FIFO and extend the size if the max capacity // was exceeded. Flush the FIFO when extended just in case. if (!fifo_->Append((const uint8*)interleaved.get(), size)) { fifo_->set_forward_capacity(2 * fifo_->forward_capacity()); fifo_->Clear(); } } virtual void OnError(AudioInputStream* stream) OVERRIDE {} // AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback implementation virtual int OnMoreData(AudioBus* dest, AudioBuffersState buffers_state) OVERRIDE { const int size_in_bytes = (params_.bits_per_sample() / 8) * dest->frames() * dest->channels(); EXPECT_EQ(size_in_bytes, params_.GetBytesPerBuffer()); base::AutoLock lock(lock_); // We add an initial delay of ~1 second before loopback starts to ensure // a stable callback sequences and to avoid initial bursts which might add // to the extra FIFO delay. if (!started_) { dest->Zero(); return dest->frames(); } // Fill up destination with zeros if the FIFO does not contain enough // data to fulfill the request. if (fifo_->forward_bytes() < size_in_bytes) { dest->Zero(); } else { fifo_->Read(buffer_.get(), size_in_bytes); dest->FromInterleaved( buffer_.get(), dest->frames(), params_.bits_per_sample() / 8); } return dest->frames(); } virtual void OnError(AudioOutputStream* stream) OVERRIDE {} private: // Converts from bytes to milliseconds given number of bytes and existing // audio parameters. double BytesToMilliseconds(int bytes) const { const int frames = bytes / params_.GetBytesPerFrame(); return (base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds( frames * base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / static_cast(params_.sample_rate()))).InMillisecondsF(); } AudioParameters params_; base::TimeTicks previous_time_; base::Lock lock_; scoped_ptr fifo_; scoped_ptr buffer_; bool started_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FullDuplexAudioSinkSource); }; // Test fixture class for tests which only exercise the output path. class AudioAndroidOutputTest : public testing::Test { public: AudioAndroidOutputTest() : loop_(new base::MessageLoopForUI()), audio_manager_(AudioManager::CreateForTesting()), audio_output_stream_(NULL) { } virtual ~AudioAndroidOutputTest() { } protected: AudioManager* audio_manager() { return audio_manager_.get(); } base::MessageLoopForUI* loop() { return loop_.get(); } const AudioParameters& audio_output_parameters() { return audio_output_parameters_; } // Synchronously runs the provided callback/closure on the audio thread. void RunOnAudioThread(const base::Closure& closure) { if (!audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()) { base::WaitableEvent event(false, false); audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioAndroidOutputTest::RunOnAudioThreadImpl, base::Unretained(this), closure, &event)); event.Wait(); } else { closure.Run(); } } void RunOnAudioThreadImpl(const base::Closure& closure, base::WaitableEvent* event) { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); closure.Run(); event->Signal(); } void GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread() { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidOutputTest::GetDefaultOutputStreamParameters, base::Unretained(this))); } void MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(const AudioParameters& params) { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidOutputTest::MakeOutputStream, base::Unretained(this), params)); } void OpenAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread() { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidOutputTest::OpenAndClose, base::Unretained(this))); } void OpenAndStartAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread( AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback* source) { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidOutputTest::OpenAndStart, base::Unretained(this), source)); } void StopAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread() { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidOutputTest::StopAndClose, base::Unretained(this))); } double AverageTimeBetweenCallbacks(int num_callbacks) const { return ((end_time_ - start_time_) / static_cast(num_callbacks - 1)) .InMillisecondsF(); } void StartOutputStreamCallbacks(const AudioParameters& params) { double expected_time_between_callbacks_ms = ExpectedTimeBetweenCallbacks(params); const int num_callbacks = (kCallbackTestTimeMs / expected_time_between_callbacks_ms); MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(params); int count = 0; MockAudioSourceCallback source; EXPECT_CALL(source, OnMoreData(NotNull(), _)) .Times(AtLeast(num_callbacks)) .WillRepeatedly( DoAll(CheckCountAndPostQuitTask(&count, num_callbacks, loop()), Invoke(RealOnMoreData))); EXPECT_CALL(source, OnError(audio_output_stream_)).Times(0); OpenAndStartAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(&source); start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); loop()->Run(); end_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); StopAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(); double average_time_between_callbacks_ms = AverageTimeBetweenCallbacks(num_callbacks); VLOG(0) << "expected time between callbacks: " << expected_time_between_callbacks_ms << " ms"; VLOG(0) << "average time between callbacks: " << average_time_between_callbacks_ms << " ms"; EXPECT_GE(average_time_between_callbacks_ms, 0.70 * expected_time_between_callbacks_ms); EXPECT_LE(average_time_between_callbacks_ms, 1.50 * expected_time_between_callbacks_ms); } void GetDefaultOutputStreamParameters() { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); audio_output_parameters_ = audio_manager()->GetDefaultOutputStreamParameters(); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_output_parameters_.IsValid()); } void MakeOutputStream(const AudioParameters& params) { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); audio_output_stream_ = audio_manager()->MakeAudioOutputStream( params, std::string()); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_output_stream_); } void OpenAndClose() { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_output_stream_->Open()); audio_output_stream_->Close(); audio_output_stream_ = NULL; } void OpenAndStart(AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback* source) { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_output_stream_->Open()); audio_output_stream_->Start(source); } void StopAndClose() { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); audio_output_stream_->Stop(); audio_output_stream_->Close(); audio_output_stream_ = NULL; } scoped_ptr loop_; scoped_ptr audio_manager_; AudioParameters audio_output_parameters_; AudioOutputStream* audio_output_stream_; base::TimeTicks start_time_; base::TimeTicks end_time_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioAndroidOutputTest); }; // AudioRecordInputStream should only be created on Jelly Bean and higher. This // ensures we only test against the AudioRecord path when that is satisfied. std::vector RunAudioRecordInputPathTests() { std::vector tests; tests.push_back(false); if (base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int() >= 16) tests.push_back(true); return tests; } // Test fixture class for tests which exercise the input path, or both input and // output paths. It is value-parameterized to test against both the Java // AudioRecord (when true) and native OpenSLES (when false) input paths. class AudioAndroidInputTest : public AudioAndroidOutputTest, public testing::WithParamInterface { public: AudioAndroidInputTest() : audio_input_stream_(NULL) {} protected: const AudioParameters& audio_input_parameters() { return audio_input_parameters_; } AudioParameters GetInputStreamParameters() { GetDefaultInputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); // Override the platform effects setting to use the AudioRecord or OpenSLES // path as requested. int effects = GetParam() ? AudioParameters::ECHO_CANCELLER : AudioParameters::NO_EFFECTS; AudioParameters params(audio_input_parameters().format(), audio_input_parameters().channel_layout(), audio_input_parameters().input_channels(), audio_input_parameters().sample_rate(), audio_input_parameters().bits_per_sample(), audio_input_parameters().frames_per_buffer(), effects); return params; } void GetDefaultInputStreamParametersOnAudioThread() { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidInputTest::GetDefaultInputStreamParameters, base::Unretained(this))); } void MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(const AudioParameters& params) { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidInputTest::MakeInputStream, base::Unretained(this), params)); } void OpenAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread() { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidInputTest::OpenAndClose, base::Unretained(this))); } void OpenAndStartAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread( AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback* sink) { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidInputTest::OpenAndStart, base::Unretained(this), sink)); } void StopAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread() { RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioAndroidInputTest::StopAndClose, base::Unretained(this))); } void StartInputStreamCallbacks(const AudioParameters& params) { double expected_time_between_callbacks_ms = ExpectedTimeBetweenCallbacks(params); const int num_callbacks = (kCallbackTestTimeMs / expected_time_between_callbacks_ms); MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(params); int count = 0; MockAudioInputCallback sink; EXPECT_CALL(sink, OnData(audio_input_stream_, NotNull(), _, _)) .Times(AtLeast(num_callbacks)) .WillRepeatedly( CheckCountAndPostQuitTask(&count, num_callbacks, loop())); EXPECT_CALL(sink, OnError(audio_input_stream_)).Times(0); OpenAndStartAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(&sink); start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); loop()->Run(); end_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); StopAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(); double average_time_between_callbacks_ms = AverageTimeBetweenCallbacks(num_callbacks); VLOG(0) << "expected time between callbacks: " << expected_time_between_callbacks_ms << " ms"; VLOG(0) << "average time between callbacks: " << average_time_between_callbacks_ms << " ms"; EXPECT_GE(average_time_between_callbacks_ms, 0.70 * expected_time_between_callbacks_ms); EXPECT_LE(average_time_between_callbacks_ms, 1.30 * expected_time_between_callbacks_ms); } void GetDefaultInputStreamParameters() { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); audio_input_parameters_ = audio_manager()->GetInputStreamParameters( AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId); } void MakeInputStream(const AudioParameters& params) { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); audio_input_stream_ = audio_manager()->MakeAudioInputStream( params, AudioManagerBase::kDefaultDeviceId); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_input_stream_); } void OpenAndClose() { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_input_stream_->Open()); audio_input_stream_->Close(); audio_input_stream_ = NULL; } void OpenAndStart(AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback* sink) { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_input_stream_->Open()); audio_input_stream_->Start(sink); } void StopAndClose() { DCHECK(audio_manager()->GetTaskRunner()->BelongsToCurrentThread()); audio_input_stream_->Stop(); audio_input_stream_->Close(); audio_input_stream_ = NULL; } AudioInputStream* audio_input_stream_; AudioParameters audio_input_parameters_; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioAndroidInputTest); }; // Get the default audio input parameters and log the result. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, GetDefaultInputStreamParameters) { // We don't go through AudioAndroidInputTest::GetInputStreamParameters() here // so that we can log the real (non-overridden) values of the effects. GetDefaultInputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); EXPECT_TRUE(audio_input_parameters().IsValid()); VLOG(1) << audio_input_parameters(); } // Get the default audio output parameters and log the result. TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, GetDefaultOutputStreamParameters) { GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); VLOG(1) << audio_output_parameters(); } // Verify input device enumeration. TEST_F(AudioAndroidInputTest, GetAudioInputDeviceNames) { if (!audio_manager()->HasAudioInputDevices()) return; AudioDeviceNames devices; RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioManager::GetAudioInputDeviceNames, base::Unretained(audio_manager()), &devices)); CheckDeviceNames(devices); } // Verify output device enumeration. TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, GetAudioOutputDeviceNames) { if (!audio_manager()->HasAudioOutputDevices()) return; AudioDeviceNames devices; RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioManager::GetAudioOutputDeviceNames, base::Unretained(audio_manager()), &devices)); CheckDeviceNames(devices); } // Ensure that a default input stream can be created and closed. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, CreateAndCloseInputStream) { AudioParameters params = GetInputStreamParameters(); MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(params); RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioInputStream::Close, base::Unretained(audio_input_stream_))); } // Ensure that a default output stream can be created and closed. // TODO(henrika): should we also verify that this API changes the audio mode // to communication mode, and calls RegisterHeadsetReceiver, the first time // it is called? TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, CreateAndCloseOutputStream) { GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(audio_output_parameters()); RunOnAudioThread( base::Bind(&AudioOutputStream::Close, base::Unretained(audio_output_stream_))); } // Ensure that a default input stream can be opened and closed. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, OpenAndCloseInputStream) { AudioParameters params = GetInputStreamParameters(); MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(params); OpenAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(); } // Ensure that a default output stream can be opened and closed. TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, OpenAndCloseOutputStream) { GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(audio_output_parameters()); OpenAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(); } // Start input streaming using default input parameters and ensure that the // callback sequence is sane. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, DISABLED_StartInputStreamCallbacks) { AudioParameters native_params = GetInputStreamParameters(); StartInputStreamCallbacks(native_params); } // Start input streaming using non default input parameters and ensure that the // callback sequence is sane. The only change we make in this test is to select // a 10ms buffer size instead of the default size. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, DISABLED_StartInputStreamCallbacksNonDefaultParameters) { AudioParameters native_params = GetInputStreamParameters(); AudioParameters params(native_params.format(), native_params.channel_layout(), native_params.input_channels(), native_params.sample_rate(), native_params.bits_per_sample(), native_params.sample_rate() / 100, native_params.effects()); StartInputStreamCallbacks(params); } // Start output streaming using default output parameters and ensure that the // callback sequence is sane. TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, StartOutputStreamCallbacks) { GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); StartOutputStreamCallbacks(audio_output_parameters()); } // Start output streaming using non default output parameters and ensure that // the callback sequence is sane. The only change we make in this test is to // select a 10ms buffer size instead of the default size and to open up the // device in mono. // TODO(henrika): possibly add support for more variations. TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, StartOutputStreamCallbacksNonDefaultParameters) { GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); AudioParameters params(audio_output_parameters().format(), CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO, audio_output_parameters().sample_rate(), audio_output_parameters().bits_per_sample(), audio_output_parameters().sample_rate() / 100); StartOutputStreamCallbacks(params); } // Play out a PCM file segment in real time and allow the user to verify that // the rendered audio sounds OK. // NOTE: this test requires user interaction and is not designed to run as an // automatized test on bots. TEST_F(AudioAndroidOutputTest, DISABLED_RunOutputStreamWithFileAsSource) { GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); VLOG(1) << audio_output_parameters(); MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(audio_output_parameters()); std::string file_name; const AudioParameters params = audio_output_parameters(); if (params.sample_rate() == 48000 && params.channels() == 2) { file_name = kSpeechFile_16b_s_48k; } else if (params.sample_rate() == 48000 && params.channels() == 1) { file_name = kSpeechFile_16b_m_48k; } else if (params.sample_rate() == 44100 && params.channels() == 2) { file_name = kSpeechFile_16b_s_44k; } else if (params.sample_rate() == 44100 && params.channels() == 1) { file_name = kSpeechFile_16b_m_44k; } else { FAIL() << "This test supports 44.1kHz and 48kHz mono/stereo only."; return; } base::WaitableEvent event(false, false); FileAudioSource source(&event, file_name); OpenAndStartAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(&source); VLOG(0) << ">> Verify that the file is played out correctly..."; EXPECT_TRUE(event.TimedWait(TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout())); StopAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(); } // Start input streaming and run it for ten seconds while recording to a // local audio file. // NOTE: this test requires user interaction and is not designed to run as an // automatized test on bots. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, DISABLED_RunSimplexInputStreamWithFileAsSink) { AudioParameters params = GetInputStreamParameters(); VLOG(1) << params; MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(params); std::string file_name = base::StringPrintf("out_simplex_%d_%d_%d.pcm", params.sample_rate(), params.frames_per_buffer(), params.channels()); base::WaitableEvent event(false, false); FileAudioSink sink(&event, params, file_name); OpenAndStartAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(&sink); VLOG(0) << ">> Speak into the microphone to record audio..."; EXPECT_TRUE(event.TimedWait(TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout())); StopAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(); } // Same test as RunSimplexInputStreamWithFileAsSink but this time output // streaming is active as well (reads zeros only). // NOTE: this test requires user interaction and is not designed to run as an // automatized test on bots. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, DISABLED_RunDuplexInputStreamWithFileAsSink) { AudioParameters in_params = GetInputStreamParameters(); VLOG(1) << in_params; MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(in_params); GetDefaultOutputStreamParametersOnAudioThread(); VLOG(1) << audio_output_parameters(); MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(audio_output_parameters()); std::string file_name = base::StringPrintf("out_duplex_%d_%d_%d.pcm", in_params.sample_rate(), in_params.frames_per_buffer(), in_params.channels()); base::WaitableEvent event(false, false); FileAudioSink sink(&event, in_params, file_name); MockAudioSourceCallback source; EXPECT_CALL(source, OnMoreData(NotNull(), _)) .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(RealOnMoreData)); EXPECT_CALL(source, OnError(audio_output_stream_)).Times(0); OpenAndStartAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(&sink); OpenAndStartAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(&source); VLOG(0) << ">> Speak into the microphone to record audio"; EXPECT_TRUE(event.TimedWait(TestTimeouts::action_max_timeout())); StopAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(); StopAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(); } // Start audio in both directions while feeding captured data into a FIFO so // it can be read directly (in loopback) by the render side. A small extra // delay will be added by the FIFO and an estimate of this delay will be // printed out during the test. // NOTE: this test requires user interaction and is not designed to run as an // automatized test on bots. TEST_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, DISABLED_RunSymmetricInputAndOutputStreamsInFullDuplex) { // Get native audio parameters for the input side. AudioParameters default_input_params = GetInputStreamParameters(); // Modify the parameters so that both input and output can use the same // parameters by selecting 10ms as buffer size. This will also ensure that // the output stream will be a mono stream since mono is default for input // audio on Android. AudioParameters io_params(default_input_params.format(), default_input_params.channel_layout(), ChannelLayoutToChannelCount( default_input_params.channel_layout()), default_input_params.sample_rate(), default_input_params.bits_per_sample(), default_input_params.sample_rate() / 100, default_input_params.effects()); VLOG(1) << io_params; // Create input and output streams using the common audio parameters. MakeAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(io_params); MakeAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(io_params); FullDuplexAudioSinkSource full_duplex(io_params); // Start a full duplex audio session and print out estimates of the extra // delay we should expect from the FIFO. If real-time delay measurements are // performed, the result should be reduced by this extra delay since it is // something that has been added by the test. OpenAndStartAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(&full_duplex); OpenAndStartAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(&full_duplex); VLOG(1) << "HINT: an estimate of the extra FIFO delay will be updated " << "once per second during this test."; VLOG(0) << ">> Speak into the mic and listen to the audio in loopback..."; fflush(stdout); base::PlatformThread::Sleep(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(20)); printf("\n"); StopAndCloseAudioOutputStreamOnAudioThread(); StopAndCloseAudioInputStreamOnAudioThread(); } INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AudioAndroidInputTest, AudioAndroidInputTest, testing::ValuesIn(RunAudioRecordInputPathTests())); } // namespace media