// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/audio/audio_output_controller.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "base/task_runner_util.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" using base::TimeDelta; namespace media { AudioOutputController::AudioOutputController( AudioManager* audio_manager, EventHandler* handler, const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& output_device_id, SyncReader* sync_reader) : audio_manager_(audio_manager), params_(params), handler_(handler), output_device_id_(output_device_id), stream_(NULL), diverting_to_stream_(NULL), volume_(1.0), state_(kEmpty), sync_reader_(sync_reader), message_loop_(audio_manager->GetTaskRunner()), power_monitor_( params.sample_rate(), TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPowerMeasurementTimeConstantMillis)), on_more_io_data_called_(0) { DCHECK(audio_manager); DCHECK(handler_); DCHECK(sync_reader_); DCHECK(message_loop_.get()); } AudioOutputController::~AudioOutputController() { DCHECK_EQ(kClosed, state_); } // static scoped_refptr<AudioOutputController> AudioOutputController::Create( AudioManager* audio_manager, EventHandler* event_handler, const AudioParameters& params, const std::string& output_device_id, SyncReader* sync_reader) { DCHECK(audio_manager); DCHECK(sync_reader); if (!params.IsValid() || !audio_manager) return NULL; scoped_refptr<AudioOutputController> controller(new AudioOutputController( audio_manager, event_handler, params, output_device_id, sync_reader)); controller->message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &AudioOutputController::DoCreate, controller, false)); return controller; } void AudioOutputController::Play() { message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &AudioOutputController::DoPlay, this)); } void AudioOutputController::Pause() { message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &AudioOutputController::DoPause, this)); } void AudioOutputController::Close(const base::Closure& closed_task) { DCHECK(!closed_task.is_null()); message_loop_->PostTaskAndReply(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &AudioOutputController::DoClose, this), closed_task); } void AudioOutputController::SetVolume(double volume) { message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &AudioOutputController::DoSetVolume, this, volume)); } void AudioOutputController::GetOutputDeviceId( base::Callback<void(const std::string&)> callback) const { base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult( message_loop_.get(), FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioOutputController::DoGetOutputDeviceId, this), callback); } void AudioOutputController::SwitchOutputDevice( const std::string& output_device_id, const base::Closure& callback) { message_loop_->PostTaskAndReply( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioOutputController::DoSwitchOutputDevice, this, output_device_id), callback); } void AudioOutputController::DoCreate(bool is_for_device_change) { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); SCOPED_UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("Media.AudioOutputController.CreateTime"); TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "AudioOutputController::DoCreate"); // Close() can be called before DoCreate() is executed. if (state_ == kClosed) return; DoStopCloseAndClearStream(); // Calls RemoveOutputDeviceChangeListener(). DCHECK_EQ(kEmpty, state_); stream_ = diverting_to_stream_ ? diverting_to_stream_ : audio_manager_->MakeAudioOutputStreamProxy(params_, output_device_id_); if (!stream_) { state_ = kError; handler_->OnError(); return; } if (!stream_->Open()) { DoStopCloseAndClearStream(); state_ = kError; handler_->OnError(); return; } // Everything started okay, so re-register for state change callbacks if // stream_ was created via AudioManager. if (stream_ != diverting_to_stream_) audio_manager_->AddOutputDeviceChangeListener(this); // We have successfully opened the stream. Set the initial volume. stream_->SetVolume(volume_); // Finally set the state to kCreated. state_ = kCreated; // And then report we have been created if we haven't done so already. if (!is_for_device_change) handler_->OnCreated(); } void AudioOutputController::DoPlay() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); SCOPED_UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("Media.AudioOutputController.PlayTime"); TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "AudioOutputController::DoPlay"); // We can start from created or paused state. if (state_ != kCreated && state_ != kPaused) return; // Ask for first packet. sync_reader_->UpdatePendingBytes(0); state_ = kPlaying; stream_->Start(this); // For UMA tracking purposes, start the wedge detection timer. This allows us // to record statistics about the number of wedged playbacks in the field. // // WedgeCheck() will look to see if |on_more_io_data_called_| is true after // the timeout expires. Care must be taken to ensure the wedge check delay is // large enough that the value isn't queried while OnMoreDataIO() is setting // it. // // Timer self-manages its lifetime and WedgeCheck() will only record the UMA // statistic if state is still kPlaying. Additional Start() calls will // invalidate the previous timer. wedge_timer_.reset(new base::OneShotTimer<AudioOutputController>()); wedge_timer_->Start( FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5), this, &AudioOutputController::WedgeCheck); handler_->OnPlaying(); } void AudioOutputController::StopStream() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (state_ == kPlaying) { wedge_timer_.reset(); stream_->Stop(); // A stopped stream is silent, and power_montior_.Scan() is no longer being // called; so we must reset the power monitor. power_monitor_.Reset(); state_ = kPaused; } } void AudioOutputController::DoPause() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); SCOPED_UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("Media.AudioOutputController.PauseTime"); TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "AudioOutputController::DoPause"); StopStream(); if (state_ != kPaused) return; // Let the renderer know we've stopped. Necessary to let PPAPI clients know // audio has been shutdown. TODO(dalecurtis): This stinks. PPAPI should have // a better way to know when it should exit PPB_Audio_Shared::Run(). sync_reader_->UpdatePendingBytes(kuint32max); handler_->OnPaused(); } void AudioOutputController::DoClose() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); SCOPED_UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("Media.AudioOutputController.CloseTime"); TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "AudioOutputController::DoClose"); if (state_ != kClosed) { DoStopCloseAndClearStream(); sync_reader_->Close(); state_ = kClosed; } } void AudioOutputController::DoSetVolume(double volume) { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // Saves the volume to a member first. We may not be able to set the volume // right away but when the stream is created we'll set the volume. volume_ = volume; switch (state_) { case kCreated: case kPlaying: case kPaused: stream_->SetVolume(volume_); break; default: return; } } std::string AudioOutputController::DoGetOutputDeviceId() const { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); return output_device_id_; } void AudioOutputController::DoSwitchOutputDevice( const std::string& output_device_id) { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (state_ == kClosed) return; if (output_device_id == output_device_id_) return; output_device_id_ = output_device_id; // If output is currently diverted, we must not call OnDeviceChange // since it would break the diverted setup. Once diversion is // finished using StopDiverting() the output will switch to the new // device ID. if (stream_ != diverting_to_stream_) OnDeviceChange(); } void AudioOutputController::DoReportError() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (state_ != kClosed) handler_->OnError(); } int AudioOutputController::OnMoreData(AudioBus* dest, uint32 total_bytes_delay) { TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "AudioOutputController::OnMoreData"); // Indicate that we haven't wedged (at least not indefinitely, WedgeCheck() // may have already fired if OnMoreData() took an abnormal amount of time). // Since this thread is the only writer of |on_more_io_data_called_| once the // thread starts, its safe to compare and then increment. if (base::AtomicRefCountIsZero(&on_more_io_data_called_)) base::AtomicRefCountInc(&on_more_io_data_called_); sync_reader_->Read(dest); const int frames = dest->frames(); sync_reader_->UpdatePendingBytes(base::saturated_cast<uint32>( total_bytes_delay + frames * params_.GetBytesPerFrame())); if (will_monitor_audio_levels()) power_monitor_.Scan(*dest, frames); return frames; } void AudioOutputController::OnError(AudioOutputStream* stream) { // Handle error on the audio controller thread. message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &AudioOutputController::DoReportError, this)); } void AudioOutputController::DoStopCloseAndClearStream() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // Allow calling unconditionally and bail if we don't have a stream_ to close. if (stream_) { // De-register from state change callbacks if stream_ was created via // AudioManager. if (stream_ != diverting_to_stream_) audio_manager_->RemoveOutputDeviceChangeListener(this); StopStream(); stream_->Close(); if (stream_ == diverting_to_stream_) diverting_to_stream_ = NULL; stream_ = NULL; } state_ = kEmpty; } void AudioOutputController::OnDeviceChange() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); SCOPED_UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMER("Media.AudioOutputController.DeviceChangeTime"); TRACE_EVENT0("audio", "AudioOutputController::OnDeviceChange"); // TODO(dalecurtis): Notify the renderer side that a device change has // occurred. Currently querying the hardware information here will lead to // crashes on OSX. See http://crbug.com/158170. // Recreate the stream (DoCreate() will first shut down an existing stream). // Exit if we ran into an error. const State original_state = state_; DoCreate(true); if (!stream_ || state_ == kError) return; // Get us back to the original state or an equivalent state. switch (original_state) { case kPlaying: DoPlay(); return; case kCreated: case kPaused: // From the outside these two states are equivalent. return; default: NOTREACHED() << "Invalid original state."; } } const AudioParameters& AudioOutputController::GetAudioParameters() { return params_; } void AudioOutputController::StartDiverting(AudioOutputStream* to_stream) { message_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioOutputController::DoStartDiverting, this, to_stream)); } void AudioOutputController::StopDiverting() { message_loop_->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioOutputController::DoStopDiverting, this)); } void AudioOutputController::DoStartDiverting(AudioOutputStream* to_stream) { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (state_ == kClosed) return; DCHECK(!diverting_to_stream_); diverting_to_stream_ = to_stream; // Note: OnDeviceChange() will engage the "re-create" process, which will // detect and use the alternate AudioOutputStream rather than create a new one // via AudioManager. OnDeviceChange(); } void AudioOutputController::DoStopDiverting() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); if (state_ == kClosed) return; // Note: OnDeviceChange() will cause the existing stream (the consumer of the // diverted audio data) to be closed, and diverting_to_stream_ will be set // back to NULL. OnDeviceChange(); DCHECK(!diverting_to_stream_); } std::pair<float, bool> AudioOutputController::ReadCurrentPowerAndClip() { DCHECK(will_monitor_audio_levels()); return power_monitor_.ReadCurrentPowerAndClip(); } void AudioOutputController::WedgeCheck() { DCHECK(message_loop_->BelongsToCurrentThread()); // If we should be playing and we haven't, that's a wedge. if (state_ == kPlaying) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Media.AudioOutputControllerPlaybackStartupSuccess", base::AtomicRefCountIsOne(&on_more_io_data_called_)); } } } // namespace media