// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_buffers_state.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_manager.h"
#include "media/audio/simple_sources.h"

class MessageLoop;
class Task;

// An AudioOutputController controls an AudioOutputStream and provides data
// to this output stream. It has an important function that it executes
// audio operations like play, pause, stop, etc. on a separate thread,
// namely the audio controller thread.
// All the public methods of AudioOutputController are non-blocking except
// close, the actual operations are performed on the audio controller thread.
// Here is a state diagram for the AudioOutputController:
//                    .---->  [ Closed / Error ]  <------.
//                    |                ^                 |
//                    |                |                 |
//               [ Created ]  -->  [ Playing ]  -->  [ Paused ]
//                    ^                ^                 |
//                    |                |                 |
//              *[  Empty  ]           `-----------------'
// * Initial state
// There are two modes of buffering operations supported by this class.
// Regular latency mode:
//   In this mode we receive signals from AudioOutputController and then we
//   enqueue data into it.
// Low latency mode:
//   In this mode a DataSource object is given to the AudioOutputController
//   and AudioOutputController reads from it synchronously.
namespace media {

class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioOutputController
    : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioOutputController>,
      public AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback {
  // Internal state of the source.
  enum State {

  // Value sent by the controller to the renderer in low-latency mode
  // indicating that the stream is paused.
  static const int kPauseMark;

  // An event handler that receives events from the AudioOutputController. The
  // following methods are called on the audio controller thread.
  class EventHandler {
    virtual ~EventHandler() {}
    virtual void OnCreated(AudioOutputController* controller) = 0;
    virtual void OnPlaying(AudioOutputController* controller) = 0;
    virtual void OnPaused(AudioOutputController* controller) = 0;
    virtual void OnError(AudioOutputController* controller, int error_code) = 0;

    // Audio controller asks for more data.
    // |pending_bytes| is the number of bytes still on the controller.
    // |timestamp| is then time when |pending_bytes| is recorded.
    virtual void OnMoreData(AudioOutputController* controller,
                            AudioBuffersState buffers_state) = 0;

  // A synchronous reader interface used by AudioOutputController for
  // synchronous reading.
  class SyncReader {
    virtual ~SyncReader() {}

    // Notify the synchronous reader the number of bytes in the
    // AudioOutputController not yet played. This is used by SyncReader to
    // prepare more data and perform synchronization.
    virtual void UpdatePendingBytes(uint32 bytes) = 0;

    // Read certain amount of data into |data|. This method returns if some
    // data is available.
    virtual uint32 Read(void* data, uint32 size) = 0;

    // Close this synchronous reader.
    virtual void Close() = 0;

  virtual ~AudioOutputController();

  // Factory method for creating an AudioOutputController.
  // If successful, an audio controller thread is created. The audio device
  // will be created on the audio controller thread and when that is done
  // event handler will receive a OnCreated() call.
  static scoped_refptr<AudioOutputController> Create(
      EventHandler* event_handler,
      const AudioParameters& params,
      // Soft limit for buffer capacity in this controller. This parameter
      // is used only in regular latency mode.
      uint32 buffer_capacity);

  // Factory method for creating a low latency audio stream.
  static scoped_refptr<AudioOutputController> CreateLowLatency(
      EventHandler* event_handler,
      const AudioParameters& params,
      // External synchronous reader for audio controller.
      SyncReader* sync_reader);

  // Methods to control playback of the stream.

  // Starts the playback of this audio output stream.
  void Play();

  // Pause this audio output stream.
  void Pause();

  // Discard all audio data buffered in this output stream. This method only
  // has effect when the stream is paused.
  void Flush();

  // Closes the audio output stream. The state is changed and the resources
  // are freed on the audio thread. closed_task is executed after that.
  // Callbacks (EventHandler and SyncReader) must exist until closed_task is
  // called.
  // It is safe to call this method more than once. Calls after the first one
  // will have no effect.
  void Close(Task* closed_task);

  // Sets the volume of the audio output stream.
  void SetVolume(double volume);

  // Enqueue audio |data| into the controller. This method is used only in
  // the regular latency mode and it is illegal to call this method when
  // SyncReader is present.
  void EnqueueData(const uint8* data, uint32 size);

  bool LowLatencyMode() const { return sync_reader_ != NULL; }

  // AudioSourceCallback methods.
  virtual uint32 OnMoreData(AudioOutputStream* stream, uint8* dest,
                            uint32 max_size, AudioBuffersState buffers_state);
  virtual void OnError(AudioOutputStream* stream, int code);

  AudioOutputController(EventHandler* handler,
                        uint32 capacity, SyncReader* sync_reader);

  // The following methods are executed on the audio controller thread.
  void DoCreate(const AudioParameters& params);
  void DoPlay();
  void DoPause();
  void DoFlush();
  void DoClose(Task* closed_task);
  void DoSetVolume(double volume);
  void DoReportError(int code);

  // Helper method to submit a OnMoreData() call to the event handler.
  void SubmitOnMoreData_Locked();

  // |handler_| may be called only if |state_| is not kClosed.
  EventHandler* handler_;
  AudioOutputStream* stream_;

  // The current volume of the audio stream.
  double volume_;

  // |state_| is written on the audio controller thread and is read on the
  // hardware audio thread. These operations need to be locked. But lock
  // is not required for reading on the audio controller thread.
  State state_;

  AudioBuffersState buffers_state_;

  // The |lock_| must be acquired whenever we access |buffer_|.
  base::Lock lock_;

  media::SeekableBuffer buffer_;

  bool pending_request_;

  // SyncReader is used only in low latency mode for synchronous reading.
  SyncReader* sync_reader_;

  // The message loop of audio thread that this object runs on.
  MessageLoop* message_loop_;


}  // namespace media