// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/audio/mac/audio_output_mac.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "media/audio/audio_util.h" #include "media/audio/mac/audio_manager_mac.h" // A custom data structure to store information an AudioQueue buffer. struct AudioQueueUserData { AudioQueueUserData() : empty_buffer(false) {} bool empty_buffer; }; // Overview of operation: // 1) An object of PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream is created by the AudioManager // factory: audio_man->MakeAudioStream(). This just fills some structure. // 2) Next some thread will call Open(), at that point the underliying OS // queue is created and the audio buffers allocated. // 3) Then some thread will call Start(source) At this point the source will be // called to fill the initial buffers in the context of that same thread. // Then the OS queue is started which will create its own thread which // periodically will call the source for more data as buffers are being // consumed. // 4) At some point some thread will call Stop(), which we handle by directly // stoping the OS queue. // 5) One more callback to the source could be delivered in in the context of // the queue's own thread. Data, if any will be discared. // 6) The same thread that called stop will call Close() where we cleanup // and notifiy the audio manager, which likley will destroy this object. #if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) || \ MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 enum { kAudioQueueErr_EnqueueDuringReset = -66632 }; #endif PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream( AudioManagerMac* manager, AudioParameters params) : format_(), audio_queue_(NULL), buffer_(), source_(NULL), manager_(manager), silence_bytes_(0), volume_(1), pending_bytes_(0) { // We must have a manager. DCHECK(manager_); // A frame is one sample across all channels. In interleaved audio the per // frame fields identify the set of n |channels|. In uncompressed audio, a // packet is always one frame. format_.mSampleRate = params.sample_rate; format_.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM; format_.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; format_.mBitsPerChannel = params.bits_per_sample; format_.mChannelsPerFrame = params.channels; format_.mFramesPerPacket = 1; format_.mBytesPerPacket = (format_.mBitsPerChannel * params.channels) / 8; format_.mBytesPerFrame = format_.mBytesPerPacket; packet_size_ = params.GetPacketSize(); // Silence buffer has a duration of 6ms to simulate the behavior of Windows. // This value is choosen by experiments and macs cannot keep up with // anything less than 6ms. silence_bytes_ = format_.mBytesPerFrame * params.sample_rate * 6 / 1000; } PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::~PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream() { } void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::HandleError(OSStatus err) { // source_ can be set to NULL from another thread. We need to cache its // pointer while we operate here. Note that does not mean that the source // has been destroyed. AudioSourceCallback* source = source_; if (source) source->OnError(this, static_cast(err)); NOTREACHED() << "error code " << err; } bool PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::Open() { // Create the actual queue object and let the OS use its own thread to // run its CFRunLoop. OSStatus err = AudioQueueNewOutput(&format_, RenderCallback, this, NULL, kCFRunLoopCommonModes, 0, &audio_queue_); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); return false; } // Allocate the hardware-managed buffers. for (uint32 ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { err = AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(audio_queue_, packet_size_, &buffer_[ix]); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); return false; } // Allocate memory for user data. buffer_[ix]->mUserData = new AudioQueueUserData(); } // Set initial volume here. err = AudioQueueSetParameter(audio_queue_, kAudioQueueParam_Volume, 1.0); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); return false; } return true; } void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::Close() { // It is valid to call Close() before calling Open(), thus audio_queue_ // might be NULL. if (audio_queue_) { OSStatus err = 0; for (uint32 ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { if (buffer_[ix]) { // Free user data. delete static_cast(buffer_[ix]->mUserData); // Free AudioQueue buffer. err = AudioQueueFreeBuffer(audio_queue_, buffer_[ix]); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); break; } } } err = AudioQueueDispose(audio_queue_, true); if (err != noErr) HandleError(err); } // Inform the audio manager that we have been closed. This can cause our // destruction. manager_->ReleaseOutputStream(this); } void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::Stop() { // We request a synchronous stop, so the next call can take some time. In // the windows implementation we block here as well. source_ = NULL; // We set the source to null to signal to the data queueing thread it can stop // queueing data, however at most one callback might still be in flight which // could attempt to enqueue right after the next call. Rather that trying to // use a lock we rely on the internal Mac queue lock so the enqueue might // succeed or might fail but it won't crash or leave the queue itself in an // inconsistent state. OSStatus err = AudioQueueStop(audio_queue_, true); if (err != noErr) HandleError(err); } void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::SetVolume(double volume) { if (!audio_queue_) return; volume_ = static_cast(volume); OSStatus err = AudioQueueSetParameter(audio_queue_, kAudioQueueParam_Volume, volume); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); } } void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::GetVolume(double* volume) { if (!audio_queue_) return; *volume = volume_; } // Reorder PCM from AAC layout to Core Audio layout. // TODO(fbarchard): Switch layout when ffmpeg is updated. template static void SwizzleLayout(Format* b, uint32 filled) { static const int kNumSurroundChannels = 6; Format aac[kNumSurroundChannels]; for (uint32 i = 0; i < filled; i += sizeof(aac), b += kNumSurroundChannels) { memcpy(aac, b, sizeof(aac)); b[0] = aac[1]; // L b[1] = aac[2]; // R b[2] = aac[0]; // C b[3] = aac[5]; // LFE b[4] = aac[3]; // Ls b[5] = aac[4]; // Rs } } // Note to future hackers of this function: Do not add locks here because we // call out to third party source that might do crazy things including adquire // external locks or somehow re-enter here because its legal for them to call // some audio functions. void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::RenderCallback(void* p_this, AudioQueueRef queue, AudioQueueBufferRef buffer) { PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream* audio_stream = static_cast(p_this); // Call the audio source to fill the free buffer with data. Not having a // source means that the queue has been closed. This is not an error. AudioSourceCallback* source = audio_stream->source_; if (!source) return; // Adjust the number of pending bytes by subtracting the amount played. if (!static_cast(buffer->mUserData)->empty_buffer) audio_stream->pending_bytes_ -= buffer->mAudioDataByteSize; uint32 capacity = buffer->mAudioDataBytesCapacity; // TODO(sergeyu): Specify correct hardware delay for AudioBuffersState. uint32 filled = source->OnMoreData( audio_stream, reinterpret_cast(buffer->mAudioData), capacity, AudioBuffersState(audio_stream->pending_bytes_, 0)); // In order to keep the callback running, we need to provide a positive amount // of data to the audio queue. To simulate the behavior of Windows, we write // a buffer of silence. if (!filled) { CHECK(audio_stream->silence_bytes_ <= static_cast(capacity)); filled = audio_stream->silence_bytes_; memset(buffer->mAudioData, 0, filled); static_cast(buffer->mUserData)->empty_buffer = true; } else if (filled > capacity) { // User probably overran our buffer. audio_stream->HandleError(0); return; } else { static_cast(buffer->mUserData)->empty_buffer = false; } // Handle channel order for 5.1 audio. if (audio_stream->format_.mChannelsPerFrame == 6) { if (audio_stream->format_.mBitsPerChannel == 8) { SwizzleLayout(reinterpret_cast(buffer->mAudioData), filled); } else if (audio_stream->format_.mBitsPerChannel == 16) { SwizzleLayout(reinterpret_cast(buffer->mAudioData), filled); } else if (audio_stream->format_.mBitsPerChannel == 32) { SwizzleLayout(reinterpret_cast(buffer->mAudioData), filled); } } buffer->mAudioDataByteSize = filled; // Incremnet bytes by amount filled into audio buffer if this is not a // silence buffer. if (!static_cast(buffer->mUserData)->empty_buffer) audio_stream->pending_bytes_ += filled; if (NULL == queue) return; // Queue the audio data to the audio driver. OSStatus err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(queue, buffer, 0, NULL); if (err != noErr) { if (err == kAudioQueueErr_EnqueueDuringReset) { // This is the error you get if you try to enqueue a buffer and the // queue has been closed. Not really a problem if indeed the queue // has been closed. if (!audio_stream->source_) return; } audio_stream->HandleError(err); } } void PCMQueueOutAudioOutputStream::Start(AudioSourceCallback* callback) { DCHECK(callback); OSStatus err = noErr; source_ = callback; pending_bytes_ = 0; // Ask the source to pre-fill all our buffers before playing. for (uint32 ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { buffer_[ix]->mAudioDataByteSize = 0; RenderCallback(this, NULL, buffer_[ix]); } // Queue the buffers to the audio driver, sounds starts now. for (uint32 ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(audio_queue_, buffer_[ix], 0, NULL); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); return; } } err = AudioQueueStart(audio_queue_, NULL); if (err != noErr) { HandleError(err); return; } }