// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "media/audio/audio_output.h" #include "media/audio/simple_sources.h" #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using ::testing::_; using ::testing::AnyNumber; using ::testing::DoAll; using ::testing::InSequence; using ::testing::Invoke; using ::testing::NiceMock; using ::testing::NotNull; using ::testing::Return; class MockAudioSource : public AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback { public: MOCK_METHOD4(OnMoreData, size_t(AudioOutputStream* stream, void* dest, size_t max_size, int pending_bytes)); MOCK_METHOD1(OnClose, void(AudioOutputStream* stream)); MOCK_METHOD2(OnError, void(AudioOutputStream* stream, int code)); }; // Validate that the SineWaveAudioSource writes the expected values for // the FORMAT_16BIT_MONO. TEST(MacAudioTest, SineWaveAudio16MonoTest) { const size_t samples = 1024; const int freq = 200; SineWaveAudioSource source(SineWaveAudioSource::FORMAT_16BIT_LINEAR_PCM, 1, freq, AudioManager::kTelephoneSampleRate); // TODO(cpu): Put the real test when the mock renderer is ported. int16 buffer[samples] = { 0xffff }; source.OnMoreData(NULL, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); EXPECT_EQ(0, buffer[0]); EXPECT_EQ(5126, buffer[1]); } // =========================================================================== // Validation of AudioManager::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR // // Unlike windows, the tests can reliably detect the existense of real // audio devices on the bots thus no need for 'headless' detection. // Test that can it be created and closed. TEST(MacAudioTest, PCMWaveStreamGetAndClose) { AudioManager* audio_man = AudioManager::GetAudioManager(); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != audio_man); if (!audio_man->HasAudioDevices()) return; AudioOutputStream* oas = audio_man->MakeAudioStream(AudioManager::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, 2, 8000, 16); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != oas); oas->Close(); } // Test that it can be opened and closed. TEST(MacAudioTest, PCMWaveStreamOpenAndClose) { AudioManager* audio_man = AudioManager::GetAudioManager(); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != audio_man); if (!audio_man->HasAudioDevices()) return; AudioOutputStream* oas = audio_man->MakeAudioStream(AudioManager::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, 2, 8000, 16); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != oas); EXPECT_TRUE(oas->Open(1024)); oas->Close(); } // This test produces actual audio for 1.5 seconds on the default wave device at // 44.1K s/sec. Parameters have been chosen carefully so you should not hear // pops or noises while the sound is playing. The sound must also be identical // to the sound of PCMWaveStreamPlay200HzTone22KssMono test. TEST(MacAudioTest, PCMWaveStreamPlay200HzTone44KssMono) { AudioManager* audio_man = AudioManager::GetAudioManager(); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != audio_man); if (!audio_man->HasAudioDevices()) return; AudioOutputStream* oas = audio_man->MakeAudioStream(AudioManager::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, 1, AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate, 16); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != oas); SineWaveAudioSource source(SineWaveAudioSource::FORMAT_16BIT_LINEAR_PCM, 1, 200.0, AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate); size_t bytes_100_ms = (AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate / 10) * 2; EXPECT_TRUE(oas->Open(bytes_100_ms)); oas->SetVolume(0.5); oas->Start(&source); usleep(1500000); // Test that the volume is within the set limits. double volume = 0.0; oas->GetVolume(&volume); EXPECT_LT(volume, 0.51); EXPECT_GT(volume, 0.49); oas->Stop(); oas->Close(); } // This test produces actual audio for 1.5 seconds on the default wave device at // 22K s/sec. Parameters have been chosen carefully so you should not hear pops // or noises while the sound is playing. The sound must also be identical to the // sound of PCMWaveStreamPlay200HzTone44KssMono test. TEST(MacAudioTest, PCMWaveStreamPlay200HzTone22KssMono) { AudioManager* audio_man = AudioManager::GetAudioManager(); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != audio_man); if (!audio_man->HasAudioDevices()) return; AudioOutputStream* oas = audio_man->MakeAudioStream(AudioManager::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, 1, AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate/2, 16); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != oas); SineWaveAudioSource source(SineWaveAudioSource::FORMAT_16BIT_LINEAR_PCM, 1, 200.0, AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate/2); size_t bytes_100_ms = (AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate / 20) * 2; EXPECT_TRUE(oas->Open(bytes_100_ms)); oas->Start(&source); usleep(1500000); oas->Stop(); oas->Close(); } // Custom action to clear a memory buffer. static void ClearBuffer(AudioOutputStream* strea, void* dest, size_t max_size, size_t pending_bytes) { memset(dest, 0, max_size); } TEST(MacAudioTest, PCMWaveStreamPendingBytes) { AudioManager* audio_man = AudioManager::GetAudioManager(); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != audio_man); if (!audio_man->HasAudioDevices()) return; AudioOutputStream* oas = audio_man->MakeAudioStream(AudioManager::AUDIO_PCM_LINEAR, 1, AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate, 16); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != oas); NiceMock<MockAudioSource> source; size_t bytes_100_ms = (AudioManager::kAudioCDSampleRate / 10) * 2; EXPECT_TRUE(oas->Open(bytes_100_ms)); // We expect the amount of pending bytes will reaching |bytes_100_ms| // because the audio output stream has a double buffer scheme. // And then we will try to provide zero data so the amount of pending bytes // will go down and eventually read zero. InSequence s; EXPECT_CALL(source, OnMoreData(oas, NotNull(), bytes_100_ms, 0)) .WillOnce(DoAll(Invoke(&ClearBuffer), Return(bytes_100_ms))); EXPECT_CALL(source, OnMoreData(oas, NotNull(), bytes_100_ms, bytes_100_ms)) .WillOnce(DoAll(Invoke(&ClearBuffer), Return(bytes_100_ms))); EXPECT_CALL(source, OnMoreData(oas, NotNull(), bytes_100_ms, bytes_100_ms)) .WillOnce(Return(0)); EXPECT_CALL(source, OnMoreData(oas, NotNull(), bytes_100_ms, _)) .Times(AnyNumber()) .WillRepeatedly(Return(0)); oas->Start(&source); usleep(500000); oas->Stop(); oas->Close(); }