// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") #include "media/audio/win/waveout_output_win.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "media/audio/audio_output.h" #include "media/audio/win/audio_manager_win.h" // Some general thoughts about the waveOut API which is badly documented : // - We use CALLBACK_FUNCTION mode in which XP secretly creates two threads // named _MixerCallbackThread and _waveThread which have real-time priority. // The callbacks occur in _waveThread. // - Windows does not provide a way to query if the device is playing or paused // thus it forces you to maintain state, which naturally is not exactly // synchronized to the actual device state. // - Some functions, like waveOutReset cannot be called in the callback thread // or called in any random state because they deadlock. This results in a // non- instantaneous Stop() method. waveOutPrepareHeader seems to be in the // same boat. // - waveOutReset() will forcefully kill the _waveThread so it is important // to make sure we are not executing inside the audio source's OnMoreData() // or that we take locks inside WaveCallback() or QueueNextPacket(). namespace { // We settled for a double buffering scheme. It seems to strike a good balance // between how fast data needs to be provided versus memory usage. const size_t kNumBuffers = 2; // The maximum volume for a PCM device on windows. Volume is logarithmic so the // perceived volume increase sounds linear. const double kMaxVolumeLevel = 65535.0; // Our sound buffers are allocated once and kept in a linked list using the // the WAVEHDR::dwUser variable. The last buffer points to the first buffer. WAVEHDR* GetNextBuffer(WAVEHDR* current) { return reinterpret_cast(current->dwUser); } } // namespace PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream( AudioManagerWin* manager, int channels, int sampling_rate, char bits_per_sample, UINT device_id) : state_(PCMA_BRAND_NEW), manager_(manager), device_id_(device_id), waveout_(NULL), callback_(NULL), buffer_(NULL), buffer_size_(0) { format_.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; format_.nChannels = channels; format_.nSamplesPerSec = sampling_rate; format_.wBitsPerSample = bits_per_sample; format_.cbSize = 0; // The next are computed from above. format_.nBlockAlign = (format_.nChannels * format_.wBitsPerSample) / 8; format_.nAvgBytesPerSec = format_.nBlockAlign * format_.nSamplesPerSec; // The event is auto-reset. stopped_event_.Set(::CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)); } PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::~PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream() { DCHECK(NULL == waveout_); } bool PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::Open(size_t buffer_size) { if (state_ != PCMA_BRAND_NEW) return false; // Open the device. We'll be getting callback in WaveCallback function. They // occur in a magic, time-critical thread that windows creates. MMRESULT result = ::waveOutOpen(&waveout_, device_id_, &format_, reinterpret_cast(WaveCallback), reinterpret_cast(this), CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) return false; // If we don't have a packet size we use 100ms. if (!buffer_size) buffer_size = format_.nAvgBytesPerSec / 10; SetupBuffers(buffer_size); buffer_size_ = buffer_size; state_ = PCMA_READY; return true; } void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::SetupBuffers(size_t rq_size) { WAVEHDR* last = NULL; WAVEHDR* first = NULL; for (int ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { size_t sz = sizeof(WAVEHDR) + rq_size; buffer_ = reinterpret_cast(new char[sz]); buffer_->lpData = reinterpret_cast(buffer_) + sizeof(WAVEHDR); buffer_->dwBufferLength = rq_size; buffer_->dwBytesRecorded = 0; buffer_->dwUser = reinterpret_cast(last); buffer_->dwFlags = WHDR_DONE; buffer_->dwLoops = 0; if (ix == 0) first = buffer_; last = buffer_; // Tell windows sound drivers about our buffers. Not documented what // this does but we can guess that causes the OS to keep a reference to // the memory pages so the driver can use them without worries. ::waveOutPrepareHeader(waveout_, buffer_, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } // Fix the first buffer to point to the last one. first->dwUser = reinterpret_cast(last); } void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::FreeBuffers() { WAVEHDR* current = buffer_; for (int ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { WAVEHDR* next = GetNextBuffer(current); ::waveOutUnprepareHeader(waveout_, current, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); delete[] reinterpret_cast(current); current = next; } buffer_ = NULL; } // Initially we ask the source to fill up both audio buffers. If we don't do // this then we would always get the driver callback when it is about to run // samples and that would leave too little time to react. void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::Start(AudioSourceCallback* callback) { if (state_ != PCMA_READY) return; callback_ = callback; state_ = PCMA_PLAYING; WAVEHDR* buffer = buffer_; for (int ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { QueueNextPacket(buffer); buffer = GetNextBuffer(buffer); } buffer = buffer_; // Send the buffers to the audio driver. for (int ix = 0; ix != kNumBuffers; ++ix) { MMRESULT result = ::waveOutWrite(waveout_, buffer, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { HandleError(result); break; } buffer = GetNextBuffer(buffer); } } // Stopping is tricky. First, no buffer should be locked by the audio driver // or else the waveOutReset will deadlock and secondly, the callback should not // be inside the AudioSource's OnMoreData because waveOutReset() forcefully // kills the callback thread. void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::Stop() { if (state_ != PCMA_PLAYING) return; state_ = PCMA_STOPPING; // Wait for the callback to finish, it will signal us when ready to be reset. if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != ::WaitForSingleObject(stopped_event_, INFINITE)) { HandleError(::GetLastError()); return; } state_ = PCMA_STOPPED; MMRESULT res = ::waveOutReset(waveout_); if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { state_ = PCMA_PLAYING; HandleError(res); return; } state_ = PCMA_READY; } // We can Close in any state except that trying to close a stream that is // playing Windows generates an error, which we propagate to the source. void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::Close() { if (waveout_) { // waveOutClose generates a callback with WOM_CLOSE id in the same thread. MMRESULT res = ::waveOutClose(waveout_); if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { HandleError(res); return; } state_ = PCMA_CLOSED; waveout_ = NULL; FreeBuffers(); } // Tell the audio manager that we have been released. This can result in // the manager destroying us in-place so this needs to be the last thing // we do on this function. manager_->ReleaseStream(this); } void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::SetVolume(double left_level, double right_level) { if (!waveout_) return; uint16 left = static_cast(left_level * kMaxVolumeLevel); uint16 right = static_cast(right_level * kMaxVolumeLevel); DWORD volume_packed = MAKELONG(left, right); MMRESULT res = ::waveOutSetVolume(waveout_, volume_packed); if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { HandleError(res); return; } } void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::GetVolume(double* left_level, double* right_level) { if (!waveout_) return; DWORD volume_packed = 0; MMRESULT res = ::waveOutGetVolume(waveout_, &volume_packed); if (res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { HandleError(res); return; } *left_level = static_cast(LOWORD(volume_packed)) / kMaxVolumeLevel; *right_level = static_cast(HIWORD(volume_packed)) / kMaxVolumeLevel; } size_t PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::GetNumBuffers() { return kNumBuffers; } void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::HandleError(MMRESULT error) { DLOG(WARNING) << "PCMWaveOutAudio error " << error; callback_->OnError(this, error); } void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::QueueNextPacket(WAVEHDR *buffer) { // Call the source which will fill our buffer with pleasant sounds and // return to us how many bytes were used. // TODO(fbarchard): Handle used 0 by queueing more. size_t used = callback_->OnMoreData(this, buffer->lpData, buffer_size_); if (used <= buffer_size_) { buffer->dwBufferLength = used; } else { HandleError(0); return; } buffer->dwFlags = WHDR_PREPARED; } // Windows call us back in this function when some events happen. Most notably // when it is done playing a buffer. Since we use double buffering it is // convenient to think of |buffer| as free and GetNextBuffer(buffer) as in // use by the driver. void PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream::WaveCallback(HWAVEOUT hwo, UINT msg, DWORD_PTR instance, DWORD_PTR param1, DWORD_PTR) { PCMWaveOutAudioOutputStream* obj = reinterpret_cast(instance); if (msg == WOM_DONE) { // WOM_DONE indicates that the driver is done with our buffer, we can // either ask the source for more data or check if we need to stop playing. WAVEHDR* buffer = reinterpret_cast(param1); buffer->dwFlags = WHDR_DONE; if (obj->state_ == PCMA_STOPPING) { // The main thread has called Stop() and is waiting to issue waveOutReset // which will kill this thread. We should not enter AudioSourceCallback // code anymore. ::SetEvent(obj->stopped_event_); return; } else if (obj->state_ == PCMA_STOPPED) { // Not sure if ever hit this but just in case. return; } obj->QueueNextPacket(buffer); // Time to send the buffer to the audio driver. Since we are reusing // the same buffers we can get away without calling waveOutPrepareHeader. MMRESULT result = ::waveOutWrite(hwo, buffer, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (result != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) obj->HandleError(result); } else if (msg == WOM_CLOSE) { // We can be closed before calling Start, so it is possible to have a // null callback at this point. if (obj->callback_) obj->callback_->OnClose(obj); } }