// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "media/base/audio_buffer.h" #include "media/base/audio_bus.h" #include "media/base/test_helpers.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace media { static const int kSampleRate = 48000; static void VerifyBusWithOffset(AudioBus* bus, int offset, int frames, float start, float start_offset, float increment) { for (int ch = 0; ch < bus->channels(); ++ch) { const float v = start_offset + start + ch * bus->frames() * increment; for (int i = offset; i < offset + frames; ++i) { ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(v + i * increment, bus->channel(ch)[i]) << "i=" << i << ", ch=" << ch; } } } static void VerifyBus(AudioBus* bus, int frames, float start, float increment) { VerifyBusWithOffset(bus, 0, frames, start, 0, increment); } static void TrimRangeTest(SampleFormat sample_format) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = kSampleRate / 10; const base::TimeDelta timestamp = base::TimeDelta(); const base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100); scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(sample_format, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 0, 1, frames, timestamp); EXPECT_EQ(frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration, buffer->duration()); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); // Verify all frames before trimming. buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 0, 1); // Trim 10ms of frames from the middle of the buffer. int trim_start = frames / 2; const int trim_length = kSampleRate / 100; const base::TimeDelta trim_duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10); buffer->TrimRange(trim_start, trim_start + trim_length); EXPECT_EQ(frames - trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - trim_duration, buffer->duration()); bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), trim_start, 0, 1); VerifyBusWithOffset(bus.get(), trim_start, buffer->frame_count() - trim_start, 0, trim_length, 1); // Trim 10ms of frames from the start, which just adjusts the buffer's // internal start offset. buffer->TrimStart(trim_length); trim_start -= trim_length; EXPECT_EQ(frames - 2 * trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp + trim_duration, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 2 * trim_duration, buffer->duration()); bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), trim_start, trim_length, 1); VerifyBusWithOffset(bus.get(), trim_start, buffer->frame_count() - trim_start, trim_length, trim_length, 1); // Trim 10ms of frames from the end, which just adjusts the buffer's frame // count. buffer->TrimEnd(trim_length); EXPECT_EQ(frames - 3 * trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp + trim_duration, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 3 * trim_duration, buffer->duration()); bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), trim_start, trim_length, 1); VerifyBusWithOffset(bus.get(), trim_start, buffer->frame_count() - trim_start, trim_length, trim_length, 1); // Trim another 10ms from the inner portion of the buffer. buffer->TrimRange(trim_start, trim_start + trim_length); EXPECT_EQ(frames - 4 * trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp + trim_duration, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 4 * trim_duration, buffer->duration()); bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), trim_start, trim_length, 1); VerifyBusWithOffset(bus.get(), trim_start, buffer->frame_count() - trim_start, trim_length, trim_length * 2, 1); // Trim off the end using TrimRange() to ensure end index is exclusive. buffer->TrimRange(buffer->frame_count() - trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(frames - 5 * trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp + trim_duration, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 5 * trim_duration, buffer->duration()); bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), trim_start, trim_length, 1); VerifyBusWithOffset(bus.get(), trim_start, buffer->frame_count() - trim_start, trim_length, trim_length * 2, 1); // Trim off the start using TrimRange() to ensure start index is inclusive. buffer->TrimRange(0, trim_length); trim_start -= trim_length; EXPECT_EQ(frames - 6 * trim_length, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(timestamp + trim_duration, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 6 * trim_duration, buffer->duration()); bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), trim_start, 2 * trim_length, 1); VerifyBusWithOffset(bus.get(), trim_start, buffer->frame_count() - trim_start, trim_length * 2, trim_length * 2, 1); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, CopyFrom) { const ChannelLayout kChannelLayout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_MONO; scoped_refptr original_buffer = MakeAudioBuffer( kSampleFormatU8, kChannelLayout, ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(kChannelLayout), kSampleRate, 1, 1, kSampleRate / 100, base::TimeDelta()); scoped_refptr new_buffer = AudioBuffer::CopyFrom(kSampleFormatU8, original_buffer->channel_layout(), original_buffer->channel_count(), original_buffer->sample_rate(), original_buffer->frame_count(), &original_buffer->channel_data()[0], original_buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(original_buffer->frame_count(), new_buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(original_buffer->timestamp(), new_buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(original_buffer->duration(), new_buffer->duration()); EXPECT_EQ(original_buffer->sample_rate(), new_buffer->sample_rate()); EXPECT_EQ(original_buffer->channel_count(), new_buffer->channel_count()); EXPECT_EQ(original_buffer->channel_layout(), new_buffer->channel_layout()); EXPECT_FALSE(original_buffer->end_of_stream()); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, CreateEOSBuffer) { scoped_refptr buffer = AudioBuffer::CreateEOSBuffer(); EXPECT_TRUE(buffer->end_of_stream()); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, FrameSize) { const uint8_t kTestData[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}; const base::TimeDelta kTimestamp = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(1337); const uint8_t* const data[] = {kTestData}; scoped_refptr buffer = AudioBuffer::CopyFrom(kSampleFormatU8, CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO, 2, kSampleRate, 16, data, kTimestamp); EXPECT_EQ(16, buffer->frame_count()); // 2 channels of 8-bit data buffer = AudioBuffer::CopyFrom(kSampleFormatF32, CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0, 4, kSampleRate, 2, data, kTimestamp); EXPECT_EQ(2, buffer->frame_count()); // now 4 channels of 32-bit data } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadU8) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = 10; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatU8, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 128, 1, frames, start_time); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 0, 1.0f / 127.0f); // Now read the same data one frame at a time. bus->Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) buffer->ReadFrames(1, i, i, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 0, 1.0f / 127.0f); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadS16) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = 10; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatS16, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 1, 1, frames, start_time); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); // Now read the same data one frame at a time. bus->Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) buffer->ReadFrames(1, i, i, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadS32) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = 20; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatS32, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 1, 1, frames, start_time); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); // Read second 10 frames. bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(10, 10, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), 10, 11.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadF32) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = 20; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatF32, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 1.0f, 1.0f, frames, start_time); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(10, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), 10, 1, 1); // Read second 10 frames. bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(10, 10, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), 10, 11, 1); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadS16Planar) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = 20; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatPlanarS16, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 1, 1, frames, start_time); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(10, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), 10, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); // Read all the frames backwards, one by one. ch[0] should be 20, 19, ... bus->Zero(); for (int i = frames - 1; i >= 0; --i) buffer->ReadFrames(1, i, i, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); // Read 0 frames with different offsets. Existing data in AudioBus should be // unchanged. buffer->ReadFrames(0, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); buffer->ReadFrames(0, 0, 10, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); buffer->ReadFrames(0, 10, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), 1.0f / std::numeric_limits::max()); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadF32Planar) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = 100; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatPlanarF32, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 1.0f, 1.0f, frames, start_time); // Read all 100 frames from the buffer. F32 is planar, so ch[0] should be 1, // 2, 3, 4, ..., ch[1] should be 101, 102, 103, ..., and so on for all 4 // channels. scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, 100); buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 1, 1); // Now read 20 frames from the middle of the buffer. bus->Zero(); buffer->ReadFrames(20, 50, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), 20, 51, 1); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, EmptyBuffer) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = kSampleRate / 100; const base::TimeDelta start_time; scoped_refptr buffer = AudioBuffer::CreateEmptyBuffer( channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, frames, start_time); EXPECT_EQ(frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(start_time, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), buffer->duration()); EXPECT_FALSE(buffer->end_of_stream()); // Read all 100 frames from the buffer. All data should be 0. scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(frames, 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), frames, 0, 0); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, Trim) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = kSampleRate / 10; const base::TimeDelta start_time; const base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100); scoped_refptr buffer = MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatPlanarF32, channel_layout, channels, kSampleRate, 0.0f, 1.0f, frames, start_time); EXPECT_EQ(frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(start_time, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(duration, buffer->duration()); const int ten_ms_of_frames = kSampleRate / 100; const base::TimeDelta ten_ms = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10); scoped_ptr bus = AudioBus::Create(channels, frames); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), buffer->frame_count(), 0.0f, 1.0f); // Trim off 10ms of frames from the start. buffer->TrimStart(ten_ms_of_frames); EXPECT_EQ(start_time + ten_ms, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(frames - ten_ms_of_frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - ten_ms, buffer->duration()); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), buffer->frame_count(), ten_ms_of_frames, 1.0f); // Trim off 10ms of frames from the end. buffer->TrimEnd(ten_ms_of_frames); EXPECT_EQ(start_time + ten_ms, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(frames - 2 * ten_ms_of_frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 2 * ten_ms, buffer->duration()); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), buffer->frame_count(), ten_ms_of_frames, 1.0f); // Trim off 40ms more from the start. buffer->TrimStart(4 * ten_ms_of_frames); EXPECT_EQ(start_time + 5 * ten_ms, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(frames - 6 * ten_ms_of_frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(duration - 6 * ten_ms, buffer->duration()); buffer->ReadFrames(buffer->frame_count(), 0, 0, bus.get()); VerifyBus(bus.get(), buffer->frame_count(), 5 * ten_ms_of_frames, 1.0f); // Trim off the final 40ms from the end. buffer->TrimEnd(4 * ten_ms_of_frames); EXPECT_EQ(0, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(start_time + 5 * ten_ms, buffer->timestamp()); EXPECT_EQ(base::TimeDelta(), buffer->duration()); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, TrimRangePlanar) { TrimRangeTest(kSampleFormatPlanarF32); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, TrimRangeInterleaved) { TrimRangeTest(kSampleFormatF32); } static scoped_refptr MakeReadFramesInterleavedTestBuffer( SampleFormat sample_format, int sample_rate, ChannelLayout channel_layout, int channel_count, int frames) { switch (sample_format) { case kSampleFormatS16: case kSampleFormatPlanarS16: return MakeAudioBuffer(sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, 0, 1, frames, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0)); case kSampleFormatS24: case kSampleFormatS32: return MakeAudioBuffer(kSampleFormatS32, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, 0, 65536, frames, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0)); case kSampleFormatF32: case kSampleFormatPlanarF32: return MakeAudioBuffer( sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, 0.0f, 65536.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), frames, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0)); case kSampleFormatPlanarS32: return MakeAudioBuffer( sample_format, channel_layout, channel_count, sample_rate, 0.0f, 65536.0f / std::numeric_limits::max(), frames, base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0)); case kSampleFormatU8: case kUnknownSampleFormat: EXPECT_FALSE(true); break; } return AudioBuffer::CreateEOSBuffer(); } static void ReadFramesInterleavedS32Test(SampleFormat sample_format) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = kSampleRate / 100; const base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10); scoped_refptr buffer = MakeReadFramesInterleavedTestBuffer( sample_format, kSampleRate, channel_layout, channels, frames); EXPECT_EQ(frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(duration, buffer->duration()); int32_t* dest = new int32_t[frames * channels]; buffer->ReadFramesInterleavedS32(frames, dest); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) { for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) { EXPECT_EQ(dest[count++], (frames * ch + i) << 16); } } delete[] dest; } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS32FromS16) { ReadFramesInterleavedS32Test(kSampleFormatS16); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS32FromS32) { ReadFramesInterleavedS32Test(kSampleFormatS32); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS32FromF32) { ReadFramesInterleavedS32Test(kSampleFormatF32); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS32FromPlanarS16) { ReadFramesInterleavedS32Test(kSampleFormatPlanarS16); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS32FromPlanarF32) { ReadFramesInterleavedS32Test(kSampleFormatPlanarF32); } static void ReadFramesInterleavedS16Test(SampleFormat sample_format) { const ChannelLayout channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_4_0; const int channels = ChannelLayoutToChannelCount(channel_layout); const int frames = kSampleRate / 100; const base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10); scoped_refptr buffer = MakeReadFramesInterleavedTestBuffer( sample_format, kSampleRate, channel_layout, channels, frames); EXPECT_EQ(frames, buffer->frame_count()); EXPECT_EQ(duration, buffer->duration()); int16_t* dest = new int16_t[frames * channels]; buffer->ReadFramesInterleavedS16(frames, dest); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) { for (int ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) { EXPECT_EQ(dest[count++], (frames * ch + i)); } } delete[] dest; } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS16FromS16) { ReadFramesInterleavedS16Test(kSampleFormatS16); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS16FromS32) { ReadFramesInterleavedS16Test(kSampleFormatS32); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS16FromF32) { ReadFramesInterleavedS16Test(kSampleFormatF32); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS16FromPlanarS16) { ReadFramesInterleavedS16Test(kSampleFormatPlanarS16); } TEST(AudioBufferTest, ReadFramesInterleavedS16FromPlanarF32) { ReadFramesInterleavedS16Test(kSampleFormatPlanarF32); } } // namespace media