// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/base/media.h" #include #include #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/native_library.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/stringize_macros.h" #include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h" #include "third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_stubs.h" namespace tp_ffmpeg = third_party_ffmpeg; namespace media { // Handy to prevent shooting ourselves in the foot with macro wizardry. #if !defined(LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR) || \ !defined(LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR) || \ !defined(LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MAJOR) #error FFmpeg headers not included! #endif #define AVCODEC_VERSION STRINGIZE(LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR) #define AVFORMAT_VERSION STRINGIZE(LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR) #define AVUTIL_VERSION STRINGIZE(LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_MAJOR) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // TODO(evan): should be using .so like ffmepgsumo here. #define DSO_NAME(MODULE, VERSION) ("lib" MODULE "." VERSION ".dylib") static const FilePath::CharType sumo_name[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ffmpegsumo.so"); #elif defined(OS_POSIX) #define DSO_NAME(MODULE, VERSION) ("lib" MODULE ".so." VERSION) static const FilePath::CharType sumo_name[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("libffmpegsumo.so"); #else #error "Do not know how to construct DSO name for this OS." #endif static const FilePath::CharType openmax_name[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("libOmxCore.so"); // Retrieves the DSOName for the given key. static std::string GetDSOName(tp_ffmpeg::StubModules stub_key) { // TODO(ajwong): Remove this once mac is migrated. Either that, or have GYP // set a constant that we can switch implementations based off of. switch (stub_key) { case tp_ffmpeg::kModuleAvcodec54: return FILE_PATH_LITERAL(DSO_NAME("avcodec", AVCODEC_VERSION)); case tp_ffmpeg::kModuleAvformat54: return FILE_PATH_LITERAL(DSO_NAME("avformat", AVFORMAT_VERSION)); case tp_ffmpeg::kModuleAvutil51: return FILE_PATH_LITERAL(DSO_NAME("avutil", AVUTIL_VERSION)); default: LOG(DFATAL) << "Invalid stub module requested: " << stub_key; return FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""); } } static bool g_media_library_is_initialized = false; // Attempts to initialize the media library (loading DSOs, etc.). // Returns true if everything was successfully initialized, false otherwise. bool InitializeMediaLibrary(const FilePath& module_dir) { if (g_media_library_is_initialized) return true; // TODO(ajwong): We need error resolution. tp_ffmpeg::StubPathMap paths; for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(tp_ffmpeg::kNumStubModules); ++i) { tp_ffmpeg::StubModules module = static_cast(i); // Add the sumo library first so it takes precedence. paths[module].push_back(module_dir.Append(sumo_name).value()); // Add the more specific FFmpeg library name. FilePath path = module_dir.Append(GetDSOName(module)); paths[module].push_back(path.value()); } g_media_library_is_initialized = tp_ffmpeg::InitializeStubs(paths); return g_media_library_is_initialized; } void InitializeMediaLibraryForTesting() { FilePath file_path; CHECK(PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &file_path)); CHECK(InitializeMediaLibrary(file_path)); } bool IsMediaLibraryInitialized() { return g_media_library_is_initialized; } } // namespace media