// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // TODO(scherkus): clean up PipelineImpl... too many crazy function names, // potential deadlocks, etc... #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/condition_variable.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "media/base/filter_host_impl.h" #include "media/base/media_format.h" #include "media/base/pipeline_impl.h" namespace media { namespace { // Small helper function to help us transition over to injected message loops. // // TODO(scherkus): have every filter support injected message loops. template bool SupportsSetMessageLoop() { switch (Filter::filter_type()) { case FILTER_DEMUXER: case FILTER_AUDIO_DECODER: case FILTER_VIDEO_DECODER: return true; default: return false; } } // Helper function used with NewRunnableMethod to implement a (very) crude // blocking counter. // // TODO(scherkus): remove this as soon as Stop() is made asynchronous. void DecrementCounter(Lock* lock, ConditionVariable* cond_var, int* count) { AutoLock auto_lock(*lock); --(*count); CHECK(*count >= 0); if (*count == 0) { cond_var->Signal(); } } } // namespace PipelineImpl::PipelineImpl() { ResetState(); } PipelineImpl::~PipelineImpl() { Stop(); } bool PipelineImpl::IsInitialized() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return initialized_; } base::TimeDelta PipelineImpl::GetDuration() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return duration_; } base::TimeDelta PipelineImpl::GetBufferedTime() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return buffered_time_; } int64 PipelineImpl::GetTotalBytes() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return total_bytes_; } int64 PipelineImpl::GetBufferedBytes() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return buffered_bytes_; } void PipelineImpl::GetVideoSize(size_t* width_out, size_t* height_out) const { DCHECK(width_out); DCHECK(height_out); AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); *width_out = video_width_; *height_out = video_height_; } float PipelineImpl::GetVolume() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return volume_; } float PipelineImpl::GetPlaybackRate() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return playback_rate_; } base::TimeDelta PipelineImpl::GetTime() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return time_; } base::TimeDelta PipelineImpl::GetInterpolatedTime() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); base::TimeDelta time = time_; if (playback_rate_ > 0.0f) { base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeTicks::Now() - ticks_at_last_set_time_; if (playback_rate_ == 1.0f) { time += delta; } else { int64 adjusted_delta = static_cast(delta.InMicroseconds() * playback_rate_); time += base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(adjusted_delta); } } return time; } void PipelineImpl::SetTime(base::TimeDelta time) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); time_ = time; ticks_at_last_set_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } void PipelineImpl::InternalSetPlaybackRate(float rate) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); if (playback_rate_ == 0.0f && rate > 0.0f) { ticks_at_last_set_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); } playback_rate_ = rate; } PipelineError PipelineImpl::GetError() const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); return error_; } bool PipelineImpl::IsRendered(const std::string& major_mime_type) const { AutoLock auto_lock(const_cast(lock_)); bool is_rendered = (rendered_mime_types_.find(major_mime_type) != rendered_mime_types_.end()); return is_rendered; } bool PipelineImpl::InternalSetError(PipelineError error) { // Don't want callers to set an error of "OK". STOPPING is a special value // that should only be used internally by the StopTask() method. DCHECK(PIPELINE_OK != error && PIPELINE_STOPPING != error); AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); bool changed_error = false; if (PIPELINE_OK == error_) { error_ = error; changed_error = true; } return changed_error; } // Creates the PipelineThread and calls it's start method. bool PipelineImpl::Start(FilterFactory* factory, const std::string& url, PipelineCallback* init_complete_callback) { DCHECK(!pipeline_thread_); DCHECK(factory); DCHECK(!initialized_); DCHECK(!IsPipelineThread()); if (!pipeline_thread_ && factory) { pipeline_thread_ = new PipelineThread(this); if (pipeline_thread_) { // TODO(ralphl): Does the callback get copied by these fancy templates? // if so, then do I want to always delete it here??? if (pipeline_thread_->Start(factory, url, init_complete_callback)) { return true; } pipeline_thread_ = NULL; // Releases reference to destroy thread } } delete init_complete_callback; return false; } // Stop the PipelineThread and return to a state identical to that of a newly // created PipelineImpl object. void PipelineImpl::Stop() { DCHECK(!IsPipelineThread()); if (pipeline_thread_) { pipeline_thread_->Stop(); } ResetState(); } void PipelineImpl::SetPlaybackRate(float rate) { DCHECK(!IsPipelineThread()); if (IsPipelineOk() && rate >= 0.0f) { pipeline_thread_->SetPlaybackRate(rate); } else { // It's OK for a client to call SetPlaybackRate(0.0f) if we're stopped. DCHECK(rate == 0.0f && playback_rate_ == 0.0f); } } void PipelineImpl::Seek(base::TimeDelta time, PipelineCallback* seek_callback) { DCHECK(!IsPipelineThread()); if (IsPipelineOk()) { pipeline_thread_->Seek(time, seek_callback); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } void PipelineImpl::SetVolume(float volume) { DCHECK(!IsPipelineThread()); if (IsPipelineOk() && volume >= 0.0f && volume <= 1.0f) { pipeline_thread_->SetVolume(volume); } else { NOTREACHED(); } } void PipelineImpl::ResetState() { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); pipeline_thread_ = NULL; initialized_ = false; duration_ = base::TimeDelta(); buffered_time_ = base::TimeDelta(); buffered_bytes_ = 0; total_bytes_ = 0; video_width_ = 0; video_height_ = 0; volume_ = 0.0f; playback_rate_ = 0.0f; error_ = PIPELINE_OK; time_ = base::TimeDelta(); ticks_at_last_set_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); rendered_mime_types_.clear(); } bool PipelineImpl::IsPipelineOk() const { return pipeline_thread_ && initialized_ && PIPELINE_OK == error_; } bool PipelineImpl::IsPipelineThread() const { return pipeline_thread_ && PlatformThread::CurrentId() == pipeline_thread_->thread_id(); } void PipelineImpl::SetDuration(base::TimeDelta duration) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); duration_ = duration; } void PipelineImpl::SetBufferedTime(base::TimeDelta buffered_time) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); buffered_time_ = buffered_time; } void PipelineImpl::SetTotalBytes(int64 total_bytes) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); total_bytes_ = total_bytes; } void PipelineImpl::SetBufferedBytes(int64 buffered_bytes) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); buffered_bytes_ = buffered_bytes; } void PipelineImpl::SetVideoSize(size_t width, size_t height) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); video_width_ = width; video_height_ = height; } void PipelineImpl::InsertRenderedMimeType(const std::string& major_mime_type) { AutoLock auto_lock(lock_); rendered_mime_types_.insert(major_mime_type); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PipelineThread::PipelineThread(PipelineImpl* pipeline) : pipeline_(pipeline), thread_("PipelineThread"), time_update_callback_scheduled_(false), state_(kCreated) { } PipelineThread::~PipelineThread() { Stop(); DCHECK(state_ == kStopped || state_ == kError); } // This method is called on the client's thread. It starts the pipeline's // dedicated thread and posts a task to call the StartTask() method on that // thread. bool PipelineThread::Start(FilterFactory* filter_factory, const std::string& url, PipelineCallback* init_complete_callback) { DCHECK_EQ(kCreated, state_); if (thread_.Start()) { filter_factory_ = filter_factory; url_ = url; init_callback_.reset(init_complete_callback); PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::StartTask)); return true; } return false; } // Called on the client's thread. If the thread has been started, then posts // a task to call the StopTask() method, then waits until the thread has // stopped. void PipelineThread::Stop() { if (thread_.IsRunning()) { PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::StopTask)); thread_.Stop(); } DCHECK(filter_hosts_.empty()); DCHECK(filter_threads_.empty()); } // Called on client's thread. void PipelineThread::SetPlaybackRate(float rate) { PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::SetPlaybackRateTask, rate)); } // Called on client's thread. void PipelineThread::Seek(base::TimeDelta time, PipelineCallback* seek_callback) { PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::SeekTask, time, seek_callback)); } // Called on client's thread. void PipelineThread::SetVolume(float volume) { PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::SetVolumeTask, volume)); } void PipelineThread::InitializationComplete(FilterHostImpl* host) { if (IsPipelineOk()) { // Continue the start task by proceeding to the next stage. PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::StartTask)); } } // Called from any thread. Updates the pipeline time and schedules a task to // call back to filters that have registered a callback for time updates. void PipelineThread::SetTime(base::TimeDelta time) { pipeline()->SetTime(time); if (!time_update_callback_scheduled_) { time_update_callback_scheduled_ = true; PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::SetTimeTask)); } } // Called from any thread. Sets the pipeline |error_| member and schedules a // task to stop all the filters in the pipeline. Note that the thread will // continue to run until the client calls Pipeline::Stop(), but nothing will // be processed since filters will not be able to post tasks. void PipelineThread::Error(PipelineError error) { // If this method returns false, then an error has already happened, so no // reason to run the StopTask again. It's going to happen. if (pipeline()->InternalSetError(error)) { PostTask(NewRunnableMethod(this, &PipelineThread::StopTask)); } } // This is a helper method to post task on message_loop(). This method is only // called from this class or from Pipeline. void PipelineThread::PostTask(Task* task) { message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task); } // Main initialization method called on the pipeline thread. This code attempts // to use the specified filter factory to build a pipeline. // Initialization step performed in this method depends on current state of this // object, indicated by |state_|. After each step of initialization, this // object transits to the next stage. It starts by creating a DataSource, // connects it to a Demuxer, and then connects the Demuxer's audio stream to an // AudioDecoder which is then connected to an AudioRenderer. If the media has // video, then it connects a VideoDecoder to the Demuxer's video stream, and // then connects the VideoDecoder to a VideoRenderer. // // When all required filters have been created and have called their // FilterHost's InitializationComplete method, the pipeline's |initialized_| // member is set to true, and, if the client provided an // |init_complete_callback_|, it is called with "true". // // If initialization fails, the client's callback will still be called, but // the bool parameter passed to it will be false. // // TODO(hclam): StartTask is now starting the pipeline asynchronously. It // works like a big state change table. If we no longer need to start filters // in order, we need to get rid of all the state change. void PipelineThread::StartTask() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); // If we have received the stop signal, return immediately. if (state_ == kStopped) return; DCHECK(state_ == kCreated || IsPipelineInitializing()); // Just created, create data source. if (state_ == kCreated) { message_loop()->AddDestructionObserver(this); state_ = kInitDataSource; CreateDataSource(); return; } // Data source created, create demuxer. if (state_ == kInitDataSource) { state_ = kInitDemuxer; CreateDemuxer(); return; } // Demuxer created, create audio decoder. if (state_ == kInitDemuxer) { state_ = kInitAudioDecoder; // If this method returns false, then there's no audio stream. if (CreateDecoder()) return; } // Assuming audio decoder was created, create audio renderer. if (state_ == kInitAudioDecoder) { state_ = kInitAudioRenderer; // Returns false if there's no audio stream. if (CreateRenderer()) { pipeline_->InsertRenderedMimeType(AudioDecoder::major_mime_type()); return; } } // Assuming audio renderer was created, create video decoder. if (state_ == kInitAudioRenderer) { // Then perform the stage of initialization, i.e. initialize video decoder. state_ = kInitVideoDecoder; if (CreateDecoder()) return; } // Assuming video decoder was created, create video renderer. if (state_ == kInitVideoDecoder) { state_ = kInitVideoRenderer; if (CreateRenderer()) { pipeline_->InsertRenderedMimeType(VideoDecoder::major_mime_type()); return; } } if (state_ == kInitVideoRenderer) { if (!IsPipelineOk() || pipeline_->rendered_mime_types_.empty()) { Error(PIPELINE_ERROR_COULD_NOT_RENDER); return; } state_ = kStarted; pipeline_->initialized_ = true; filter_factory_ = NULL; if (init_callback_.get()) { init_callback_->Run(true); init_callback_.reset(); } } } // This method is called as a result of the client calling Pipeline::Stop() or // as the result of an error condition. If there is no error, then set the // pipeline's error_ member to PIPELINE_STOPPING. We stop the filters in the // reverse order. // // TODO(scherkus): beware! this can get posted multiple times since we post // Stop() tasks even if we've already stopped. Perhaps this should no-op for // additional calls, however most of this logic will be changing. void PipelineThread::StopTask() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); if (IsPipelineInitializing()) { // If IsPipelineOk() is true, the pipeline was simply stopped during // initialization. Otherwise it is a failure. state_ = IsPipelineOk() ? kStopped : kError; filter_factory_ = NULL; if (init_callback_.get()) { init_callback_->Run(false); init_callback_.reset(); } } else { state_ = kStopped; } if (IsPipelineOk()) { pipeline_->error_ = PIPELINE_STOPPING; } // Stop every filter. for (FilterHostVector::iterator iter = filter_hosts_.begin(); iter != filter_hosts_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->Stop(); } // Figure out how many threads we have to stop. // // TODO(scherkus): remove the workaround for the "multiple StopTask()" issue. FilterThreadVector running_threads; for (FilterThreadVector::iterator iter = filter_threads_.begin(); iter != filter_threads_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->IsRunning()) { running_threads.push_back(*iter); } } // Crude blocking counter implementation. Lock lock; ConditionVariable wait_for_zero(&lock); int count = running_threads.size(); // Post a task to every filter's thread to ensure that they've completed their // stopping logic before stopping the threads themselves. // // TODO(scherkus): again, Stop() should either be synchronous or we should // receive a signal from filters that they have indeed stopped. for (FilterThreadVector::iterator iter = running_threads.begin(); iter != running_threads.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableFunction(&DecrementCounter, &lock, &wait_for_zero, &count)); } // Wait on our "blocking counter". { AutoLock auto_lock(lock); while (count > 0) { wait_for_zero.Wait(); } } // Stop every running filter thread. // // TODO(scherkus): can we watchdog this section to detect wedged threads? for (FilterThreadVector::iterator iter = running_threads.begin(); iter != running_threads.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->Stop(); } } void PipelineThread::SetPlaybackRateTask(float rate) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); pipeline_->InternalSetPlaybackRate(rate); for (FilterHostVector::iterator iter = filter_hosts_.begin(); iter != filter_hosts_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->media_filter()->SetPlaybackRate(rate); } } void PipelineThread::SeekTask(base::TimeDelta time, PipelineCallback* seek_callback) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); for (FilterHostVector::iterator iter = filter_hosts_.begin(); iter != filter_hosts_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->media_filter()->Seek(time); } // TODO(hclam): we should set the time when the above seek operations were all // successful and first frame/packet at the desired time is decoded. I'm // setting the time here because once we do the callback the user can ask for // current time immediately, which is the old time. In order to get rid this // little glitch, we either assume the seek was successful and time is updated // immediately here or we set time and do callback when we have new // frames/packets. SetTime(time); if (seek_callback) { seek_callback->Run(true); delete seek_callback; } } void PipelineThread::SetVolumeTask(float volume) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); pipeline_->volume_ = volume; scoped_refptr audio_renderer; GetFilter(&audio_renderer); if (audio_renderer) { audio_renderer->SetVolume(volume); } } void PipelineThread::SetTimeTask() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); time_update_callback_scheduled_ = false; for (FilterHostVector::iterator iter = filter_hosts_.begin(); iter != filter_hosts_.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->RunTimeUpdateCallback(pipeline_->time_); } } template void PipelineThread::GetFilter(scoped_refptr* filter_out) const { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); *filter_out = NULL; for (FilterHostVector::const_iterator iter = filter_hosts_.begin(); iter != filter_hosts_.end() && NULL == *filter_out; iter++) { (*iter)->GetFilter(filter_out); } } template void PipelineThread::CreateFilter(FilterFactory* filter_factory, Source source, const MediaFormat& media_format) { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); DCHECK(IsPipelineOk()); scoped_refptr filter = filter_factory->Create(media_format); if (!filter) { Error(PIPELINE_ERROR_REQUIRED_FILTER_MISSING); } else { scoped_ptr host(new FilterHostImpl(this, filter.get())); // Create a dedicated thread for this filter. if (SupportsSetMessageLoop()) { // TODO(scherkus): figure out a way to name these threads so it matches // the filter type. scoped_ptr thread(new base::Thread("FilterThread")); if (!thread.get() || !thread->Start()) { NOTREACHED() << "Could not start filter thread"; Error(PIPELINE_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } else { filter->SetMessageLoop(thread->message_loop()); filter_threads_.push_back(thread.release()); } } // Creating a thread could have failed, verify we're still OK. if (IsPipelineOk()) { filter_hosts_.push_back(host.get()); filter->SetFilterHost(host.release()); if (!filter->Initialize(source)) { Error(PIPELINE_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED); } } } } void PipelineThread::CreateDataSource() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); DCHECK(IsPipelineOk()); MediaFormat url_format; url_format.SetAsString(MediaFormat::kMimeType, mime_type::kURL); url_format.SetAsString(MediaFormat::kURL, url_); CreateFilter(filter_factory_, url_, url_format); } void PipelineThread::CreateDemuxer() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); DCHECK(IsPipelineOk()); scoped_refptr data_source; GetFilter(&data_source); DCHECK(data_source); CreateFilter(filter_factory_, data_source); } template bool PipelineThread::CreateDecoder() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); DCHECK(IsPipelineOk()); scoped_refptr demuxer; GetFilter(&demuxer); DCHECK(demuxer); const std::string major_mime_type = Decoder::major_mime_type(); const int num_outputs = demuxer->GetNumberOfStreams(); for (int i = 0; i < num_outputs; ++i) { scoped_refptr stream = demuxer->GetStream(i); std::string value; if (stream->media_format().GetAsString(MediaFormat::kMimeType, &value) && 0 == value.compare(0, major_mime_type.length(), major_mime_type)) { CreateFilter(filter_factory_, stream); return true; } } return false; } template bool PipelineThread::CreateRenderer() { DCHECK_EQ(PlatformThread::CurrentId(), thread_.thread_id()); DCHECK(IsPipelineOk()); scoped_refptr decoder; GetFilter(&decoder); if (decoder) { // If the decoder was created. const std::string major_mime_type = Decoder::major_mime_type(); CreateFilter(filter_factory_, decoder); return true; } return false; } // Called as a result of destruction of the thread. // // TODO(scherkus): this can block the client due to synchronous Stop() API call. void PipelineThread::WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() { STLDeleteElements(&filter_hosts_); STLDeleteElements(&filter_threads_); } } // namespace media