// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/base/test_helpers.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/test/test_timeouts.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "media/base/audio_buffer.h" #include "media/base/bind_to_loop.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" using ::testing::_; using ::testing::StrictMock; namespace media { // Utility mock for testing methods expecting Closures and PipelineStatusCBs. class MockCallback : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockCallback> { public: MockCallback(); MOCK_METHOD0(Run, void()); MOCK_METHOD1(RunWithStatus, void(PipelineStatus)); protected: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockCallback>; virtual ~MockCallback(); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockCallback); }; MockCallback::MockCallback() {} MockCallback::~MockCallback() {} base::Closure NewExpectedClosure() { StrictMock<MockCallback>* callback = new StrictMock<MockCallback>(); EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run()); return base::Bind(&MockCallback::Run, callback); } PipelineStatusCB NewExpectedStatusCB(PipelineStatus status) { StrictMock<MockCallback>* callback = new StrictMock<MockCallback>(); EXPECT_CALL(*callback, RunWithStatus(status)); return base::Bind(&MockCallback::RunWithStatus, callback); } WaitableMessageLoopEvent::WaitableMessageLoopEvent() : message_loop_(base::MessageLoop::current()), signaled_(false), status_(PIPELINE_OK) { DCHECK(message_loop_); } WaitableMessageLoopEvent::~WaitableMessageLoopEvent() {} base::Closure WaitableMessageLoopEvent::GetClosure() { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current()); return BindToLoop(message_loop_->message_loop_proxy(), base::Bind( &WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnCallback, base::Unretained(this), PIPELINE_OK)); } PipelineStatusCB WaitableMessageLoopEvent::GetPipelineStatusCB() { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current()); return BindToLoop(message_loop_->message_loop_proxy(), base::Bind( &WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnCallback, base::Unretained(this))); } void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::RunAndWait() { RunAndWaitForStatus(PIPELINE_OK); } void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::RunAndWaitForStatus(PipelineStatus expected) { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current()); if (signaled_) { EXPECT_EQ(expected, status_); return; } base::Timer timer(false, false); timer.Start(FROM_HERE, TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), base::Bind( &WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnTimeout, base::Unretained(this))); message_loop_->Run(); EXPECT_TRUE(signaled_); EXPECT_EQ(expected, status_); } void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnCallback(PipelineStatus status) { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current()); signaled_ = true; status_ = status; message_loop_->QuitWhenIdle(); } void WaitableMessageLoopEvent::OnTimeout() { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop_, base::MessageLoop::current()); ADD_FAILURE() << "Timed out waiting for message loop to quit"; message_loop_->QuitWhenIdle(); } static VideoDecoderConfig GetTestConfig(VideoCodec codec, gfx::Size coded_size, bool is_encrypted) { gfx::Rect visible_rect(coded_size.width(), coded_size.height()); gfx::Size natural_size = coded_size; return VideoDecoderConfig(codec, VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILE_UNKNOWN, VideoFrame::YV12, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, NULL, 0, is_encrypted); } static const gfx::Size kNormalSize(320, 240); static const gfx::Size kLargeSize(640, 480); VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::Invalid() { return GetTestConfig(kUnknownVideoCodec, kNormalSize, false); } VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::Normal() { return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kNormalSize, false); } VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::NormalEncrypted() { return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kNormalSize, true); } VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::Large() { return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kLargeSize, false); } VideoDecoderConfig TestVideoConfig::LargeEncrypted() { return GetTestConfig(kCodecVP8, kLargeSize, true); } gfx::Size TestVideoConfig::NormalCodedSize() { return kNormalSize; } gfx::Size TestVideoConfig::LargeCodedSize() { return kLargeSize; } template <class T> scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakeInterleavedAudioBuffer( SampleFormat format, int channels, T start, T increment, int frames, base::TimeDelta start_time) { DCHECK(format == kSampleFormatU8 || format == kSampleFormatS16 || format == kSampleFormatS32 || format == kSampleFormatF32); // Create a block of memory with values: // start // start + increment // start + 2 * increment, ... // Since this is interleaved data, channel 0 data will be: // start // start + channels * increment // start + 2 * channels * increment, ... int buffer_size = frames * channels * sizeof(T); scoped_ptr<uint8[]> memory(new uint8[buffer_size]); uint8* data[] = { memory.get() }; T* buffer = reinterpret_cast<T*>(memory.get()); for (int i = 0; i < frames * channels; ++i) { buffer[i] = start; start += increment; } // Duration is 1 second per frame (for simplicity). base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(frames); return AudioBuffer::CopyFrom( format, channels, frames, data, start_time, duration); } template <class T> scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakePlanarAudioBuffer( SampleFormat format, int channels, T start, T increment, int frames, base::TimeDelta start_time) { DCHECK(format == kSampleFormatPlanarF32 || format == kSampleFormatPlanarS16); // Create multiple blocks of data, one for each channel. // Values in channel 0 will be: // start // start + increment // start + 2 * increment, ... // Values in channel 1 will be: // start + frames * increment // start + (frames + 1) * increment // start + (frames + 2) * increment, ... int buffer_size = frames * sizeof(T); scoped_ptr<uint8*[]> data(new uint8*[channels]); scoped_ptr<uint8[]> memory(new uint8[channels * buffer_size]); for (int i = 0; i < channels; ++i) { data.get()[i] = memory.get() + i * buffer_size; T* buffer = reinterpret_cast<T*>(data.get()[i]); for (int j = 0; j < frames; ++j) { buffer[j] = start; start += increment; } } // Duration is 1 second per frame (for simplicity). base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(frames); return AudioBuffer::CopyFrom( format, channels, frames, data.get(), start_time, duration); } // Instantiate all the types of MakeInterleavedAudioBuffer() and // MakePlanarAudioBuffer() needed. #define DEFINE_INTERLEAVED_INSTANCE(type) \ template scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakeInterleavedAudioBuffer<type>( \ SampleFormat format, \ int channels, \ type start, \ type increment, \ int frames, \ base::TimeDelta start_time) DEFINE_INTERLEAVED_INSTANCE(uint8); DEFINE_INTERLEAVED_INSTANCE(int16); DEFINE_INTERLEAVED_INSTANCE(int32); DEFINE_INTERLEAVED_INSTANCE(float); #define DEFINE_PLANAR_INSTANCE(type) \ template scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> MakePlanarAudioBuffer<type>( \ SampleFormat format, \ int channels, \ type start, \ type increment, \ int frames, \ base::TimeDelta start_time); DEFINE_PLANAR_INSTANCE(int16); DEFINE_PLANAR_INSTANCE(float); } // namespace media