// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/base/video_frame.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/aligned_memory.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "media/base/limits.h" #include "media/base/video_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h" namespace media { static bool IsPowerOfTwo(size_t x) { return x != 0 && (x & (x - 1)) == 0; } static inline size_t RoundUp(size_t value, size_t alignment) { DCHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(alignment)); return ((value + (alignment - 1)) & ~(alignment - 1)); } static inline size_t RoundDown(size_t value, size_t alignment) { DCHECK(IsPowerOfTwo(alignment)); return value & ~(alignment - 1); } // Returns the pixel size per element for given |plane| and |format|. E.g. 2x2 // for the U-plane in I420. static gfx::Size SampleSize(VideoFrame::Format format, size_t plane) { DCHECK(VideoFrame::IsValidPlane(plane, format)); switch (plane) { case VideoFrame::kYPlane: case VideoFrame::kAPlane: return gfx::Size(1, 1); case VideoFrame::kUPlane: // and VideoFrame::kUVPlane: case VideoFrame::kVPlane: switch (format) { case VideoFrame::YV24: return gfx::Size(1, 1); case VideoFrame::YV16: return gfx::Size(2, 1); case VideoFrame::YV12: case VideoFrame::I420: case VideoFrame::YV12A: case VideoFrame::NV12: return gfx::Size(2, 2); case VideoFrame::UNKNOWN: #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::HOLE: #endif // defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::NATIVE_TEXTURE: case VideoFrame::ARGB: break; } } NOTREACHED(); return gfx::Size(); } // Return the alignment for the whole frame, calculated as the max of the // alignment for each individual plane. static gfx::Size CommonAlignment(VideoFrame::Format format) { int max_sample_width = 0; int max_sample_height = 0; for (size_t plane = 0; plane < VideoFrame::NumPlanes(format); ++plane) { const gfx::Size sample_size = SampleSize(format, plane); max_sample_width = std::max(max_sample_width, sample_size.width()); max_sample_height = std::max(max_sample_height, sample_size.height()); } return gfx::Size(max_sample_width, max_sample_height); } // Returns the number of bytes per element for given |plane| and |format|. E.g. // 2 for the UV plane in NV12. static int BytesPerElement(VideoFrame::Format format, size_t plane) { DCHECK(VideoFrame::IsValidPlane(plane, format)); if (format == VideoFrame::ARGB) return 4; if (format == VideoFrame::NV12 && plane == VideoFrame::kUVPlane) return 2; return 1; } // Rounds up |coded_size| if necessary for |format|. static gfx::Size AdjustCodedSize(VideoFrame::Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size) { const gfx::Size alignment = CommonAlignment(format); return gfx::Size(RoundUp(coded_size.width(), alignment.width()), RoundUp(coded_size.height(), alignment.height())); } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::CreateFrame( VideoFrame::Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, base::TimeDelta timestamp) { switch (format) { case VideoFrame::YV12: case VideoFrame::YV16: case VideoFrame::I420: case VideoFrame::YV12A: case VideoFrame::YV24: break; case VideoFrame::UNKNOWN: case VideoFrame::NV12: case VideoFrame::NATIVE_TEXTURE: #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::HOLE: #endif // defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::ARGB: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return nullptr; } // Since we're creating a new YUV frame (and allocating memory for it // ourselves), we can pad the requested |coded_size| if necessary if the // request does not line up on sample boundaries. const gfx::Size new_coded_size = AdjustCodedSize(format, coded_size); DCHECK(IsValidConfig(format, new_coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size)); gpu::MailboxHolder mailboxes[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(format, new_coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailboxes, TEXTURE_RGBA, timestamp, false)); frame->AllocateYUV(); return frame; } // static std::string VideoFrame::FormatToString(VideoFrame::Format format) { switch (format) { case VideoFrame::UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN"; case VideoFrame::YV12: return "YV12"; case VideoFrame::YV16: return "YV16"; case VideoFrame::I420: return "I420"; case VideoFrame::NATIVE_TEXTURE: return "NATIVE_TEXTURE"; #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::HOLE: return "HOLE"; #endif // defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::YV12A: return "YV12A"; case VideoFrame::NV12: return "NV12"; case VideoFrame::YV24: return "YV24"; case VideoFrame::ARGB: return "ARGB"; } NOTREACHED() << "Invalid videoframe format provided: " << format; return ""; } // static bool VideoFrame::IsValidConfig(VideoFrame::Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size) { // Check maximum limits for all formats. if (coded_size.GetArea() > limits::kMaxCanvas || coded_size.width() > limits::kMaxDimension || coded_size.height() > limits::kMaxDimension || visible_rect.x() < 0 || visible_rect.y() < 0 || visible_rect.right() > coded_size.width() || visible_rect.bottom() > coded_size.height() || natural_size.GetArea() > limits::kMaxCanvas || natural_size.width() > limits::kMaxDimension || natural_size.height() > limits::kMaxDimension) return false; // Check format-specific width/height requirements. switch (format) { case VideoFrame::UNKNOWN: return (coded_size.IsEmpty() && visible_rect.IsEmpty() && natural_size.IsEmpty()); // NATIVE_TEXTURE and HOLE have no software-allocated buffers and are // allowed to skip the below check. case VideoFrame::NATIVE_TEXTURE: #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::HOLE: #endif // defined(VIDEO_HOLE) return true; case VideoFrame::YV24: case VideoFrame::YV12: case VideoFrame::I420: case VideoFrame::YV12A: case VideoFrame::NV12: case VideoFrame::YV16: case VideoFrame::ARGB: // Check that software-allocated buffer formats are aligned correctly and // not empty. const gfx::Size alignment = CommonAlignment(format); return RoundUp(visible_rect.right(), alignment.width()) <= static_cast(coded_size.width()) && RoundUp(visible_rect.bottom(), alignment.height()) <= static_cast(coded_size.height()) && !coded_size.IsEmpty() && !visible_rect.IsEmpty() && !natural_size.IsEmpty(); } NOTREACHED(); return false; } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapNativeTexture( const gpu::MailboxHolder& mailbox_holder, const ReleaseMailboxCB& mailbox_holder_release_cb, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool allow_overlay, bool has_alpha) { gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; mailbox_holders[kARGBPlane] = mailbox_holder; TextureFormat texture_format = has_alpha ? TEXTURE_RGBA : TEXTURE_RGB; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(NATIVE_TEXTURE, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, texture_format, timestamp, false)); frame->mailbox_holders_release_cb_ = mailbox_holder_release_cb; frame->allow_overlay_ = allow_overlay; return frame; } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapYUV420NativeTextures( const gpu::MailboxHolder& y_mailbox_holder, const gpu::MailboxHolder& u_mailbox_holder, const gpu::MailboxHolder& v_mailbox_holder, const ReleaseMailboxCB& mailbox_holder_release_cb, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool allow_overlay) { gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; mailbox_holders[kYPlane] = y_mailbox_holder; mailbox_holders[kUPlane] = u_mailbox_holder; mailbox_holders[kVPlane] = v_mailbox_holder; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(NATIVE_TEXTURE, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_YUV_420, timestamp, false)); frame->mailbox_holders_release_cb_ = mailbox_holder_release_cb; frame->allow_overlay_ = allow_overlay; return frame; } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapExternalPackedMemory( Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, uint8* data, size_t data_size, base::SharedMemoryHandle handle, size_t data_offset, base::TimeDelta timestamp, const base::Closure& no_longer_needed_cb) { const gfx::Size new_coded_size = AdjustCodedSize(format, coded_size); if (!IsValidConfig(format, new_coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size)) return NULL; if (data_size < AllocationSize(format, new_coded_size)) return NULL; switch (format) { case VideoFrame::I420: { gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(format, new_coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_RGBA, timestamp, false)); frame->shared_memory_handle_ = handle; frame->shared_memory_offset_ = data_offset; frame->strides_[kYPlane] = new_coded_size.width(); frame->strides_[kUPlane] = new_coded_size.width() / 2; frame->strides_[kVPlane] = new_coded_size.width() / 2; frame->data_[kYPlane] = data; frame->data_[kUPlane] = data + new_coded_size.GetArea(); frame->data_[kVPlane] = data + (new_coded_size.GetArea() * 5 / 4); frame->no_longer_needed_cb_ = no_longer_needed_cb; return frame; } default: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapExternalYuvData( Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, int32 y_stride, int32 u_stride, int32 v_stride, uint8* y_data, uint8* u_data, uint8* v_data, base::TimeDelta timestamp, const base::Closure& no_longer_needed_cb) { const gfx::Size new_coded_size = AdjustCodedSize(format, coded_size); CHECK(IsValidConfig(format, new_coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size)); gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(format, new_coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_RGBA, timestamp, false)); frame->strides_[kYPlane] = y_stride; frame->strides_[kUPlane] = u_stride; frame->strides_[kVPlane] = v_stride; frame->data_[kYPlane] = y_data; frame->data_[kUPlane] = u_data; frame->data_[kVPlane] = v_data; frame->no_longer_needed_cb_ = no_longer_needed_cb; return frame; } #if defined(OS_POSIX) // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapExternalDmabufs( Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, const std::vector dmabuf_fds, base::TimeDelta timestamp, const base::Closure& no_longer_needed_cb) { if (!IsValidConfig(format, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size)) return NULL; // TODO(posciak): This is not exactly correct, it's possible for one // buffer to contain more than one plane. if (dmabuf_fds.size() != NumPlanes(format)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Not enough dmabuf fds provided!"; return NULL; } gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(format, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_RGBA, timestamp, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < dmabuf_fds.size(); ++i) { int duped_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(dup(dmabuf_fds[i])); if (duped_fd == -1) { // The already-duped in previous iterations fds will be closed when // the partially-created frame drops out of scope here. DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed duplicating a dmabuf fd"; return NULL; } frame->dmabuf_fds_[i].reset(duped_fd); // Data is accessible only via fds. frame->data_[i] = NULL; frame->strides_[i] = 0; } frame->no_longer_needed_cb_ = no_longer_needed_cb; return frame; } #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapCVPixelBuffer( CVPixelBufferRef cv_pixel_buffer, base::TimeDelta timestamp) { DCHECK(cv_pixel_buffer); DCHECK(CFGetTypeID(cv_pixel_buffer) == CVPixelBufferGetTypeID()); const OSType cv_format = CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(cv_pixel_buffer); Format format; // There are very few compatible CV pixel formats, so just check each. if (cv_format == kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar) { format = Format::I420; } else if (cv_format == kCVPixelFormatType_444YpCbCr8) { format = Format::YV24; } else if (cv_format == '420v') { // TODO(jfroy): Use kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange when the // minimum OS X and iOS SDKs permits it. format = Format::NV12; } else { DLOG(ERROR) << "CVPixelBuffer format not supported: " << cv_format; return NULL; } const gfx::Size coded_size(CVImageBufferGetEncodedSize(cv_pixel_buffer)); const gfx::Rect visible_rect(CVImageBufferGetCleanRect(cv_pixel_buffer)); const gfx::Size natural_size(CVImageBufferGetDisplaySize(cv_pixel_buffer)); if (!IsValidConfig(format, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size)) return NULL; gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(format, coded_size, visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_RGBA, timestamp, false)); frame->cv_pixel_buffer_.reset(cv_pixel_buffer, base::scoped_policy::RETAIN); return frame; } #endif // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::WrapVideoFrame( const scoped_refptr& frame, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, const base::Closure& no_longer_needed_cb) { // NATIVE_TEXTURE frames need mailbox info propagated, and there's no support // for that here yet, see http://crbug/362521. CHECK_NE(frame->format(), NATIVE_TEXTURE); DCHECK(frame->visible_rect().Contains(visible_rect)); gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr wrapped_frame( new VideoFrame(frame->format(), frame->coded_size(), visible_rect, natural_size, mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_RGBA, frame->timestamp(), frame->end_of_stream())); for (size_t i = 0; i < NumPlanes(frame->format()); ++i) { wrapped_frame->strides_[i] = frame->stride(i); wrapped_frame->data_[i] = frame->data(i); } wrapped_frame->no_longer_needed_cb_ = no_longer_needed_cb; return wrapped_frame; } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::CreateEOSFrame() { gpu::MailboxHolder mailbox_holders[kMaxPlanes]; return new VideoFrame(VideoFrame::UNKNOWN, gfx::Size(), gfx::Rect(), gfx::Size(), mailbox_holders, TEXTURE_RGBA, kNoTimestamp(), true); } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::CreateColorFrame( const gfx::Size& size, uint8 y, uint8 u, uint8 v, base::TimeDelta timestamp) { scoped_refptr frame = VideoFrame::CreateFrame( VideoFrame::YV12, size, gfx::Rect(size), size, timestamp); FillYUV(frame.get(), y, u, v); return frame; } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::CreateBlackFrame(const gfx::Size& size) { const uint8 kBlackY = 0x00; const uint8 kBlackUV = 0x80; const base::TimeDelta kZero; return CreateColorFrame(size, kBlackY, kBlackUV, kBlackUV, kZero); } // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::CreateTransparentFrame( const gfx::Size& size) { const uint8 kBlackY = 0x00; const uint8 kBlackUV = 0x00; const uint8 kTransparentA = 0x00; const base::TimeDelta kZero; scoped_refptr frame = VideoFrame::CreateFrame( VideoFrame::YV12A, size, gfx::Rect(size), size, kZero); FillYUVA(frame.get(), kBlackY, kBlackUV, kBlackUV, kTransparentA); return frame; } #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) // This block and other blocks wrapped around #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) is not // maintained by the general compositor team. Please contact the following // people instead: // // wonsik@chromium.org // ycheo@chromium.org // static scoped_refptr VideoFrame::CreateHoleFrame( const gfx::Size& size) { DCHECK(IsValidConfig(VideoFrame::HOLE, size, gfx::Rect(size), size)); gpu::MailboxHolder mailboxes[kMaxPlanes]; scoped_refptr frame( new VideoFrame(VideoFrame::HOLE, size, gfx::Rect(size), size, mailboxes, TEXTURE_RGBA, base::TimeDelta(), false)); return frame; } #endif // defined(VIDEO_HOLE) // static size_t VideoFrame::NumPlanes(Format format) { switch (format) { case VideoFrame::NATIVE_TEXTURE: #if defined(VIDEO_HOLE) case VideoFrame::HOLE: #endif // defined(VIDEO_HOLE) return 0; case VideoFrame::ARGB: return 1; case VideoFrame::NV12: return 2; case VideoFrame::YV12: case VideoFrame::YV16: case VideoFrame::I420: case VideoFrame::YV24: return 3; case VideoFrame::YV12A: return 4; case VideoFrame::UNKNOWN: break; } NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported video frame format: " << format; return 0; } // static size_t VideoFrame::NumTextures(TextureFormat texture_format) { switch (texture_format) { case TEXTURE_RGBA: case TEXTURE_RGB: return 1; case TEXTURE_YUV_420: return 3; } NOTREACHED(); return 0; } // static size_t VideoFrame::AllocationSize(Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size) { size_t total = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < NumPlanes(format); ++i) total += PlaneAllocationSize(format, i, coded_size); return total; } // static gfx::Size VideoFrame::PlaneSize(Format format, size_t plane, const gfx::Size& coded_size) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format)); int width = coded_size.width(); int height = coded_size.height(); if (format != VideoFrame::ARGB) { // Align to multiple-of-two size overall. This ensures that non-subsampled // planes can be addressed by pixel with the same scaling as the subsampled // planes. width = RoundUp(width, 2); height = RoundUp(height, 2); } const gfx::Size subsample = SampleSize(format, plane); DCHECK(width % subsample.width() == 0); DCHECK(height % subsample.height() == 0); return gfx::Size(BytesPerElement(format, plane) * width / subsample.width(), height / subsample.height()); } size_t VideoFrame::PlaneAllocationSize(Format format, size_t plane, const gfx::Size& coded_size) { return PlaneSize(format, plane, coded_size).GetArea(); } // static int VideoFrame::PlaneHorizontalBitsPerPixel(Format format, size_t plane) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format)); const int bits_per_element = 8 * BytesPerElement(format, plane); const int horiz_pixels_per_element = SampleSize(format, plane).width(); DCHECK_EQ(bits_per_element % horiz_pixels_per_element, 0); return bits_per_element / horiz_pixels_per_element; } // static int VideoFrame::PlaneBitsPerPixel(Format format, size_t plane) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format)); return PlaneHorizontalBitsPerPixel(format, plane) / SampleSize(format, plane).height(); } // Release data allocated by AllocateYUV(). static void ReleaseData(uint8* data) { DCHECK(data); base::AlignedFree(data); } void VideoFrame::AllocateYUV() { DCHECK(format_ == YV12 || format_ == YV16 || format_ == YV12A || format_ == I420 || format_ == YV24); static_assert(0 == kYPlane, "y plane data must be index 0"); size_t data_size = 0; size_t offset[kMaxPlanes]; for (size_t plane = 0; plane < VideoFrame::NumPlanes(format_); ++plane) { // The *2 in alignment for height is because some formats (e.g. h264) allow // interlaced coding, and then the size needs to be a multiple of two // macroblocks (vertically). See // libavcodec/utils.c:avcodec_align_dimensions2(). const size_t height = RoundUp(rows(plane), kFrameSizeAlignment * 2); strides_[plane] = RoundUp(row_bytes(plane), kFrameSizeAlignment); offset[plane] = data_size; data_size += height * strides_[plane]; } // The extra line of UV being allocated is because h264 chroma MC // overreads by one line in some cases, see libavcodec/utils.c: // avcodec_align_dimensions2() and libavcodec/x86/h264_chromamc.asm: // put_h264_chroma_mc4_ssse3(). DCHECK(IsValidPlane(kUPlane, format_)); data_size += strides_[kUPlane] + kFrameSizePadding; // FFmpeg expects the initialize allocation to be zero-initialized. Failure // to do so can lead to unitialized value usage. See http://crbug.com/390941 uint8* data = reinterpret_cast( base::AlignedAlloc(data_size, kFrameAddressAlignment)); memset(data, 0, data_size); for (size_t plane = 0; plane < VideoFrame::NumPlanes(format_); ++plane) data_[plane] = data + offset[plane]; no_longer_needed_cb_ = base::Bind(&ReleaseData, data); } VideoFrame::VideoFrame(VideoFrame::Format format, const gfx::Size& coded_size, const gfx::Rect& visible_rect, const gfx::Size& natural_size, const gpu::MailboxHolder(&mailbox_holders)[kMaxPlanes], VideoFrame::TextureFormat texture_format, base::TimeDelta timestamp, bool end_of_stream) : format_(format), texture_format_(texture_format), coded_size_(coded_size), visible_rect_(visible_rect), natural_size_(natural_size), shared_memory_handle_(base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle()), shared_memory_offset_(0), timestamp_(timestamp), release_sync_point_(0), end_of_stream_(end_of_stream), allow_overlay_(false) { DCHECK(IsValidConfig(format_, coded_size_, visible_rect_, natural_size_)); memcpy(&mailbox_holders_, mailbox_holders, sizeof(mailbox_holders_)); memset(&strides_, 0, sizeof(strides_)); memset(&data_, 0, sizeof(data_)); } VideoFrame::~VideoFrame() { if (!mailbox_holders_release_cb_.is_null()) { uint32 release_sync_point; { // To ensure that changes to |release_sync_point_| are visible on this // thread (imply a memory barrier). base::AutoLock locker(release_sync_point_lock_); release_sync_point = release_sync_point_; } base::ResetAndReturn(&mailbox_holders_release_cb_).Run(release_sync_point); } if (!no_longer_needed_cb_.is_null()) base::ResetAndReturn(&no_longer_needed_cb_).Run(); } // static bool VideoFrame::IsValidPlane(size_t plane, VideoFrame::Format format) { return (plane < NumPlanes(format)); } int VideoFrame::stride(size_t plane) const { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format_)); return strides_[plane]; } // static size_t VideoFrame::RowBytes(size_t plane, VideoFrame::Format format, int width) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format)); return BytesPerElement(format, plane) * Columns(plane, format, width); } int VideoFrame::row_bytes(size_t plane) const { return RowBytes(plane, format_, coded_size_.width()); } // static size_t VideoFrame::Rows(size_t plane, VideoFrame::Format format, int height) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format)); const int sample_height = SampleSize(format, plane).height(); return RoundUp(height, sample_height) / sample_height; } // static size_t VideoFrame::Columns(size_t plane, Format format, int width) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format)); const int sample_width = SampleSize(format, plane).width(); return RoundUp(width, sample_width) / sample_width; } int VideoFrame::rows(size_t plane) const { return Rows(plane, format_, coded_size_.height()); } const uint8* VideoFrame::data(size_t plane) const { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format_)); return data_[plane]; } uint8* VideoFrame::data(size_t plane) { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format_)); return data_[plane]; } const uint8* VideoFrame::visible_data(size_t plane) const { DCHECK(IsValidPlane(plane, format_)); // Calculate an offset that is properly aligned for all planes. const gfx::Size alignment = CommonAlignment(format_); const gfx::Point offset(RoundDown(visible_rect_.x(), alignment.width()), RoundDown(visible_rect_.y(), alignment.height())); const gfx::Size subsample = SampleSize(format_, plane); DCHECK(offset.x() % subsample.width() == 0); DCHECK(offset.y() % subsample.height() == 0); return data(plane) + stride(plane) * (offset.y() / subsample.height()) + // Row offset. BytesPerElement(format_, plane) * // Column offset. (offset.x() / subsample.width()); } uint8* VideoFrame::visible_data(size_t plane) { return const_cast( static_cast(this)->visible_data(plane)); } const gpu::MailboxHolder& VideoFrame::mailbox_holder(size_t texture) const { DCHECK_EQ(format_, NATIVE_TEXTURE); DCHECK_LT(texture, NumTextures(texture_format_)); return mailbox_holders_[texture]; } base::SharedMemoryHandle VideoFrame::shared_memory_handle() const { return shared_memory_handle_; } size_t VideoFrame::shared_memory_offset() const { return shared_memory_offset_; } void VideoFrame::UpdateReleaseSyncPoint(SyncPointClient* client) { DCHECK_EQ(format_, NATIVE_TEXTURE); base::AutoLock locker(release_sync_point_lock_); // Must wait on the previous sync point before inserting a new sync point so // that |mailbox_holders_release_cb_| guarantees the previous sync point // occurred when it waits on |release_sync_point_|. if (release_sync_point_) client->WaitSyncPoint(release_sync_point_); release_sync_point_ = client->InsertSyncPoint(); } #if defined(OS_POSIX) int VideoFrame::dmabuf_fd(size_t plane) const { return dmabuf_fds_[plane].get(); } #endif #if defined(OS_MACOSX) CVPixelBufferRef VideoFrame::cv_pixel_buffer() const { return cv_pixel_buffer_.get(); } #endif void VideoFrame::HashFrameForTesting(base::MD5Context* context) { for (size_t plane = 0; plane < NumPlanes(format_); ++plane) { for (int row = 0; row < rows(plane); ++row) { base::MD5Update(context, base::StringPiece( reinterpret_cast(data(plane) + stride(plane) * row), row_bytes(plane))); } } } } // namespace media