// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback_helpers.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "media/blink/multibuffer_reader.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" namespace media { MultiBufferReader::MultiBufferReader( MultiBuffer* multibuffer, int64_t start, int64_t end, const base::Callback& progress_callback) : multibuffer_(multibuffer), // If end is -1, we use a very large (but still supported) value instead. end_(end == -1LL ? (1LL << (multibuffer->block_size_shift() + 30)) : end), preload_high_(0), preload_low_(0), max_buffer_forward_(0), max_buffer_backward_(0), pos_(start), preload_pos_(-1), loading_(true), current_wait_size_(0), progress_callback_(progress_callback), weak_factory_(this) { DCHECK_GE(start, 0); DCHECK_GE(end_, 0); } MultiBufferReader::~MultiBufferReader() { multibuffer_->RemoveReader(preload_pos_, this); multibuffer_->IncrementMaxSize( -block_ceil(max_buffer_forward_ + max_buffer_backward_)); multibuffer_->PinRange(block(pos_ - max_buffer_backward_), block_ceil(pos_ + max_buffer_forward_), -1); multibuffer_->CleanupWriters(preload_pos_); } void MultiBufferReader::Seek(int64_t pos) { DCHECK_GE(pos, 0); if (pos == pos_) return; // Use a rangemap to compute the diff in pinning. IntervalMap tmp; tmp.IncrementInterval(block(pos_ - max_buffer_backward_), block_ceil(pos_ + max_buffer_forward_), -1); tmp.IncrementInterval(block(pos - max_buffer_backward_), block_ceil(pos + max_buffer_forward_), 1); multibuffer_->PinRanges(tmp); multibuffer_->RemoveReader(preload_pos_, this); MultiBufferBlockId old_preload_pos = preload_pos_; preload_pos_ = block(pos); pos_ = pos; UpdateInternalState(); multibuffer_->CleanupWriters(old_preload_pos); } void MultiBufferReader::SetMaxBuffer(int64_t backward, int64_t forward) { // Safe, because we know this doesn't actually prune the cache right away. multibuffer_->IncrementMaxSize( -block_ceil(max_buffer_forward_ + max_buffer_backward_)); // Use a rangemap to compute the diff in pinning. IntervalMap tmp; tmp.IncrementInterval(block(pos_ - max_buffer_backward_), block_ceil(pos_ + max_buffer_forward_), -1); max_buffer_backward_ = backward; max_buffer_forward_ = forward; tmp.IncrementInterval(block(pos_ - max_buffer_backward_), block_ceil(pos_ + max_buffer_forward_), 1); multibuffer_->PinRanges(tmp); multibuffer_->IncrementMaxSize( block_ceil(max_buffer_forward_ + max_buffer_backward_)); } int64_t MultiBufferReader::Available() const { int64_t unavailable_byte_pos = static_cast(multibuffer_->FindNextUnavailable(block(pos_))) << multibuffer_->block_size_shift(); return std::max(0, unavailable_byte_pos - pos_); } int64_t MultiBufferReader::TryRead(uint8_t* data, int64_t len) { DCHECK_GT(len, 0); current_wait_size_ = 0; cb_.Reset(); DCHECK_LE(pos_ + len, end_); const MultiBuffer::DataMap& data_map = multibuffer_->map(); MultiBuffer::DataMap::const_iterator i = data_map.find(block(pos_)); int64_t p = pos_; int64_t bytes_read = 0; while (bytes_read < len) { if (i == data_map.end()) break; if (i->first != block(p)) break; if (i->second->end_of_stream()) break; size_t offset = p & ((1LL << multibuffer_->block_size_shift()) - 1); size_t tocopy = std::min(len - bytes_read, i->second->data_size() - offset); memcpy(data, i->second->data() + offset, tocopy); data += tocopy; bytes_read += tocopy; p += tocopy; ++i; } Seek(p); return bytes_read; } int MultiBufferReader::Wait(int64_t len, const base::Closure& cb) { DCHECK_LE(pos_ + len, end_); DCHECK_NE(Available(), -1); DCHECK_LE(len, max_buffer_forward_); current_wait_size_ = len; cb_.Reset(); UpdateInternalState(); if (Available() >= current_wait_size_) { return net::OK; } else { cb_ = cb; return net::ERR_IO_PENDING; } } void MultiBufferReader::SetPreload(int64_t preload_high, int64_t preload_low) { DCHECK_GE(preload_high, preload_low); multibuffer_->RemoveReader(preload_pos_, this); preload_pos_ = block(pos_); preload_high_ = preload_high; preload_low_ = preload_low; UpdateInternalState(); } bool MultiBufferReader::IsLoading() const { return loading_; } void MultiBufferReader::CheckWait() { if (!cb_.is_null() && (Available() >= current_wait_size_ || Available() == -1)) { // We redirect the call through a weak pointer to ourselves to guarantee // there are no callbacks from us after we've been destroyed. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MultiBufferReader::Call, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::ResetAndReturn(&cb_))); } } void MultiBufferReader::Call(const base::Closure& cb) const { cb.Run(); } void MultiBufferReader::UpdateEnd(MultiBufferBlockId p) { auto i = multibuffer_->map().find(p - 1); if (i != multibuffer_->map().end() && i->second->end_of_stream()) { // This is an upper limit because the last-to-one block is allowed // to be smaller than the rest of the blocks. int64_t size_upper_limit = static_cast(p) << multibuffer_->block_size_shift(); end_ = std::min(end_, size_upper_limit); } } void MultiBufferReader::NotifyAvailableRange( const Interval& range) { // Update end_ if we can. if (range.end > range.begin) { UpdateEnd(range.end); } UpdateInternalState(); if (!progress_callback_.is_null()) { // We redirect the call through a weak pointer to ourselves to guarantee // there are no callbacks from us after we've been destroyed. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MultiBufferReader::Call, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Bind(progress_callback_, static_cast(range.begin) << multibuffer_->block_size_shift(), static_cast(range.end) << multibuffer_->block_size_shift()))); // We may be destroyed, do not touch |this|. } } void MultiBufferReader::UpdateInternalState() { int64_t effective_preload = loading_ ? preload_high_ : preload_low_; loading_ = false; if (preload_pos_ == -1) { preload_pos_ = block(pos_); DCHECK_GE(preload_pos_, 0); } // Note that we might not have been added to the multibuffer, // removing ourselves is a no-op in that case. multibuffer_->RemoveReader(preload_pos_, this); // We explicitly allow preloading to go beyond the pinned region in the cache. // It only happens when we want to preload something into the disk cache. // Thus it is possible to have blocks between our current reading position // and preload_pos_ be unavailable. When we get a Seek() call (possibly // through TryRead()) we reset the preload_pos_ to the current reading // position, and preload_pos_ will become the first unavailable block after // our current reading position again. preload_pos_ = multibuffer_->FindNextUnavailable(preload_pos_); UpdateEnd(preload_pos_); DCHECK_GE(preload_pos_, 0); MultiBuffer::BlockId max_preload = block_ceil( std::min(end_, pos_ + std::max(effective_preload, current_wait_size_))); DVLOG(3) << "UpdateInternalState" << " pp = " << preload_pos_ << " block_ceil(end_) = " << block_ceil(end_) << " end_ = " << end_ << " max_preload " << max_preload; if (preload_pos_ < block_ceil(end_)) { if (preload_pos_ < max_preload) { loading_ = true; multibuffer_->AddReader(preload_pos_, this); } else if (multibuffer_->Contains(preload_pos_ - 1)) { --preload_pos_; multibuffer_->AddReader(preload_pos_, this); } } CheckWait(); } } // namespace media