// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/cast/cast_sender_impl.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "media/base/video_frame.h" namespace media { namespace cast { // The LocalVideoFrameInput class posts all incoming video frames to the main // cast thread for processing. class LocalVideoFrameInput : public VideoFrameInput { public: LocalVideoFrameInput(scoped_refptr cast_environment, base::WeakPtr video_sender) : cast_environment_(cast_environment), video_sender_(video_sender) {} virtual void InsertRawVideoFrame( const scoped_refptr& video_frame, const base::TimeTicks& capture_time) OVERRIDE { cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&VideoSender::InsertRawVideoFrame, video_sender_, video_frame, capture_time)); } protected: virtual ~LocalVideoFrameInput() {} private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; scoped_refptr cast_environment_; base::WeakPtr video_sender_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LocalVideoFrameInput); }; // The LocalAudioFrameInput class posts all incoming audio frames to the main // cast thread for processing. Therefore frames can be inserted from any thread. class LocalAudioFrameInput : public AudioFrameInput { public: LocalAudioFrameInput(scoped_refptr cast_environment, base::WeakPtr audio_sender) : cast_environment_(cast_environment), audio_sender_(audio_sender) {} virtual void InsertAudio(scoped_ptr audio_bus, const base::TimeTicks& recorded_time) OVERRIDE { cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioSender::InsertAudio, audio_sender_, base::Passed(&audio_bus), recorded_time)); } protected: virtual ~LocalAudioFrameInput() {} private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; scoped_refptr cast_environment_; base::WeakPtr audio_sender_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LocalAudioFrameInput); }; scoped_ptr CastSender::Create( scoped_refptr cast_environment, transport::CastTransportSender* const transport_sender) { CHECK(cast_environment); return scoped_ptr( new CastSenderImpl(cast_environment, transport_sender)); } CastSenderImpl::CastSenderImpl( scoped_refptr cast_environment, transport::CastTransportSender* const transport_sender) : cast_environment_(cast_environment), transport_sender_(transport_sender), weak_factory_(this) { CHECK(cast_environment); } void CastSenderImpl::InitializeAudio( const AudioSenderConfig& audio_config, const CastInitializationCallback& cast_initialization_cb) { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); CHECK(audio_config.use_external_encoder || cast_environment_->HasAudioThread()); VLOG(1) << "CastSenderImpl@" << this << "::InitializeAudio()"; audio_sender_.reset( new AudioSender(cast_environment_, audio_config, transport_sender_)); const CastInitializationStatus status = audio_sender_->InitializationResult(); if (status == STATUS_AUDIO_INITIALIZED) { ssrc_of_audio_sender_ = audio_config.incoming_feedback_ssrc; audio_frame_input_ = new LocalAudioFrameInput(cast_environment_, audio_sender_->AsWeakPtr()); } cast_initialization_cb.Run(status); } void CastSenderImpl::InitializeVideo( const VideoSenderConfig& video_config, const CastInitializationCallback& cast_initialization_cb, const CreateVideoEncodeAcceleratorCallback& create_vea_cb, const CreateVideoEncodeMemoryCallback& create_video_encode_mem_cb) { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); CHECK(video_config.use_external_encoder || cast_environment_->HasVideoThread()); VLOG(1) << "CastSenderImpl@" << this << "::InitializeVideo()"; video_sender_.reset(new VideoSender(cast_environment_, video_config, create_vea_cb, create_video_encode_mem_cb, transport_sender_)); const CastInitializationStatus status = video_sender_->InitializationResult(); if (status == STATUS_VIDEO_INITIALIZED) { ssrc_of_video_sender_ = video_config.incoming_feedback_ssrc; video_frame_input_ = new LocalVideoFrameInput(cast_environment_, video_sender_->AsWeakPtr()); } cast_initialization_cb.Run(status); } CastSenderImpl::~CastSenderImpl() { VLOG(1) << "CastSenderImpl@" << this << "::~CastSenderImpl()"; } // ReceivedPacket handle the incoming packets to the cast sender // it's only expected to receive RTCP feedback packets from the remote cast // receiver. The class verifies that that it is a RTCP packet and based on the // SSRC of the incoming packet route the packet to the correct sender; audio or // video. // // Definition of SSRC as defined in RFC 3550. // Synchronization source (SSRC): The source of a stream of RTP // packets, identified by a 32-bit numeric SSRC identifier carried in // the RTP header so as not to be dependent upon the network address. // All packets from a synchronization source form part of the same // timing and sequence number space, so a receiver groups packets by // synchronization source for playback. Examples of synchronization // sources include the sender of a stream of packets derived from a // signal source such as a microphone or a camera, or an RTP mixer // (see below). A synchronization source may change its data format, // e.g., audio encoding, over time. The SSRC identifier is a // randomly chosen value meant to be globally unique within a // particular RTP session (see Section 8). A participant need not // use the same SSRC identifier for all the RTP sessions in a // multimedia session; the binding of the SSRC identifiers is // provided through RTCP (see Section 6.5.1). If a participant // generates multiple streams in one RTP session, for example from // separate video cameras, each MUST be identified as a different // SSRC. void CastSenderImpl::ReceivedPacket(scoped_ptr packet) { DCHECK(cast_environment_); size_t length = packet->size(); const uint8_t* data = &packet->front(); if (!Rtcp::IsRtcpPacket(data, length)) { VLOG(1) << "CastSenderImpl@" << this << "::ReceivedPacket() -- " << "Received an invalid (non-RTCP?) packet in the cast sender."; return; } uint32 ssrc_of_sender = Rtcp::GetSsrcOfSender(data, length); if (ssrc_of_sender == ssrc_of_audio_sender_) { if (!audio_sender_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AudioSender::IncomingRtcpPacket, audio_sender_->AsWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&packet))); } else if (ssrc_of_sender == ssrc_of_video_sender_) { if (!video_sender_) { NOTREACHED(); return; } cast_environment_->PostTask(CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&VideoSender::IncomingRtcpPacket, video_sender_->AsWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&packet))); } else { VLOG(1) << "CastSenderImpl@" << this << "::ReceivedPacket() -- " << "Received a RTCP packet with a non matching sender SSRC " << ssrc_of_sender; } } scoped_refptr CastSenderImpl::audio_frame_input() { return audio_frame_input_; } scoped_refptr CastSenderImpl::video_frame_input() { return video_frame_input_; } transport::PacketReceiverCallback CastSenderImpl::packet_receiver() { return base::Bind(&CastSenderImpl::ReceivedPacket, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); } } // namespace cast } // namespace media