// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/cast/net/udp_transport.h" #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/rand_callback.h" namespace media { namespace cast { namespace { const int kMaxPacketSize = 1500; bool IsEmpty(const net::IPEndPoint& addr) { net::IPAddressNumber empty_addr(addr.address().size()); return std::equal( empty_addr.begin(), empty_addr.end(), addr.address().begin()) && !addr.port(); } bool IsEqual(const net::IPEndPoint& addr1, const net::IPEndPoint& addr2) { return addr1.port() == addr2.port() && std::equal(addr1.address().begin(), addr1.address().end(), addr2.address().begin()); } } // namespace UdpTransport::UdpTransport( net::NetLog* net_log, const scoped_refptr& io_thread_proxy, const net::IPEndPoint& local_end_point, const net::IPEndPoint& remote_end_point, const CastTransportStatusCallback& status_callback) : io_thread_proxy_(io_thread_proxy), local_addr_(local_end_point), remote_addr_(remote_end_point), udp_socket_(new net::UDPSocket(net::DatagramSocket::DEFAULT_BIND, net::RandIntCallback(), net_log, net::NetLog::Source())), send_pending_(false), receive_pending_(false), client_connected_(false), next_dscp_value_(net::DSCP_NO_CHANGE), status_callback_(status_callback), weak_factory_(this) { DCHECK(!IsEmpty(local_end_point) || !IsEmpty(remote_end_point)); } UdpTransport::~UdpTransport() {} void UdpTransport::StartReceiving( const PacketReceiverCallback& packet_receiver) { DCHECK(io_thread_proxy_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); packet_receiver_ = packet_receiver; udp_socket_->AllowAddressReuse(); udp_socket_->SetMulticastLoopbackMode(true); if (!IsEmpty(local_addr_)) { if (udp_socket_->Bind(local_addr_) < 0) { status_callback_.Run(TRANSPORT_SOCKET_ERROR); LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bind local address."; return; } } else if (!IsEmpty(remote_addr_)) { if (udp_socket_->Connect(remote_addr_) < 0) { status_callback_.Run(TRANSPORT_SOCKET_ERROR); LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to connect to remote address."; return; } client_connected_ = true; } else { NOTREACHED() << "Either local or remote address has to be defined."; } ScheduleReceiveNextPacket(); } void UdpTransport::SetDscp(net::DiffServCodePoint dscp) { DCHECK(io_thread_proxy_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); next_dscp_value_ = dscp; } void UdpTransport::ScheduleReceiveNextPacket() { DCHECK(io_thread_proxy_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); if (!packet_receiver_.is_null() && !receive_pending_) { receive_pending_ = true; io_thread_proxy_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&UdpTransport::ReceiveNextPacket, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), net::ERR_IO_PENDING)); } } void UdpTransport::ReceiveNextPacket(int length_or_status) { DCHECK(io_thread_proxy_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); // Loop while UdpSocket is delivering data synchronously. When it responds // with a "pending" status, break and expect this method to be called back in // the future when a packet is ready. while (true) { if (length_or_status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { next_packet_.reset(new Packet(kMaxPacketSize)); recv_buf_ = new net::WrappedIOBuffer( reinterpret_cast(&next_packet_->front())); length_or_status = udp_socket_->RecvFrom( recv_buf_, kMaxPacketSize, &recv_addr_, base::Bind(&UdpTransport::ReceiveNextPacket, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); if (length_or_status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { receive_pending_ = true; return; } } // Note: At this point, either a packet is ready or an error has occurred. if (length_or_status < 0) { VLOG(1) << "Failed to receive packet: Status code is " << length_or_status; receive_pending_ = false; return; } // Confirm the packet has come from the expected remote address; otherwise, // ignore it. If this is the first packet being received and no remote // address has been set, set the remote address and expect all future // packets to come from the same one. // TODO(hubbe): We should only do this if the caller used a valid ssrc. if (IsEmpty(remote_addr_)) { remote_addr_ = recv_addr_; VLOG(1) << "Setting remote address from first received packet: " << remote_addr_.ToString(); } else if (!IsEqual(remote_addr_, recv_addr_)) { VLOG(1) << "Ignoring packet received from an unrecognized address: " << recv_addr_.ToString() << "."; length_or_status = net::ERR_IO_PENDING; continue; } next_packet_->resize(length_or_status); packet_receiver_.Run(next_packet_.Pass()); length_or_status = net::ERR_IO_PENDING; } } bool UdpTransport::SendPacket(PacketRef packet, const base::Closure& cb) { DCHECK(io_thread_proxy_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); DCHECK(!send_pending_); if (send_pending_) { VLOG(1) << "Cannot send because of pending IO."; return true; } if (next_dscp_value_ != net::DSCP_NO_CHANGE) { int result = udp_socket_->SetDiffServCodePoint(next_dscp_value_); if (result != net::OK) { VLOG(1) << "Unable to set DSCP: " << next_dscp_value_ << " to socket; Error: " << result; } if (result != net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED) { // Don't change DSCP in next send. next_dscp_value_ = net::DSCP_NO_CHANGE; } } scoped_refptr buf = new net::WrappedIOBuffer(reinterpret_cast(&packet->data.front())); int result; base::Callback callback = base::Bind(&UdpTransport::OnSent, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), buf, packet, cb); if (client_connected_) { // If we called Connect() before we must call Write() instead of // SendTo(). Otherwise on some platforms we might get // ERR_SOCKET_IS_CONNECTED. result = udp_socket_->Write(buf, static_cast(packet->data.size()), callback); } else if (!IsEmpty(remote_addr_)) { result = udp_socket_->SendTo(buf, static_cast(packet->data.size()), remote_addr_, callback); } else { VLOG(1) << "Failed to send packet; socket is neither bound nor " << "connected."; return true; } if (result == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { send_pending_ = true; return false; } OnSent(buf, packet, base::Closure(), result); return true; } void UdpTransport::OnSent(const scoped_refptr& buf, PacketRef packet, const base::Closure& cb, int result) { DCHECK(io_thread_proxy_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()); send_pending_ = false; if (result < 0) { VLOG(1) << "Failed to send packet: " << result << "."; } ScheduleReceiveNextPacket(); if (!cb.is_null()) { cb.Run(); } } } // namespace cast } // namespace media