// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/cast/sender/frame_sender.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" #include "media/cast/sender/sender_encoded_frame.h" namespace media { namespace cast { namespace { const int kMinSchedulingDelayMs = 1; const int kNumAggressiveReportsSentAtStart = 100; // The additional number of frames that can be in-flight when input exceeds the // maximum frame rate. const int kMaxFrameBurst = 5; } // namespace // Convenience macro used in logging statements throughout this file. #define SENDER_SSRC (is_audio_ ? "AUDIO[" : "VIDEO[") << ssrc_ << "] " FrameSender::FrameSender(scoped_refptr cast_environment, bool is_audio, CastTransportSender* const transport_sender, int rtp_timebase, uint32 ssrc, double max_frame_rate, base::TimeDelta min_playout_delay, base::TimeDelta max_playout_delay, CongestionControl* congestion_control) : cast_environment_(cast_environment), transport_sender_(transport_sender), ssrc_(ssrc), min_playout_delay_(min_playout_delay == base::TimeDelta() ? max_playout_delay : min_playout_delay), max_playout_delay_(max_playout_delay), send_target_playout_delay_(false), max_frame_rate_(max_frame_rate), num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_(0), last_sent_frame_id_(0), latest_acked_frame_id_(0), duplicate_ack_counter_(0), congestion_control_(congestion_control), rtp_timebase_(rtp_timebase), is_audio_(is_audio), weak_factory_(this) { DCHECK(transport_sender_); DCHECK_GT(rtp_timebase_, 0); DCHECK(congestion_control_); SetTargetPlayoutDelay(min_playout_delay_); send_target_playout_delay_ = false; memset(frame_rtp_timestamps_, 0, sizeof(frame_rtp_timestamps_)); } FrameSender::~FrameSender() { } void FrameSender::ScheduleNextRtcpReport() { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); cast_environment_->PostDelayedTask( CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&FrameSender::SendRtcpReport, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), true), base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kDefaultRtcpIntervalMs)); } void FrameSender::SendRtcpReport(bool schedule_future_reports) { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); // Sanity-check: We should have sent at least the first frame by this point. DCHECK(!last_send_time_.is_null()); // Create lip-sync info for the sender report. The last sent frame's // reference time and RTP timestamp are used to estimate an RTP timestamp in // terms of "now." Note that |now| is never likely to be precise to an exact // frame boundary; and so the computation here will result in a // |now_as_rtp_timestamp| value that is rarely equal to any one emitted by the // encoder. const base::TimeTicks now = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks(); const base::TimeDelta time_delta = now - GetRecordedReferenceTime(last_sent_frame_id_); const int64 rtp_delta = TimeDeltaToRtpDelta(time_delta, rtp_timebase_); const uint32 now_as_rtp_timestamp = GetRecordedRtpTimestamp(last_sent_frame_id_) + static_cast(rtp_delta); transport_sender_->SendSenderReport(ssrc_, now, now_as_rtp_timestamp); if (schedule_future_reports) ScheduleNextRtcpReport(); } void FrameSender::OnMeasuredRoundTripTime(base::TimeDelta rtt) { DCHECK(rtt > base::TimeDelta()); current_round_trip_time_ = rtt; } void FrameSender::SetTargetPlayoutDelay( base::TimeDelta new_target_playout_delay) { if (send_target_playout_delay_ && target_playout_delay_ == new_target_playout_delay) { return; } new_target_playout_delay = std::max(new_target_playout_delay, min_playout_delay_); new_target_playout_delay = std::min(new_target_playout_delay, max_playout_delay_); VLOG(2) << SENDER_SSRC << "Target playout delay changing from " << target_playout_delay_.InMilliseconds() << " ms to " << new_target_playout_delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms."; target_playout_delay_ = new_target_playout_delay; send_target_playout_delay_ = true; congestion_control_->UpdateTargetPlayoutDelay(target_playout_delay_); } void FrameSender::ResendCheck() { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); DCHECK(!last_send_time_.is_null()); const base::TimeDelta time_since_last_send = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks() - last_send_time_; if (time_since_last_send > target_playout_delay_) { if (latest_acked_frame_id_ == last_sent_frame_id_) { // Last frame acked, no point in doing anything } else { VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "ACK timeout; last acked frame: " << latest_acked_frame_id_; ResendForKickstart(); } } ScheduleNextResendCheck(); } void FrameSender::ScheduleNextResendCheck() { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); DCHECK(!last_send_time_.is_null()); base::TimeDelta time_to_next = last_send_time_ - cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks() + target_playout_delay_; time_to_next = std::max( time_to_next, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMinSchedulingDelayMs)); cast_environment_->PostDelayedTask( CastEnvironment::MAIN, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&FrameSender::ResendCheck, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), time_to_next); } void FrameSender::ResendForKickstart() { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); DCHECK(!last_send_time_.is_null()); VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "Resending last packet of frame " << last_sent_frame_id_ << " to kick-start."; last_send_time_ = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks(); transport_sender_->ResendFrameForKickstart(ssrc_, last_sent_frame_id_); } void FrameSender::RecordLatestFrameTimestamps(uint32 frame_id, base::TimeTicks reference_time, RtpTimestamp rtp_timestamp) { DCHECK(!reference_time.is_null()); frame_reference_times_[frame_id % arraysize(frame_reference_times_)] = reference_time; frame_rtp_timestamps_[frame_id % arraysize(frame_rtp_timestamps_)] = rtp_timestamp; } base::TimeTicks FrameSender::GetRecordedReferenceTime(uint32 frame_id) const { return frame_reference_times_[frame_id % arraysize(frame_reference_times_)]; } RtpTimestamp FrameSender::GetRecordedRtpTimestamp(uint32 frame_id) const { return frame_rtp_timestamps_[frame_id % arraysize(frame_rtp_timestamps_)]; } int FrameSender::GetUnacknowledgedFrameCount() const { const int count = static_cast(last_sent_frame_id_ - latest_acked_frame_id_); DCHECK_GE(count, 0); return count; } base::TimeDelta FrameSender::GetAllowedInFlightMediaDuration() const { // The total amount allowed in-flight media should equal the amount that fits // within the entire playout delay window, plus the amount of time it takes to // receive an ACK from the receiver. // TODO(miu): Research is needed, but there is likely a better formula. return target_playout_delay_ + (current_round_trip_time_ / 2); } void FrameSender::SendEncodedFrame( int requested_bitrate_before_encode, scoped_ptr encoded_frame) { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); VLOG(2) << SENDER_SSRC << "About to send another frame: last_sent=" << last_sent_frame_id_ << ", latest_acked=" << latest_acked_frame_id_; const uint32 frame_id = encoded_frame->frame_id; const bool is_first_frame_to_be_sent = last_send_time_.is_null(); last_send_time_ = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks(); last_sent_frame_id_ = frame_id; // If this is the first frame about to be sent, fake the value of // |latest_acked_frame_id_| to indicate the receiver starts out all caught up. // Also, schedule the periodic frame re-send checks. if (is_first_frame_to_be_sent) { latest_acked_frame_id_ = frame_id - 1; ScheduleNextResendCheck(); } VLOG_IF(1, !is_audio_ && encoded_frame->dependency == EncodedFrame::KEY) << SENDER_SSRC << "Sending encoded key frame, id=" << frame_id; cast_environment_->Logging()->InsertEncodedFrameEvent( last_send_time_, FRAME_ENCODED, is_audio_ ? AUDIO_EVENT : VIDEO_EVENT, encoded_frame->rtp_timestamp, frame_id, static_cast(encoded_frame->data.size()), encoded_frame->dependency == EncodedFrame::KEY, requested_bitrate_before_encode, encoded_frame->deadline_utilization, encoded_frame->lossy_utilization); RecordLatestFrameTimestamps(frame_id, encoded_frame->reference_time, encoded_frame->rtp_timestamp); if (!is_audio_) { // Used by chrome/browser/extension/api/cast_streaming/performance_test.cc TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1( "cast_perf_test", "VideoFrameEncoded", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "rtp_timestamp", encoded_frame->rtp_timestamp); } // At the start of the session, it's important to send reports before each // frame so that the receiver can properly compute playout times. The reason // more than one report is sent is because transmission is not guaranteed, // only best effort, so send enough that one should almost certainly get // through. if (num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_ < kNumAggressiveReportsSentAtStart) { // SendRtcpReport() will schedule future reports to be made if this is the // last "aggressive report." ++num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_; const bool is_last_aggressive_report = (num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_ == kNumAggressiveReportsSentAtStart); VLOG_IF(1, is_last_aggressive_report) << SENDER_SSRC << "Sending last aggressive report."; SendRtcpReport(is_last_aggressive_report); } congestion_control_->SendFrameToTransport( frame_id, encoded_frame->data.size() * 8, last_send_time_); if (send_target_playout_delay_) { encoded_frame->new_playout_delay_ms = target_playout_delay_.InMilliseconds(); } transport_sender_->InsertFrame(ssrc_, *encoded_frame); } void FrameSender::OnReceivedCastFeedback(const RtcpCastMessage& cast_feedback) { DCHECK(cast_environment_->CurrentlyOn(CastEnvironment::MAIN)); const bool have_valid_rtt = current_round_trip_time_ > base::TimeDelta(); if (have_valid_rtt) { congestion_control_->UpdateRtt(current_round_trip_time_); // Having the RTT value implies the receiver sent back a receiver report // based on it having received a report from here. Therefore, ensure this // sender stops aggressively sending reports. if (num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_ < kNumAggressiveReportsSentAtStart) { VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "No longer a need to send reports aggressively (sent " << num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_ << ")."; num_aggressive_rtcp_reports_sent_ = kNumAggressiveReportsSentAtStart; ScheduleNextRtcpReport(); } } if (last_send_time_.is_null()) return; // Cannot get an ACK without having first sent a frame. if (cast_feedback.missing_frames_and_packets.empty()) { OnAck(cast_feedback.ack_frame_id); // We only count duplicate ACKs when we have sent newer frames. if (latest_acked_frame_id_ == cast_feedback.ack_frame_id && latest_acked_frame_id_ != last_sent_frame_id_) { duplicate_ack_counter_++; } else { duplicate_ack_counter_ = 0; } // TODO(miu): The values "2" and "3" should be derived from configuration. if (duplicate_ack_counter_ >= 2 && duplicate_ack_counter_ % 3 == 2) { VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "Received duplicate ACK for frame " << latest_acked_frame_id_; ResendForKickstart(); } } else { // Only count duplicated ACKs if there is no NACK request in between. // This is to avoid aggresive resend. duplicate_ack_counter_ = 0; } base::TimeTicks now = cast_environment_->Clock()->NowTicks(); congestion_control_->AckFrame(cast_feedback.ack_frame_id, now); cast_environment_->Logging()->InsertFrameEvent( now, FRAME_ACK_RECEIVED, is_audio_ ? AUDIO_EVENT : VIDEO_EVENT, GetRecordedRtpTimestamp(cast_feedback.ack_frame_id), cast_feedback.ack_frame_id); const bool is_acked_out_of_order = static_cast(cast_feedback.ack_frame_id - latest_acked_frame_id_) < 0; VLOG(2) << SENDER_SSRC << "Received ACK" << (is_acked_out_of_order ? " out-of-order" : "") << " for frame " << cast_feedback.ack_frame_id; if (!is_acked_out_of_order) { // Cancel resends of acked frames. std::vector cancel_sending_frames; while (latest_acked_frame_id_ != cast_feedback.ack_frame_id) { latest_acked_frame_id_++; cancel_sending_frames.push_back(latest_acked_frame_id_); } transport_sender_->CancelSendingFrames(ssrc_, cancel_sending_frames); latest_acked_frame_id_ = cast_feedback.ack_frame_id; } } bool FrameSender::ShouldDropNextFrame(base::TimeDelta frame_duration) const { // Check that accepting the next frame won't cause more frames to become // in-flight than the system's design limit. const int count_frames_in_flight = GetUnacknowledgedFrameCount() + GetNumberOfFramesInEncoder(); if (count_frames_in_flight >= kMaxUnackedFrames) { VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "Dropping: Too many frames would be in-flight."; return true; } // Check that accepting the next frame won't exceed the configured maximum // frame rate, allowing for short-term bursts. base::TimeDelta duration_in_flight = GetInFlightMediaDuration(); const double max_frames_in_flight = max_frame_rate_ * duration_in_flight.InSecondsF(); if (count_frames_in_flight >= max_frames_in_flight + kMaxFrameBurst) { VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "Dropping: Burst threshold would be exceeded."; return true; } // Check that accepting the next frame won't exceed the allowed in-flight // media duration. const base::TimeDelta duration_would_be_in_flight = duration_in_flight + frame_duration; const base::TimeDelta allowed_in_flight = GetAllowedInFlightMediaDuration(); if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) { const int64 percent = allowed_in_flight > base::TimeDelta() ? 100 * duration_would_be_in_flight / allowed_in_flight : kint64max; VLOG_IF(1, percent > 50) << SENDER_SSRC << duration_in_flight.InMicroseconds() << " usec in-flight + " << frame_duration.InMicroseconds() << " usec for next frame --> " << percent << "% of allowed in-flight."; } if (duration_would_be_in_flight > allowed_in_flight) { VLOG(1) << SENDER_SSRC << "Dropping: In-flight duration would be too high."; return true; } // Next frame is accepted. return false; } } // namespace cast } // namespace media