// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "media/cdm/aes_decryptor.h" #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "crypto/encryptor.h" #include "crypto/symmetric_key.h" #include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h" #include "media/base/cdm_key_information.h" #include "media/base/cdm_promise.h" #include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h" #include "media/base/decrypt_config.h" #include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h" #include "media/base/video_frame.h" #include "media/cdm/json_web_key.h" #if defined(USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS) #include "media/cdm/cenc_utils.h" #endif namespace media { // Keeps track of the session IDs and DecryptionKeys. The keys are ordered by // insertion time (last insertion is first). It takes ownership of the // DecryptionKeys. class AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap { // Use a std::list to actually hold the data. Insertion is always done // at the front, so the "latest" decryption key is always the first one // in the list. typedef std::list > KeyList; public: SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap() {} ~SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap() { STLDeleteValues(&key_list_); } // Replaces value if |session_id| is already present, or adds it if not. // This |decryption_key| becomes the latest until another insertion or // |session_id| is erased. void Insert(const std::string& session_id, scoped_ptr decryption_key); // Deletes the entry for |session_id| if present. void Erase(const std::string& session_id); // Returns whether the list is empty bool Empty() const { return key_list_.empty(); } // Returns the last inserted DecryptionKey. DecryptionKey* LatestDecryptionKey() { DCHECK(!key_list_.empty()); return key_list_.begin()->second; } bool Contains(const std::string& session_id) { return Find(session_id) != key_list_.end(); } private: // Searches the list for an element with |session_id|. KeyList::iterator Find(const std::string& session_id); // Deletes the entry pointed to by |position|. void Erase(KeyList::iterator position); KeyList key_list_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap); }; void AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Insert( const std::string& session_id, scoped_ptr decryption_key) { KeyList::iterator it = Find(session_id); if (it != key_list_.end()) Erase(it); DecryptionKey* raw_ptr = decryption_key.release(); key_list_.push_front(std::make_pair(session_id, raw_ptr)); } void AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Erase( const std::string& session_id) { KeyList::iterator it = Find(session_id); if (it == key_list_.end()) return; Erase(it); } AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::KeyList::iterator AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Find(const std::string& session_id) { for (KeyList::iterator it = key_list_.begin(); it != key_list_.end(); ++it) { if (it->first == session_id) return it; } return key_list_.end(); } void AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Erase( KeyList::iterator position) { DCHECK(position->second); delete position->second; key_list_.erase(position); } uint32_t AesDecryptor::next_session_id_ = 1; enum ClearBytesBufferSel { kSrcContainsClearBytes, kDstContainsClearBytes }; static void CopySubsamples(const std::vector& subsamples, const ClearBytesBufferSel sel, const uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst) { for (size_t i = 0; i < subsamples.size(); i++) { const SubsampleEntry& subsample = subsamples[i]; if (sel == kSrcContainsClearBytes) { src += subsample.clear_bytes; } else { dst += subsample.clear_bytes; } memcpy(dst, src, subsample.cypher_bytes); src += subsample.cypher_bytes; dst += subsample.cypher_bytes; } } // Decrypts |input| using |key|. Returns a DecoderBuffer with the decrypted // data if decryption succeeded or NULL if decryption failed. static scoped_refptr DecryptData(const DecoderBuffer& input, crypto::SymmetricKey* key) { CHECK(input.data_size()); CHECK(input.decrypt_config()); CHECK(key); crypto::Encryptor encryptor; if (!encryptor.Init(key, crypto::Encryptor::CTR, "")) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not initialize decryptor."; return NULL; } DCHECK_EQ(input.decrypt_config()->iv().size(), static_cast(DecryptConfig::kDecryptionKeySize)); if (!encryptor.SetCounter(input.decrypt_config()->iv())) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not set counter block."; return NULL; } const char* sample = reinterpret_cast(input.data()); size_t sample_size = static_cast(input.data_size()); DCHECK_GT(sample_size, 0U) << "No sample data to be decrypted."; if (sample_size == 0) return NULL; if (input.decrypt_config()->subsamples().empty()) { std::string decrypted_text; base::StringPiece encrypted_text(sample, sample_size); if (!encryptor.Decrypt(encrypted_text, &decrypted_text)) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not decrypt data."; return NULL; } // TODO(xhwang): Find a way to avoid this data copy. return DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom( reinterpret_cast(decrypted_text.data()), decrypted_text.size()); } const std::vector& subsamples = input.decrypt_config()->subsamples(); size_t total_clear_size = 0; size_t total_encrypted_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < subsamples.size(); i++) { total_clear_size += subsamples[i].clear_bytes; total_encrypted_size += subsamples[i].cypher_bytes; // Check for overflow. This check is valid because *_size is unsigned. DCHECK(total_clear_size >= subsamples[i].clear_bytes); if (total_encrypted_size < subsamples[i].cypher_bytes) return NULL; } size_t total_size = total_clear_size + total_encrypted_size; if (total_size < total_clear_size || total_size != sample_size) { DVLOG(1) << "Subsample sizes do not equal input size"; return NULL; } // No need to decrypt if there is no encrypted data. if (total_encrypted_size <= 0) { return DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom(reinterpret_cast(sample), sample_size); } // The encrypted portions of all subsamples must form a contiguous block, // such that an encrypted subsample that ends away from a block boundary is // immediately followed by the start of the next encrypted subsample. We // copy all encrypted subsamples to a contiguous buffer, decrypt them, then // copy the decrypted bytes over the encrypted bytes in the output. // TODO(strobe): attempt to reduce number of memory copies scoped_ptr encrypted_bytes(new uint8_t[total_encrypted_size]); CopySubsamples(subsamples, kSrcContainsClearBytes, reinterpret_cast(sample), encrypted_bytes.get()); base::StringPiece encrypted_text( reinterpret_cast(encrypted_bytes.get()), total_encrypted_size); std::string decrypted_text; if (!encryptor.Decrypt(encrypted_text, &decrypted_text)) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not decrypt data."; return NULL; } DCHECK_EQ(decrypted_text.size(), encrypted_text.size()); scoped_refptr output = DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom( reinterpret_cast(sample), sample_size); CopySubsamples(subsamples, kDstContainsClearBytes, reinterpret_cast(decrypted_text.data()), output->writable_data()); return output; } AesDecryptor::AesDecryptor(const GURL& /* security_origin */, const SessionMessageCB& session_message_cb, const SessionClosedCB& session_closed_cb, const SessionKeysChangeCB& session_keys_change_cb) : session_message_cb_(session_message_cb), session_closed_cb_(session_closed_cb), session_keys_change_cb_(session_keys_change_cb) { // AesDecryptor doesn't keep any persistent data, so no need to do anything // with |security_origin|. DCHECK(!session_message_cb_.is_null()); DCHECK(!session_closed_cb_.is_null()); DCHECK(!session_keys_change_cb_.is_null()); } AesDecryptor::~AesDecryptor() { key_map_.clear(); } void AesDecryptor::SetServerCertificate(const std::vector& certificate, scoped_ptr promise) { promise->reject( NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0, "SetServerCertificate() is not supported."); } void AesDecryptor::CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest( SessionType session_type, EmeInitDataType init_data_type, const std::vector& init_data, scoped_ptr promise) { std::string session_id(base::UintToString(next_session_id_++)); valid_sessions_.insert(session_id); // For now, the AesDecryptor does not care about |session_type|. // TODO(jrummell): Validate |session_type|. std::vector message; // TODO(jrummell): Since unprefixed will never send NULL, remove this check // when prefixed EME is removed (http://crbug.com/249976). if (!init_data.empty()) { std::vector> keys; switch (init_data_type) { case EmeInitDataType::WEBM: // |init_data| is simply the key needed. keys.push_back(init_data); break; case EmeInitDataType::CENC: #if defined(USE_PROPRIETARY_CODECS) // |init_data| is a set of 0 or more concatenated 'pssh' boxes. if (!GetKeyIdsForCommonSystemId(init_data, &keys)) { promise->reject(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0, "No supported PSSH box found."); return; } break; #else promise->reject(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0, "Initialization data type CENC is not supported."); return; #endif case EmeInitDataType::KEYIDS: { std::string init_data_string(init_data.begin(), init_data.end()); std::string error_message; if (!ExtractKeyIdsFromKeyIdsInitData(init_data_string, &keys, &error_message)) { promise->reject(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0, error_message); return; } break; } default: NOTREACHED(); promise->reject(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0, "init_data_type not supported."); return; } CreateLicenseRequest(keys, session_type, &message); } promise->resolve(session_id); // No URL needed for license requests. session_message_cb_.Run(session_id, LICENSE_REQUEST, message, GURL::EmptyGURL()); } void AesDecryptor::LoadSession(SessionType session_type, const std::string& session_id, scoped_ptr promise) { // TODO(xhwang): Change this to NOTREACHED() when blink checks for key systems // that do not support loadSession. See http://crbug.com/342481 promise->reject(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0, "LoadSession() is not supported."); } void AesDecryptor::UpdateSession(const std::string& session_id, const std::vector& response, scoped_ptr promise) { CHECK(!response.empty()); // TODO(jrummell): Convert back to a DCHECK once prefixed EME is removed. if (valid_sessions_.find(session_id) == valid_sessions_.end()) { promise->reject(INVALID_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, "Session does not exist."); return; } std::string key_string(response.begin(), response.end()); KeyIdAndKeyPairs keys; SessionType session_type = MediaKeys::TEMPORARY_SESSION; if (!ExtractKeysFromJWKSet(key_string, &keys, &session_type)) { promise->reject( INVALID_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, "Response is not a valid JSON Web Key Set."); return; } // Make sure that at least one key was extracted. if (keys.empty()) { promise->reject( INVALID_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, "Response does not contain any keys."); return; } bool key_added = false; for (KeyIdAndKeyPairs::iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.length() != static_cast(DecryptConfig::kDecryptionKeySize)) { DVLOG(1) << "Invalid key length: " << it->second.length(); promise->reject(INVALID_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, "Invalid key length."); return; } // If this key_id doesn't currently exist in this session, // a new key is added. if (!HasKey(session_id, it->first)) key_added = true; if (!AddDecryptionKey(session_id, it->first, it->second)) { promise->reject(INVALID_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, "Unable to add key."); return; } } { base::AutoLock auto_lock(new_key_cb_lock_); if (!new_audio_key_cb_.is_null()) new_audio_key_cb_.Run(); if (!new_video_key_cb_.is_null()) new_video_key_cb_.Run(); } promise->resolve(); // Create the list of all available keys for this session. CdmKeysInfo keys_info; { base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_); for (const auto& item : key_map_) { if (item.second->Contains(session_id)) { scoped_ptr key_info(new CdmKeyInformation); key_info->key_id.assign(item.first.begin(), item.first.end()); key_info->status = CdmKeyInformation::USABLE; key_info->system_code = 0; keys_info.push_back(key_info.release()); } } } session_keys_change_cb_.Run(session_id, key_added, keys_info.Pass()); } void AesDecryptor::CloseSession(const std::string& session_id, scoped_ptr promise) { // Validate that this is a reference to an active session and then forget it. std::set::iterator it = valid_sessions_.find(session_id); DCHECK(it != valid_sessions_.end()); valid_sessions_.erase(it); // Close the session. DeleteKeysForSession(session_id); promise->resolve(); session_closed_cb_.Run(session_id); } void AesDecryptor::RemoveSession(const std::string& session_id, scoped_ptr promise) { // AesDecryptor doesn't keep any persistent data, so this should be // NOT_REACHED(). // TODO(jrummell): Make sure persistent session types are rejected. // http://crbug.com/384152. // // However, v0.1b calls to CancelKeyRequest() will call this, so close the // session, if it exists. // TODO(jrummell): Remove the close() call when prefixed EME is removed. // http://crbug.com/249976. if (valid_sessions_.find(session_id) != valid_sessions_.end()) { CloseSession(session_id, promise.Pass()); return; } promise->reject(INVALID_ACCESS_ERROR, 0, "Session does not exist."); } CdmContext* AesDecryptor::GetCdmContext() { return this; } Decryptor* AesDecryptor::GetDecryptor() { return this; } int AesDecryptor::GetCdmId() const { return kInvalidCdmId; } void AesDecryptor::RegisterNewKeyCB(StreamType stream_type, const NewKeyCB& new_key_cb) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(new_key_cb_lock_); switch (stream_type) { case kAudio: new_audio_key_cb_ = new_key_cb; break; case kVideo: new_video_key_cb_ = new_key_cb; break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } void AesDecryptor::Decrypt(StreamType stream_type, const scoped_refptr& encrypted, const DecryptCB& decrypt_cb) { CHECK(encrypted->decrypt_config()); scoped_refptr decrypted; // An empty iv string signals that the frame is unencrypted. if (encrypted->decrypt_config()->iv().empty()) { decrypted = DecoderBuffer::CopyFrom(encrypted->data(), encrypted->data_size()); } else { const std::string& key_id = encrypted->decrypt_config()->key_id(); DecryptionKey* key = GetKey(key_id); if (!key) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not find a matching key for the given key ID."; decrypt_cb.Run(kNoKey, NULL); return; } crypto::SymmetricKey* decryption_key = key->decryption_key(); decrypted = DecryptData(*encrypted.get(), decryption_key); if (!decrypted.get()) { DVLOG(1) << "Decryption failed."; decrypt_cb.Run(kError, NULL); return; } } decrypted->set_timestamp(encrypted->timestamp()); decrypted->set_duration(encrypted->duration()); decrypt_cb.Run(kSuccess, decrypted); } void AesDecryptor::CancelDecrypt(StreamType stream_type) { // Decrypt() calls the DecryptCB synchronously so there's nothing to cancel. } void AesDecryptor::InitializeAudioDecoder(const AudioDecoderConfig& config, const DecoderInitCB& init_cb) { // AesDecryptor does not support audio decoding. init_cb.Run(false); } void AesDecryptor::InitializeVideoDecoder(const VideoDecoderConfig& config, const DecoderInitCB& init_cb) { // AesDecryptor does not support video decoding. init_cb.Run(false); } void AesDecryptor::DecryptAndDecodeAudio( const scoped_refptr& encrypted, const AudioDecodeCB& audio_decode_cb) { NOTREACHED() << "AesDecryptor does not support audio decoding"; } void AesDecryptor::DecryptAndDecodeVideo( const scoped_refptr& encrypted, const VideoDecodeCB& video_decode_cb) { NOTREACHED() << "AesDecryptor does not support video decoding"; } void AesDecryptor::ResetDecoder(StreamType stream_type) { NOTREACHED() << "AesDecryptor does not support audio/video decoding"; } void AesDecryptor::DeinitializeDecoder(StreamType stream_type) { // AesDecryptor does not support audio/video decoding, but since this can be // called any time after InitializeAudioDecoder/InitializeVideoDecoder, // nothing to be done here. } bool AesDecryptor::AddDecryptionKey(const std::string& session_id, const std::string& key_id, const std::string& key_string) { scoped_ptr decryption_key(new DecryptionKey(key_string)); if (!decryption_key->Init()) { DVLOG(1) << "Could not initialize decryption key."; return false; } base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_); KeyIdToSessionKeysMap::iterator key_id_entry = key_map_.find(key_id); if (key_id_entry != key_map_.end()) { key_id_entry->second->Insert(session_id, decryption_key.Pass()); return true; } // |key_id| not found, so need to create new entry. scoped_ptr inner_map( new SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap()); inner_map->Insert(session_id, decryption_key.Pass()); key_map_.add(key_id, inner_map.Pass()); return true; } AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey* AesDecryptor::GetKey( const std::string& key_id) const { base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_); KeyIdToSessionKeysMap::const_iterator key_id_found = key_map_.find(key_id); if (key_id_found == key_map_.end()) return NULL; // Return the key from the "latest" session_id entry. return key_id_found->second->LatestDecryptionKey(); } bool AesDecryptor::HasKey(const std::string& session_id, const std::string& key_id) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_); KeyIdToSessionKeysMap::const_iterator key_id_found = key_map_.find(key_id); if (key_id_found == key_map_.end()) return false; return key_id_found->second->Contains(session_id); } void AesDecryptor::DeleteKeysForSession(const std::string& session_id) { base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_); // Remove all keys associated with |session_id|. Since the data is // optimized for access in GetKey(), we need to look at each entry in // |key_map_|. KeyIdToSessionKeysMap::iterator it = key_map_.begin(); while (it != key_map_.end()) { it->second->Erase(session_id); if (it->second->Empty()) { // Need to get rid of the entry for this key_id. This will mess up the // iterator, so we need to increment it first. KeyIdToSessionKeysMap::iterator current = it; ++it; key_map_.erase(current); } else { ++it; } } } AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey::DecryptionKey(const std::string& secret) : secret_(secret) { } AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey::~DecryptionKey() {} bool AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey::Init() { CHECK(!secret_.empty()); decryption_key_.reset(crypto::SymmetricKey::Import( crypto::SymmetricKey::AES, secret_)); if (!decryption_key_) return false; return true; } } // namespace media